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Cannabis Anarchy: Difference between revisions

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Cannabis Anarchy is set of irrelevant rants written after smoking weed.
THIS PAGE IS OUTDATED: CHECK [[Anarcho-Marijuanism]]
The page will be minimalistic and I will focus here on short articles being an introduction to my strange theories, because I want to write longer articles somewhere else. I will focus here on politics, economics, ethics and sociology, because other parts of my philosophy aren't developed yet.
|title= [[File:CannabisAnarchy.png]] Cannabis Anarchy 
|alignments =
[[File:Post-an.png]]  {{Color|#1a1a1a|'''Anarchists'''}} <br>
[[File:Anpostleft.png]] {{Color|#ff0000|'''Post-Left'''}} <br>
[[File:AnCommunization.png]] {{Color|#c20d00|'''Communists'''}} <br>
[[File:Stirner.png]] {{Color|#007278|'''Egoists'''}} <br>
[[File:Greenanarchy.png]] {{Color|#009929|'''Environmentalists'''}}<br>
|influences =
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] [[Acid Anarchism]]
*[[File:Auton.png]] [[Anarcho-Autonomism]]
*[[File:Stirner.png]] [[Anarcho-Egoism]]
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] [[Communization Theory]]
*[[File:ContempAn.png]] [[Post-Leftism|Contemporary Anarchism]]
*[[File:Deepe.png]] [[Deep Ecology]]
*[[File:Insarch.png]] [[Insurrectionism]]
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] [[Nietzscheanism]]
*[[File:Post-an.png]] [[Post-Anarchism]]
*[[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] [[Post-Civilization]]
*[[File:Postsitu.png]] [[Situationism]]
*[[File:AntiOrg.png]] Anti-Organizationalism
*[[File:PostAutarch.png]] Autarchy
*[[File:Vaneigem.png]] Revolution of Everyday Life
*[[File:AnAg.png]] Rural Communities
*[[File:Insan2.png]] Urban Autonomous Zones
*[[File:EgoUnion.png]] Unions of Egoists
*[[File:Postmut.png]] Anti-Planning
*[[File:Auton.png]] Decommodification
*[[File:MutualAid.png]] Mutual Aid/Barter [[File:Barter.png]]
*[[File:Antr.png]] Nanofactory Economics
*[[File:Anprim.png]] Nature Economy
*[[File:EcoAg.png]] Permaculture Agrarianism
*[[File:Progressiv Nihilism Icon.png]] Cultural Apathy
*[[File:QueerNil.png]] Gender Negation
*[[File:Antrans.png]] Technoprimitivism
*[[File:Affinity.png]] Affinity Groups
*[[File:Insarch.png]] Armed Insurrection
*[[File:Situ.png]] Artistic Action
*[[File:Auton.png]] Autonomous Strikes
*[[File:Communization.png]] Communization
*[[File:EcoTerrorist.png]] Eco-Terrorism
*[[File:LeftCounterEcon.png]] Left Counter-Economics
*[[File:AnNihil.png]] Negation
*[[File:Squatting.png]] Squatting
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Temporary Autonomous Zones
*[[File:Leftilleg.png]] Unorganized Crime
'''Practical Philosophy'''
*[[File:Meta-Anarchism.png]] Deterritorialization
*[[File:Epicurus.png]] Epicureanism
*[[File:MoralNihil.png]] Moral Nihilism
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Ubermensch
'''Theoretical Philosophy'''
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Creative Nothing
*[[File:Freewill.png]] Irreligious Free Will
*[[File:Panpsychism.png]] Panpsychism
*[[File:Pantheism.png]] Pantheism
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Will to Power
'''Rebellion against'''
*[[File:Landian Accelerationism.png]] Technocapital
*[[File:Situ.png]] The Spectacle
*[[File:CapRealism.png]] Capitalist Realism
*[[File:Hobbes.png]] Leviathan
*[[File:Freud.png]] Superego
*[[File:Camatte.png]] [[File:Zerzan.png]] Domestication
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Dictatorship of the Proletariat
|influenced = *[[File:PostAutarch.png]] Autokybernism
*[[File:Postancom.png]] Post-Anarchocommunism
*[[File:Postmut.png]] Post-Mutualism
|caption =
The Matrix being civilizational simulation of life <br>
Civilization as Kali Yuga <br>
Capital and Leviathan as Demiurge <br>
Anarchy as State of Nature and Golden Age <br>
Civilization as fallen human creation, not metaphysical being
*[[File:Chaosnihil.png]] Anarchy
*[[File:Anego.png]] Self Liberation
|dislikes =
*[[File:Matrix.png]] Illusion and Simulation of Life
*[[File:Imp.png]] Civilization and it's Consequences
*[[File:HiveKrat.png]] Society
*[[File:Hobbes.png]] Leviathan and Imaginary Stability
*[[File:Paternalism.png]] Stockholm Syndrome Mentality
*[[File:Rightac.png]] Rat Race
*[[File:Theocrat.png]] Moral Self Oppression
*[[File:Consti.png]] Lawfulness, Obedience and Devotion
*[[File:Indust.png]] Ecocide and Genocide for Productivity
