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State Socialism: Difference between revisions

(Redirected page to Authoritarian Socialism)
Tag: New redirect
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#REDIRECT [[Authoritarian Socialism]]
|title = [[File:Statesoc.png]] State Socialism
|image =Statesoc-1.png
|caption = "Socialism '''IS''' when the government does stuff!"
|aliases = [[File:AuthSoc.png]] Authoritarian Socialism<br>[[File:SocAbove.png]] Socialism from above<br>[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] (Pejoratively, mostly by [[File:Libleft.png]] LibLeft ideologies and some [[File:Leftunity.png]] LeftUnity ideologies)<br> [[File:Regulationism.png]] "Socialism" is when the [[Regulationism|government does stuff]] (According to [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|right-libertarians]])<br> [[File:LeftAutho.png]] Left-Authoritarianism <br> [[File:Sanders.png]] Bernie Sanders (According to [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism|right-libertarians]])<br>[[File:ClementAttlee.png]] Clement Attlee (According to [[File:Thatcher.png]] [[Neoliberalism|Thatcherites]])<br>[[File:Authequality.png]] Egalitarian Authoritarianism<br> ML praxis<br>[[File:Planned.png]] Planned Economy
|alignments = [[File: Authleft.png]] [[:Category: Authoritarian Left|AuthLeft]] <br>
[[File: Soc.png]] [[:Category:Socialists|Socialists]]
[[File:Sec.png]] [[Authoritarianism]]<br>
[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Statist.png]] {{PCBA|Statism}}
[[File:IsaiasAfwerki-PFDJ.png]] [[Totalitarianism|Afwerkism]]<br>
[[File:Absoc.png]] [[Arab Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Blanqui.png]] [[Blanquism]]<br>
[[File:Fabian.png]] [[Fabian Socialism]]<br>
[[File:Gadda.png]] [[Gaddafism]]<br>
[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism]]<br>
[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]]<br>
[[File:DemML.png]] [[Authoritarian Democracy|People's Democracy]]<br>
[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Strasser.png]] [[Strasserism]]<br>
[[File:Trot.png]] [[Trotskyism]]<br>
[[File:Khrusch.png]] [[Khrushchevism]]<br>
[[File:Utopianism2.png]] [[Utopian Socialism|Utopianism]]<br>
[[File:Totalism.png]] '''Totalism''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism|Bolshevism]]
*[[File:Unitary.png]] [[Centralism|Centralism]]
*[[File:TotCommie.png]] [[Ingsoc|Maximism]]
*[[File:Tankie.png]] [[Stratocracy|Militarism]]
*[[File:Fasci.png]] [[Futurism|Mussolinism]]
*[[File:Neosoc.png]] [[Neosocialism]]
*[[File:Republicanismpix.png]] [[Republicanism]]
*[[File:Sorelia.png]] [[National Syndicalism|Sorelianism]]
*[[File:Synd.png]] [[Syndicalism]]
*[[File:Totdem.png]] [[Authoritarian Democracy|Totalitarian Democracy]]
*[[File:Totalitarian.png]] [[Totalitarianism]]
*[[File:Vanguardism.png]] [[Particracy|Vanguardism]]
*[[File:Utopianism2.png]] [[Utopian Socialism|Thomas More]] (1478-1535), [[File:Cball-England.png]] Kingdom of England
*[[File:Lenin.png]] [[Leninism|Vladimir Lenin]] (1870-1924) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia/[[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:GermanStalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Wilhelm Pieck]] (1876-1960) [[File:Cball-EastGermany.png]] GDR
*[[File:JosephStalin.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Joseph Stalin]] (1878-1953) [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:Lev_Davidovich_Bronstein.png]] [[Trotskyism|Leon Trotsky]] (1879-1940) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia/[[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:BulgarianStalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Georgi Dimitrov]] (1882-1949) [[File:Cball-PRBulgaria.png]] Bulgaria
*[[File:Bierut.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Boleslaw Bierut]] (1892-1956) [[File:Cball-Poland-old.png]] PR Poland
*[[File:HungarianSralin.png]] [[Totalitarianism|Mátyás]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Rákosi]] (1892-1971) [[File:Cball-PRHungary.png]] Hungary
*[[File:MaoHair.png]] [[Maoism|Mao Zedong]] (1893-1976) [[File:Cball-China.png]] China
*[[File:WalterUlbricht.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Walter Ulbricht]] (1893-1973) [[File:Cball-EastGermany.png]] East Germany
