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Metbolism: Difference between revisions

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{{Self Insert Notice|Muddy Mudkipz}}
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| title        = [[File:METBOL.png]] Metbolism
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| aliases      =[[File:Mudkip.png]] Muddy Mudkipzism <br>
[[File:Meatball icon.png]] Meatball <br>
[[File:AntiMETBOL.png]] Metbanned <br>
[[File:Altlfash.png]] "Alt-Lite of Fascism" <br>
| alignments  = {{info/AuthRights}} <br>
{{info/CultRights}} <br>
{{info/Nationalists}} <br>
{{info/Religious}} <br>
{{info/Conservatives}} <br>
{{info/Reactionary}} <br>
{{info/Liberals}} <br>
{{info/Democratic}} <br>
{{info/Capitalists}} <br>
{{info/Individualists}} <br>
{{info/Environmentalists}} <br>
| influences  =[[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]] <br>
[[File:Antiurban.png]] [[Ruralism|Anti-Urbanism]] <br>
[[File:Austrobert.png]] [[Austrolibertarianism]] <br>
[[File:Biolud.png]] [[Bioluddism]] <br>
[[File:Blue Environmentalism.png]] [[Blue Environmentalism]] <br>
[[File:Bonaparte.png]] [[Bonapartism]] <br>
[[File:NatProg.png]] [[Bull Moose Progressivism|Bull Moose Idealism]] <br>
[[File:CathCon icon.png]] [[Catholic Conservatism]] <br>
[[File:Eccon.png]] [[Eco-Conservatism]] <br>
[[File:Heternaz.png]] [[Heteronationalism]] <br>
[[File:Jeffersondem2.png]] [[Jeffersonian Democracy]] <br>
[[File:Kek.png]] [[Kekistani Nationalism]] <br>
[[File:Lincolnism.png]] [[Lincolnian Democracy]] <br>
[[File:EndecjaPix.png]] [[National Democracy]] <br>
[[File:NixonismF.png]] [[Nixonism]] <br>
[[File:Plcn2.png]] [[Paleoconservatism]] <br>
[[File:Putin.png]] [[Putinism]] <br>
[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] <br>
[[File:Thoreau.png]] [[Thoreauism]] <br>
[[File:Trumpism.png]] [[Trumpism]] <br>
| influenced  = {{Metbol}}
| song  =[[File:Metnil.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hc1_FmK80Fk Little Dark Age] [[File:Metnil.png]] <br>
[[File:METROLL..gif]] [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-JytbHDRG0U On Top Of Speghetti] [[File:METROLL..gif]]<br>
| theorists    = [[File:METBOL.png]] [[User:Muddy Mudkipz|Muddy Mudkipz]] <br>
| examples    =
| likes        = 
| dislikes    =
'''Metbolism''' is the ideology of PolCompBall user [[User:Muddy Mudkipz|Muddy Mudkipz]], previously known as Metbol, hence the name.
It is an authoritarian right, capitalist, culturally conservative, semi-reactionary, isolationist nationalist, federalist and slightly environmentalist ideology with an illiberal democratic framework. Metbolism dreams of seeing America transform into a nation based off Christian moralism and traditionalism; and romanticizes societies of the past, namely from the Dark Ages and Renaissance, or some kind of pre-industrial society.
Put simply, the main points of Metbolism include:
#A religious revival and creation of a pan-Christian nation.
#A return to an isolationist policy and transforming America into a more self-sufficient nation.
#A ruralist revolution that will eliminate urbanist woes and henceforth eliminate cultural and ecological degradation.
===[[File:Austrobert.png]] Economy [[File:Clib.png]]===
Metbolism supports a [[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism|capitalist economy]]. Though Metbolism may be somewhat [[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism|Regulationist]] in some areas, mostly to deal with degeneracy, Metbolism admires free unhindered trade, and thusly favors free-market ideologies such as the [[File:Austrobert.png]] [[Austrolibertarianism|Austrian School]] and Laissez-Faire.
====[[File:Property.png]] Property [[File:Glibr.png]]====
Metbolism supports [[File:GRights.png]] [[Gun Rights Advocacy|gun]], land, and property ownership. The government shouldn't seize individual property except under certain criminal circumstances. Land property is based on the Lockean and [[File:Property.png]] [[Neo-Lockean]] principle, and ideally, land acquisition would be based on the Homestead Principle.
====[[File:Fiscon.png]] Taxation [[File:Antiwelf.png]]====
Metbolism does not think tax rates should increase and is promptly [[File:Fiscon.png]] [[Fiscal Conservatism|Fiscally Conservative]]. He is not necessarily a tax abolitionist, but could do with income tax being abolished <small>(Like seriously; being TAXED to WORK?)</small>.
Metbolism is against [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|welfare]]. Welfare states spawn welfare leaches. Everyone should become self-sufficient.
Metbolism also thinks being able to choose what taxes you pay is a good idea.
====[[File:World.png]] International Economy [[File:Protect.png]]====
Metbolism is not against international trade, but tariffs are important to defend America from her enemies.
Also, no company should be given special treatment under the government. Companies can not be part of the nation, though they are welcome to coinside.
===[[File:Fed.png]] Government [[File:Authdem.png]]===
Metbolism supports a sort of illiberal representative democracy, though not necessarily [[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocratic]], that supports [[File:Fed.png]] [[Federalism]] and [[File:Confess.png]] [[Confessionalism]]. This, however, could be more flexible at the local level.
On the basis of privately-run [[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy|Corporations]], Metbol believes they should not be deciding government policy. Likewise with a [[File:Bankocracy.png]] [[Bankocracy|central banking power]], they should not have too much power, and perhaps even be abolished.
===[[File:Natcon.png]] Nationalism and Culture [[File:Trad.png]]===
Metbolism supports [[File:Civnat.png]] [[Civic Nationalism]] as a basis for our country's form of nationalism, and [[File:SocialConservative.png]] [[Social Conservatism]] as a basis for our culture. Additional forms of nationalism Metbol supports are [[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]], [[File:RelNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism]], [[File:Econat.png]] [[Eco-Nationalism]], [[File:Isolationist.png]] [[Isolationism]], and a little bit of good ol' [[File:Modnat.png]] [[Patriotism]]. On terms of culture, Metbol also supports [[File:Cultcon.png]] [[Cultural Nationalism|Cultural Conservatism]], [[File:Intercult.png]] [[Interculturalism]] and a little [[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionarism]].
Metbolism thinks [[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] is semi-based, and it shaped much of his views on [[File:Fem.png]] [[Feminism]], but he has a massive [[File:Incel2.png]] [[Incelism|Incel]] problem. The only feminist wave that Metbol respects is [[File:1WF.png]] [[First-Wave Feminism]], and it just gets worse from then on.
====[[File:Antiwest.png]] Internationalism [[File:Anti-Globalism.png]]====
Metbolism is non-interventionist, so is opposed to ideologies such as [[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] and [[File:Zio.png]] [[Zionism]] because they keep American citizens fighting for foreign causes that otherwise shouldn't concern them. Metbolism is an [[File:Isolationism.png]] [[Isolationism|Isolationist]] and strives to see America become a more self-sufficient nation.
