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| title       = <big> [[File:UltroBig2.png]] '''Ultroneism'''</big>
| image       = [[File:LordCImage.png]]
| caption     = Howdy
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'''Feel free to add!'''
*[[File:LordCompU.png]] LordCompost86 Thought
| alignments  =
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<br><big> [[File:UltroBig2.png]] '''Ultroneism'''</big><br>
| influences =
*[[File:Gorgias.png]] Gorgias (483–375 BC)
*[[File:Plato.png]] Plato (428-348 BC)
|caption= Art by Hysteria.
*[[File:Skeptic.png]] Sextus Empiricus (-)
*[[File:Bud.png]] Nagarjuna (150-250)
'''Add your own if you so desire'''{{Collapse|<br>
*[[File:Hobbes.png]] Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679)
*[[File:SocialEgoism.png]] Bernard Mandeville (1670-1733)
*[[File:Qacc.png|link=User:Quark]] [[File:LBubble.png]] Epitome of post-hegelian dissonance [[File:RBubble.png]]
*[[File:Kant.png]] Immanuel Kant (1724-1804)
*[[File:mfaicon.png|link=Mindform Anarchism]] [[File:LBubble.png]] ok i changed my mind, pseud ass [[File:RBubble.png]]
*[[File:Joseph-Marie.png]] Joseph de Maistre (1753-1821)
*[[File:Hysteriaball.png|link=Hysteria Thought]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:HystartHUlt.png]] Architect of Word [[File:RBubble.png]]
*[[File:Fichteanism.png]] Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814)
*[[File:Weedium.png]] [[file:LBubble.png]] [[file:EgoReddit.png]] Ego-Reddit [[file:RBubble.png]]
*[[File:Hegel.png]] Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831)
*[[File:Humanismpix.png]] Ludwig Feuerbach (1804-1872)
|philosophy =
*[[File:Revolution.png]] Edgar Bauer (1820-1886)
*[[File:LordCompU.png]] '''[[phil:UserWiki:LordCompost86|{{Color|#008080|LordCompost Thought}}]]'''
*[[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner (1806-1856)
*[[File:Kierkegaard.png]] Søren Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
*[[File:Self.png]] [[phil:Stirnernism|Uniqueness]]
*[[File:EgoNihil.png]] Dmitry Pisarev (1840-1868)
*[[File:Krater.png]] [[Kraterocracy|Appropriation]]
*[[File:Nietzsche alt.png]] Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
*[[File:Nihil.png]] [[phil:Nihilism|Negation]]
*[[File:Utsoc.png]] Edward Carpenter (1844-1929)
*[[File:Postciv alt.png]] [[Ultraprogressivism|Decadence]]
*[[File:Freud.png]] Sigmund Freud (1854-1949)
*[[File:Pragmat.png]] [[phil:Pragmatism|Usefulness]]
*[[File:Social.png]] Émile Durkheim (1858-1917)
*[[File:NeoKant.png]] Ernst Cassirer (1874-1945)
*[[File:Humanismpix.png]] [[Humanism|Essence]]
*[[File:PrusSoc.png]] Oswald Spengler (1880-1936)
*[[File:Reform.png]] [[Reformism|Shift]]
*[[File:Strauss.png]] Leo Strauss (1899-1973)
*[[File:Col.png]] [[Collectivism|Collection]]
*[[File:Lacan.png]] Jacques Lacan (1901-1981)
*[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism|Fixity]]
*[[File:PostHegel.png]] Alexandre Kojève (1902-1968)
*[[File:IdealismPhil.png]] [[phil:Idealism|Hypostasis]]
*[[File:Analytic.png]] Nelson Goodman (1906-1998)
*[[File:Theocrat.png]] Mircea Eliade (1907-1986)
*[[File:Analytic.png]] Willard Van Orman Quine (1908-2000)
*[[File:Cioran.png]] Emil Cioran (1911-1995)
*[[File:Barthes.png]] Roland Barthes (1915-1980)
*[[File:EpistConstruct.png]] Ernst von Glasersfeld (1917-2010)
*[[File:StructMarx.png]] Louis Althusser (1918-1990)
*[[File:Libsoc.png]] Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997)
*[[File:Lyotard.png]] Jean-François Lyotard (1924-1998)
*[[File:HistPhil.png]] Joseph Margolis (1924-2021)
*[[File:Foucault.png]] Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
*[[File:Analytic.png]] Hilary Putnam (1926-2016)
*[[File:Pragmat.png]] Richard Rorty (1931-2007)
*[[File:Zerzan.png]] John Zerzan (1943-)
*[[File:Speculative_Realism.png]] Quentin Meillassoux (1967-)
*[[File:Newman.png]] Saul Newman (1972-)
}}{{Quote|quotetext=‟Through the heaven of civilization, the human being seeks to isolate himself from the world, to break its hostile power.”|speaker=– ''The Unique and Its Property'', [[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner}}
{{Quote|quotetext=‟Through the heaven of civilization, the human being seeks to isolate himself from the world, to break its hostile power.”|speaker=– ''The Unique and Its Property'', [[File:Stirner.png]] Max Stirner}}

Howdy, I'm {{LordCompost}}, and this is my user page.  
Howdy, I'm {{LordCompost}}, and this is my user page.  

