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Revision as of 03:56, 12 September 2023

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Kosciuszkovagr's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

This page is from a user that always comes back
"I always come back" - William Afton

Not to be confused with Mercantilism.

Meridionalism (Merid), not to be confused with Mercantilism, is a left-wing ideology inhabiting around the Far Left of the Libertarian left quadrant. It is one of the more moderate Socialists and Secessionists. It is also partly(Mostly) a Self Insert of Kosciuszkovagr. It closes to Libertarian Socialism (WORK IN PROGRESS and yes, I actually believe this, Jefbol.)

(////) & (////)


Meridionalism is an Ideology, Which I believe It can best be considered has Minarcho-Socialism.



Universal Welfare
Decentralized Planned Economy

  • Cooperativism
  • Workplace democracy


International Cooperation

  • Human Rights Advocacy
  • Humanitarian Aids
  • Environmental Cooperation




  • Presidential Republic
  • Townhall Democracy

Civilian Dictatorship (During Revolution)


Moderate Conservatism

  • Progressive Conservatism

Why the South should be separate for the USA

The South doesn’t like to be forced with a idea or something pretty(for the better or worse) that’s how the civil war happened because they didn’t like the north pushing it on us(although I am gad that they did push it on us). (Not done with will continue later)

Why I believe in socialism

Socialism can work and has, I am not a Marxist, I considered myself a Utopian on that regard But Marx was the one who made it popular and I have to give it to him for that. I am a Revolutionary Democratic Socialist or a Libertarian Socialist, I believe that A revolution must happen to implement socialism, Cooperativism. I also believe that Cooperativism can be used but socialism, has it is a system which the community makes decisions which socialism is. Although true Cooperativism or my version of it hasn’t been view, you can look at these examples of Market socialism, has and still is used in Countries, Yugoslavia, Cuba, And East Germany. Marxism I feel will fail, I don’t hate Marx, far from it! But I hate the corrosion of his ideas by people like Stalin and Mao. They gave us a bad name. I am not a capitalist, I am a Revolutionary Democratic Socialist, and not a LARPer no I am a real Democratic Socialist. The left has been opposed for centuries, since the start of egalitarianism, Think of The Teaching of Jesus, Marx, Etc. They were all corroded, Jesus Teachings by The Alt-Right and Marx by Extremist Groups. I Follow socialism, not for my own good, not power, for the sake of others, freedom and Soul. "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.” - Matthew 19:24

Why Revolution is Need for Socialism

Revolutionary Ideas, Today are mostly been rejected by most people, cause it will hurt people. But a few sacrifices, for a Greater cause is good, Jesus did it, Lenin did it, hell even the soldiers of the allied army were. Am a Revolutionary democratic socialist cause Reform is simply not possible, at least in modern times, cause of capitalism control. I was once a reformist, it I now a realize it is impossible. A revolution can’t be stop by a rich man rigging a election or stoping a reform, the bourgeoisie cannot touch a revolution unless they join it cause it is against them. “We Socialists are not reformers; we are revolutionaries.” - De Leon

The Need For Left Collaboration

For Socialism to Make it in America and more closely in the south. We need Left Collaboration, and what I mean by that is I Will work with Marxist-Leninist, Left Communist, Anarchist, Left Fascist, and Even Social Democrats if I have to. A DisUnited Left is what they used to kill us in the past. I will not let that happen again has Socialism must prevail. Because my enemy of my enemy is my friend. After socialism is achieved then the United front will end.

My Underlining Fear

I don’t like the CIA, Cause am a Revolutionary and separatist, those too things are People they hate. They were created to stop the spread for socialism, who to say they not doing now or gonna do it, that is my fear, has if I become a political activist or Politician I will have a huge roadblock in my path, the American government, has for anyone that hates a government, they will be persecuted, happened in Rome with Christians, happened in Russia with bolsheviks, and America with the Revolutionaries, I could go on and on, about that. But like too talk about something more real than anything that I said, that us Socialist(Mrnonosense, Jefbol, Borker, etc) are in big trouble if we get some popularity if we want to go into politics in the future, cause of the government. cause politics is a chessboard, but your fighting a Pro and your a amateur.

