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Celfloskyism: Difference between revisions

imported>Mikhail C
imported>Mikhail C
Line 182: Line 182:
===[[File:C Left.png]] C Tier [[File:C Right.png]]===
===[[File:C Left.png]] C Tier [[File:C Right.png]]===
*Chinese who supports Traditional preserving but also support CCP - You're loyal to our naton, but you have another owner.
*Chinese who supports Traditional preserving but also support CCP - You're loyal to our naton, but you have another owner.
*[[File:DNI.png]] [[Darth Nesanel Ideology]] ([[File:Georgist.png]]/[[File:Anti-Humanism.png]]/[[File:Nrx.png]]) - Well, transhumanism, our Goal is same, but Capitalism is not the roads of we have to do.
===[[File:D Left.png]] D Tier [[File:D Right.png]]===
===[[File:D Left.png]] D Tier [[File:D Right.png]]===
*[[File:NeoGlencoe.png]] [[Neo-Glencoeism]] - Tony, you were based before.......
*[[File:NeoGlencoe.png]] [[Neo-Glencoeism]] - Tony, you were based before.......

Revision as of 18:44, 3 August 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Mikhail C's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Celfloskyism is an ultravisionary, constitutional monarchist, culturally Syncretic and economically left ideology of Milkhail C's. Celfloskyism believes that technological society should accelerate to Ultravisionary, Trans-Planet and having Great Narratives. Meanwhile, realizing Tridemism is an important and unforgettable step to human, it's a path which lead human to stellar.

Short about Celfloskyism

Governmental Views

  • Technocracy
  • Republicanism(Real Situation)
  • Scandinavian Democracy
  • Semi-Presidental System
  • Constitutional Monarchism
  • Paternalism
  • Reformism
  • Revolutionism(If there's no choice)

Economical Views

  • Social Georgism
  • Market Socialism
  • Distributism
  • Guild Socialism
  • Work Place Democracy
  • Eco-Socialism
  • Economic Progressivism
  • Keynesianism
  • Regulationism
  • Welfare State
  • Nordic Model(Realistic Version)

Cultural Views

  • Progressive Conservatism
  • Interculural Nationalism
  • Chinese Cultural-Restoration
  • Compassionate Conservatism
  • Anti-SJW
  • Humanism
  • Feminism
  • Moderate Traditionalism

Technology Views

  • Scientocracy/Ultravisionarism
  • Soft Eugenes
  • Genetic Edition(Smarter)
  • Stronger Intelligence
  • Anime Realization
  • Stellar Immigration
  • Seeking of Conservative Habitatable Zone.

General belief summary

Wait, Monarchy?

The Monarchy just Ceremonial. Of course, the emperor/empress can get power by election.

Han-Nationalism and Pan-Eastasianism

I'm a Han-Nationalist because I'm a born Minnanese. We're independent from other nation and we have sovereignty. We have to recognize our Great Cultures, history and people. Our history started from five thousand years ago. Also changed the world by Four Great Inventions.

Not only my nation, the eastasia have similar cultures. Pan-Eastasianism is our goal.

Although My Nation do a lot of Great things, racism is still wrong because we're anthropies. The most important is we have a kind heart, we respect, make friend, help and cooperative because we're human. The border should semi-opened, immigrants can have their citizenships if they go the legal procedure.

It's important to proud of your nation but racism is wrong. It's harmful to humans. Plus, Reverse Nationalism also is unacceptable.

In country views, I support my country-Republic of China, never gonna give up Second Chinese National Revolution to against CCP's brutal tyrant. I believe it is a duty of whole Chinese. Hail to Chinese, Glory to China and his/her revolters, revolution is sinless, revolt is reasonable, may our nation away from be colonized, Слава Китай.


Well, it's really hard to decide......but we should make choices of global situation.

Technocracy-Democracy Synthesis

According from Sun Yat-Sen's doctrine, I follow Five divided powers and Democracy. But as my observations, the Democracy isn't perfect, a leader should be elected by their abilities, not just only popularity. Some technocrats/skilled masters fit better place. More Places for technocrats is acceptable.

Liberal Democracy has it's fault, I support Scandinavian Democracy. It is a Democratic system but in Nordic Model, it subsidies the minor parties, avoid the democracy to plutocracy.

To avoid be degraded by unwisely voting, re-education of being wise is important and Presidential election candidates should pass the basic test.

I support Freedom of speech, the freedom of speech is benefit to our society. Also can let us know what's someone's view.

When our country threatened/the emergency times comes, Security is prior to freedom. Censorship acted. Though security is important, the Polices can't torture and execute suspicious by non-comfirmed committing. Some of negative news to government still public.