*[[File:Christy.png]] Wicked Cults
*[[File:Kak.png]] Hypocrisy, Rudeness, Vulgarity
== Main Ideas ==
# [[File:Awaj.png]] Anarchy as [[File:Commie.png]] Communism as [[File:Rousseau.png]] State of Nature as [[File:GoldenAge.png]] Golden Age as [[File:Meta-Anarchism.png]] Body Without Organs <br>
# [[File:NickLand.png]] Technocapital as [[File:Hobbes.png]] Leviathan as [[File:JewTheo.png]] Demiurge <br>
# [[File:Krater.png]] Era of Civilization as Kali Yuga [[File:Hind.png]] <br>
# [[File:AnNietzsche.png]] Ubermensch Anarchy <br>
# [[File:Neolib.png]] Civilizational simulation of life and The Matrix allegory [[File:Matrix.png]] <br>
# [[File:Communization.png]] Combination of Communization and TAZ [[File:AnOnto.png]] <br>
# [[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] Anarchy and Communism fully achievable in post-civilized state of things, and partially existing in pre-civilized state of things. [[File:Proto-Anarchism.png]]
# [[File:PostAutarch.png]] Autokybernism
==What I believe? There are a few positions and theses==
* Anarchy and civilization can be considered to be polar opposites.
* Anarchy is anti organizational. Every more formal organization is basically a state.
* We can divide praxis to two points:
** Temporary - TAZ, squatting, mutual aid, affinity groups, unions of egoists and similar.
** Quasi permanent - Communization and insurrection. No one should have any kind of legality.
* No politics, economy or ethics is or should be universal. Any attempt to introduce a global system would end with totalitarianism.
*Civilization and capital is fallen human creation, not a metaphysical entity.
* The best economics could be barter like mutual aid, without planning and commodities.
* "True communism" would be classless, stateless, moneyless society.
* I have no cultural beliefs, except negation of traditions, gender, social norms and religion.
* Morality, law, rights or religion are mere phantasms, concepts in mind that governs individual and are idols to them.
* Civilization and capital are finally the same.
* Civilization will collapse, and there is potential to bring an anarchist society.
*Colonized peoples have some potential to become anarchist.
*Idpol, both left and right wing is intended to stop us from actual problems.
*Liberation of individual will would bring class, race, gender and other liberation.
*State of nature before civilization  was closer to Hobbesian vision, state of nature after civilization may, but not must be closer to Rousseauan vision.
*Industrialism enslaved workers, so destruction of factories and replacing them by other means of production is preferable to maintaining it but in "more equal" way.
*Ideals of enlightenment and renaissance are quite better than medieval ones, but still very undesirable.
== Influential people ==
'''People and Groups'''
*[[File:Epicurus.png]] Epicurus (341–270 BC)
*[[File:Spinoza.png]] Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677)
*[[File:Rousseau.png]] Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner (1806-1856)
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Karl Marx (1818-1883)
*[[File:Proudhon.png]] Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
*[[File:Goldman.png]] Emma Goldman (1869-1940)
*[[File:Renzo Novatore-icon.png]] Renzo Novatore (1890-1922)
*[[File:Camus.png]] Albert Camus (1913-1960)
*[[File:Foucault.png]] Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
*[[File:Deleuze.png]] Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995)
*[[File:Baudrillard.png]] Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
*[[File:Guattari.png]] Felix Guattari (1930-1992)
*[[File:Debord.png]] Guy Debord (1931-1994)
*[[File:Vaneigem.png]] Raoul Vaneigem (1934-)
*[[File:Auton.png]] Antonio Negri (1933-)
*[[File:Camatte.png]] Jacques Camatte (1935-)
*[[File:Bonanno.png]] Alfredo Bonanno (1937-)
*[[File:Ted Kaczynski.png]] Ted Kaczynski (1942-2023)
*[[File:Zerzan.png]] John Zerzan (1943-)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Hakim Bey (1945-2022)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Bob Black (1951-)
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] Mark Fisher (1968-2017)
*[[File:Newman.png]] Saul Newman (1972-)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Jason McQuinn (?)
*[[File:Landstreicher.png]] Wolfi Landstreicher (?)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Flower Bomb (?)
