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User:JonahF2014/Sandbox: Difference between revisions

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==[[File:Mega Yes.png]]{{Bold|Mega Based}}==
''Note: Components of my ideology are '''usually''' not listed here but instead under [[#Components]] so as to not list them twice.''
*[[File:NatDemSoc.png]] [[National Democratic Socialism]] - Literally me fr!!
*[[File:Community.png]] [[Communitarianism|Communitarianism]] - This is the true human nature - unconditioned by liberal capitalism. It is the way to the creation of community, both national and local, and a prerequisite for the solidarity therein.
*[[File:Local.png]] [[Localism|Localism]] - The second smallest community within the nation is the local - the street, district, and village. The construction of local solidarity and a local community are just as, if not more, important that that of the national; in fact, it is the prerequisite for the national community in the first place.
*[[File:Rural.png]] [[Ruralism]] - The only way to live a fulfilling and true life - it is the only way to archive a sense of community.
*[[File:Neolud.png]] [[Neoluddism|Neoluddism]] - The industrial revolution and its consequences...
*[[File:Volknat.png]] [[Volkish Nationalism]] - Only valid definition of the nation and nationalism!
*[[File:Uninat.png]] [[Universal Nationalism]] - Every nation a state!
*[[File:Utsoc.png]] [[Utopian Socialism]] - Anti-Marxistische Aktion.
*[[File:Apolitical Primitivism Icon.png]] [[Apolitical Primitivism]] - Based.
*[[File:Tinismpolcompball.png]] [[Tinism|Tinism]] - This would be ideal, but it is extremely hard to achieve & requires a transitional period. I still love you however and continue to view you as my end-goal.
*[[File:Irredentism.png]] [[Irredentism]] - The restoration of a unified Pomerania is essential in the creation of a unified north German state. The reclaimed march shall remain as such for the claims of nature to take precedence over those of humanity.
*[[File:Juche.png]] [[Juche]] - I know little about you, but your views on nationalism are extremely based (at least for Kim Jong-Il). Whenever I learn more about you I'll be able to make a better assessment, but all I know for now I know for a fact that the DPRK is unfairly treated.
==[[File:Kinda_No.png]]{{Bold|Mostly Cringe}}==
*[[File:GRights.png]] [[Gun Rights Advocacy]] - In general, there is no reason ordinary citizen should be able to own guns.
*[[File:Antifa.png]] [[Anti-Fascism]] - I'm against fascism too, but primarily for actual and selected reasons. You tend to lump everything together and have a definition so vague that you can often come to define anything right of your ideas as "fascist". Fighting actual fascism is good, labeling everything you dislike as "fascism" and ruining the general understanding, definition, and seriousness of fascism is not.
==[[File:Mega No.png]]{{Bold|Archenemies}}==
*[[File:European Federalism.png]] [[European Federalism]] - This is pretty much the definition of my archenemy. I have hated this idea and movement since I ever knew it existed. You are a force of destruction and evil, nothing more and nothing less.
*[[File:World Federalism2.png]] [[World Federalism]] - Similarly to the idea above, you are less of my concern however as you do not pose an actually existing threat. There is no way such a federation would ever form, and that is good in every regard.
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy| Kleptocracy]] - There are few things that infuriate me more in politics and corruption. Down with the systems that allow exploitation of the people, and death to the traitors.
*[[File:Transh.png]] [[Transhumanism]] - The result of technotranhumanism would be a totalitarian dystopia, in all cases and without possible exception. Not to mention the detrimental effects of combining the technological with the pure biological.
*[[File:AnEn.png]] [[Anti-Environmentalism]] - I don't think I have to elaborate as to why this is a horrible and evil ideology.
*[[File:SecSat.png]] [[Secular Satanism]] - I don't hate groups of people based upon their religion - this however is not a religion - it is a immeasurably disrespectful  bastardization of the name and symbolism of a religion for the purpose of abuse by a extremely individualist ultraprogressive historical revisionist movement. There are few movements I hate more than you.
*[[File:Cosmo.png]] [[Cosmopolitanism]] - Evil ideology.
*[[File:Multicult.png]] [[Multiculturalism]] - [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/951641103927500830/1060880932845912084/Screenshot_20230106_074617.jpg This.]
Remember that this is judging the ideologies, not the people. Although obviously ideology is a manifestation of personality and vice-versa.
==[[File:Mega Yes.png]]{{Bold|Mega Based}}==
*[[File:DoesntExist.png]] [[Inexistism]] - Overall you seem pretty good. While there remain minor disagreements like your stances towards abortion and guns, overall your ideology (based on the current state of your page) seems really based. I'm slightly afraid that your government section will reveal some strong authoritarianism, but for now I will judge you on what I have available. Guilds are also not ideal, but they aren't horrible either. Furthermore, your so-called "socialism from below" should be elaborated on, since it might make you even more based.
*[[File:Borker thought pixels.png]] [[Borker Thought]] - Your ideology is quite based and trad. While it's hard to tell what are and aren't jokes in regular conversation with you, based on what I have picked up on and read on your page, I can confidently say that you're based. While we obviously still have some disagreements, I think those are, besides obviously ones like anarchism, racial nationalism, and antisemitism, pretty minor.
*[[File:GanzismIcon2.png]] {{PCBA|Ganzism}} - Based off of the page, you're extremely based (except for anarchism ofc). Talking to you however, it seems that you're a bit too conservative (mainly anti-LGBT) and racist.
*[[File:Ziółkowskiizm.png]] [[Ziółkowskiizm]] - You are a [[Sillyism|silly]] fellow. A (mostly) universal as well as classical nationalist, we share many similarities and a lot of the same goals; yet still - your economics are too moderate and your government too authoritarian. Regardless, I unironically believe you're one of the most likely people on PCB to gain actual political power, and I fully support you in that. One struggle 🤝