*[[File:Khrusch.png]] [[Khrushchevism|Nikita Khrushchev]] (1894-1971) [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:Gottwald2.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Klement Gottwald]] (1896-1953) [[File:Cball-Czechia.png]] Czechoslovakia
*[[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Andrei Zhdanov]] (1896-1948) [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:BulgarianStalin.png]] [[National Communism|Valko]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Chervenkov]] (1900-1980) [[File:Cball-PRBulgaria.png]] Bulgaria
*[[File:RomanianSralin.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej]] (1901-1965) [[File:Cball-SRRomania.png]] SR Romania
*[[File:Malenkov.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Georgy Malenkov]] (1901-1988) [[File:Cball-RussianSFSR.png]] Russia
*[[File:MikhailSUSlov.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Mikhail Suslov]] (1902-1982) [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] Soviet Union
*[[File:Gomułka.png]] [[National Communism|Władysław Gomułka]] (1905-1982) [[File:Cball-PRPoland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Brezhnev.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Lenoid Brezhnev]] (1906-1982) [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] USSR
*[[File:EnverHoxha.png]] [[Hoxhaism|Enver Hoxha]] (1908-1985) [[File:Cball-PSRAlbania.png]] PSR Albania
*[[File:Nkrumah.png]] [[African_Socialism#Nkrumaism|Kwame Nkrumah]] (1909-1972) [[File:Cball-Ghana.png]] Ghana
*[[File:KimIlSung.png]] [[Juche|Kim Il Sung]] (1912-1994) [[File:Cball-North_Korea.png]] North Korea
*[[File:Husak.png]] [[National Communism|Gustáv Husák]] (1913-1991) [[File:Cball-Czechia.png]] Czechoslovakia
*[[File:Taraki.png]] [[National Communism|Nur Muhammad Taraki]] (1917-1979) [[File:Cball-DRAfghanistan.png]] Afghanistan
*[[File:NicolaeCeaușescu.png]] [[National Communism|Nicolae Ceaușescu]] (1918-1989) [[File:Cball-SRRomania.png]] Romania
*[[File:Nasser2.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Gamal Abdel Nasser]] (1918-1970) [[File:Cball-Egypt.png]] Egypt
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism|Pol Pot]] (1925-1998) [[File:Cball-Cambodia.png]] Cambodia
*[[File:Amin.png]] [[National Communism|Hafizullah Amin]] (1929-1979) [[File:Cball-DRAfghanistan.png]] Afghanistan
*[[File:FidelCastro.png]] [[National Communism|Fidel Castro]] (1926-2016) [[File:Cball-Cuba.png]] Cuba
*[[File:FLNStratoDictature.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Houari Boumédiène]] (1932-1978) [[File:Cball-Algeria.png]] Algeria
*[[File:Sankara.png]] [[African Socialism#Sankarism|Thomas Sankara]] (1949-1987) [[File:Cball-Burkina Faso.png]] Burkina Faso
|examples = [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|Paris Commune]] (1871, allegedly)<br>[[File:Cball-USSR.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]] (1922-1985)<br>[[File:Cball-PSRAlbania.png]] [[Hoxhaism|People's Socialist Republic of Albania]] (1945-1985)<br>[[File:Cball-North_Korea.png]] [[Juche|Democratic People's Republic of Korea]] (1948-1994)<br>[[File:Cball-China.png]] [[Maoism|People's Republic of China]] (1949-1981)<br>[[File:Cball-Egypt.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Republic of Egypt]] (1956-1970)<br>[[File:Cball-Algeria.png]] [[Arab Socialism|People's Democratic Republic of Algeria]] (1965-1978)
|likes = [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] The Soviet Union<br> [[File:Cball-China.png]] China<br>[[File:Cball-Egypt.png]] Nasserist Egypt<br>[[File:Cball-North_Korea.png]] North Korea<br> Revolution<br> [[File:Central.png]] Planned Economies (Mostly)<br> [[File:Office.png]] <s>Bureaucracy</s><br>Command Economy
|dislikes = [[File:Cap.png]] Capitalists and kulaks<br> [[File:Fash.png]] Filthy fashists [[File:Nazi.png]]<br>[[File:AnTory.png]] George Orwell<br>[[File:Yeltsin.png]] Boris Yeltsin<br>[[File:CIA.png]] CIA<br>
|song = [https://youtu.be/U06jlgpMtQs  Soviet Anthem]<br>
[https://youtube.com/watch?v=waZhr3Rk1mQ Wide is My Motherland]<br>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8ZRBmik5DI The Might of Soviet Union]<br>
[https://youtu.be/Y-CcCD8g0tE Soviet City OST]<br>
[https://youtube.com/watch?v=NmCCQxVBfyM Tetris Theme]<br>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCMqcFAigRg Picture To Burn] <br>}}