====[[File:Catheo.png]] Religion [[File:RelNat.png]]====
Metbolism avidly promotes [[File:Catheo.png]] Catholicism but it is not a state religion. He does support the idea of America becoming an all-Christian nation though, and is tolerable of various other Christian sects, especially [[File:Ortheo.png]] Orthodoxy.
In a struggle to keep America a Christian Nation, Metbolism is against [[File:muslim 2.png]] Islam, but moreover [[File:PagTheo.png]] Paganism, [[File:Neo-Paganism-icon.png]] Neopaganism, [[File:New Age.png]] New Ageism, [[File:New Atheism1.png]] Nihilistic Atheism and [[File:LGBTChristy.png]] Heretics who think Jesus's only command was "Love Thy Neighbor".
====[[File:Intercult.png]] Immigration [[File:Antimultcult.png]]====
Metbolism thinks immigration for diversity's sake is pointless and dumb. Metbolism also thinks mass-immigration is bad because they are often imported for cheap labor and contribute to rapid industrialism. Any immigrants who are accepted should ideally be Christian (preferably Catholic), speak English, be self-sufficient (or willing to be self-sufficient) and most importantly, have a high set of moral standards.
====[[File:Indiv.png]] Individualism [[File:Community.png]]====
Metbolism might appear [[File:Col.png]] [[Collectivism|Collectivist]] based on his support for [[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism]], [[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]], [[File:Religious.png]] Religion, [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism]], ect; but he actually favors [[File:Indiv.png]] [[Individualism]], especially economic individualism, however thinks a strong sense of [[File:Community.png]] [[Communitarianism]] is essential for any good society. In fact, one of Metbol's earliest ideologies might have been [[File:AntiCol.png]] Anti-Collectivism, when teachers would punish the entire class due to the fault of just one or a few students. Metbol would often refer to said teachers as "collectivist swines".
===[[File:Eccon.png]] Environmentalism [[File:AntiIndust.png]]===
Metbolism supports some level of environmental regulations such as laws against over-pollution and the prohibition of hunting endangered or threatened animals so they don't go extinct. He is also against over-industrialization / metropolization and thinks we should uphold our national parks. We should also work on removing microplastics from the ocean.
To best counter environmental degradation, Metbolism supports small township and mass-deurbanization <s><small>(TEAR DOWN THOSE CITIES WITH ARMOURED BULLDOZERS! FUCK YEAH!)</small></s>.
====[[File:Thoreau.png]] Anti-Urbanism [[File:Rural.png]]====
Metbolism believes urbanism is a plight to humanity. They live compacted like farm animals, and they are just generally dirty. Metbolism much prefers [[File:Rural.png]] [[Ruralism|Rural]], [[File:Farm.png]] [[Agrarianism|Agrarian]] or even suburban ways of living. Metbolism believes the spread of urbanism can be halted by thwarting the efforts of city planners and stopping over-industrialization. Metbolism also hates the modernist architecture of numerous city buildings.
Metbolism, inspired by [[File:Thoreau.png]] [[Thoreauism|Henry David Thoreau]], thinks it would help a lot of people to live in solidarity and with nature; learning from it and taking from it what they need. One drawback to this is that this rush of settlers could lead to urbanization, so it would probably be best if most people lived suburbanly or in cities, while [[File:Anti-Natalism.png]] [[Antinatalism]] or [[File:Volcel.png]] [[Volcelism|voluntary Celibacy]] could help decrease the surplus human population in time.
===[[File:Tradcon.png]] Bodily Autonomy [[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]]===
Metbolism's stance on bodily autonomy is very strict, and is against most forms of bodily autonomy; especially that relating to sexual liberation and LGBT. As such, things like prostitution, abortion, gender transitions, homosexual relations and plastic surgery would be illegal. Some of these would have minor exceptions, such as if half your face was blown off, plastic surgery would be permitted.
These things could be thwarted via [[File:Policism.png]] [[Policism|Policing]].
====[[File:Homophobia.png]] Anti-LGBT [[File:Transphobia.png]]====
Metbolism is a [[File:Heternaz.png]] [[Heteronationalism|Heteronationalist]] and wants to create [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT-free_zone LGBT-free zones] as a means of countering "LGBT ideologies". This typically means that displays of public LGBT pride and the teaching of LGBT ideologies in schools is disallowed, as well as most other issues concerning the LGBT community, such as testosterone/estrogen implants or puberty blockers, and the aforementioned subjects spoken of in the Bodily Autonomy segment.
====[[File:Antifreud.png]] Anti-Psychiatry [[File:Bluepill.png]]====
Metbolism believes the state has become too reliant on drugs to treat patients, so the usage of medicine and pills to treat and help patients cope with mental illnesses such as anxiety, ADHD, depression, bipolar disorder, i-want-attention-syndrome, ect. should be radically reduced, and instead be treated with other alternatives such as therapy, religious counselling, <s>electric shock therapy, natural oils</s> ect.
Furthermore, Metbolism personally feels that psychiatry is kind of shilled, and believes that some psychiatrists dish out pills or insist on further therapy sessions just to swindle some more shekles out of their patients. Not only that, but especially at times of recent, they tend to espouse some [[File:Otherk.png]] [[Otherkinism|degenerate]] [[File:Trans.png]] [[Transgenderism|ideologies]] too, but even [[File:Freud.png]] [[Freudianism|Sigmund Freud]], the founder of modern phycology, dreamed of creating some sort of [[File:Sexocracy.png]] [[Sexocracy|Sex Untopia]].
====[[File:Antitransh.png]] Technological Progress [[File:Biocon.png]]====
Metbol is somewhat skeptical of technological progress, though generally accepting of it, too much automation could be harmful to society and make people lazy and un-self-sufficient, then people would be left with only meaninglessly monotonously menile jobs, and people NEED to work; not necessarily for somebody else, but for themselves. Needless too say, I am not generally for the notion that the work of man should be replaced by machines.
Even more drastically on the note of technological progress, Metbol is highly opposed to [[File:Transh.png]] [[Transhumanism]], especially that involving any sort of [[File:Smol biotranshumanism.png]] [[Biotranshumanism|genetic engineering]]. Anyone who is a product of biological engineering should not procreate.
===[[File:Consti.png]] Free Speech [[File:Libcon.png]]===
Metbolism values free speech and thinks it is a right that should not be taken away. The American [[File:Consti.png]] [[Constitutionalism|constitution]] does a good job with this one, and unlike in many countries in the Eurosphere that have banned hate speech, Metbolism considers hate speech to still be free speech. <s>Anti-blasphemy laws are still based though.</s>
Concerning the internet, Metbolism sees the it as more of a public domain that anyone across the world can contribute too, so he believes that the government should not sensor / put up [[File:Dengf.png]] [[Dengism|firewalls]] and believes everyone should be able to access anything on the internet (Given they've got a computer), even if a certain website goes against our ideas; just so long as it doesn't break basic US laws.
==Ideological Summary==
*[[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]]
*[[File:Authdem.png]] [[Authoritarian Democracy]]
*[[File:Confess.png]] [[Confessionalism]]
*[[File:Fed.png]] [[Federalism]]
*[[File:Austrobert.png]] [[Austrolibertarianism]]
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]]
*[[File:Fiscon.png]] [[Fiscal Conservatism]]
*[[File:Protect.png]] [[Protectionism]]
*[[File:Property.png]] [[Propertarianism]]
*[[File:Civnat.png]] [[Civic Nationalism]]
*[[File:Isolation.png]] [[Isolationism]]
*[[File:Econat.png]] [[Eco-Nationalism]]
*[[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]]
*[[File:RelNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism]]
**[[File:ChristNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism|Christian Nationalism]]
*[[File:Heternaz.png]] [[Heteronationalism]]
*[[File:American Nationalism.png]] [[American Nationalism]]
*[[File:Authoritarian Conservatism.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]]
*[[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]]
*[[File:Plcn2.png]] [[Paleoconservatism]]
*[[File:Tradcon.png]] [[Classical Conservatism]]
*[[File:SocialConservative.png]] [[Social Conservatism]]
*[[File:Cultcon.png]] [[Cultural Nationalism|Cultural Conservatism]]
*[[File:Xconserv.png]] [[Christian Conservatism]]
**[[File:CathCon icon.png]] [[Catholic Conservatism]]
*[[File:Eccon.png]] [[Eco-Conservatism]]
*[[File:Biocon.png]] [[Bioconservatism]]
*[[File:Fiscon.png]] [[Fiscal Conservatism]]
*[[File:Antiurban.png]] Anti-Urbanization
*[[File:AntiIndust.png]] Anti-''Over''-Industrialism
*[[File:Anti-Inflation.png]] Anti-Inflation
*[[File:Trustbust.png]] Anti-Corporatocracy
*[[File:AntiCol.png]] Anti-Collectivist
*[[File:Antiabort.png]] Anti-Abortion
*[[File:Antisexwork.png]] Anti-Sex Work
*[[File:Antidrug.png]] Anti-Drug Use
*[[File:Anticommunism.png]] Anti-Communist
*[[File:Antisoc.png]] Anti-Socialist
*[[File:Antiantifa.png]] Anti-Antifa
*[[File:Antiblm.png]] Anti-BLM
*[[File:Anticovid.png]] Anti-COVID Mandates
*[[File:Anti-Globalism.png]] Anti-Globalist
*[[File:Antimultcult.png]] Anti-''Mass/Illegal''-Immigration
*[[File:Antizion.png]] Anti-Zionist
*[[File:Antiwest.png]] Anti-Interventionist
*[[File:Antiprog.png]] Anti-Progressive
*[[File:Antimultcult.png]] Anti-Multiculturalist
*[[File:Antiwelf.png]] Anti-Welfare
*[[File:Islamophobia.png]] Anti-Islam
*[[File:Antipagan.png]] Anti-Pagan
*[[File:Anti-Nih.png]] Anti-Nihilist
*[[File:Homophobia.png]] Anti-LGBTP
*[[File:Transphobia.png]] Anti-Trans
*[[File:AntiGT.png]] Anti-Gender Theory
*[[File:Antifreud.png]] Anti-Psychiatry ''(somewhat)''
*[[File:Antisjw.png]] Anti-SJW
*[[File:Anti-sex.png]] Anti-Sexualization
*[[File:Antitransh.png]] Anti-Transhumanist
*[[File:Antifurry.png]] Anti-Furry
*[[File:Antiabort.png]] Pro-Life
*[[File:GRights.png]] Pro-Gun Rights
*[[File:GoldStandard.png]] Pro-Gold Standard
*[[File:Colonial.png]] Pro-Colonial Sentiment
*[[File:Abol.png]] Pro-Abolitionist
*[[File:USAPRO.png]] Prohibition ''(somewhat; socially at least)''
*[[File:Bluelivesm.png]] Pro-Blue
*[[File:Volcel.png]] Pro-Celibacy
Metbol is an enjoyer of the lulz and often times has a dark or morbid sense of humor that he likes to express in his works. As much as Metbolism would like to deny it, he is in fact a liberal (though distant), as [[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] is a liberal influence of his, which makes him somewhat of an ethnically impure Polcompball if you will.
He is arch-enemies with [[File:Inky.png]] [[Inkyism|Inky]], who continuously bans him for his shenanigans.
==How to draw==
{{flag|Metbolian flag.png}}
#Draw a ball.
#Draw a white Nordic cross with a black outline.
#Draw a thick black line cross-section within the outlines of the Nordic cross.
#Fill the top-left and the bottom-right quadrant deep blue.
#Fill the top-right and the bottom-left quadrant brown.
#Draw a deep red heraldic cat on the top-left quadrant.
#Add the eyes.
You're done!
|c1 = Black
|h1 = #000000
|c2 = White
|h2 = #FFFFFF
|c3 = Blue
|h3 = #000081
|c4 = Brown
|h4 = #813E00
|c5 = Red
|h5 = #D50404
*The black and white Nordic cross represents based things.
*The brown coloration is a reference to [[File:Meatball icon.png]] meatballs, a food that has been heavily associated with Metbolism due to its name, and is also what "metbol" is a corruption of.
*The blue coloration in addition to the heraldic red cat, is reminiscent of the [[File:Christy.png]] flag of Christianity, but the cross has been replaced as to not represent one particular religion.
*The red cat is a reference to Paul the Cat, both a real cat and a cartoon character that Metbol created. It also represents Metbol's love for cats.
Clearly the most important part of any ideology, Metbol's aesthetics include:
*[[File:Alfarawr.png]] [[Wikipedia:Seamanship|Nautical Nonsense]]
*[[File:Feud.png]] [[Wikipedia:Romanesque architecture|Romanesque]]
*[[File:Colonial.png]] [[Wikipedia:American colonial architecture|Colonial]]
*[[File:Bioregionalism icon.png]] [[Wikipedia:Taiga and Boreal forests|Boreal Forestry]]
*[[File:Cball-Prussia.png]] [[Wikipedia:Prussia|Prussian]]
*[[File:Mudkip.png]] <s>Mudkipcore</s>
Metbolism has several ideological offsprings created by other users and by himself. The first one that was created was [[File:Radmetbol.png]] [[Radical Metbolism]] by [[File:Neoafun.png]] [[Neo-Afunhumaninterism|Angrybirdstd]]. Other notable offspring include [[File:METBOLETTE.png]] [[Metboletteism]] (by [[File:Inky.png]] [[Inkyism|TheGhostOfInky]]), [[File:NEOMETBOL.png]] [[Neo-Metbolism]] (by me, as an April Fool's joke that went on for a month) and [[File:NordNeoMet.png]] [[Nordic Neo-Metbolism]] (by [[File:Anti-Deathism-icon.png]] [[Anti-Deathism|OnlyDeathMayDie]], which won first prize in a contest).