In the martial time, sometimes the government will recommend Merits to be voted by people. Of course, you can join the voting but you have to pass the exam-Writing policies and Playing Nationstates to make sure you're a Merit. It means-Meritocratic Democracy.


I'm a Social Georgist as Sun Yat-Sen's view because the rent of houses or price of lands or a person who monopolyed a lot of land but don't use itbecause are bad there may be an economic oppression of poor family, that will be a huge bill or debt of poor family even the worst is a huge wealth gap forms. Basicily no landlords except some landlord who provide electricity and water with regular prices and also the prices of houses are controlled by the government.

The Market Economics can bring great economic to us, but not all things are able in Market Economic System The things need to be regulated and publicalized:

  1. Transport
  2. Electricity
  3. Water(From Water Inc.)
  4. Roads
  5. Healthcare
  6. Land Price

The things can on market system, but sometimes interve:

  1. Foods
  2. Drinks
  3. Services
  4. Many types of product

The things can in Free Market System:

  1. Animation
  2. Games
  3. Recreational Products

The quitted products or overmade products (especially food) should be used on foriegn aid to help other people in hard-time.

To workers, they should have rights in some . The most main reason is the cooperative/co-producting of employees and managers always better thantraditional worker mode, this was proved.

Plus, the Nordic Welfare Model is I want to solve low fertility rate naturally.

About Tariff, just keep balanced, not to be international oppression or economical crisis.

Syncretic Cultures

Preserve our tradition is every person who is a Nationalist has to do. A nation abandoned their tradition is going to fade their spirit and identity. While preserving tradition, social equality is a necessary work. All Races, Ethnics, Sex, Orientations are equal, except zoophiles and pedos. We don't need to focus on political correctness, everyone can stop hating each other by education and interesting stuffs. Plus, if we realize economical equality first, there will reduce the problem of weakness groups and reserved seats.

Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is also an important part, Global warming is destroying our climate, I live in Taiwan, the temperature of the earth which raised 1 Celsius degree is destroying our short winter. I just want to have a nice months which wouldn't let me feel hot. The global warming is just like another Siberian Traps (that caused Permian Extinction).

The Earth is not just a place for Homo Sapiens. It's for Gaia and all biological creatures. The raising Carbon Dioxide percentage caused warming is damaging our biosphere, atmosphere and ocean. We can try to solve it by Technology. At Paleozoic Carboniferous, the rainforest absorbed carbon dioxide efficiently. Maybe we can try to do genome editing on our plants or algae to reabsorb more carbon we released.


The Process of Human Technology shouldn't be stopped and focus on the planet, instead, we should accelerate ourselves and set our goal in the sea of stars. Have you ever heard the story of Easter Island? That's a tragedy of Polynesians stop to discover other Islands on the Pacific Ocean. They stopped to discover them, instead, they built the Stone statues of Religion belief and get a long time of peae. As the Island overpopulated, the environment was destructed. Finally, due to destruction of environment, the Maximum limit of population went down and the War started unavoidably. At present, the environment of Eastern Island still not recovered yet. That's why we shouldn't stop discovering.

To realize this, we might have to genome edit ourselves. The stronger brain and body can help us to cope speed problems and the radiation from universe.



Caucasian Celfloskyism

Luoyangist Tridemism(His IRL friend)


S Tier

  • Pantheonism - Me but not focused on Ultravisionarism as my level.
  • Those people who against modern edgy politics and loving anime - Epic warriors, you have enough for edgism, right? Animation will relieve your mental health.
  • Jesus Christ - He sacrificed himself for us.

A Tier

  • Meridionalism - You really broke my views of Confederatists, but Wholesome and Based.
  • Traditionalism - Although universe is our goal, but we shouldn't forget who we are.
  • Temperate Forest/Primitive Forest - What a nice place to me, I get relieve here.

B Tier

  • Gene editing - We really need to change ourselves to fit in universe also this can save face-looking anxiety.

C Tier

  • Chinese who supports Traditional preserving but also support CCP - You're loyal to our naton, but you have another owner.
  • Darth Nesanel Ideology (//) - Well, transhumanism, our Goal is same, but Capitalism is not the roads of we have to do.

D Tier

F Tier

  • Messardism - Nazi-Maoism? What? But your spirit of Bretons is cool.
  • Global Warming - pls don't destroy my winter......

Z Tier

  • Most of Edgists - Pls take politics seriously or just touch grass.
  • Reverse Nationalists - Why Self-hatred? Dude.
  • Auntology - What? Deviding China and renamed "new countries" to western style? How unrealistic?
  • Esoteric Feminism - Grow up like a woman! Astrology is not fitable in universe because the star sign wouldn't work on exoplanets.
  • MugiKotobuki8814ism - Esoteric Fascist, need I explain?