Cofano Model

I believe In a system of Socialism, which has some type of coops and they don’t have to have a Market to work, although I still think market socialism is socialism. I don’t believe in it anymore. I believe in a system which Individual workplaces get to be independent from the government so yes it should be organized Bottom to Top. Workplaces can also come together and make something I call an Arbeitsnation which can be a state wide to city wide, which is made to make a semi-corporation. Although it cannot compete with other Arbeitsnation(In a legal sense), This system takes inspiration from Owenism. At the end of the day, This is just socialism, A better system than capitalism. This also takes heavy influence from Participism, which is also called decentralized planned economy. It is defined has: "Participatory economics is an economic system that is based on participatory decision making in the economic mechanism as their primary allocation. They say that decision making in the system of participatory economics can impact an individual or a group of individuals. Participatory economics is more of a decentralized planned economy, which involves the ownership of the means of production. Participatory economics is proposed to be an alternative to Capitalism and centrally-planned socialism." I do not believe this is a Participatory economics system but rather A decentralized planned economy.

A Presidential Republic

I believe in a Presidential Republic, model after the United States. At its core I believe in a Democratic Federation. I believe there at least be 4 parties, of course those parties will be socialist, any socialist parties are legal. Capitalist parties are not. so we won’t have the problem that the two party system has in America. Of course bribing is banned, The Government Will be more democratic to the people than in America. North America should ones again become the holder of liberty has it was created to do, And I plan to make that happen.

The Currency

Welfare Anyone?

Townhall Democracy is best

Another World is Possible

The Commonwealth of America

Basically A European Union made up off the former Territories of the United states(Coming sooooon)

How to Achieve my Goals in my movement


  • This is we’re you can debate about what I believe with me
  • General Dick Thought - What would you do, if you lived in my Ideal Government?
    • - Kill you for the sake of humanity and Nationalism, No world nation needs to exist.
  • Neo-Glencoeism- I honestly don't think that South Florida is culturally part of Dixie(I say this as someone who lives here), it has more in common with Latin America and New York than Dixie at this point.
    • - sorry bud but it’s in Florida, which is a southern state. So yea you would be in my Dixie just like it was in the last one
  • Neo-Glencoeism- Copying General Dicks question what would you do if I took over the US?
    • - Total Glencoe Death
      • Neo-Glencoeism- understandable considering the same would happen to you
        • - Never, Also I proposed if I do get in power in Dixieland or more over win an election in the usa. I advise moving.
          • - I would heed you advice but alas just like my parents I have the personality of a bulldog so no. Also if you become president of the US and my hypothetical movement has a lot of power expect a lot of riots and perhaps a revolt


This is a review of Ideologies not your personality.

Friends of the Southern Revolution

  • Minnesotan Communism - Based Westerner Communist. Sherman is burning in hell.
  • Revolutionary Democratic Socialism - literally me, Just Most of your members are LARPer that a just Social Democrats
  • Secularism - Let the people decide their way!
  • Secessionism - The South will rise again!
  • Jefbol Thought - Not bad, Communism is kinda cringe though. Wish you were secessionist but socialism is based. (7/10)
  • Serbian Socialism - Communism isn’t the best but, Tito and Market Socialism is based has hell, and hating on the Stalinist are good enough for me. (8/10)
  • Justaborrito Thought - Actually this is the closest to my ideology! Only one problem, you don’t support southern secessionism. (9/10)
  • LordCompost86 - so Philosophical Anarchism, seem to the best version of anarchism that I seen, on this godforsaken site, cause at least your like Philosophical Anarchism(for what I could gather from your page) on moral grounds, and you don’t go out of your way to just destroy states. Has a Confederalist, state’s rights and individual rights are important to me, but am not any type(good or bad)of anarchist.
  • Abolitionism - am not that type of Southern Secessionist.
  • Fusion Populism - “United we stand and fall”
  • Heredism - You support a Welfare State and Are Market Socialist, Very Based
  • Yoda8soup Thought - Based, That’s all I can say
  • Irredentism - We will get are Revenge sooner or later
  • Vistula Thought - Support of Trade unions and Anti-Gobalism(Alter-Gobalism is based) is good, but your a took much of a capitalist, overall your good.
  • File:ELP.png Volumino Thought - Centrism is good, too capitalist, but overall fine.
  • Leerderism - Most of your views are good but you're a bit too reactionary. Great point that the south is a hard place to socialist in power, but things can change.
  • Progressive Conservatism - socially am on board with you, so yea
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Latin America Ally
  • Eurocommunism - I like you if you keep your current form and change it a bit but a European federation is stupid and I hate that so I will support you until you go for federalism then it’s game over mate
  • Alter-Globalism - Another World is possible Indeed
  • Minarcho-Socialism - How can you possibly be more based!
  • Great British New Left - Mostly great, Probably the best on the wiki. I did get over that weird Anti-Marxist Leninist thing, so Not really indifferent about that anymore. I have many problems with Progressivism not relating to Tradition or something stupid like that mostly My religious beliefs, being a Baptist and all that. Even tho I am not a Market socialist anymore, Decentralized Planned Socialist and Market socialist are bothers, and has that I will defend Market socialism with all my heart. Good ideology and good person. So very based indeed.

