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Heredism: Difference between revisions

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(43 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{In Development|Heredy}}
{{In Development|HeredyBall}}
{{Self Insert Notice|Heredy}}
{{Self Insert Notice|HeredyBall}}

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  | infoboxbackground = #44475A
  | infoboxbackground = #44475A
  | title            = {{Heredism}}
  | title            = {{Heredism}}
  | image            = HeredImg.png
  | image            =  
  | caption          = <b>"Workers are going through hell and the media are dividing us. It's time to change that."</b>
HeredyW.png|Hammer & Sickle
HeredyAS.png|Art & Science
HeredyOld.png|Grandpa Heredy
  | caption          = <b>"Tear down the citadel !"</b>
  | aliases          = <small>'''Add if you want <s>I BEG YOU</s>'''</small> <br>
  | aliases          = <small>'''Add if you want <s>I BEG YOU</s>'''</small> <br>
* [[File:EuroML.png]] EuroML
* [[File:EuroML.png]] EuroML
* [[File:Marxian.png]] Marxian Synthesis
* [[File:Continental.png]] French Authors Supremacist
* [[File:Hered.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:Book.png]] Learner [[File:RBubble.png]]
* [[File:Hered.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:Book.png]] Learner [[File:RBubble.png]]
* [[File:Psychlib.png]] [[File:LBubble.png]] [[File:BaguetteStalin.png]] Baguette Stalin [[File:RBubble.png]]
  | alignments        =
  | alignments        =
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{{Heredism}} is the self-insert of {{Heredy}}. It can be resumed as modern [[File:ML.png]] <b>Marxist-Leninist methods</b> targeted for [[File:European Federalism.png]] <b>Western European countries</b>.
'''{{Quote|quote="Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty ?"|speaker=[[File:PostImpress.png]] Paul Gaugin}}'''
= Philosophy =
== [[File:Surrealism2.png]] Artistic Will ==
== [[File:Bataille.png]] Spirituality and Liberty ==
== [[File:Mythol.png]] The Myth ==
= Library =
== Have Read ==
* [[File:Tao.png]] Sun Tzu
** [[File:Tao.png]] Art of War
* [[File:Harari.png]] Yuval Noah Harari
** [[File:Kak.png]] Sapiens
** [[File:Kak.png]] Homo Deus
* [[File:Mill.png]] John Stuart Mill
** [[File:Utility.png]] Utilitarianism
* [[File:NickLand.png]] Nick Land
** [[File:Unconditional Accelerationism.png]] A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism
* [[File:Pannekoek.png]] Anton Pannekoek
** [[File:Kautsky.png]] Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics [[File:Luxem.png]]
* [[File:AdamSmith.png]] Adam Smith
** [[File:Clib.png]] The Wealth of Nations
*** Book I
* [[File:Orengelsf.png]] Frederick Engels
** [[File:Classicalmarx.png]] Principle of Communism ★
** [[File:Basedism.png]] Karl Marx. "A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy"
** [[File:ScientificSoc.png]] Socialism: Utopian and Scientific ★
** [[File:PostClib.png]] Outlines of a Critic of Political Economy
** [[File:Classicalmarx.png]] Synopsis of Capital
** [[File:HegelMarx.png]] Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of the classical philosophy
* [[File:Karl_Marx.png]] Karl Marx
** [[File:DialectMarx.png]] Theses on Feuerbach
** [[File:PostClib.png]] Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy ★
** [[File:Classicalmarx.png]] Manuscripts of 1844
** [[File:HegelMarx.png]] The German Ideology
** [[File:Classicalmarx.png]] Wage, Labor and Capital ★
** [[File:Cap.png]] The Bourgeoisie and the Counter-Revolution
** [[File:Cball-FrenchSecondRepublic.png]] The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850
* [[File:Karl_Marx.png]] [[File:Orengelsf.png]] Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
** [[File:CommunistManifesto(MarxEngels).png]] The Communist Manifesto ★
** [[File:HegelMarx.png]] The Holy Family ★
** [[File:Soc.png]] Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League
* [[File:Stalin.png]] Joseph Stalin
** [[File:SocFem.png]] Statement on International Women's Day
* [[File:Kropotkin.png]] Peter Kropotkin
** [[File:Altru_Egoalt.png]] The Anarchist Morale
* [[File:ProlIntern.png]] Jean Jaurès
** [[File:ProlIntern.png]] Peace Speech
* [[File:Rozalia.png]] Rosa Luxemburg
** [[File:Anti-Revisionism.png]] Reform or Revolution ? ★
* [[File:Lenin.png]] Vladimir Lenin
** [[File:Revolution.png]] State and Revolution ★
** [[File:Imp.png]] Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism ★
* [[File:Kafka.png]] Franz Kafka
** [[File:Kafka.png]] The Metamorphosis ★
** [[File:Kafka.png]] The Trial ★
* [[File:Foucault.png]] Michel Foucault
** [[File:Illeg.png]] Discipline and Punish ★
* [[File:Niccolo_Machiavelli.png]] Niccolò Machiavelli
** [[File:Monarch.png]] The Prince
* [[File:Nietzsche.png]] Friedrich Nietzsche
** [[File:TheGayScienceFriedrichNietzsche.png]] The Gay Science
* [[File:Pieck.png]] Karl Korsch
** [[File:DialectMarx.png]] Marxism and Philosophy ★
* [[File:Einstein.png]] Albert Einstein
** [[File:Civ.png]] Why Socialism ?
== Reading ==
* [[File:Orengelsf.png]] Frederick Engels
** [[File:Fash.png]] Revolution & Counter-Revolution in Germany
* [[File:Karl_Marx.png]] Karl Marx
** [[File:Classicalmarx.png]] Capital