'''State Socialism '''('''StateSoc''') or '''Authoritarian Socialism''' is an economically left-wing ideology that believes in the presence of centralized authority, state ownership of the means of production by a worker's party and/or a state-planned economy is a necessity in transitioning from [[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] to [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]]. While state socialism is often utilized as a means to an end in achieving communism (a stateless, classless, moneyless society), by ideologies like  [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]], some advocates believe that state socialism is itself the end goal.
== History ==
Proto-State Socialism can be seen in Thomas More's Utopia, as his ideal society has state control over production and housing, combined with a slave system. George Fitzhugh can also debatably be seen as a proto-state socialist as he claimed slavery was the best form of socialism while opposing free-market capitalism as being anti-slavery (and saw it as a bad thing).
State Socialism arguably first was implemented in 1871 when the [[File:Soc-h.png]] Paris Commune came around as a 'state'. But this is up for debate as the [[File:Soc-h.png]] Paris Commune acted more like [[File: Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] and sometimes even [[File: Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]], and didn't really function as a state nor was recognized as such.
The real start of State Socialism was in 1917 when the [[File:Bolshevism ball.png]] Bolsheviks, led by [[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism|Vladimir Lenin]], overthrew the [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russian Republic and established the [[File:Orthlen.png]] Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR). In 1922, this became the [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Union of Soviet Socialist Republics]] (USSR). The [[File:ML.png]] USSR changed to become even more State Socialist after [[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Stalin]] took over in 1925 and combined it with [[File:PolState.png]] [[Police Statism]] and [[File:Sec.png]] [[Authoritarianism]]. A lot of this was ruled back during the [[File:Khrusch.png]] [[Khrushchevism|Khrushchevist]] and, especially, [[File:Gorb.png]] [[Liberal Socialism|Gorbachevist]] eras of the [[File:ML.png]] USSR.
[[File:Cball-China.png]] China, officially the Peoples' Republic of China (PRC), was ruled under a State Socialist regime called [[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] from 1954-1981.
[[File:Cball-North Korea.png]] North Korea, officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), has been ruled by a State Socialist regime called [[File:Juche.png]] [[Juche]] since its creation in 1948.
== Difference Between State Socialism And State Capitalism==
Economic System: State Capitalism is an economic system where the state plays an active role in business or commercial activity, either directly or indirectly, while State Socialism is an economically left-wing ideology that believes in the presence of centralized authority, state ownership of the means of production by a worker's party and/or a state-planned economy is a necessity in transitioning from Capitalism to Socialism.
Role of the State: In State Capitalism, the state takes an active role in business or commercial activity. This can be direct in the form of state-owned enterprises or companies where the state has controlling shares, indirect in the form of state planning through government agencies organized along for-profit and business management lines, or through state-sponsored private business activities. On the other hand, in State Socialism, the state is responsible for owning and controlling the means of production to ensure a transition from capitalism to socialism.
Goal: The goal of State Capitalism is not clearly defined. It is usually seen as economically centrist since it denies the means of production to workers, yet is often collectivist in nature. However, State Socialism aims to transition from capitalism to socialism through state ownership of the means of production, and ultimately to a stateless, classless, moneyless society.
Ownership of Means of Production: In State Capitalism, the state may own or control all the means of production or may be the primary shareholder, while in State Socialism, the state owns the means of production and ensures that the workers have access to it.