I am an [[File:Self.png]] Egoist, [[File:Pragmat.png]] Pragmatist, [[File:Postciv.png]] Post-Civilisationist, [[File:CapAnti_Clerical.png]] Iconoclast, and [[File:Anti-Humanism.png]] Anti-Humanist. 
I am a [[File:Philosophy.png]] philosopher with a doctorate (PhD) written on the topic of [[File:Religion.png]] Philosophy of Religion and [[File:Artist.png]] Aesthetics. I will not disclose the name of the university nor the name of the thesis, mainly due to privacy reasons.  
I am influenced by a variety of schools, most notably by [[File:Postanalytic.png]] Post-Analytic Philosophy, [[File:Freud.png]] Psychoanalysis, [[File:IdealismPhil.png]] German Idealism, [[File:PolNil.png]] Political Nihilism, and by various [[File:Poststruct.png]] Post-Structuralist thinkers. 
My interests lie in [[File:Epistemology.png]] Epistemology, [[File:Theocrat.png]] Philosophy of Religion, and to a lesser extent, [[File:Mach.png]] Political Science.
= Philosophy =
== [[File:Epistemology.png]] Epistemology & Metaphysics ==
=== [[File:Social.png]] Convention and Contradiction ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on convention and knowledge revision. <br>
1. All knowledge, truth, fact, etc., is conventional and grounded in belief/faith (subjectively accepted). <br>
2. All knowledge, Et al., is open to revision, being neither universal nor necessary. <br>
3. All knowledge, Et al., is individual; intersubjective convention exists only in the mind of determinate and embodied individuals, each having their own version of this social truth. <br>
4. All knowledge, Et al., is perspectival; no 'view from nowhere' exists. <br>
5. The above claims are also open to revision and the charge that they are merely conventional. <br>
=== [[File:Skeptic.png]] Scepticism and Hypostasis ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on scepticism, the search for truth, and hypostasis. <br>

1. There is no objective truth, only conventional and social belief. <br>
= Actual Stuff =
2. The continuing search for such truth, such as by sceptics like Pyrrhonists, leads to the incorrect development of established "truth." Instead, we should continue to revise our language and theories to be more useful. <br>
See my '''[[phil:UserWiki:LordCompost86|Philosophy]]''' page.  
3. Without truth, we have pragmatic belief, i.e., what is descriptionally and predictively useful. I reject the 'No Miracles' argument<ref>The success of science would be miraculous if scientific theories were not at least approximately true descriptions of the world.</ref>, noting that previous "incorrect beliefs" have also been useful. <br>
4. All objects, entities, beings, etc., are merely useful fictions; entities ranging from numbers and bosons to tables and planets are only posits of theories and do not exist without them. <br>
5. No theory correctly 'discovers' objects; to think so would be to hypostasize these thoughts. <br>