  • Danbooru - Well, there are some awesome art also there are some awful p*rnopgrahpy here.

User Tests

Need to be modified, It still doesn't work! Pick only one from each category :3

  • Civic Axis
    • Chaoist (-25)
    • Anarchist (-5)
    • Minarchist (+0)
    • Libertarian (+5)
    • File:AntiAuth.png Permission Allowance (+10)
    • Civically Moderate (+25)
    • Statist (+15)
    • Dictablanda (+5)
    • Authoritarian (-15)
    • Totalitarian (-25)
    • Orwellian (-50)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (+0)
    • Direct Democracy (+5)
    • Semi-Direct Democracy (+15)
    • Representative Democracy (+25)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (+5)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-25)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-25)
  • If none above apply...
    • Organic Centralism (+3)
    • Kultokratic System (+5)
    • Combatocracy (-30)
    • Autarchy (-5)
  • Economic Axis
    • Marxist Communist (+1)
    • Non-Marxist Communist (+5)
    • Socialist (+25)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy (+20)
    • Mixed (+0)
    • Liberal Economics (-5)
    • Capitalist (-25)
    • Darwinist (-50)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (-1)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (-25)
    • Autarky (-15)
    • Dirigisme (+5)
    • Regulationism (+10)
    • Mixed (+20)
    • Liberal Economics (+10)
    • Neoliberalism (-10)
    • Free Market (-25)
    • Laissez-Faire (-50)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Shangrila Mode (-5)
    • Isolationism (-5)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Internationalist (-5)
    • Cosmopolitan (-5)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (+5)
    • World Federalist (-10)
  • Nation Axis
    • Surrenderist (-25)
    • Reverse Nationalism (-25)
    • File:WhiteGuilt.png Self-Hatred (-10)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Patriotic (+15)
    • Nationalist (+25)
    • Chauvinist (+5)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-25)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-15)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (5)
    • Western Adjacent (+15)
    • Non-Aligned (+10)
    • East Adjacent (5)
    • Eastern (0)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anarchistic Unaligned (+5)
    • According to the situation (+15)
  • Cultural Axis
    • SJW (-30)
    • Revolutionary (-25)
    • Progressive (+10)
    • Reformist (+15)
    • Syncretic/Neutral (+25)
    • Conservative (+10)
    • Traditionalist (+0)
    • Reactionary (-15)
    • Alt-right (-30)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Reactionary-Progressivism (+0)
    • Neoreactionarism (-1)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-100)
    • Primitivist (-50)
    • Pre-Industrial (-10)
    • Pre-WW2 (+0)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Automated (+20)
    • File:Scientocracy.png Ultravision (+100)
    • Transhumanist (+50)
    • Posthumanist (+0)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civ (-5) [and/or] Archeofuturism (+3)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Carboniferous (+0)
    • Radical Environmentalism (-5)
    • Eco-Fascism (+0)
    • Ecocentrism (+15)
    • Environmentalist (+20)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Post-Industrialism (+0)
    • Industrialist (-25)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-50)
    • Great Dying/Permian Extinction (-100)
  • Human Axis
  • Nice Axis
    • File:Mouse.png 25th Universe (-100)
    • File:PCB-Ford.png Fordism (-50)
    • Metaverse (-25)
    • Hedonism (-10)
    • Plenty Land (+15)
    • In Between (+15)
    • Real Society (+10)
    • Being/Working Hard (+5)
    • Asceticism (0)
    • Stalwartism (-25)
    • Crucifixion (-50)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (0)
    • Utopian (+0)
    • Dogmatic (-0)
    • Idealist (+10)
    • In Between (+15)
    • Realist (+20)
    • Pragmatic (+15)
    • Rational (10)
    • Dystopian (-25)
    • Anti-Theory (0)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (+25)
    • Non-engagement (+25)
    • De-escalation (+0)
    • Intervention (-15)
    • File:Stratocracy.png WAR (-25)
  • Revenge Axis
    • No One Owe me(+0)
    • Forgiving(+0)
    • Mercy(+0)
    • Keep Normal Realtions(+0)
    • Cold Relations(+0)
    • Irredentism (+0)
    • Revanchism (+0)
    • Cruelty(-20)
    • An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth (-50)
    • GREAT TRIAL(Total Revenge)(-100)
  • If none above apply...
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (+5)
    • Revolutionism (+15)
    • Moderatism (+20)
    • Reformism (+15)
    • Stagnationism (-0)
    • Imaginativism (-0)