<!--*[[File:NatFract.png]] [[National Fracturism]] - Fellow north German Tinist, left-winger, & quasi-nationalist! Unfortunately you have a few very wrong and sad biases as well as misunderstandings when it comes to nationalism, but you're definitely on the right path. You're also too authoritarian for my liking, and have some odd (but not necessarily bad) opinions when it comes to international relations. The environmentalism is really good, but I don't know if your approach towards it is necessarily the right one; your anti-capitalism is also nice to see, but you don't provide an alternative in addition to misunderstanding/ -using a few terms in said section. Overall you're good and definitely on the right path, but you still have a bit to walk until you arrive at the destination.-->
*[[File:Aldath.png]] [[Aldathism]] - "I think aldathy has great wisdom." ━ You have some really good ideas and takes in places, which in turn have partially influenced me, however I cannot ignore your extreme racism; neither can I negate your some of your more nonsensical believes, your authoritarianism, or your pan-nationalism. Your [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1037130055345786912/1077805185893666917/image.png insane extremism] more broadly is also pretty concerning.<br>You're a cool guy, and you have some really good takes sometimes, but looking at the bigger picture - your beliefs are still pretty bad.
*[[File:SouthIntegral.png]] {{PCBA|Southern Integralism}} - Your economics and culture (especially the hate for individualism) are pretty alright to even based, I do have a problem however with your near-theocracy and non acceptance of LGBT people.
==[[File:Kinda_No.png]]{{Bold|Mostly Cringe}}==
*[[File:Neokira2.png]] {{PCBA|Neo-Kiraism}} - I'm going to assume the economics are fine (although they aren't on the page yet). But overall - you're way too progressive and support [https://youtu.be/LkH2r-sNjQs e-democracy] in addition to some pretty authoritarian measures. You also hold, like most leftists, a very hypocritical and nonsensical view of nationalism.
*[[File:2x2Master.png]] [[2x2Masterism]] - Very minimal cultural agreement, other than that, Aussie liberal.
*[[File:Panth.png]] [[Pantheonism]] - Liberal.<!--I know I let you wait, but here we go:<br>Your economics are decent but far from ideal as well as pretty odd and convoluted, though I quite like your "Theory of limited Class Collaboration", even if it's not ideal, I can see myself supporting most of it. Village autarky is extremely based.<br>Your understanding of nationalism is pretty decent, but that you cite the Yugoslav wars when it comes to the downsides of ethnic nationalism is pretty low, and being critical of the concept of sovereignty? Seriously? And while your ideas about separatists tend to be correct, they certainly don't apply to me.<br>Monarchy is a needlessly authoritarian and completely outdated government system, and as I have understood, you mainly support it for cohesion in the [global] state. Now, if there was only any natural and proven way to increase cohesion and unity without having some wealthy culty figurehead, we may never know.<br>Your government in general is quite unnecessarily complex, and as obvious for such a nonsensical state, hierarchical / authoritarian.<br>Obviously my biggest gripe with your ideology is your world federalism, which would not even be well executed if what you wrote were to be implemented. But then again, the whole idea is terrible from start to finish, neither could nor should it ever happen.<br>Overall, economics are relatively based but the rest is pretty shit. Still practically nothing on your cultural views tho unfortunately. --><!--
*[[File:GPLDist.png]] {{PCBA|Dumnorixism}} - Your economics are somewhat decent, but far from ideal; your government system is acceptable but not good. Other than that, Cringe :/
*[[File:BourgeoisieDestroyer.png]] [[Bourgeoisie destroyerism|Bourgeoisie Destroyerism]] - While what you wrote in the "Beliefs" section of your page is very based, I have actually talked to you however, and you are in fact just a extremely schizo white supremacist. At least you're a communal primitivist. Bottom of this tier.
*[[File:Baconicon.png]] [[Rayonianism]] - Your ideology is absolutely vile. It's based upon evil (Egoism) and you embrace totalitarianism (Technotranshumanism) while claiming to be anarchist. You back up your fake-smarts with the worst possible arguments and continue to annoyingly play devil's advocate. Most your opinions are vile and/or evil. Economics is practically the only thing we should be able to somewhat well agree on. Absolute bottom of this tier.
==[[File:Mega No.png]]{{Bold|Archenemies}}==
*[[File:Matthism-ball.png]] {{PCBA|Matthism}} - Basically German Quark, but christian and less insane. Pretty much everything about your ideology is terrible, notable exception being a majority of the "Meritocracy" section - LVT, Equality of Opportunity & Anti-Corruption.
*[[File:7588.png]] [[WMS7588 Thought|WMS7588 Thought]] - Idk why people are afraid of you; you're a harmless LARPer. I've known you for quite a while now, and never have you espoused a consistent and coherent opinion besides genocide (which you would never be able to get close to). You imagine yourself as a dictator - the most childish political view, especially when executed like this. You call yourself a fascist, yet are so far from it; you are a anti-nationalist, for you only care about yourself. Even if you were to assume any semblance of power (literally impossible), you wouldn't be able to hold it for more than a few minutes. You are pathetic and a retard.<br>Still a cool person to talk to tho.
*[[File:BERNHEflash.gif]] [[BERNHEism]] - You yourself called me your antithesis, so yeah. Basically just a Tiberius-lite, less vile and evil, but not by that much; as opposed to him, you're also a totalitarian, which is bad, but negligible. Overall still absolutely vile, but as opposed to Tiberius, I have faith in you & you're still better than him.
*[[File:Vamp.png]] {{PCBA|Tiberius Thought}} - Absolutely vile ideology, the embodiment of evil.

Latest revision as of 19:28, 8 October 2023

This user has a huge penis (very epic) and is extremely based. You should be their friend :3

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