=== [[File:Materialism.png]] Entities and Essence ===
= Relations =
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on entities and essences. <br>
Also see my '''[[phil:UserWiki:LordCompost86|Philosophy]]''' page.  
1. All objects, Et al., can be radically reconceived, redefined, and re-understood; thus, there is nothing essential underneath our description of them. <br>
2. All objects, Et al., are nothing 'in-themselves' and are entirely dependent on relations and descriptions. <br>
3. All objects, Et al., are 'real' in the sense that if we accept them and use them effectively, they are real for us, true for us, etc., conventionally. <br>
4. There is no substance that stands underneath and no whole that stands above entities that can ground an ever-evolving linguistic description. <br>
5. There is no ultimate difference between human and non-human “entities;” they are definable and redefinable all the way down. <br>
=== [[File:EpistConstruct.png]] Paradigms and Fixed Ideas ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on historicism, constructivism, and incommensurability. <br>
1. All knowledge, Et al., is taken to be universal and or necessary. I disagree; it is situationally, casually, and materially grounded in what is useful, accepted, and meaningful in each period or location. <br>
2. All knowledge, Et al., revision, change, and development involves negation, that is, alteration from one thing to another within the same 'genus'.<ref>I take this view from [[File:Plato.png]] Plato's ''Sophist'', where he argues that negation is just difference - i.e., not-small still means a size, either big or the same.</ref> <br>
4. All knowledge, Et al., revision involves the 'fixed idea' of truth itself; we may throw out this or that truth, but we always remain within the truth. The fact that truth exists is 'always' true for us. <br>
4. All knowledge, Et al., exists within the boundaries of what can be said and what is true; i.e., Catholics in the High Middle Ages could only do philosophy religiously; they couldn't question its truth <br>
5. Thus, each truth<ref>Obviously, during its time; "All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident." [[File:Schopenhauer.png]] Arthur Schopenhauer.</ref> and truth itself is sacred and non-critiqueable. It is not ours to shape; it has nothing to do with our interests or situations; it exists merely as a "force" above us. <br>
=== [[File:Sophistry.png]] Rhetoric and Belief ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on belief, persuasion, and relativism. <br>
1. All knowledge, Et al., exists due to power relations; these arise from factors such as education, position, fame, 'natural' ability<ref>What is seen to be a natural ability, such as [[File:Kant.png]] Kant's conception of Genius, or [[File:Lacan.png]] Lacan's 'Subject-Supposed-To-Know'.</ref>, and social acceptance.<br>
2. Individuals are inherently linked with their environment (material and social) and are strongly determined by its influence; individuals are co-opted into language, ideology, culture, etc.,<br>
3. Politics, culture, economics, etc., are thus grounded in propaganda and rhetoric; political consent is manufactured by these factors. <br>
4. Social reasoning evolved to better help individuals convince others of their thoughts and not to discover the truth<ref>Again, this is the most current and 'predictively' effective research in evolutionary psychology; it is subject to revision and is not 'true'.</ref>. <br>
5. Evolution, social effectiveness, and predictive ability are all subject to our view of causality; however, this does not mean that causality is metaphysically real; it is also conventional and merely correlative. <br>
== [[File:Theocrat.png]] Philosophy of Religion ==
=== [[File:Religious.png]] Religious Knowledge ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on religious truth, existence, and relevance. <br>
1. Religion, as with every other discipline, has an equal claim to truth; no discipline can justify itself internally and relies on external narratives. <br>
2. Religion and religious experience/knowledge are true for those who trust religion, just as science is true for those who trust science.<ref>Following [[File:Analytic.png]] Goodman's argument for Irrealism, which is as follows. A) The Earth is flat (is true) or B) the Earth is round (is true); these are logically incompatible, but how do we choose? We could say the Earth is flat is true for flat Earthers, and the Earth is round for scientists, but this just makes claims about flat Earthers and scientists and not about the Earth or Reality. We have said nothing about what the Earth really is.</ref><br>
3. Religion, spirituality, and truth are a matter of faith; no one can be 'forced' to be convinced or accept facts; it is reliant on belief. <br>
4. Religion, however, is always a relation of fixity, which stifles change, creativity, and development, even if such stagnation is 'necessary' for things such as the law or society.<ref>This does not mean I strictly condone or praise religion.</ref><br>
5. Religion that is, currently existing historical 'faiths'<ref>What one would usually refer to as religion; [[File:Christy.png]] Christianity, [[File:JewTheo.png]] Judaism, [[File:PagTheo.png]] Paganism, [[File:Chine.png]] Chinese Religion, etc., but could also refer to [[File:Mach.png]] Politics, [[File:Trad.png]] Tradition, etc.,</ref> are no longer effective, explanative, or pragmatically useful.<br>
=== [[File:Phenomenology.png]] Religious Experience ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on faith, religion in general, and dogma. <br>
1. Religion can be separated into Positive/Objective Religion and Subjective Religion. <br>
2. Objective Religion is a collection of facts, rituals, histories, texts, etc., i.e., dogma. <br>
3. Subjective Religion is the individual acceptance, faith, or belief in aspects of religion, such as God or the soul. <br>
4. Acceptance, faith, belief, etc., relates to the sacred; that is, what is set apart and forbidden, i.e., what is "true" for that religion. <br>
5. One cannot be religious merely by knowing objective religion; it relies on subjective religion, which relates individuals to sacrality. <br>
