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Cannabis Anarchy: Difference between revisions

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Cannabis Anarchy is set of irrelevant rants written after smoking weed.
THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED: CHECK [[Anarcho-Marijuanism]]
The page will be minimalistic and I will focus here on short articles being an introduction to my strange theories, because I want to write longer articles somewhere else.
|title= [[File:CannabisAnarchy.png]] Cannabis Anarchy
|alignments =
[[File:Post-an.png]]  {{Color|#1a1a1a|'''Anarchists'''}} <br>
[[File:Anpostleft.png]] {{Color|#ff0000|'''Post-Left'''}} <br>
[[File:AnCommunization.png]] {{Color|#c20d00|'''Communists'''}} <br>
[[File:Stirner.png]] {{Color|#007278|'''Egoists'''}} <br>
[[File:Greenanarchy.png]] {{Color|#009929|'''Environmentalists'''}} <br>
|influences =
*[[File:Stirner.png]] [[Anarcho-Egoism]]
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] [[Communization Theory]]
*[[File:Deepe.png]] [[Deep Ecology]]
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] [[Nietzscheanism]]
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] [[Post-Left Anarchy]]
*[[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] [[Post-Civilization]]
*[[File:AntiOrg.png]] Anti-Organizationalism
*[[File:AnAg.png]] Rural Communities
*[[File:Insan2.png]] Urban Autonomous Zones
*[[File:EgoUnion.png]] Unions of Egoists
*[[File:Postmut.png]] Anti-Planning
*[[File:Auton.png]] Decommodification
*[[File:MutualAid.png]] Mutual Aid/Barter [[File:Barter.png]]
*[[File:Antr.png]] Nanofactory Economics
*[[File:EcoAg.png]] Permaculture Agrarianism
*[[File:Progressiv Nihilism Icon.png]] Cultural Apathy
*[[File:QueerNil.png]] Gender Negation
*[[File:Antrans.png]] Technoprimitivism
*[[File:Affinity.png]] Affinity Groups
*[[File:Insarch.png]] Armed Insurrection
*[[File:Situ.png]] Artistic Action
*[[File:Auton.png]] Autonomous Strikes
*[[File:Communization.png]] Communization
*[[File:EcoTerrorist.png]] Eco-Terrorism
*[[File:LeftCounterEcon.png]] Left Counter-Economics
*[[File:AnNihil.png]] Negation
*[[File:Squatting.png]] Squatting
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Temporary Autonomous Zones
*[[File:Freewill.png]] Free Will
*[[File:MoralNihil.png]] Moral Nihilism
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Nietzscheanism
*[[File:Panpsychism.png]] Panpsychism
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Stirnerism
'''People and Groups'''
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Karl Marx
*[[File:Proudhon.png]] Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Friedrich Nietzsche
*[[File:Renzo Novatore-icon.png]] Renzo Novatore
*[[File:Camus.png]] Albert Camus
*[[File:Debord.png]] Guy Debord
*[[File:Foucault.png]] Michel Foucault
*[[File:Deleuze.png]] Gilles Deleuze
*[[File:Camatte.png]] Jacques Camatte
*[[File:Bonanno.png]] Alfredo Bonanno
*[[File:Ted Kaczynski.png]] Ted Kaczynski
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Hakim Bey
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Bob Black
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] Mark Fisher
*[[File:Newman.png]] Saul Newman
*[[File:Landstreicher.png]] Wolfi Landstreicher
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Tiqqun
|caption =
|dislikes =
What I believe? There are a few positions and theses:
* Anarchy and civilization can be considered to be polar opposites.
* Anarchy is anti organizational. Every more formal organization is basically a state.
* We can divide praxis to two points:
** Temporary - TAZ, squatting, mutual aid, affinity groups, unions of egoists and similar.
** Quasi permanent - Communization and insurrection. No one should have any kind of legality.
* No politics, economy or ethics is or should be universal. Any attempt to introduce a global system would end with totalitarianism.
* The best economics could be barter like mutual aid, without planning and commodities.