Political Ideology: State Capitalism is not inherently tied to any specific political ideology, while State Socialism is a left-wing ideology.
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq0EYo_ZQVU This], but unironically.
==How to Draw==
To draw StateSoc, simply draw the [[Values|8values]] Security symbol with communist colors.
#Draw a red ball with a black outline.
#Draw a yellow hammer.
#Add eyes and you're done.
*[[File: ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Me, but with a new name, backstory, lore, etc.
*[[File: Absoc.png]] [[Arab Socialism]] - Based Arab counterpart who isn't afraid to use state power.
*[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism]] - My father, from whom I got all my views. We're very similar. He needs more state, though.
*[[File:Blanqui.png]] [[Blanquism]] - Based! You really get me!
*[[File:Posadist.png]] [[Posadism]] - Socialist states in space!? If that's not a paradise, I don't know what is.
*[[File:Fitzhugh.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism|Fitzhughism]] - "Slavery is the form, and the very best form, of socialism."
*[[File:Cybercom.png]] [[Cybercommunism]] - Makes my job even easier!
===Frenemies ===
*[[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism]] - My misguided brother. At least Wolff defined me.
*[[File:Demsocstar.png]] [[Democratic Socialism]] - You're on the right track, but the "democracy" part is cringe.
*[[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism]] - Strong government can strengthen socialism, actually. The state manages factories for the proletariat to work in and central economics are very efficient. No, that´s not a [[File:Statecap.png]] bureaucracy <s>I promise</s>.
*[[File:Minsocf.png]] [[Minarcho-Socialism]] - Socialism '''is''' when the government does stuff! Even they agree!
*[[File:Monsoc.png]] [[Monarcho-Socialism]] - Almost great, but what's that about monarchism?
*[[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] - WE ARE NOT THE SAME!! Still love you, brother, even when you confuse me.
*[[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - [[File:Authcomcap.png]] Authoritarian Communo-Capitalism? Isn't that just [[File:Statecap.png]] Statecap again?
*[[File:Fabian.png]] [[Fabian Socialism]] - I love you son, but you scare me.
*[[File:Marxflag.png]] [[Marxism]] - Realizes that socialism needs the state in order to be achieved. But why do you wanna get rid of it afterwards? Your [[File:ML.png]] son is way cooler anyway.
*[[File: Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - I can tolerate you since our views are mostly similar, but if you pull a Nazi on me, '''I'll make you regret it'''.
*[[File:Utsoc.png]] [[Utopian Socialism]] - Most are too libertarian, but Moore supported an authoritarian society.
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - HAHAHA, you want to abolish the transition state that quickly? Good luck when foreign forces and infighting destroy your socialist utopia!!
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] - Free market? The only thing it gives is the freedom to oppress workers.
*[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] - '''NO.'''
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - My evil bourgeois twin.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - And no, I don't care about pink paint.
*[[File:Bism.png]] [[Bismarckism]] - Why must you use my name like this?
*[[File:Ingsocf.png]] [[Ingsoc]] - You take things too far. We are not the same.
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - Why yes, socialism '''is''' when the government does stuff, why do you ask?
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - Filthy f*shie, go cry in the puddle of your own blood. <s>Although you used to be one of me</s>
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism]] - You're not a socialist, you're just another 3rd positionist maniac who is explicitly anti-equality.
*[[File:Gorb.png]] [[Liberal Socialism|Gorbachevism]] - You're a disgrace to socialism! You ruined the Soviet Union!
== Further Information ==
=== Literature ===
=== Wikipedia ===
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_socialism State socialism]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Authoritarian_socialism Authoritarian socialism]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planned_economy Planned economy]
=== Video ===
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sq0EYo_ZQVU Socialism is when the government does stuff]
=== Citations ===
<references />
Duyphysics-1939.png|Credit: u/duy_physics, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/jrolu2/ideological_world_map_1939/ Source]
Statesoc-0.png|Staswalle's drawing
Authsoc_art.png|Authoritarian Socialism

Latest revision as of 06:07, 9 May 2024

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  • Dr. Occo • 31 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 42 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 48 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago