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Paternalistic Conservatism: Difference between revisions

imported>Scottish Socialist
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imported>Scottish Socialist
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*[[File:Onenatcon.png]] [[One-Nation Conservatism]] - You take a lot of my ideas!
*[[File:Onenatcon.png]] [[One-Nation Conservatism]] - You take a lot of my ideas!
*[[File:Cdem.png]] [[Christian Democracy]] - A great friend of mine! Christianity, based! Democracy, also based!
*[[File:Cdem.png]] [[Christian Democracy]] - A great friend of mine! Christianity, based! Democracy, also based!
*[[File:Islamic_Democracy.png]] [[Islamic Democracy]] - Best Muslim.
*[[File:Socconser.png]][[Conservative_Socialism#Conservative_Social_Democracy|Conservative Social Democracy]] - I wish all the left was as based as you.
*[[File:Bism.png]] [[Bismarckism]] - One of my oldest and bestest friends. And I can't thank you enough for pretty much pioneering the modern day welfare state.
*[[File:Bism.png]] [[Bismarckism]] - One of my oldest and bestest friends. And I can't thank you enough for pretty much pioneering the modern day welfare state.
*[[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]] [[File:Con-t.png]] - Based cultural views. I'm your key to winning the working class vote. Focus on the values of the working class and we can reconcile.
*[[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism]] [[File:Con-t.png]] - Based cultural views. I'm your key to winning the poor vote. Focus on ending poverty and we can reconcile.
*[[File:Long.png]] [[Longism]] - Fellow AuthLeft non-socialist. I'll say it again, we're not socialists!
*[[File:Long.png]] [[Longism]] - Fellow AuthLeft non-socialist. I'll say it again, we're not socialists!
*[[File:Nordmodel.png]] [[Nordic Model]] - Great brother with great ideas! But why are you so progressive?
*[[File:Nordmodel.png]] [[Nordic Model]] - Great brother with great ideas! But why are you so progressive?
Line 475: Line 477:
*[[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]] - Based!  
*[[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism]] - Based!  
*[[File:WelfChauvin.png]] [[Welfare Chauvinism]] - The more modern, ultranationalist equivalent to me. You take things to the extreme. But you are based and redpilled as the youth say.  
*[[File:WelfChauvin.png]] [[Welfare Chauvinism]] - The more modern, ultranationalist equivalent to me. You take things to the extreme. But you are based and redpilled as the youth say.  
*[[File:Orlib.png]] [[Ordo-Liberalism]] - A liberal who likes order. And his [[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism|economic system]] is quite based! Definitely has my respect.
*[[File:Libconserv3.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism]] - Robert Peel was very good.  
*[[File:Rockrep.png]] [[Rockefeller Republicanism]] - Similar to above but even better.
*[[File:Conmon.png]] [[Constitutional Monarchism]] - How the monarchy should be, not too despotic not too libertine.  
*[[File:PiS.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|Kaczysm]] - Our Polish brother.
*[[File:PiS.png]] [[Authoritarian Democracy|Kaczysm]] - Our Polish brother.
*[[File:Social corpratism.png]] [[Social Corporatism]] - Fellow enjoyer of communitarian economics.
*[[File:Social corpratism.png]] [[Social Corporatism]] - Fellow enjoyer of communitarian economics.
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - PiS, George W. Bush, and Alvaro Uribe expanded the welfare state. <s> You should spend less on warfare and more on welfare tho </s>
*[[File:Necon.png]] [[Neoconservatism]] - PiS, George W. Bush, and Alvaro Uribe expanded the welfare state. <s> You should spend less on warfare and more on welfare tho </s>
Line 483: Line 485:
*[[File:Sanacja.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|Sanationism]] - Respect for The Marshal! PIS loves you but for your time you were progressive.
*[[File:Sanacja.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|Sanationism]] - Respect for The Marshal! PIS loves you but for your time you were progressive.
*[[File:Libcon.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism]] - Libertarianism... really? How are you going to preserve culture through a minimal state and hyper-individualist economy?
*[[File:Orlib.png]] [[Ordo-Liberalism]] - A liberal who likes order.  
*[[File:Rockrep.png]] [[Rockefeller Republicanism]] - Similar to above but even better.
*[[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism]] - You may be a liberal, but that new deal of yours is pretty cool.
*[[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism]] - You may be a liberal, but that new deal of yours is pretty cool.
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - Based economic views but can you stop hanging out with [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]], please?
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy]] - Based economic views but can you stop hanging out with [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]], please?
*[[File:Liberalconservative.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism]] [[File:Libconserv3.png]] - Not bad, but the economy is a bit too deregulated for me.
*[[File:Liberalconservative.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism]] - Not bad, but the economy is a bit too deregulated for me.
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] - I like your markets and competition stuff but for the love of god, follow my regulations and pay your taxes!
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] - I like your markets and competition stuff but for the love of god, follow my regulations and pay your taxes!
*[[File:Yellsoc.png]] [[Yellow Socialism]] - You're alright in some ways, but can you tone down the antisemitism?
*[[File:Yellsoc.png]] [[Yellow Socialism]] - You're alright in some ways, but can you tone down the antisemitism?
Line 498: Line 501:
*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - You hate the gay but still want to erode culture with your Marxist ideas!  
*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - You hate the gay but still want to erode culture with your Marxist ideas!  
*[[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]] - You might be culturally conservative but your free market policies will corrupt our society with [[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism|decadance]], fake conservative.  
*[[File:Conlib.png]] [[Conservative Liberalism]] - You might be culturally conservative but your free market policies will corrupt our society with [[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism|decadance]], fake conservative.  
*[[File:Libcon.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism]] - Extremist version of above.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - I remember back when I was the dominant ideology in the Tory Party, until you came in with all your privatization, ruining the post-war dream! I hate how you took over right-wing politics in the late twentieth century! Also, most of your followers are degenerate SJWs nowadays.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - I remember back when I was the dominant ideology in the Tory Party, until you came in with all your privatization, ruining the post-war dream! I hate how you took over right-wing politics in the late twentieth century! Also, most of your followers are degenerate SJWs nowadays.
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - Progressivism and unfettered capitalism, ugh!
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - Progressivism and unfettered capitalism, ugh!
*[[File:Radlib.png]] [[Radicalism]] - Madness!
*[[File:Jacobin.png]] [[Jacobinism]] - First Red Terror!
*[[File:Babouvism.png]] [[Babouvism]] - How is each one of these ideologies so much worse than the last?
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Bloody Tankie! Though I agree that some aspects of capitalism are degenerate, communism is an absolute abomination!
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Bloody Tankie! Though I agree that some aspects of capitalism are degenerate, communism is an absolute abomination!
*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - Aren't you just [[File:ML.png]] Tankie again?
*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism]] - Aren't you just [[File:ML.png]] Tankie again?

Revision as of 10:55, 16 June 2023

Paternalistic Conservatism (PatCon) is a economically center to center-left policies, cuturally centre-right to right-wing ideology which combines social conservatism with economic interventionism, under the belief of Paternalism and Communitarianism. Consistent with principles such as duty, hierarchy and organicism, it can be seen an outgrowth of Traditionalist Conservatism. Paternalistic Conservatives support neither the individual nor the state in principle, but are instead prepared to support either or recommend a balance between the two depending on what is most practical thus making them civically moderate. Paternalistic Conservatism was first formed in the 19th century as a response to the social unrest of the industry revolution, which caused conservatives to move away from classical economics and individualism and start to advocate for more state intervention, regulation and support of the welfare state, before starting to embrace Neoliberal economics in the 80s after the rise of Margaret Thatcher. Patcons adopt policies similar to Social Democracy or a Social Market Economy.



Main article: Gaullism


Main article: Bismarckism

In Germany, the paternalistic conservative movement primarily stems from the policies of Otto von Bismarck as the chancellor of the German Empire, mostly in the 1880's. These being insurance-based welfare systems outlined in Health Insurance, Accident Insurance, Old age and disability insurance, Worker's protection and Children's Protection acts of 1883, 1884, 1889, 1891 and 1903 respectively.

In the May of 1863, back when Bismarck was the Prime Minister of Prussia sent a letter to the social democrat Ferdinand Lassalle which started a series of political meetings between the two.[4]


In Poland there's a strong divide between conservative view of economic policy, both of them being generally based on an opposition to communism of the previous PRL era. The primary of those while favouring a somewhat capitalistic economy that is very strongly controlled by the state, expressed by the Law and Justice Party, and the secondary one favoring laissez-faire economics, as expressed by the Konfederacja Coalition.

United Kingdom

Paternalistic Conservatism originally stems from the United Kingdom in the 1840's from the works of Benjamin Disraeli and from the wider One-Nation Conservative movement, although who did not gain significant power until the 1870's. Disraeli's terms in office can be said to be the Britain's first real shift away from laissez-faire economics and it's modern welfare system.