* "True communism" would be classless, stateless, moneyless society.
* I have no cultural beliefs, except negation of traditions, gender, social norms and religion.
* Morality, law, rights or religion are mere phantasms, concepts in mind that governs individual and are idols to them.
* Civilization and capital are finally the same.
* Civilization will collapse, and there is potential to bring an anarchist society.
== Theory ==
=== Have read ===
*[[File:Ingsocf.png]] 1984 (George Orwell)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Against Legalization (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Anarchist Religion? (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:Insarch.png]] Armed Joy (Alfredo Bonanno)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Because I Wanted To (Fumiko Kaneko)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Blessed is the Flame (Serafinski)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Burn All Bibles (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Descending into Madness (Flower Bomb)
*[[File:Agorismf.png]] New Libertarian Manifesto (Samuel Edward Konkin)
*[[File:Anego.png]] I Am Also A Nihilist (Renzo Novatore)
*[[File:Neolud.png]] Industrial Society and it's Future (Ted Kaczynski)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Insurgency (Multiple authors)
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Insurrection or Revolution (Saul Newman)
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Post-Anarchism Anarchy (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] Post-Civ! (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Spread Anarchy, Make Communism (The Invisible Committee)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Technophilia, An Infantile Disorder (Bob Black)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Abolition of Work (Bob Black)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Anarchist As an Outlaw (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Anego.png]] The Unique and it's Property (Max Stirner)
*[[File:Anego.png]] Towards the Creative Nothing (Renzo Novatore)
*[[File:Vegarch.png]] What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality (Flower Bomb)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Why I Am Not a Communist (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Anprim.png]]  Why Primitivism? (John Zerzan)
=== Reading/Unfinished ===
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Anarchy After Leftism
*[[File:Aneco.png]] Desert
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Willful Disobedience
*[[File:Annil.png]] Nihilism, Anarchism, and the 21st Century
*[[File:Situ.png]] The Revolution Of Everyday Life
*[[File:Post-an.png]] The Temporary Autonomous Zone
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] This Is Not a Program
*[[File:Camatte.png]] On Organization
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Stirner's Critics
=== Plan to Read ===
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy The Economy
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Anarchist Response To “An Anarchist Response to Crime”
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Debunking Democracy
*[[File:Anfem.png]] Anarchism and Other Essays
*[[File:Annil.png]] Destroy Race, Destroy Society
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack
*[[File:Egocom.png]] The Right To Be Greedy
*[[File:Situ.png]] The Society of the Spectacle
*[[File:CapRealism.png]] Capitalism Realism
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Capital
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] The Communist Manifesto
*[[File:Acol.png]] God And The State
*[[File:Ancom.png]] The Conquest of Bread
*[[File:Mutualist.png]] What Is Property?
*[[File:Sec.png]] Leviathan
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Strangers In An Alien World
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
*[[File:DarkDeleuze.png]] Dark Deleuze
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] The Coming Insurrection
*[[File:Communization.png]] Endnotes
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Beyond Good And Evil
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Twilight Of The Idols
*[[File:Fut2.png]] The Futurist Manifesto
*[[File:Meta-Anarchism.png]] Capitalism And Schizophrenia
*[[File:Communization.png]] Capital And The State
*[[File:Communization.png]] When Insurrections Die
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Ontological Anarchy In A Nutshell
*[[File:Camatte.png]] Democratic Mystification
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] Acid Communism
*[[File:Foucault.png]] Discipline And Punish
*[[File:Foucault.png]] The Subject and Power
*[[File:Bckchn.png]] Post-Scarcity Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Post-Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] The Politics of Post-Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] War on the State
*[[File:Communization.png]] Theorie Communiste
*[[File:Egocom.png]] "Stirner Wasn't a Capitalist you Fucking Idiot"
*[[File:Egocom.png]] Egoist Communism: What It Is and what It Isn't
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Incredible Lameness of Left Anarchism
*[[File:LesbiaNRx.png]] Hello from The Wired
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck

Latest revision as of 12:48, 25 December 2023