<small>*NOTICE: Some of these pages have been deleted, so there are a lot of red links, but I decided to keep them in the list for commemorative purposes. You may recreate any red links you see (must have adequate amounts of information) or add new links and icons to this list. Established pages should also be added to the [[Template:Metbol|Metbolists Template]].</small>
*[[File:ANMETBOL.png]] [[Anarcho-Metbolism]]
*[[File:Austrometbol.png]] [[Austrometbolism]]
*[[File:CMETBOL.png]] [[Clerical Metbolism]] [[File:Metcruz.png]]
*[[file:CorMetbol.png]] [[Corrupted Metbolism]]
*[[File:Evil-METBOL.png]] [[Evil-Metbolism]]
*[[File:GEOMETBOL.png]] [[Geo-Metbolism]]
*[[File:GeoNeoMetbol.png]] [[Geo-Neo-Metbolism]]
*[[File:Libertbol.png]] [[Libertarian Metbolism]]
*[[File:METBOLETTE.png]] [[Metboletteism]]
*[[File:METBOLO.png]] [[Metbolismo]]
*[[File:MbMb ball.png]] [[Metbolist Metbolism]]
*[[File:METBOLLAH.png]] [[Metbollah]]
*[[File:Metcat.png]] [[Metcatism]]
*[[File:Metcatette.png]] [[Metcatism/Metcatetteism|Metcatetteism]]
*[[File:Neometcat.png]] [[Metcatism/Neo-Metcatism|Neo-Metcatism]]
*[[File:METSLIME.png]] [[Metslimism]]
*[[File:METSOC.png]] [[Metsoc]]
*[[File:METCENT.png]] [[Moderate Metbolism]]
*[[File:NaturMetbol.png]] [[Naturist Metbolism]]
*[[File:Neometkak.png]] [[Neo-Metboletteism]]
*[[File:NEOMETBOL.png]] [[Neo-Metbolism]]
*[[File:NordNeoMet.png]] [[Nordic Neo-Metbolism]]
*[[File:Radmetbol.png]] [[Radical Metbolism]]
===Self-Insert Fusions===
*[[FIle:AfunNEOMETBOL.png]] [[Afun-Neo-Metbolism]]
*[[File:Afunmetflop.png]] [[AfunMetbolFloppaism]]
*[[File:Afunmetgabflo.png]] [[AfunMetbolGabrialFloppianism]]
*[[File:AfunMETBOL.png]] [[AfunMetbolism]]
*[[File:Calmetcat.png]] [[Metcatism/CalreibozMetcatism|CalreibozMetcatism]]
*[[File:Caressbol.png]] [[Caressbolism]]
*[[File:GabrialMetbolism.png]] [[GabrialMetbolism]]
*[[File:Hayeklpyafun.png]] [[Hayek LpyAfunMetbolGabrialNorthzrnJd2842TDRHChimpFloppaism]]
*[[File:Logavmetbol.png]] [[LogavMetbolism]]
*[[File:LpyapersonMetbol icon.png]] [[LpyapersonMetbolism]]
*[[File:MeriMetbol.png]] [[Meridian Metbolism]]
*[[File:Aeirbol.png]] [[Metbol-Aeirinism]]
*[[File:Metflop.png]] [[MetbolFloppaism]]
*[[File:MetWasp.png]] [[Metbolian Waspism]]
*[[File:Neogabbol.png]] [[Neo-GabrialMetbolism]]
*[[File:Neometflop.png]] [[Neo-MetbolFloppaism]]
*[[File:Neoplenbol.png]] [[Neo-PlenderMetbolism]]
*[[File:Oimetbol.png]] [[Oiboimetbolism]]
*[[File:Plenbol.png]] [[PlenderMetbolism]]
*[[File:Rutabol.png]] [[RutaMetbolism]]
===[[File:Yes.png]] Excellent===
*[[File:tradcon.png]] [[Classical Conservatism]] - What can be better than conserving traditional values? There simply is no superior way of living than that of our ancestors.
*[[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]] - You're very similar to me.
*[[File:Confem.png]] [[Conservative Feminism]] - Probably the only good form of feminism.
*[[FIle:American Nationalism.png]] [[American Nationalism]] - 'Merica first.
*[[File:Plcn2.png]] [[Paleoconservatism]] - We must return to a form of conservative thought before mainstream conservatism.
*[[File:Modnat.png]] [[Patriotism]] - '''''I WAS BOOOOORN IN THE U-S-Aeh-HAY; BOOOOORN IN THE U-S-Aeh-HAY!!!'''''
*[[File:Isolationist.png]] [[Isolationism]] - America should no longer take part in this globalist game. There is enough that needs to be done on the homefront.
*[[File:Honk.png]] [[Satirism]] - I love satire!
*[[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]] - ''creeeeeaaaaaaam!!!!''
*[[File:Eccon.png]] [[Eco-Conservatism]] - Wildlife should be conserved, just like our traditional values.
*[[File:Mudkip.png]] [[Mudkipism]] - #SaveTheMudkipz
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - A self-hating liberal? I mean just call yourself a [[File:Jnaz.png]] [[Jewish-Nazism|Jewish Nazi]].
*[[File:Cball-Rhodesia.png]] [[Rhodesian Nationalism]] - Rhodesia was before my time, but I think [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNk98nx41jQ I left my heart in Rhodesia.]
*[[File:Austrocon.png]] [[Austroconservatism]] - Free markets and free of degeneracy!
*[[File:United Russia.png]] [[Putinism]] - Suppresses homosexuals which is BASED.
*[[File:Kek.png]] [[Kekistani Nationalism]] - Extremely kek. I'm somewhat of a proud Kekistani myself.
*[[File:Meatball icon.png]] Meatball - Om Nom Nom!
*[[File:Floppa.png]] [[Floppaism]] - Man, I love Floppa.
*[[File:Sogga.png]] [[Soggaism]] - Man, I love Sogga.
*[[File:Heternaz.png]] [[Heteronationalism]] - STRAIGHT ETHNOSTATES!!!
*[[File:Homophobia.png]] [[Homophobia]] - Yes libtard, this is my mental condition.
*[[File:Transphobia.png]] [[Transphobia]] - Transphobia is only natural, <s>and totally based.</s>
*[[File:Anticommunism.png]] [[Anti-Communism]] - Hating on commies is based.
*[[File:Mushmod.png]] [[Mushroom Model]] [[File:Peachy.png]] - Super Mario is my favorite video game franchise! Thx for all the great games and memories!
*[[File:MC.png]] [[Minecraftism]] - Also a great game. I've been playing since Minecraft Lite, so give me my veterans badge.
*[[File:Terra.png]] [[Terrarism]] - You are a great game too! And I don't think your just a 2D Minecraft.
*[[File:Rural.png]] [[Ruralism]] - City folk just don't get it. <small>I kinda wish I lived in a rural area to be honest.</small>
*[[File:Watersong female.png]] [[Watersong Model|Watersongism]] - The ''drawn 2 life'' soundtrack is simply magnificent and Mayor Roses' pure love and dedication to her son is truly beautiful and inspiring. It is the ideal level of love and dedication every mother should have for her children.
*[[File:Metfake.png]] [[Biological Metbolism]] - Metbolism is very important to my survival.
*[[File:NatProg.png]] [[Bull Moose Progressivism]] - Even though you call yourself a progressive, I think you were a pretty good president.
*[[File:Bluelivesm.png]] [[Blue Lives Matter]] - RESPECC DA POPO!
*[[File:Bonaparte.png]] [[Bonapartism]] - A great innovative leader who saved France from those [[File:Jack.png]] [[Jacobinism|Jacobins]].
*[[File:Ilminism.png]] [[Ilminism]] - Based. Wop gangnem style!
*[[File:Rhodes.png]] [[Rhodesism]] - Cecil Rhodes was an admirable man.
*[[File:Cambrian.png]] [[Cambrianism]] - I may be a Christian, but I'm still a science enjoyer.
*[[File:Econat.png]] [[Eco-Nationalism]] - Let's keep our national parks clean!