Another major moment in the history of British paternalistic conservatism is the post-war consensus between the Labour and Conservative Parties, which was an agreement between the both parties to both support Keynesian economic policies and the welfare state.

The Social Democratic Party in the UK has a similar outlook to that of a Paternalistic Conservative.

Peter Hitchens is a controversial writer and journalist known for his staunchly socially conservative views, such as being opposed to same-sex marriage and the trans community. As a former Socialist however, he still retains social democratic views on economics.

East Balkans

In other European countries, such as Bulgaria and Romania, the major social democratic parties tend to incorporate social conservative and moderate nationalist/patriotic views into their platforms, and can as such be viewed as a form of paternalistic conservatism or conservative social democracy.


In Ukraine, PatCon can be seen in "Fatherland". Though the party officialy presents itself as liberal conservative, christian democratic and liberal nationalist, they support the expansion of social security, lifting the moratorium on land sales, are against the sale of agricultural land and strategic enterprises and even support raising tariffs for housing and communal services for the population, though previously the party was against the latter.

United States

William Jennings Bryan was an American politician who supported populist economic views, such as regulating corporations and free silver, while holding conservative social beliefs such as creationism and states' rights,although he strongly supported Women's suffrage He was running for presidency in 1896, 1900 and 1908 as a Democrat against William McKinley and William Howard Taft, respectively, but lost. He was also influenced by Jeffersonian Democracy.

Huey Long was another famous paternalistic conservative. Like Bryan, Long had populist economic views, expanding social programs, infrastructure, and education in Louisiana and proposing the famous “Share Our Wealth” program, which Long saw as a better alternative to the “insufficiently radical” New Deal. However, Long also implemented conservative and religious social policies, such as skirting the separation of church by supporting parochial schools and cracking down on “immoral” gambling dens across the state.

While the Republican Party have been primarily staunch supporters of Free-Market Capitalism and Fiscal Conservatism since the rise of Ronald Reagan, recently there has been a few who favor a more Communitarian and mildly state interventionist approach. The two prominent examples being Senator Josh Hawley and Fox News host Tucker Carlson, with the latter having criticised right-libertarian economics and having said "the free-market is not a religion".

The Democrats also have some politicians who are considered to be more conservative on social issues than economic ones and support some form of ideological Communitarianism, most commonly in rural areas. Notable examples include Joe Donnelly, Bob Casey Jr., and Jon Bel Edwards.


In Italy, some Paternalistic Conservatives resemblance can be found in "Left-leaning factions" of Lega Nord, Fratelli d'Italia and rarely in some people inside Forza Italia.


Aontú is a political party in Ireland that carries syncretic politics carrying a socio-culturally conservative platform alongside a social market economy which has a heavy resemblance to the idea of paternalistic conservatism. The leader of the party is Peadar Tóibín.


Paternalistic conservatism in Botswana exists in the form of the Botswana Democratic Party, which was founded by the country's first president and prime minister, Seretse Khama. Under Khama's leadership, the country went through fast economic growth and positive social changes. It remains the country's largest party in its National Assembly.


Main article: Peronism

Peron, founder of the Justicialist Party, installed a sort of right-wing socialism in Argentina during his first period in the presidency, beginning in 1946. It combined generous Government welfare programs and a large economic role for the state with religious conservatism and respect for private property.


In Brazil paternalistic conservatism can arguably be used to describe the policies of Getúlio Vargas before the Estado Novo and after being reelected, as he pushed for many social democratic policies such as welfare, higher minimum wage among other worker reforms while being both paternalistic and very conservative in his policies, in the modern day paternalistic conservatism can be seen in part manifested in some parts of the Brazilian Social Democracy Party like with presendential candidate João Doria, aside from that in Brazil social democratic economics tend to be popular while conservatism is too leading to paternalistic conservatism being a somewhat influential ideology in certain parts of the country, although recently the right has turned more to liberalism.


Although Paternalistic Conservatism is in favor of intervention in the economy when necessary it is not in favor of a command economy. Paternalistic Conservatism and Longism are currently the only two Authoritarian Left ideologies that do not identify as Socialist of any kind and should be portrayed being irritated when they are called that. Rather, their beliefs meant to provide an alternative to socialism with Populist economics. Paternalistic Conservatism and Longism both favor moderately regulated and populist market capitalism with a moderate to strong welfare state. Culturally, Longism is influenced by biblical teachings while Paternalistic Conservatism can vary in its support of religious institutions (most of the time, however, there is strong support for religious institutions from Paternalistic Conservatism).


PatCon will act a bit of a "conservative boomer" as compared to other Social-Democratic balls and emphasizes on acting proper and hard-working.

