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{{Self Insert Notice|Marivistu}}
#REDIRECT [[Psychedelic Liberationism]]
{{In Development|NewMaritimeVistula}}
|text = This is more of a criticism page than a solution page for now. I aim to criticise the current as you must first hate the current to want the new.
|title=[[File:Vistula3.png]] Epoch Neo-Marxism
Ingfisher.png|Too much Fisher
*[[File:Vistula3.png]] '''Neo-Vistulism'''
*[[File:InfRevolutionaryism.png]] {{PCBv|Progressivism|Unchained Progress}}
*[[File:Soc-h.png]] {{PCBv|Socialism|Revolutionary Socialism}}
*[[File:Gramsci.png]] {{PCBv|Neo-Marxism|Antonio Gramsci}} (Hegemony)
*[[File:Gender_Accelerationism.png]] {{PCBv|Postgenderism|Vikky Storm}} (Gender)
*[[File:Fisher.png]] {{PCBv|Acid Communism|Mark Fisher}} (Capitalist Realism)
*[[File:InfRevolutionaryism.png]] {{PCBv|Progressivism|Progress for Progress Sake}}
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] {{PCBv|Marxism|Karl Marx}}
*[[File:Soc.png]] {{PCBv|Socialism|The Proletarian}}
*[[File:Socdem.png]] {{PCBv|Social Democracy|The Tranquiliser}}
*[[File:Horshu.png]] {{PCBv|Centrism|The Horseshoe}}
*[[File:CapRealism.png]] {{PCBv|Capitalism|Capitalist Realism}}
*[[File:ModSoc.png]] {{PCBv|Moderatism|Moderation}}
*[[File:UK_PostcolMel.png]] {{PCBv|Imperialism|Postcolonial Melancholia}}
[[File:MilitantSoc.png]] '''Proto-Militant Socialism''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:ProgFash.png]] {{PCBA|Futurist Fascism|Progressive Fascism}} (accused)
*[[File:Guildsoc.png]] {{PCB|Guild Socialism}}
*[[File:Corptism.png]] {{PCB|Corporatism|Guild Democracy}}
*[[File:Uninat.png]] {{PCB|Universal Nationalism}}
{{Quote|Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing towards what will be.|[[File:Romantic.png]] Khalil Gibran}}
{{Quote|Welfare is the new opium of the masses.|{{MilitantSoc}}}}
Epoch Neo-Marxism is the views of Marivistu. They are mostly inspired by [[File:Gramsci.png]] Antonio Gramsci on culture, [[File:Gender_Accelerationism.png]] Vikky Storm on Gender, and [[File:Fisher.png]] Mark Fisher on Capitalist Realism and the imagination of new realities. It wishes for the use of [[File:Contrarianism-Icon.png]] counter-culture, [[File:Gramsci.png]] counter-hegemony (called proletarian hegemony) and [[File:Critical.png]] ruthless criticism in order to envision a new future away from [[File:CapRealism.png]] capitalist realism and the democracy ruled by [[File:Socdem.png]][[File:Neolib.png]] its subscribers and their [[File:Plutoklep.png]] friends in the market.<br><br>
Epoch Neo-Marxism is [[File:Technoprog.png]] extremely supportive of technology as it can be used to envision new futures more efficiently and less bound. It also believes technology can help with the [[File:SJW.png]] battle for social liberation against an [[File:Tate.png]][[File:Altr.png]] increasingly conservative media, spread to keep oppression as an accepted norm, which in turn benefits [[File:Cap.png]] capitalism, being a system built on oppression.<br><br>
Other than the influences mentioned above, Epoch Neo-Marxism is also influenced by Paul Gilroy and his works on [[File:Postcol.png]] Postcolonial Theory (specifically [[File:UK_PostcolMel.png]] Postcolonial Melancholia).
=={{BoldText|[[File:Gramsci.png]] Hegemony}}==
{{Quote|The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.|[[File:Gramsci.png]] Antonio Gramsci}}
=={{BoldText|[[File:Contrarianism-Icon.png]] Counter-Hegemony}}==
=={{BoldText|[[File:Moder.png]] Moderation is Oppression}}==
=={{BoldText|[[File:Critical.png]] Ruthless Criticism of all that exists}}==
==={{BoldText|[[File:Socdem.png]] Social Democracy}}===
Social democracy, which demonstrates the left's repressive moderation from anti-capitalism to "new and improved" capitalism, is the embodiment of the hegemony theory that Gramsci believed in where the system currently possesses a monopoly over our culture and thought.
Gender is an integral social construct of the capitalist system. It is centred around wage labour and has transformed marriages — unions between citizens — into mere labour-centric contracts. Vikky Storm explains this well in her Gender Accelerationist Manifesto. "The male part of reproductive labour was increasingly to labour for a capitalistic boss, and the female part to support his wage labour from home."
==={{BoldText|[[FIle:Pinkcap.png]] Pink Capitalism}}===
=={{BoldText|[[File:Com.png]] The Stolen Future}}==
=={{BoldText|[[File:Acidcomf.png]] Varied Reiteration}}==
=={{BoldText|[[FIle:Anticap.png]] Why Anti-Capitalism?}}==
Here I present myself a question - what is my motive for anti-capitalism? I believe in anti-capitalism because of the unjust social relations present in capitalism in which the proletarians are given no alternative but to steal their labour and any deviance from this is territorialised to fit a new genre, much like complaints were (e.g. gangster rap is a great example.) These social relations are not just now economic but also cultural, we are bound to them, like a new mental bacteria, limiting our imagination. As Fisher said, it is easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism. So what is bad about these social relations effecting our mind? Well. It saps away the creativity of the people and leaves them unable to express their opinion. And what if they do express it? It'll be introduced to the system, which feeds on hatred towards itself. So we are stuck in a perpetual loop. And these perpetual loops contain these oppressive constructs which keep the oppressive constructs meaning the oppressive constructs themselves are perpetual. So the main reasons I oppose capitalism are its hegemony on culture which results in effects such as capitalist realism and the oppressive social relations set about by it.
===[[File:Caste.png]] Unjust Social Relations Within Capitalism===
===[[File:Deleuzoguat.png]] Territorialisation of Divergent Media===
===[[File:DvCommerce.png]] Commodity Fetishism===
=={{BoldText|[[File:UK_PostcolMel.png]] Postcolonial Melancholia}}==
=={{BoldText|[[File:Basedism.png]] Relations}}==
|-|Dont Show Relations=
|-|Show Relations=
''For the few flawless (or nearly so) ideologies.''
''For the ideologies which glisten brightly in the sea of shit.''
*{{Rocksism}} - Your views are definitely good, synthesis anarchy is a noble goal which aims to bring about a unified anarchist idea, which certainly would be useful when trying to abolish the state. I see you have [[File:Fisher.png]] Capitalist Realism on your Want to Read section, I would definitely recommend it, it's very great. I like your decommodification of products idea, that is a breaking down of a feature of utmost importance to capital. While I don't believe in communization personally, I do think it is a good ideal. (You should totally abolish gender though for the truest individual freedom.)
*[[File:Neolenicon.png]] [[Neo-Leninism]] - Reading your page, your beliefs are definitely not too bad, I love your ruthless critique of social democracy and I totally agree with you that capitalism is working as intended and any attempt to fix it is anti-communist bullshit which does not even attempt to break out of the hegemony capital has over our very minds, our media, everything in the goddamn fucking world. I agree with you that many Democratic Socialism supporters have no idea what socialism means, I mean just...ask an average self-proclaimed socialist who votes socialist parties, they'll likely say its just "more wages" or something. Your dislike of party dictatorship is great, fuck yeah and council communism is a very good system. I like your revolutionary stance as well. Yeah, overall, you're rather great comrade.
''For the fairly good ideologies.''
''For the middling ideologies.''
''For the bad, but not repulsive ideologies.''
''For the repulsive ideologies.''
''For the purely evil ideologies.''
*{{KK}} - As an enforcer of the cultural hegemony which Gramsci told of and a subscriber to capitalist realism, you are everything I am against. You also have now become a monarchist and a monarch, no matter how constitutional they are, is a symbol of the oppression of proletariats and its effect of "unifying the nation" only spreads two ideas: we "need" a monarch to be together and the monarch is our protector. Your economics are disgusting as well, the ultimate tools of pacification of man, designed to stop the poor from eating the rich, like all neoliberal or third way scum. You claim to be Culturally Center-Left and this is an example of moderation which I despise. Overall, you are simply despicable and your kind of thought needs to be countered with new thinking.
=={{BoldText|[[File:Book.png]] Reading}}<ref>since the creation of the old page Militant Socialism</ref>==
*[[File:Schuma.png]] [https://pdfhost.io/v/1OP5VskMC_The_Freedom_Complex_Vol_i The Freedom Complex Volume One (Christian Schumacher)]
*[[File:Gender Accelerationism.png]] [https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/vikky-storm-the-gender-accelerationist-manifesto The Gender Accelerationist Manifesto (Vikky Storm)]
*[[File:Anmark.png]] [https://cdn.mises.org/Chaos%20Theory_2.pdf Chaos Theory : Two Essays on Market Anarchy (Robert P. Murphy)]
*[[File:Synthesisanarchy.png]] [[Synthesis Anarchism|Volin - Synthesis (Anarchist)]] (suggested by {{Rocksism}})
*[[File:Fut2.png]] [http://bactra.org/T4PM/futurist-manifesto.html The Futurist Manifesto (1909, F.T. Marinetti)]
*[[File:Fisher.png]] [https://files.libcom.org/files/Capitalist%20Realism_%20Is%20There%20No%20Alternat%20-%20Mark%20Fisher.pdf Capitalist Realism - Is there no alternative? (Mark Fisher)]
*[[File:Lenin.png]] [https://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1913/mar/x01.htm Three Components and Three Sources of Marxism (Vladimir Lenin)]
*[[File:Orengelsf.png]] [https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm On Authority (Friedrich Engels)]
*[[File:BakuninHeg.png]] [https://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/bakunin/works/various/authrty.htm On Authority (Mikhail Bakunin)]
*[[File:Paetel.png]] [https://arplan.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/Paetel-The-National-Bolshevist-Manifesto-1933.pdf The National Bolshevist Manifesto (2006, Karl Otto Paetel)]
**'''Current chapter:''' The Nation as the ‘Highest Value’
===Plan to Read===
*[[File:Councom.png]]  [https://www.marxists.org/archive/pannekoe/1947/workers-councils.htm Workers Councils (Anton Pannekoek)]
*[[File:Natan.png]] [https://ad-store.sgp1.digitaloceanspaces.com/LUA/Documents/National%20Anarchist%20Manifesto.pdf National Anarchist Manifesto]
*[[File:Mythic.png]] [https://archive.org/details/eliade-mircea-myth-and-reality-harper-row-1963/mode/2up Myth and Reality (Mircea Eliade)]
*[[File:Mythic.png]] The Sacred and the Profane: The Nature of Religion (Mircea Eliade)
*[[File:JuliusEvola.png]] The Individual and the Becoming of the World (1926, Julius Evola)
*[[File:Gramsci.png]] [https://abahlali.org/files/gramsci.pdf Selections from Prison Notebooks (Antonio Gramsci)]
*[[File:Camus.png]] [[Existentialist Anarchism|Albert Camus - The Rebel]] (by {{Rocksism}})
*[[File:Communization.png]] [[Communization Theory|Théorie Communiste - Endnotes 1]] (by {{Merid}})
*[[File:Rousseau.png]] [[Enlightenment|« Du contrat social; ou, principes du droit politique - Par J. J. Rousseau»]] (by {{Bax}})
*[[File:Hobbes.png]]Thomas Hobbes - Leviathan (by {{Heredy}})
*[[File:Post-an.png]] [[Post-Anarchism|Saul Newman - Anarchism, Marxism and the Bonapartist State]] by {{LordCompost}}
*[[File:Metamodernism.png]] Metamodernism and the Return of Transcendence ([[file:NewSundog.png]] [https://philosophyball.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Sundog Sundog])
*[[file:Confucianism.png]] Confucian Analects ([[file:NewSundog.png]] [https://philosophyball.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Sundog Sundog])
*[https://fungalrot.substack.com/p/a-meta-artifist-manifesto A Meta-Artifist Manifesto] ([[file:NewSundog.png]] [https://philosophyball.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Sundog Sundog])
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Latest revision as of 21:16, 31 March 2024

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