Latest revision as of 23:40, 31 August 2024

Changed my account. I'm focusing on aesthetics more than content.

In Development
"I'll stop reading eventually." - Left Communism

This page is still in development due to ongoing reading by HeredyBall, multiple things may change drastically.

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent HeredyBall's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

"Art requires philosophy, just as philosophy requires art. Otherwise, what would become of beauty ?"

Paul Gaugin


Artistic Will

Spirituality and Liberty

The Myth


Have Read

  • Sun Tzu
    • Art of War
  • Yuval Noah Harari
    • Sapiens
    • Homo Deus
  • John Stuart Mill
    • Utilitarianism
  • Nick Land
    • A Quick-and-Dirty Introduction to Accelerationism
  • Anton Pannekoek
    • Marxist Theory and Revolutionary Tactics
  • Adam Smith
    • The Wealth of Nations
      • Book I
  • Frederick Engels
    • Principle of Communism ★
    • Karl Marx. "A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy"
    • Socialism: Utopian and Scientific ★
    • Outlines of a Critic of Political Economy
    • Synopsis of Capital
    • Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of the classical philosophy
  • Karl Marx
    • Theses on Feuerbach
    • Contribution to a Critique of Political Economy ★
    • Manuscripts of 1844
    • The German Ideology
    • Wage, Labor and Capital ★
    • The Bourgeoisie and the Counter-Revolution
    • The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850
  • Karl Marx & Frederick Engels
    • The Communist Manifesto ★
    • The Holy Family ★
    • Address of the Central Committee to the Communist League
  • Joseph Stalin
    • Statement on International Women's Day
  • Peter Kropotkin
    • The Anarchist Morale
  • Jean Jaurès
    • Peace Speech
  • Rosa Luxemburg
    • Reform or Revolution ? ★
  • Vladimir Lenin
    • State and Revolution ★
    • Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism ★
  • Franz Kafka
    • The Metamorphosis ★
    • The Trial ★
  • Michel Foucault
    • Discipline and Punish ★
  • Niccolò Machiavelli
    • The Prince
  • Friedrich Nietzsche
    • The Gay Science
  • Karl Korsch
    • Marxism and Philosophy ★
  • Albert Einstein
    • Why Socialism ?


  • Frederick Engels
    • Revolution & Counter-Revolution in Germany
  • Karl Marx
    • Capital