*[[File:RelNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism]] - Christianity should be shoved down everyone's throats!
*[[File:TFP img.png]] [[TFPism]] - Tradition! Family! Property!
*[[File:Antiabort.png]] [[Anti-Abortionism]] - Abortion is perhaps only acceptable when the mother's life is at severe risk due to being pregnant, but other than that, abortion is never okay.
*[[File:Moonman.png]] [[Moon Man Thought]] - Your rap songs are so funny!!! :D
*[[File:Antifurry.png]] [[Anti-Furry Nationalism]] - Suspiciously... wealthy... furries...
*[[File:EgoDram.png]] [[Dramacracy]] - I love reading your articles. I appreciate how you always tell things like it is.
*[[File:Superstraight.png]] [[SuperStraight Pride]] - THE ONLY TRUE STRAIGHT IS A SUPER STRAIGHT!
*[[File:GRights.png]] [[Gun Rights Advocacy]] - <s>UNDER NO PRETEXT!</s> GUNZ R FUN! <s>Who cares if a few kids are dying? <small>Better that weapons are brought up in the classroom than the gay agenda, am I right?</small></s>
*[[File:Coolidge.png]] [[Coolidgism]] - You seem like a pretty good president to me!
*[[File:Blue Environmentalism.png]] [[Blue Environmentalism]] - We should work on removing microplastics and other pollutants from the ocean.
===[[File:Kinda Yes.png]] Good===
*[[File:Christy.png]] [[Christian Theocracy]] - Christianity is the one religion I find truest, and though a theocracy sounds ''somewhat'' desirable to me, this is not what we should aim for.
*[[File:Catheo.png]] [[Catholic Theocracy]] - I'm a Catholic, but same to you.
*[[File:Orth.png]] [[Orthodox Theocracy]] - I'm glad to call you a Christian brother in arms.
*[[FIle:Trumpism.png]] [[Trumpism]] - I like you for your nationalism and conservatism, despite your anti-environmental and Zionist aspects, especially during the middle of your presidency, however you seemed to go a little AWOL nearing the end of your presidency which I am not very fond of now. Like seriously bruh, are the Jews paying you small loans of a million dollars to continue their Jewish cause in the Middle East? Don't say "America First!" unless your an isolationist.
*[[File:Bism.png]] [[Bismarckism]] - Uber based. Also ''Prussia Glory'' is a great musical piece.
*[[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy]] - Isn't democracy ''FUN''?!
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] - Capitalism is one of the best economic systems we've got, but I recognize that there are still things more important than the state of the economy.
*[[File:Bolsonarism - alt.png]] [[Bolsonarism]] - I never knew Brazil was so... based.
*[[File:Distributist.png]] [[Distributism]] - My favorite left-wing ideology.
*[[File:Ottoman.png]] [[Neo-Ottomanism]] - F*ck Kurdistan.
*[[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism]] - The most based of all libertarians.
*[[File:Tolkien.png]] [[Tolkienism]] - Probably as based as any anarchist can get!
*[[File:Whitesup.png]] [[White Nationalism]] - I believe the white race is quite exceptional in its culture, history, ethics and achievements, but I don't think minorities should be treated unfairly.
*[[File:Cultural Nationalism.png]] [[Cultural Nationalism]] - I'm against [[File:Multicult.png]] [[Multiculturalism|forced diversity]], but I think various cultures could get along nicely.
*[[File:Shapiroism.png]] [[Shapiroism]] - He pwns libtards' epic style and isn't afraid of anything
*[[File:NixonismF.png]] [[Nixonism]] - You made a lot of important contributions to the environmental conservation movement and bashing on hippies was totally based. However you were a neocon who supported a prolonged and unpopular war.
===[[File:Meh.png]] Neutral===
*[[File:JewTheo.png]] [[Jewish Theocracy]] - I really don't have any hateful feelings towards Jews, even if I like to make edgy jokes about them sometimes. Heck, dear I even say the Jews were based and red-pilled.
*[[File:Fash.png]] [[Fascism]] - I sometimes sympathize with you, but this is not the best way to go.
*[[File:Christfem.png]] [[Christian Feminism]] - A form of feminism which arbors abortion and whoring. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_feminism#Reproduction,_sexuality_and_religion Wait, maybe not...]
*[[File:Colonial.png]] [[Colonialism]] - Many people say what you did was wrong, but i don't think ALL you did was wrong, I think you in fact did some good things.
*[[File:Cball-Taliban.png]] [[Talibanism]] - Congrats on winning your rightful clay back but stay the hell where you are.
*[[File:Bidenreich.png]] [[Bidenreichism]] - This actually sounds a lot more based than actual [[File:Bidenism.png]] [[Bidenism]].
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - Being self-sufficient and not relaying on the state to be your sugar daddy is good and all, but I'm not some hippie who thinks people should be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't hurt other people.
*[[File:Jacksonian Democracy.png]] [[Jacksonian Democracy]] - You are like [[File:Jeffersondem2.png]] [[Jeffersonian Democracy]] in a lot of ways, but you were too cruel to the natives.
===[[File:Kinda No.png]] Bad===
*[[File:Deepe.png]] [[Deep Ecology]] - Animals should have some protective rights, but they are not our equals!
*[[File:Humanismpix.png]] [[Humanism]] - To think every human deserves equal rights simply because they exist is a mistake.
*[[File:Indust.png]] [[Industrialism]] - Listen, I don't have a problem with increased productivity, I'd just hate to see all the beautiful nature transform into disgusting metropolis filled with [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FC65UiWfwGM tasteless modernist architecture.]
*[[File:Bidenism.png]] [[Bidenism]] - Even if you could have gone about it better, at least ''somebody'' pulled out of that god-forsaken Middle East.
*[[File:Zio.png]] [[Zionism]] - I actually prefer Israel to most other Islamic nations, but your gonna have to start fighting on your own.
*[[File:Hcon.png]] [[LGBT Conservatism]] - LGBT will ''never'' be a conservative value unless you're a native American or African.
*[[FIle:Angtheo.png]] [[Anglican Theocracy]] - Your church only exists because King Henry wanted to divorce his wife, but at least your still Christians.
*[[File:Polpot.png]] [[Pol Potism]] - Based Urbanism hater, but wtf dude, too far man.
*[[File:Radfem.png]] [[Radical Feminism]] - Radical feminism is cringe <s>let alone plain feminism</s> but anti-trannyism and anti-sex work is omega based.
*[[File:Cball-CSA.png]] [[American Confederatism]] - I respect your culture or whatever, I might even say I respect it more than what some of America has become, but the confederacy was a traitorous mark against the nation and slavery had to go.
*[[File:E-Democracy.png]] [[E-Democracy]] - Get off your lazy ass and go to the polls.
*[[File:GWB.png]] [[George W. Bushism]] - Your social views are kinda based, economic-wise, not so much. Not to mention you started that damn war in the Middle East.
===[[File:No.png]] Hostile===
*[[File:Soc.png]] [[Socialism]] - The tyranny of the idiotic and the precursor towards communism.
*[[File:Libtard.png]] [[Liberalism]] - My plans will never come to fruition with you in the way.
*[[File:World.png]] [[Globalism]] - ''In the world there is no justice, it's all a righteous face. But behind it is corruption, that infests the human race. You just keep your courage and teach it to your son. Fight for what you know is right and Troopie Boy you won!''
