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Radenism: Difference between revisions

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(10 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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  | themecolor  =#D3D3D3
  | themecolor  =#D3D3D3
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  | title        =[[File:Radenist.png]] Radenism [[File:Radenist.png]]
  | title        =[[File:Raden.Png]] Radenism [[File:Raden.Png]]
  | image        = File:Radenism.png
  | image        = File:Radenism.png
  | caption      = "With knowledge we go to Glory"
  | caption      = "With knowledge we go to Glory"
  | aliases      =
  | aliases      =
feel free to add aliases
feel free to add aliases
  | alignments  =[[File:Authunity.png]] AuthUnity<br>
  | alignments  =
[[File:Nation.png]]  Nationalist<br> [[File:Trad.png]] Cultural Right<br>
[[File:Secular.png]] Secularist<br>
{{Info/3P}} <br>
[[File:Irridentism.png]] Irredentist)<br>
{{Info/Socialists}} <br>
[[File:Conservative.png]]  Conservative<br>[[File:Monarch.png]] Monarchist
{{Info/Corporatists}} <br>
{{Info/Ultranationalists}} <br>
{{Info/Collectivist}} <br>
{{Info/Nationalists}} <br>
{{Info/Ultranationalists}} <br>
{{Info/RevNat}} <br>
  | influences  =
  | influences  =

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[[File:3P.png]] Third Positions
[[File:3P.png]] Third Positions

[[File: Natcon.png]] National Conservatism
[[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] Cultural Nationalism
[[file:Panc.png]] Pancasila
[[File:RevNat.png]] Revolutionary Nationalism

[[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] Cultural Nationalism  
[[File:RomanticNationalism.png]] Romantic Nationalism

[[File:Thalassocracy.png]] Thalassocracy
[[File:Ultranat.png]] Ultranationalism

[[file:Panc.png]] Pancasila
[[File:Natpop.png]] National Populism

[[File:NewSuharto.png]] Suhartoism
[[File:NonMarxSoc.png]] Non-Marxist Socialism

[[File:Ilminism.png]] Ilminism
[[File:Progconf.png]] Progressive Conservatism

[[File:Long.png]] Longism
[[File:NatRev.png]] National Palingenesis

[[File:Ethnonat.png]] Ethnonationalism (Java Sentris)
[[File:Mach.png]] Pragmatism

[[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] Cultural Nationalism
[[File:Secular.png]] Secularism


[[File:Patcon.png]] Paternalistic Conservatism
[[File:Totalitarian.png]] Totalitarianism (Initially)
[[File:IllibDem.png]] Illiberal Democracy (Actually)
[[File:Parti.png]] Particracy

[[File:Caesar.png]] Caesarism
[[File:Caesar.png]] Caesarism

[[File:Auto.png]] Autocracy
[[File:Auto.png]] Autocracy
[[File:Authdem.png]]  Authoritarian Democracy

[[File:Merit.png]] Meritocracy
[[File:Merit.png]] Meritocracy
[[File:FreeAbsmon.png]] Absolute Monarchism

[[File:Strato.png]] Stratocracy
[[File:Strato.png]] Stratocracy
[[File:Authoritarian_Conservatism.png]] Authoritarian Conservatism

[[File:PolState.png]] Police Statism  
[[File:PolState.png]] Police Statism  
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[[File:Nooc.png]] Noocracy
[[File:Nooc.png]] Noocracy
[[File:Arist.png]] Aristocracy

[[File:Unitary.png]] Unitarism
[[File:Unitary.png]] Unitarism
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[[File:Statist.png]] Statism
[[File:Statist.png]] Statism

[[File:Authoritarian Centrism.png]] Authoritarian Centrism
[[File:AuthSoc.png]] Authoritarian Socialism
[[File:Merit.png]] Meritocracy
[[File:Technocracy.png]] Technocracy
[[File:Strato.png]] Stratocracy

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[[File:Mach.png]] Realpolitik  
[[File:Mach.png]] Realpolitik  

[[File: Pan-Nationalism.png]] Pan-Nationalism
[[File:Irridentism.png]] Irredentism
[[File:Jingoism.png]] Jingoism
[[File:Maja.png]] Pan-Malayanism