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Tiqqun
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] The Invisible Committe
'''Negative Influences'''
*[[File:Hobbes.png]] Thomas Hobbes
*[[File:Hegel.png]] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
*[[File:Schopenhauer.png]] Arthur Schopenhauer
*[[File:Kropotkin.png]] Peter Kropotkin
*[[File:Rothbard.png]] Murray Rothbard
*[[File:Chomsky.png]] Noam Chomsky
*[[File:Hans Hermann Hoppe.png]] Hans Hermann Hoppe
*[[File:Gentile.png]] Giovanni Gentile
*[[File:Lenin.png]] Vladimir Lenin
*[[File:Lev Davidovich Bronstein.png]] Leon Trotsky
*[[File:Euras.png]] Alexandr Dugin
*[[File:Nechayev.png]] Sergey Nechayev
*[[File:Jacobin.png]] Maximilien Robespierre
*[[File:Superfash.png]] Julius Evola
*[[File:Bernstein.png]] Eduard Bernstein
*[[File:Ayn Rand.png]] Ayn Rand
*[[File:NickLand.png]] Nick Land
== Simulation, Theater, Matrix - introduction to world where we live ==
== What is Politics and Economy ==
We said that the state is monopoly on violence. And politics is one big manipulation and theater. Thomas Hobbes considers the state to be rescue from chaos, the state of nature. The state will bring order and peace. It's nonsense, for example the state cooperating with religion is responsible for all of wars. First confirmed ancient civilization Mesopotamia, was created when technological progress started, it means that industry and government are intersecting. In ancient tyrannies, especially medieval monarchies, they justified that their power comes from god. In extreme cases, like Egypt, rulers were self proclaimed gods. Today democratic liberal parties justifies they tyranny by "the people". Both are manipulations; if king said, that his power is divine nobody will revolt, because majority of population was religiously devout, or just scared. If you will do anything out of their laws, you will be tortured or executed.  In modern day politics, population thinks they choose their tyrant. They think that their vote matters, that they can change anything by it. They don't revolt with paying taxes, because "healthcare", "public schools" and so on. In reality, both sides are the same, except little economic and cultural differences, like higher or lover tax slavery or bigger or smaller LGBT "rights". When there were only tribes, the dictator will rise and conquer more and more other tribes, and made empire (Genghis Khan for example) Of course by the way there were rapes, child abuses and environmental destruction. The state isn't better than a gang or mafia (described by law definition), as state can rob you in taxes, enslave you by conscription, kill you in death penalty, torture you as "law enforcement" exactly like criminal organizations does. So what is law? Nothing more than set of abstract and artificial rules, that not following them will result by harsh punishment. The mafia called state, is even worse because nobody will protect you (except yourself, if you are powerful enough) from being robbed, enslaved, killed, tortured, abused. They pollute your mind with paternalism, it means policies with a goal of "protecting citizens" from their own will and desires, that is only another form of psychological manipulation.
What to do with it? You think you are powerless, that the leviathan will rule forever. Of course one state will collapse and another will rise. Dictators will die and will be replaced by other dictators. No revolution will make it better. No reform too. In next years, there will be no utopia. World will only become worse. New World Order, Great Reset, described by both billionaires and conspiracy theorists, are coming. But they are some ways to kill it at least at local scale.
But when it comes to economic question, economy of the world was always... unsatisfactory and abusive. First, we had slavery, then feudalism, then capitalism with few breaks for so called socialism. What connect they all? The fact that all of them are hierarchical and oppressive. In slavery I can not explain, it's obvious, feudalism doesn't differ too much because peasants are literally owned by higher classes. In average capitalism, workers are owned by bosses, even if they can "choose" who they serve, they still must work or die. In soviet style socialism, situation looks similar, but the state owns everyone and everyone is slave of state monopoly. Even economic systems called most libertarian like georgism, mutualism or anarcho-communism aren't perfect. If someone wants to apply any of them universally, it will fail. Just because people in modern days aren't ready for something that isn't capitalist.
Reform and electoral politics simply doesn't work from an anarchist or any other non neoliberal perspective. If you want more radical change towards individual and social autonomy than legalization of marijuana, you should be never misguided by reformism. There are two chances for them; globalist elites actually predicted all future of all countries, that there is no place for changing it. If not, imagine that democratic socialists, libertarians or any other "anti" status quo party wins elections. USA will destroy it with NATO military power, or will do Operation Condor again. Every deviation from liberal world order will be immediately crushed by their forces.
Revolution is outdated. Any revolution will end by the same as it's starting point. Look at French or October revolution. They replaces monarchist or capitalist state, by pseudo democratic or socialist state. Where are the differences? That king's forces torture you or jacobins cuts your head off? Nowhere. The state and capitalism will not disappear in anarchist revolution, this is very childish and utopian vision that will never happen. Extremist revolutionary Sergey Nechayev said that revolutionary has no identity and name, and there is only sacred revolution. This is what revolution really is, totalitarian attempt to make world better, while making things the same or worse.