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - We don't need to mass produce dildos.
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] - Communism is an unrealistic goal, and history has proven it a failure. I'd still hate you no matter how "traditional" you were.
*[[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] - Not that communism or anarchism are at all desirable, but how do you expect to distribute the wealth without a state? (there is no wealth idiot)
*[[File:blm.png]] [[Black Lives Matter]] - <s>No they don't</s> Well, well, well... If it isn't a bunch of self-proclaimed "trained Marxists" who like to collaborate with [[File:Antifa.png]] [[Antifa]] and is responsible for a forming an [[File:CHAZism-icon.png]] [[CHAZism|Anarcho-Soviet Commune]] on American soil.
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[National Socialism]] - You're just evil, you really had to ruin the toothbrush mustache for everyone! [https://encyclopediadramatica.online/index.php/So_i_herd_u_liek_mudkip#Hitler_and_the_Mudkip But AT LEAST you lurved yuur mudkipz.]
*[[File:Gay.png]] [[LGBTism]] - LGBT is cringe.
*[[File:Trans.png]] [[Transgenderism]] - My least favorite sect of the LGBT community. They're complete freakiziods, just like anybody who gets plastic surgery to look a Barbie doll or whatever.
*[[File:Anqueer.png]] [[Queer Anarchism]] - Based department? I'd like to report a class-9 cringe.
*[[File:White Guilt.png]] [[White Guilt]] - Why must you be so loathsome of your own kindred? Have a little bit of '''WHITE PRIDE''' in yourself, will ya?!
*[[File:Jack.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - What ANTIFA thinks they are.
*[[File:Transh.png]] [[Transhumanism]] - Transhumanism is both a stupid and unrealistic goal.
*[[File:CHAZism-icon.png]] [[CHAZism]] - A real shitty movement, but it was at least lulz while it lasted.
*[[File:PCB-Abort.png]] [[Abortionism]] - Abortion is evil! Only whores and decadent progressives will support you.
*[[File:Neo-Paganism-icon.png]] [[Neo-Paganism]] - SUCH a CRINGE religion. Like you think Christians are crazy for putting faith in God to "solve all their problems", but you think ''magic rocks'' will solve all ''your problems'' and allow you to cast magic spells.
*[[File:PCB-Fortnite.png]] [[Fortniteism]] [[file:PCB-Fortalt.png]] - More like go fuck yourself tonight.
*[[File:Egoism.png]] [[Egoism]] - Saying that there is no such thing as an objective moral value doesn't exactly make you sound like an intellectual.
*[[File:Iso.png]] [[Isocracy]] - Too many chefs spoil the broth.
*[[File:VHMent.png]] [[Voluntary Human Extinction]] - How about you extinct yourself.
*[[File:Glib.png]] [[Green Liberalism]] - When you mix [[File:Lib.png]] [[Liberalism]] with [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism]], all you get is cringe environmentalism.
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - Haven't enough of our American men died for that Middle Eastern hellhole.
*[[File:Neobert.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism]] - You're just Neocon but with more judeo-objectivist shillage.
*[[File:Ecofem.png]] [[Ecofeminism]] - When my mom bought a book about you, I realized there were a lot of weird feminist ideologies.
*[[File:Fut2.png]] [[Futurism]] - '''FUTUUUUURE!!!! FUTUUUURE!!!! FUTUUUURE!!!'''
*[[File:Honecker.png]] [[Honeckerism]] - EAST GERMANY CRINGE!!!!
*[[File:Totlib.png]] [[Total Liberationism]] - These are the types of people that stand in front of moving trucks.
*[[File:QAnonism.png]] [[QAnonism]] - QAnon stands for Queers Anonymous.
*[[File:Laicism.png]] [[Laicism]] - You say church and state should be separate. Nigga, the church SHOULD be the state.
*[[File:Sparta.png]] [[Spartanism]] - Why would anyone want to live this way?
*[[File:Hedonism-cloud.png]] [[Hedonism]] - The lowest and most depraved of all philosophy.
*[[File:Solipsism.png]] [[Solipsism]] - Imagine not being able to comprehend that anything happens outside of your own mind.
*[[File:Relativism.png]] [[Relativism]] - Morality is a philosophy, but true morality I don't believe is based on relativism, but eternal truths.
===[[File:Mega No.png]] Die===
*[[File:SJW icon.png]] [[SJW]] - Cry moar.
*[[File:Antifa.png]] [[Antifa]] - Do you really think everyone who hates your guts is a fascist? MODERATES hate you because your the FURTHEST THING FROM FASCISM! You're anarchist! You're communists! You're queers! You're anti-heteronormative! You're anti-NORMAL! You just want to destroy all order and everything sacred for your so-called "cause".
*[[File:Queerauth.png]] [[Queer Authoritarianism]] - Someone has a domination fetish.
*[[File:Femboy.png]] [[Femboyism]] - All ideologies that are femboys are an instant F tier.
*[[File:Authprog.png]] [[Authoritarian Progressivism]] - Rule of soy.
*[[File:AntiMetbol.png]] [[Anti-Metbolism]] - You're literally my complete opposite! The only thing I like about you is your color scheme.
*[[File:SecSat.png]] [[Atheistic Satanism]] - I don't care that you don't actually believe in Satan. Your farce display for religious equality and human rights is disreputable and you don't deserve any of it.
*[[File:Satan.png]] [[Satanic Theocracy]] - Literal worshippers of Satan! Even worse!
*[[File:Acidcomf.png]] [[Acid Communism]] - Don't do drugs, kids.
*[[File:PagTheo.png]] [[Pagan Theocracy]] - Heathens? In my territorial conquest? It's more likely than you might think.
===[[File:Yes.png]] Excellent===
*[[File:Neoafun.png]] [[Neo-Afunhumaninterism]] - One of my closest friends on the Polcompball Anarchy Wiki, and his political views aren't too shabby either.
*[[File:JoeyFloppa boo.png]] [[JoeyFloppaism]] - Uber based.
*[[File:Neoreb.png]] [[Neo-Rebelism]] - Let's ride our bikes through a forest trail oh-so gaily together, shall we?
*[[File:Jedpill.png]] [[Jed-Pilled Thought]] - Based and Jed-Pilled.
*[[File:Sajt.png]] [[Sajtireism]] - My trolling comrade. 1/27/2020 - NEVER FORGET. SajZeal was a<s>n</s> hero.
*[[File:Chimp.png]] [[Silly Chimpism]] - He has much of my views, but with uniquely Finnish characteristics.
*[[File:Ali-Ism.png]] [[Ali-Ism]] - Perhaps the single most based ideology here on the wiki.
*[[File:Milky.png]] [[Dylanism]] - Uber based conservative capitalist.
*[[File:Chcknwngsbll.png]] [[Chcknwngs Thought]] - This is just really epic.
*[[File:PCB-Krano.png]] [[Kranoterism]] - This one is very similar to myself actually.
*[[File:Sadoneismf.png]] [[Sadoneism]] - [[File:Tomboy.png]] tomboys > [[File:Femboy.png]] femboys
*[[File:Typicalfan2.png]] [[TypicalFan1 Thought]] - Alright, another guy with adequate political beliefs.
*[[File:SomeCrusade.png]] [[SomeCrusaderism]] - Your ideology is rather swell.