[[File:PanAsian.png]] Pan-Asianism
[[File:Maja.png]] Indonesian Imperialism

[[File:Irridentism.png]] Irredentism
[[File:Thalassocracy.png]] Thalassocracy

[[File:Jingoism.png]] Jingoism
[[file:NAM.png]] Neither East Or West

[[File:Maja.png]] Pan-Malayanism}}

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[[File:Regulationism.png]] Regulationism
[[File:Regulationism.png]] Regulationism
[[File: Distributist.png]] Distributism

[[File:Agrnac.png]] National Agrarianism
[[File:Agrnac.png]] National Agrarianism
[[File:Econat.png]] Eco-Nationalism

[[File: Merc.png]] Mercantilism
[[File: Merc.png]] Mercantilism
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Work In Progress
I Am Back!

'''<big><big> The Main</big></big>'''
===<center><big><big><big>My Main Belief Structure</big></big></big></center><br><br>===

I believe in export-led growth and regulation, as well as the nationalization of many Chinese firms, which ushered in a more nationalist perspective.
that the government will impose a flat tax on the middle class while imposing a progressive tax on the wealthy.
I also believe that government action is required to safeguard and protect indigenous commodities and economies, as well as to encourage indigenous economic activity and production.
Modest autarky safeguards were occasionally required for the economy.
I favor the Corporative Economic System and believe that the government should promote collaborationists of all classes, from laborers to small business owners and entrepreneurs.Yet, I believe in the formation of cooperatives and state-owned firms in order to create economic self-sufficiency.
as well as in promoting Indonesian products to the rest of the world.I also emphasized social justice and wealth distribution, with goal of empowering the impoverished and underprivileged groups.
Land reform initiatives, the introduction of social welfare programs, and the promotion of labor rights and trade unions all contributed to this. i also believe in the importance of localism as opposed to globalism and consumerism. i also want a program, which aims to increase the country's competitiveness i also belief In Hatta economic democracy of A combination of state ownership of key industries, such as oil, mining, and transportation, and the development of small-scale cooperatives and other forms of community-based economic activity. He also promoted land reform policies aimed at redistributing land from wealthy landowners to small farmers and other landless peasants.

==<big><big> a New Kind Revolution For Indonesian State </big></big>==

'''<big><big>Argarian/Land Reform </big></big>'''
I believe that Indonesia should have a Revolution. this revolution is not just to save the Nation but to save another Revolution, the 45 Revolution that led to the independence of Our Country. This revolution is not based on Communist or Fascist but a Pancasilaist.

I believe in the implementation of a land reform initiative.
it's been 79 years since our independence. Our National Values and Ideology which is Pancasila have survived many attempts to undermine it but those attempts always failed to undermine our ideology our principles our way of life. Today Pancasila has lost its meaning and lost its values. It has been corrupted and abused by Our Leaders, to be used for their own Personal agenda which in a result our Populace suffers from this.
With the goal of eliminating social and economic inequality in rural regions, the initiative intended to redistribute land from large landowners to small farmers.
The government also developed a system of land registration and certification in order to strengthen the security of small farmers' land tenure.
I also want agricultural industrialization strategies put in place, with an emphasis on export-oriented products like oil palm, rubber, and coffee.
Farmers were given subsidies to cultivate these commodities, and marketing boards were formed to guarantee farmers received fair prices for their output.
This strategy aided in increasing agricultural production and generating export income, which aided in the country's economic development. The government should have greater
Infrastructure investment in rural areas:
This involves the development of roads, irrigation systems, and other infrastructure aimed at increasing agricultural output and competitiveness.  

Externally Foreign imperialism and colonialism still attempt today to corrupt our Young. they began spreading their Ideas and Cultures to destroy Pancasila. Pancasila its not just an Ideology of our nation but the Blood of Our Nation. Our Philosophy that defines Indonesian State.

'''<big><big> Bank</big></big>'''
this New National Revolution seek to not just Liberated Our Nation and Its People but to Save and Restore Pancasila to our society and to destroy all its enemy who try to undermine it. not matter if it came from the left or the right if they threaten our way of life then they must be dealt with permanently. this Revolution its not a peaceful one but Violence One because We must use Violence to overthrow the corrupt leaders of our Nation and to Restore Pancasila as Our Philosophy.

I support centralized banks that adhere to Islamic financial norms.The government should take over and nationalize this bank.It will also be clear of fraud, exploitation, and usury.This bank, I believe, will also provide funds for state programs and will be used to promote national self-determination.  
This revolution is also a Cultural One. Indonesia Cultures has been Undermine by the Foreigner. When the first Colonialists came to Indonesia back in the 16th century they used a tactic called Divided and Conquered where they sparked Wars and Conflict between the Various Nusantara Kingdoms so they could colonize the entire Nusantara very quickly. now in Modern times, The Foreign Imperialists have begun developing new strategies where they will corrupt our Youth with their Cultures and Ideas sadly this is what happened in Indonesia.

This New Revolution seeks to Revitalize our Cultures and Protect our Traditions from Foreigner cultures. this revolution seeks to purge all Foreign elements in our Nation's Culture and to create a brand new Indonesian Culture that is free from all Foreign Colonialist and Imperialist influences. if it necessary we will start all over again creating new Cultures Identity

'''<big><big> Indonesian Native First</big></big>'''
==<big><big>My Ideals Government and State</big></big>==

I believe that numerous Indonesian natives such as Sunda, Java, Betawi, and others should be the primary focus of government care.I believe in huge government investment in social issues.
I don't believe in democracy. Democracy has failed in Indonesia but I don't wish to create a Government based on fear or terror. Yes, A totalitarian state will exist after The Revolution but for a short time, this totalitarian state will be used to guide and stabilize the Nation.
I believe the government should implement a large-scale initiative to alleviate homelessness and poverty.I believe that all homeless people should be provided free housing by the government, as well as jobs.Other than that, the welfare program will be more focused on helping Indonesia's middle and lower classes thrive.
Yet, this social initiative will be confined to non-Indonesians.
This means that Chinese, Indians, and Westerners living in Indonesia will not be provided benefits unless they have totally assimilated and forgotten their previous cultures in favor of adopting Indonesian traditions.  

My ideal State is that of a "Prison without a Wall". The People will be made to believe that they live in a Democratic society with choice and freedom but it's all an Illusion created by My Regime. My Ideal State will have a Parliament that serves as a Rubber Stamp and Opposition Parties created by the state itself.

we don't need a violent purge to remove our opposition but simply discredit them. We should make the people distrust the Opposition by creating a Fake Opposition. this will make the People cannot see the difference between real Opposition or State created Opposition. therefore when a real Opposition begins to speak out against the government the People will not hear it and distrust it as they think that Opposition is government-created.

but its this mean I tolerate all Critique of my Regime? no ofc not I still believe that the State should regularly crack down on the opposition but not very violent and extreme but simply just arrest and send them to the Labour Camp. Freedom of speech and Gathering will still be regulated by the state.

My Ideal State will still be A Dominant Party State and those "Opposition Parties" simply just the extension of The Ruling Party. I also believe in creating a System of Reward where People who have shown their loyalty to the regime will be rewarded with Extravagant Luxury gifts while The State Enemy or Disloyal will be watching and Suppressed 24\7.

==<big><big>My Economy View</big></big>==

'''<big><big> Industry</big></big>'''
Indonesia will be transformed into a Corporate State. the economy will adopt the Corporatist Policy and Planned Economy. The State will direct and Monopolize the economy. there will be a Nationalization of all Important aspects and key sectors in Indonesian society and there will be a Partial Nationalization of Foreign industry. all Private Industries will be Socialized. I still believe that the state should help and boost the Local Industries so they can Compete with all major companies in the world. there will still be a Private Industry the government will promote and Breed Innovation and Competition among Indonesian's Local Industries.

Indonesia is a rich nation with many minerals and raw resources but those resources are under the hands of foreigners. I seek to return those resources to my nation. we will begin using it to Develop our nation fully. we will expand our Industry and Technology sector. we should send all our best students to the west and east to learn about their technology. when they are done they will be recalled back and their knowledge will be used to develop our country and improve our welfare system, Education, and Healthcare. We will develop our own cars and planes, our own military arms and even our own Space Programme. Indonesia  will have green economy and we will begin using nuclear and other alternative energy.

I believe that Indonesia has enormous untapped potential, especially given its position as the fourth-Populated country in the world. I think that this potential should be fully exploited by fast-tracking industrialization and managing the country's natural resources. To this end, I advocate for the massive and total nationalization of All Chinese Own Private Industry In Indonesia, with the state owning and operating them. However, I welcome foreign investment and urge Western businesses to build their Private enterprises in Indonesia. Increased employment leads to greater earnings and provides the populace with more purchasing power, so increasing a country's entire economy. However, the state will keep a careful eye on those Western industries.
we will begin giving Homeless and Poor people Jobs, and there will be free housing to combat Homelessness. There will be Job Distribution to Unemploy. we will adopt a progressive Taxation policy for the rich and flat taxation for the poor.
In addition, I believe that it is essential to support and promote the growth of the domestic industry and prepare it for expansion abroad. This will turn Indonesia into a powerhouse for the industry. The state will own private companies through an organization similar to Mussolini's GLC, but I also want to encourage small and medium-sized entrepreneurs to start their own companies that will not be under the control of the government. This will foster competition and innovation in the Indonesian market.

'''<big><big> Private Property</big></big>'''
I believe in Class Collaboration that why the State should promote Cooperation among the Classes. Class Collaboration is the most efficient way for Indonesia to develop. Workers and Labourers will have their rights secured. the Labours and Workers Union will be empowered more. there will be a system where if a Worker has worked hard enough they will be given a Reward like 1 month's Holiday, etc. so there will be Competition among the workers and make all the workers work harder.

I believe that the right to private property is a fundamental human right that should be respected by the government. People should be able to own property without interference from the government. If there is unclaimed land, the first person to claim it should be able to enjoy any profits from it. I also believe that landlords have an important role to play in providing housing for many Indonesians. However, I believe that all landlords should follow the prices set by the government to ensure fair and affordable housing for everyone.
==<big><big>New Indonesian Empire</big></big>==

'''<big><big> Enviroment </big></big>'''
Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Timor Leste are our rightful territories that have been stolen by European imperialism. they divided us and they even attempted to brainwash our Malayan Brothers to be against us but we should reclaim those lost lands back.

I believe that the government should regulate many factories to be more environmentally friendly. I also believe that the government should launch a program aimed at reducing pollution. It is essential to protect the environment and ban activities such as illegal logging and wildlife hunting. The government should protect forests and animals while also taking steps to grow more trees.
this new Empire will be based on Thalassocracy like just our ancient empire in the past. once more Indonesia will rule the Malacca strait like in the past. we will control all trade in the strait like in the past.

Latest revision as of 14:14, 16 July 2024

I Am Back!

My Main Belief Structure

a New Kind Revolution For Indonesian State

I believe that Indonesia should have a Revolution. this revolution is not just to save the Nation but to save another Revolution, the 45 Revolution that led to the independence of Our Country. This revolution is not based on Communist or Fascist but a Pancasilaist.

it's been 79 years since our independence. Our National Values and Ideology which is Pancasila have survived many attempts to undermine it but those attempts always failed to undermine our ideology our principles our way of life. Today Pancasila has lost its meaning and lost its values. It has been corrupted and abused by Our Leaders, to be used for their own Personal agenda which in a result our Populace suffers from this.

Externally Foreign imperialism and colonialism still attempt today to corrupt our Young. they began spreading their Ideas and Cultures to destroy Pancasila. Pancasila its not just an Ideology of our nation but the Blood of Our Nation. Our Philosophy that defines Indonesian State.

this New National Revolution seek to not just Liberated Our Nation and Its People but to Save and Restore Pancasila to our society and to destroy all its enemy who try to undermine it. not matter if it came from the left or the right if they threaten our way of life then they must be dealt with permanently. this Revolution its not a peaceful one but Violence One because We must use Violence to overthrow the corrupt leaders of our Nation and to Restore Pancasila as Our Philosophy.