Ironically he calls his dad socdem a boomer because of how boomers created the hippies. He does the same for conservative leaning neoliberals.

How to Draw

Flag of Paternalistic Conservatism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it Blue
  3. Draw a white rose
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Blue #00B0EF 0, 176, 239
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Classical Conservatism - I am an outgrowth of you. Defend the little platoons!
  • One-Nation Conservatism - You take a lot of my ideas!
  • Christian Democracy - A great friend of mine! Christianity, based! Democracy, also based!
  • Islamic Democracy - Best Muslim.
  • Conservative Social Democracy - I wish all the left was as based as you.
  • Bismarckism - One of my oldest and bestest friends. And I can't thank you enough for pretty much pioneering the modern day welfare state.
  • Conservatism - Based cultural views. I'm your key to winning the poor vote. Focus on ending poverty and we can reconcile.
  • Longism - Fellow AuthLeft non-socialist. I'll say it again, we're not socialists!
  • Nordic Model - Great brother with great ideas! But why are you so progressive?
  • Eco-Conservatism - Economic regulation to protect the Environment? Social Conservatism? All perfect. Plus, Nixon increased welfare spending and proposed a form of basic income.
  • Progressive Conservatism - We carry a lot in common but you are quite broad so I ain't too sure. You're ok I guess.
  • Communitarianism - You are also quite similar to me, but you are more general and I'm more specific.
  • National Conservatism - Based!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - The more modern, ultranationalist equivalent to me. You take things to the extreme. But you are based and redpilled as the youth say.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Robert Peel was very good.
  • Constitutional Monarchism - How the monarchy should be, not too despotic not too libertine.
  • Kaczysm - Our Polish brother.
  • Social Corporatism - Fellow enjoyer of communitarian economics.
  • Neoconservatism - PiS, George W. Bush, and Alvaro Uribe expanded the welfare state. You should spend less on warfare and more on welfare tho


  • Sanationism - Respect for The Marshal! PIS loves you but for your time you were progressive.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - A liberal who likes order.
  • Rockefeller Republicanism - Similar to above but even better.
  • Social Liberalism - You may be a liberal, but that new deal of yours is pretty cool.
  • Social Democracy - Based economic views but can you stop hanging out with Progressivism, please?
  • Liberal Conservatism - Not bad, but the economy is a bit too deregulated for me.
  • Capitalism - I like your markets and competition stuff but for the love of god, follow my regulations and pay your taxes!
  • Yellow Socialism - You're alright in some ways, but can you tone down the antisemitism?
  • Social Libertarianism - Ugh, progressive and libertarian. But you do propose welfare and some regulation, so not that bad after all.
  • Trumpism - Early in your campaign you promised cheaper healthcare and decent economic protections. Why didn't you follow up on that?
  • National Liberalism - We both liked Brexit. That's about it.
  • Right-Wing Populism - We have one or two things that overlap, but overall you're a mixed bag.


  • Progressivism - Yeah, I don't like you and your performative activism. Darn hippie!
  • Conservative Socialism - You hate the gay but still want to erode culture with your Marxist ideas!
  • Conservative Liberalism - You might be culturally conservative but your free market policies will corrupt our society with decadance, fake conservative.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Extremist version of above.
  • Neoliberalism - I remember back when I was the dominant ideology in the Tory Party, until you came in with all your privatization, ruining the post-war dream! I hate how you took over right-wing politics in the late twentieth century! Also, most of your followers are degenerate SJWs nowadays.
  • Pink Capitalism - Progressivism and unfettered capitalism, ugh!
  • Radicalism - Madness!
  • Jacobinism - First Red Terror!
  • Babouvism - How is each one of these ideologies so much worse than the last?
  • Marxism–Leninism - Bloody Tankie! Though I agree that some aspects of capitalism are degenerate, communism is an absolute abomination!
  • Maoism - Aren't you just Tankie again?
  • Juche - Madness!
  • Nazism - NO. JUST NO.
  • National Bolshevism - Are you not just that psycho again?
  • Libertarianism - I AM NOT! A! SOCIALIST!!
  • Korwinism & Reactionary Liberalism - MFs called me a "commie with a cross".
  • Kleptocracy - Fuck you, Kleptocratic Scumbag ! Based PSD, PIS, PSDB and Nixon though
  • Neoluddism - No! Not that Kaczynski!

Further Information





  • TBA

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pl:Konserwatyzm Opiekuńczy tr:Paternalistik Muhafazakarlık

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  • Dr. Occo • 29 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 31 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 32 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 32 minutes ago