*[[File:ReactionaryCentrism6.png]] [[Reactionary Centrism]] - I agree with a lot of your ideas like anti-homo, state promotion of Catholicism, just your much more, well, reactionary. why do you call yourself a "radical centrist" anyways, there's practically nothing centrist about you.
*[[File:Murphism-icon.png]] [[Murphism]] - A very neat set of ideas. I approve!
*[[File:Natpopgreen.png]] [[Nazworth Populism]] - Ok, this is epic.
*[[File:SCT.png]] [[Sílas Carrasco Thought]] - All sounds good to me <s>and Sofia the First is good if you're a little girl.</s>
===[[File:Kinda Yes.png]] Good===
*[[File:MinnDistIcon.png]] [[Minnesotan Distributism]] - This is fairly based, but gay people are an issue and drugs are bad.
*[[File:Lpyapersonicon.png]] [[Lpyapersonism]] - Not a bad chap.
*[[File:Gabduff-icon.png]] [[Gabrialduffeyism]] - Yes, I agree with you on almost everything (Cringe on LGBTQ issues though)
*[[File:Systemism.png]] [[Systemism]] - A bit libertarian and somewhat of a [[File:SJW icon.png]] [[SJW]], but not too bad.
*[[File:Rebelism.png]] [[Rebelism]] - Not bad, but really meh.
*[[File:Afun.png]] [[Afunhumaninterism]] - Your stances on prostitution and drug use are decadent, but the [[File:Leftunity.png]] left quadrants which you despise is still undesirable too; and thanks for being a pal.
*[[File:ConSocNat.png]] [[Conservative Socialist Nationalism]] - Not a fan of socialism, but everything else for the most part is based.
*[[File:Typicalfan icon.png]] [[Typicalfan1ism]] - Capitalism, patriotism, conservatism and democracy; I see nothing wrong with this, but please leave the USA alone.
*[[File:Typicalfan.png]] [[Neo-Typicalfan1ism]] - Like the guy above but doesn't want to invade the US.
*[[File:WoFIcon.png]] [[Waffleofthefuturism]] - BASED. But I'm not exactly a fan of this military rule.
*[[File:ONL.png]] [[One Nation Libertarianism]] - This is quite epic too. but naturism? Kinda cringe though.
*[[File:Pixil-frame-0(16).png]] [[Reactionary-Cheesenism]] - Culturally and economically based, but a little too authoritarian for my liking. Fascism isn't exactly my mix either.
*[[File:Xivanism1.png]] [[Xivanism]] - I know I call myself illiberal, but you're a little too illiberal even for me, but other than that, you are very based.
*[[File:Second Addycakesball Thought icon.png]] [[Second Addycakesball Thought]] - Mostly all good takes in my opinion (except for that obvious one).
*[[File:Ronwelltarianism icon.png|25px]] [[Ronwelltarianism]] - You're non-interventionism, ant-abortionism, anti-surveillance, gun rights, ect; are all very nice. This talk about how kids should participate in Pride Month and Drag Queen Story Time is is cutting it real close however.
===[[File:Meh.png]] Neutral===
*[[File:CzechIdeal.png]] [[Czech Idealism]] - Seems alright.
*[[File:MeriPat.png]] [[Meridian Paternalism]] - We may not agree economically but your social views are pretty based.
*[[File:EthicDarwin.png]] [[Ethical Darwinism]] - Seems pretty extreme, but I can't deny that Christianity and [[File:PCB-React.png]] [[Reactionarism]] is based.
*[[File:KJ icon.png]] [[KJ Nationalism]] - Some good, some bad.
*[[File:Protoair.png]] [[Proto-Airisuism]] - Airisu used to be... normal?
*[[File:Hman.png]] [[H Manism]] - A Maoist, but at least you want to bring Christianity to the CCP.
*[[File:NeoBingo.png]] [[Neo-Bingoism]] - Alright. kinda cool.
*[[File:DN Adm.png]] [[Darknight Yuusha Model]] - Isolationism, environmentalism, etc. are cool and your cultural takes are mostly based, but I'm not very fond of this socialism stuff.
*[[File:Technototball.png]] [[Techno-Ultranationalism]] - You have some fine takes, even though your more collectivist and economically left than myself, but why do you think post-humanism is a good idea?
===[[File:Kinda No.png]] Bad===
*[[File:Shaggerism-icon.png]] [[Shaggerism]] - Total LARP. kind of based though.
*[[File:Fiat.png]] [[F.I.A.T]] - Sounds like shit to be honest, but your social views and knowledge on authoritarianism is neat.
*[[File:AntiAntiCent.png]] [[Anti-Anti-Centrism]] - You're not based. You're only here because your creator asked me to include you.
*[[File:Nazcaptransh.png]] [[Heinrich-Cheungism]] - I'm not a fan of your Aryanism, immorality, state Shinto and weeaboo culture. The only good thing about you is that you're capitalist, really - and I guess the Prusso-Germanic aesthetics are kind of based.
*[[File:Admiralism Icon.png]] [[Admiralism]] [[File:Admiralism alt icon.png]] - Some of your ideas are okay, but I am not ''admiral'' of the full picture.
*[[File:Waspicon.png]] [[Waspism]] - P*nsexual.
*[[File:XT.png]] [[XarTario Thought]] - None of this seems very good to me, but at least you seem to be a fellow Super Mario fan.
*[[File:Silasf.png]] [[Silasism]] - I disagree with most of your points, but I guess it's not the worst thing I've seen on this wiki.
===[[File:No.png]] Hostile===
*[[File:Oiboioiismicon.png]] [[Oiboioiism]] - Extremely based socially, but much too extreme, larpy and transhumanist.
*[[File:Plend-icon.png]] [[Plenderplarism]] - This is even worse than [[File:Analtru.png]] [[Anarcho-Altruism]]; yet again, I'm pretty sure this was meant to be dystopian.
*[[File:Overb.png]] [[Overbism]] - AlternativeHuman93? More like Alternative life-style.
*[[File:Budutsoc.png]] [[BAUMS]] - Supports "anarcho-homonationalism with market-syndicalism" and we can't be having that.
*[[File:Potashism.png]] [[Potashism]] - Smoov brain.
*[[File:Gnosticesofash.png]] [[Hydra'ism]] - Esoteric Nazi weirdo.
*[[File:Neo-Hydraism-Icon.png]] [[Neo-Hydra'ism]] - This is Hydra post-Buffalo shooting. <s>Martha spoke to him too!</s>
*[[File:Dodo220icon.png]] [[Dodobird220ism]] - Frikken alt-left red fascist.
*[[File:Neoxothel.png]] [[Neoxothelism]] - Robotic gay environmentalist. Why am I not surprised to see these together.
*[[File:Yoda8soup.png]] [[Yoda8soup Thought]] - May the force be AGAINST you.
*[[File:OwfBall.png]] [[Owfism]] - When will a based person tell me to add them to my relations tab?
*[[File:Quarkism.svg]] [[Quarkism]] - Called me wicked, but little does he know "wicked" means "awesome" where I come from. Also, you're a tranny-loving Reddit atheist, albeit not ALL your ideas are bad, though they simply aren't enough to redeem your ideology in my eyes. You can throw-up blood and contemplate suicide now, my supreme gentleman.