This revolution is also a Cultural One. Indonesia Cultures has been Undermine by the Foreigner. When the first Colonialists came to Indonesia back in the 16th century they used a tactic called Divided and Conquered where they sparked Wars and Conflict between the Various Nusantara Kingdoms so they could colonize the entire Nusantara very quickly. now in Modern times, The Foreign Imperialists have begun developing new strategies where they will corrupt our Youth with their Cultures and Ideas sadly this is what happened in Indonesia.

This New Revolution seeks to Revitalize our Cultures and Protect our Traditions from Foreigner cultures. this revolution seeks to purge all Foreign elements in our Nation's Culture and to create a brand new Indonesian Culture that is free from all Foreign Colonialist and Imperialist influences. if it necessary we will start all over again creating new Cultures Identity

My Ideals Government and State

I don't believe in democracy. Democracy has failed in Indonesia but I don't wish to create a Government based on fear or terror. Yes, A totalitarian state will exist after The Revolution but for a short time, this totalitarian state will be used to guide and stabilize the Nation.

My ideal State is that of a "Prison without a Wall". The People will be made to believe that they live in a Democratic society with choice and freedom but it's all an Illusion created by My Regime. My Ideal State will have a Parliament that serves as a Rubber Stamp and Opposition Parties created by the state itself.

we don't need a violent purge to remove our opposition but simply discredit them. We should make the people distrust the Opposition by creating a Fake Opposition. this will make the People cannot see the difference between real Opposition or State created Opposition. therefore when a real Opposition begins to speak out against the government the People will not hear it and distrust it as they think that Opposition is government-created.

but its this mean I tolerate all Critique of my Regime? no ofc not I still believe that the State should regularly crack down on the opposition but not very violent and extreme but simply just arrest and send them to the Labour Camp. Freedom of speech and Gathering will still be regulated by the state.

My Ideal State will still be A Dominant Party State and those "Opposition Parties" simply just the extension of The Ruling Party. I also believe in creating a System of Reward where People who have shown their loyalty to the regime will be rewarded with Extravagant Luxury gifts while The State Enemy or Disloyal will be watching and Suppressed 24\7.

My Economy View

Indonesia will be transformed into a Corporate State. the economy will adopt the Corporatist Policy and Planned Economy. The State will direct and Monopolize the economy. there will be a Nationalization of all Important aspects and key sectors in Indonesian society and there will be a Partial Nationalization of Foreign industry. all Private Industries will be Socialized. I still believe that the state should help and boost the Local Industries so they can Compete with all major companies in the world. there will still be a Private Industry the government will promote and Breed Innovation and Competition among Indonesian's Local Industries.

Indonesia is a rich nation with many minerals and raw resources but those resources are under the hands of foreigners. I seek to return those resources to my nation. we will begin using it to Develop our nation fully. we will expand our Industry and Technology sector. we should send all our best students to the west and east to learn about their technology. when they are done they will be recalled back and their knowledge will be used to develop our country and improve our welfare system, Education, and Healthcare. We will develop our own cars and planes, our own military arms and even our own Space Programme. Indonesia will have green economy and we will begin using nuclear and other alternative energy.

we will begin giving Homeless and Poor people Jobs, and there will be free housing to combat Homelessness. There will be Job Distribution to Unemploy. we will adopt a progressive Taxation policy for the rich and flat taxation for the poor.

I believe in Class Collaboration that why the State should promote Cooperation among the Classes. Class Collaboration is the most efficient way for Indonesia to develop. Workers and Labourers will have their rights secured. the Labours and Workers Union will be empowered more. there will be a system where if a Worker has worked hard enough they will be given a Reward like 1 month's Holiday, etc. so there will be Competition among the workers and make all the workers work harder.

New Indonesian Empire

Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei and Timor Leste are our rightful territories that have been stolen by European imperialism. they divided us and they even attempted to brainwash our Malayan Brothers to be against us but we should reclaim those lost lands back.

this new Empire will be based on Thalassocracy like just our ancient empire in the past. once more Indonesia will rule the Malacca strait like in the past. we will control all trade in the strait like in the past.

Recent changes

  • Pollere • 00:16
  • Javi Coelho • Yesterday at 22:58
  • MEADOWSIN • Yesterday at 22:40
  • MEADOWSIN • Yesterday at 22:30