=== [[File:YngHeg.png]] Projection and Freedom ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on projection, self-consciousness, and essentialism. <br>
1. Religion arises from physiological and psychological desires; it is a desire to be free of nature, which is man's weakest state. <br>
2. Religion supplies what is missing, or lacking from human existence; i.e., liberate humanity from natural dependence <br>
3. It is also a desire to be immortal, powerful, safe, returned to nature, etc.; these all arise naturally.  <br>
4. Religion establishes self-consciousness, that is, the consciousness of humanity as free from, or as other to, nature. <br>
5. Perceived essential human traits are projected onto entities powerful enough to break the human dependence on or separation from nature. <br>
=== [[File:Social.png]] Cohesion and Civilisation ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on social cohesion, civilisation, and the law. <br>
1. Society, or sociality, relies on a collective norm that governs relations; religion lies at the base of social cohesion.  <br>
2. Religion bases itself on what is perceived to be universal or essential to humanity, that is, self-consciousness; society naturalises and justifies what is "universal."<ref>The 19th Century German States denied citizenship to the [[File:JewTheo.png]] Jewish population because they didn't fall under the universal political subject ([[File:Christy.png]] Christian); additionally, to the [[File:Hellenism.png]] Ancient Greek's it was landowning males, to [[File:Marx.png]] Marx it is being a proletariat. The universal is, of course, not universal and thus not truly unifying, or what is 'essential,' thus, one cannot be self-conscious of oneself as it.</ref> <br>
3. Religion is society, or human social relations, worshipping themselves; self-consciousness can only function through a social environment, i.e., what is universal to all of us is essential. <br>
4. Religion projects this "essential" trait onto an external object, thus making that self-consciousness explicit and realisable; this is seen in the objectification and communication of laws, idols, gods, souls, etc.<br>
5. Religion, society, and social cohesion only function when individuals subjectively accept the universal subject and its manifestations (laws, norms, etc.); without this acceptance, there would be no social relation.<br>
=== [[File:StructAnthr.png]] Mythology and Art ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on art, mythology, and community. <br>
1. Religion relies on collective self-consciousness and communication; even primitive artistic storytelling, time-keeping, and language itself is a form of self-consciousness.<ref>Again, social reasoning evolved due to the need to communicate and convince others; that is the 'enforcement' of one's story and language onto another.</ref><br>
2. Religion arises from social interaction; it is a social phenomenon that is first expressed in humanity's first language - storytelling and myth.<br>
3. Myth is a form of pre-art; it is the collective consciousness of a community expressing itself in an objective medium. However, art proper, such as the Gospels relies on self-conscious expression<ref>Knowing oneself is being creative, expressing themselves/community, and/or making art.</ref><br>
4. Both pre-art and art establish 'ideals'; that is, norms, values, and objectives that naturalise or establish a community through the creative expression of a collective consciousness. <br>
5. Either artists are believed to be endowed with special skill or genius that renders their ideas 'important' or 'valuable,' or individuals believe themselves to be able to freely create values<ref>That is, either individuals accept artists as meaning providers, or they themselves create meaning; either way they are under the influence of social determinism. Individuals do not exist in a vacuum.</ref>
=== [[File:PagTheo.png]] Paganism and Theism ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on paganism, polytheism, and monotheism. <br>
1. Modernity cannot be characterised by a rise in secularisation; it is merely the separation of institutions, norms, and values from a singular overarching universal entity.<br>
2. Modern "secular" society is merely polytheistic; there are several 'highest principles,' be that the human essence, the law, the revolution, capital, etc.,<br>
3. God is, in fact, dead. For those that have killed him, but instead of an age of nihilism, scepticism, and relativism, we have instead arrived at an even more religious society. Now everything relies on faith, on belief. <br>
4. We have religious freedom but not freedom from religion; we have only allowed individuals to relate to their religions more directly. Now, it is freely a choice between which Gods, Spirits, and Demons we choose.<br>
5. Not only are people possessed by the Devil and vice but also possessed by the good, by God and by spirituality. No matter whether one gets enthused and possessed by money or morality, these are all sacred.<br>
= Politics =
== [[File:Philan.png]] Political Obligation ==
=== [[File:Consti.png]] Social Contract and Consent ===
These are the five 'main' principles of my views on obligation, consent, and political justification. <br>
<references />

= Comments =  
= Comments =  
{{LordCompost}} - Please comment below if you have questions.<br>
{{LordCompost}} - Please comment here if you have questions.<br>
*{{Shellshock}} - add me?
**{{LordCompost}} - Done.

Latest revision as of 05:13, 18 April 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent LordCompost's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

‟Through the heaven of civilization, the human being seeks to isolate himself from the world, to break its hostile power.”

The Unique and Its Property, Max Stirner

Howdy, I'm LordCompost, and this is my user page.

I am a philosopher with a doctorate (PhD) written on the topic of Philosophy of Religion and Aesthetics. I will not disclose the name of the university nor the name of the thesis, mainly due to privacy reasons.

Actual Stuff

See my Philosophy page.


Also see my Philosophy page.


LordCompost - Please comment here if you have questions.

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