===[[File:Mega No.png]] Die===
*[[File:Oofitism.png]] [[Oofitism]] - I'm the whole reason this page exists, but damm, this is cringe.
*[[File:Kill it with fire.gif|30px]][[File:PCB-Airisu.png]] [[Airisuism]] - The cringier follow-up for Oofitism. You're not living in an anime world, cat boys will never be real! Also, [[File:Floppa.png]] [[Floppaism|Big Floppa]] is NOT an [[File:AnSynd.png]] [[Anarcho-Syndicalism|Anarcho-Syndicalist]], he's a [[File:Neolud.png]] [[Neoluddism|Neoluddite]] with [[File:Gamer.png]] [[Gamerism|Gamerist]] characteristics.
*[[File:Analtru.png]] [[Anarcho-Altruism]] - The idea of everyone sharing a digital mind is nightmarish, and there is nothing natural about the unrestricted transfiguration of the human body and dopamine infusion implied by your mind technology. There is no beauty in this reality, just a shillen perversion of collectivism from the idealist minds who want to become what they were never meant to be. By far one of my least preferable self-insert ideologies on the wiki.
*[[File:Kill it with fire.gif|30px]][[File:Kirakween.png]] [[Kira Kween Thought|Kurwa Kween Thought]] - Boys, we found it; A self-insert ideology more cringe than [[File:Airisu.png]] [[Airisuism]].
*[[File:Samikakoism ball.png]] [[Samikakoism]] - gkys oofit reskin.
*[[File:Kill it with fire.gif|30px]][[File:Hamburger.png]] [[Rejuvenative Hamburg thought]] - KILL IT WITH FIRE AHAHAHAHA!
*[[File:Kill it with fire.gif|30px]][[FIle:NeoAlphadonialism.png]] [[Neo Alphadonialism]] - Well this is extremely gay. OMEGA FAGGOTRY!!!!!
Hate Values-Metbol.png
Based Battle concept art.png
Based Battle - Fully Loaded.png
PCB-Rightists vs leftists battle.png
Metbol in a hat.png
PCB Anarchy Civil War.png
File:Metbol reads theory.png
Metbol family tree.png
File:Heraldic Red Cat.png
Anarchy War Meme.jpg
Metbol Cat.png
Metbol takes the pink pill.jpg
Slavreichism receives a mudkips.png
Nationalist Compass.png
Nationalist Compass add Celflo.png
FREEMETBOL poster.png
PCB self-insert compassSussyNuoh.png
Big Self Insert Compass.png
Speggetti and Metbols.png
Utopias.png|The left side of this picture depicts an [[File:Gay.png]] LGBT-friendly [[File:Utopianismf.png]] utopia that combines modernist and Romanesque architecture into one urban area controlled by [[File:Neo-Addycakesball_Thought_icon.png]] {{Redlink|Neo-Addycakesball Thought}}, while the right side of this picture depicts an [[File:Homophobia.png]] LGBT-free [[File:Rural.png]] rural zone controlled by [[File:METBOL.png]] '''Metbolism'''.
[[Category:Regional Ideologies]]
[[Category:American Ideologies]]
[[Category:North American Ideologies]]
[[Category:Male Characters]]
[[Category:Christian Ideologies]]
*[[File:XT.png]] [[User:XarTario|XarTario]] - Can you add me on your self-insert relations? Here's my self-insert: [[XarTario Thought]]
*{{NameRetroliberalism}}- Add me and i will add you back
*{{NameNeoAlphadonialism}} - Add me ol buddy ol chap friend
* [[File:Tony567(2).png]][[User:Tony567]] [[File:NewTony.png]]- i changed ideology add me
*{{Yoda8soup}} - Add me
*[[File:OwfBall.png]][[User:Owfedcdl]] - Add Me
*[[File:Hamburger.png]] [[Rejuvenative Hamburg thought]] - Add me
**[[File:Hamburger.png]] [[Rejuvenative Hamburg thought]] - I'm slightly perplexed about what could be your issue with me
*[[File:Pixil-frame-0(16).png]] [[Reactionary-Cheesenism]] - add me
*{{UserDNY}} - Add my self insert {{NameDNYmodel}}
*[[File:Second_Addycakesball_Thought_icon.png]] [[Second Addycakesball Thought|Addycakesball]] [[File:Second_Addycakesball_Thought_icon_with_helmet.png]]: Hello, Metbol. May I please edit your pages such as Metbolism, Anti-Metbolism, etc.? Have you answered yet?
**{{NameMetbol}} - I beleive I've answered this on your page already, but yes, you can edit my pages.
***Me: Thank you :)
*{{NameBERNHE}} - Add my new ideology, dude. F.I.A.T was for pussies.
*[[File:SCT.png]][[User:Sílas_Carrasco| Sílas Carrasco]] - Add me? pls
*{{NameXirlan}} - Add me
* [[File:Ronwelltarianism_icon.png|25px]] [[Ronwelltarianism]] - Can you please add me?
*[[File:Silasf.png]] [[Silasism]] - Add me? (I was the BAUMS guy btw)
*[[File:Second_Addycakesball_Thought_icon.png]] [[Second Addycakesball Thought|Addycakesball]] [[File:Second_Addycakesball_Thought_icon_with_helmet.png]]: Hello, Metbol. Why do you view [[File:Gay.png]] LGBTQ+ as cringe degeneracy?
**{{NameMetbol}} - [https://encyclopediadramatica.online/Dogpatch_Press#Gallery THIS] is what ALL lgbtp ppl do.
***Me: *notices* EWWWW, NO, THAT'S NOT WHAT THEY DO... *sends out [[File:Gay.png]] homosexual [[File:Cball-PL.png]] [[File:Cball-PL.png]] [[File:Cball-PL.png]] Polish Winged Hussars [[File:Cball-PL.png]] [[File:Cball-PL.png]] [[File:Cball-PL.png]] to protect LGBT rights* The truth is [[File:PCB-Wikipedia.png]] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT on Wikipedia where there's no d**k photos or any of that weird stuff.] Plus, most furries aren't zoophiles...
***[[File:METBOL.png]]: Why would they mention any of this on Wikipeida lol.
****Me: Because Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that basically contains everything, LOL.
*****[[File:METBOL.png]]: Except for the aformentioned, LOL.
******Me: Not true, Metbol! I shall evolve into Neo-Neo-Addycakesball Thought soon because of that comment!
*******Me: Changed my mind, but could you please add my new ideology called [[File:Neo-Addycakesball_Thought_icon.png]] [[Neo-Addycakesball Thought]]?
[[File:pixil-frame-0(27).png]] [[New Model Of Cheesenism]] - add me  pls
Me: Can you please add [[Neo-Addycakesball Thought]], my new self-insert?
*[[File:Silasicon.png]] [[Sílas Carrasco Thought]] - I changed my ideas can you update your relationships?
Me: Article suggestion for Muddy Mudkipz: [[Proto-Metbolism]]
[[File:Third_Addycakesball_Thought_icon.png]] [[Third Addycakesball Thought|Addycakesball]]: Hello, Metbol! Why do your HateValues results say that you prefer abled people over disabled people? Mine says "Mandatory Disabilities" for me, but I'll put that in my ideology's page next Monday. Anyway, why do your HateValues results say that you prefer abled people over disabled people?

Revision as of 07:31, 14 March 2024