== How to do praxis and what anarchists can strive for ==
== Collapse of civilization and what may come after it ==
== Theory ==
=== Have read ===
*[[File:Ingsocf.png]] 1984 (George Orwell)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Against Legalization (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Against Organizationalism (Jason McQuinn)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Anarchist Religion? (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Anarchy and Ecstasy (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:Insarch.png]] Armed Joy (Alfredo Bonanno)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Because I Wanted To (Fumiko Kaneko)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Beyond Workerism and Syndicalism (Alfredo Bonanno)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Blessed is the Flame (Serafinski)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Burn All Bibles (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Critical Self-Theory (Jason McQuinn)
*[[File:Annil.png]] Descending into Madness (Flower Bomb)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Godless (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Insarch.png]] Ilness and Capital (Alfredo Bonanno)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Isms, Wasms and Amn'ts (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Agorismf.png]] New Libertarian Manifesto (Samuel Edward Konkin)
*[[File:Anego.png]] I Am Also A Nihilist (Renzo Novatore)
*[[File:Neolud.png]] Industrial Society and it's Future (Ted Kaczynski)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Insurgency (Multiple authors)
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Insurrection or Revolution (Saul Newman)
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Life is Not a Machine (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] No Future of the Workplace (Bob Black)
*[[File:Camatte.png]] On Organization (Jacques Camatte)
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Post-Anarchism Anarchy (Hakim Bey)
*[[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] Post-Civ! (Introduction) (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
*[[File:PCB-Postciv.png]] Post-Civ! (Elaboration) (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Post Left Anarchy (Jason McQuinn)
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Specters of Freedom in in Stirner and Foucault (Saul Newman)
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] Spread Anarchy, Make Communism (The Invisible Committee)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Technology and Class Struggle (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Technophilia, An Infantile Disorder (Bob Black)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Abolition of Work (Bob Black)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Anarchist As an Outlaw (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Insarch.png]] The Logic of Insurrection (Alfredo Bonanno)
*[[File:Anego.png]] The Unique and it's Property (Max Stirner)
*[[File:Anego.png]] Towards the Creative Nothing (Renzo Novatore)
*[[File:Vegarch.png]] What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality (Flower Bomb)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Why I Am Not a Communist (Wolfi Landstreicher)
*[[File:Anprim.png]]  Why Primitivism? (John Zerzan)
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck (Nadia C)
=== Reading/Unfinished ===
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Anarchy After Leftism
*[[File:Aneco.png]] Desert
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Willful Disobedience
*[[File:Annil.png]] Nihilism, Anarchism, and the 21st Century
*[[File:Situ.png]] The Revolution Of Everyday Life
*[[File:Post-an.png]] The Temporary Autonomous Zone
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] This Is Not a Program
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Stirner's Critics
=== Plan to Read ===
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy The Economy
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Anarchist Response To “An Anarchist Response to Crime”
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Debunking Democracy
*[[File:Anfem.png]] Anarchism and Other Essays
*[[File:Annil.png]] Destroy Race, Destroy Society
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack
*[[File:Egocom.png]] The Right To Be Greedy
*[[File:Situ.png]] The Society of the Spectacle
*[[File:CapRealism.png]] Capitalism Realism
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Capital
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] The Communist Manifesto
*[[File:Acol.png]] God And The State
*[[File:Ancom.png]] The Conquest of Bread
*[[File:Mutualist.png]] What Is Property?
*[[File:Sec.png]] Leviathan
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] Strangers In An Alien World
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
*[[File:DarkDeleuze.png]] Dark Deleuze
*[[File:AnCommunization.png]] The Coming Insurrection
*[[File:Communization.png]] Endnotes
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Beyond Good And Evil
*[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Twilight Of The Idols
*[[File:Fut2.png]] The Futurist Manifesto
*[[File:Meta-Anarchism.png]] Capitalism And Schizophrenia
*[[File:Communization.png]] Capital And The State
*[[File:Communization.png]] When Insurrections Die
*[[File:AnOnto.png]] Ontological Anarchy In A Nutshell
*[[File:Camatte.png]] Democratic Mystification
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] Acid Communism
*[[File:Foucault.png]] Discipline And Punish
*[[File:Foucault.png]] The Subject and Power
*[[File:Bckchn.png]] Post-Scarcity Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] Post-Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] The Politics of Post-Anarchism
*[[File:Post-an.png]] War on the State
*[[File:Communization.png]] Theorie Communiste
*[[File:Egocom.png]] "Stirner Wasn't a Capitalist you Fucking Idiot"
*[[File:Egocom.png]] Egoist Communism: What It Is and what It Isn't
*[[File:Anpostleft.png]] The Incredible Lameness of Left Anarchism
*[[File:LesbiaNRx.png]] Hello from The Wired

Latest revision as of 12:48, 25 December 2023


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