Miss guided

  • Monarchism - I'm not a monarchist but I really liked Brazil.
  • Republicanism - you fooled my people I will give you that
  • Texas Separatism - you want independence but you only care about Texas…
  • Lincolnism - You freed the slaves but you took independence from the south…Why did you have to die…..
  • Theocracies - Religion is kinda based but let people believe in whatever
  • Iberian Communism - Fighting against capitalist oppression is Based but your a multiculturist and a Communist..
  • Neo-Confederatism - You like secessionism but your not socialist, and Lost Cause my Ass
  • Revisionism - your are the reason Most Social Democrats have fallen to Capitalism!! But a least you tried to be good..
  • CanadianCommunist - ok ok first of all USED to be an Fan of that guy. Besides that your fine, for a tankie.. (4/10)
  • Meowxism - Revolution is based, but reformism can happen. Also Communism is balls (5/10)
  • Revolutionary Eclecticism - I like that you hate Authoritarian Socialist and Caps, I don’t really like Anyform of Communism(expect For Left-Communism) and Anarchist, but libertarianism(expect for those damn Cap Libertarians) is based.(cool Ball by the way.)
  • Neo-Humanism -I have pity for you, You might be a cap, but we are still human, after all.
  • File:Philosophicism.png Philosophicism - Fine for an anarchist, but not the best.
  • Kimnostic Socialism - Although I think Marxism, at least in the modern since has been corroding by Stalin and Mao, Overall your fine.
  • UnoGamer - Too Woke, But Your a Libertarian. but you’re a communist so you don’t support democracy, overall Fine.
  • Waffenikism - Ultranationalist isn’t Good, But you’re a Distributist, which is the closest thing to socialism, that capitalism can provide.
  • Vynism - Your basically an Anti-Centrist, Socialism and Environmentalism is based. You’re just too Extreme, at least you’re not woke.
  • Ziółkowskiizm -Like your a nation, for every culture but Your authoritarianism is terrible
  • Pragmatic 16384ism - Better than nothing, a another world is possible yet, but third Positionist is what bad, cause it’s a little to much authoritarian. But your fine.
  • A wee oddoism - your a Coop-Capitalism, which is market Socialism mind you. You’re anti-Capitalist, but you say you’re capitalist. Your a insane yet cool pile of spaghetti.
  • Mr. Adamite Thought - your fine, Authoritarianism isn’t a good, thing, but we already live in an Authoritarian Government, so I don’t really care about that. We’re both Christian, but I doubt your a Baptist. Basically economically your good but culturally you a bit to extreme.
  • Transitional Social Democracy - Wish you were possible…
  • Pantheonism - Your democratic socialism and welfare is based, but monarchism? Be sure your not in Dixie from 2040 to 2047, but otherwise you good
  • Messardism - Breton Nationalism and Neoluddism(some what) is based, welfare is cool. But the Ultranationalism, is what get’s me off, became more moderate, don’t become a capitalist and your be but on a higher level.
  • Alstūdism - Funi Little Norse Fascist. Gadly you moved from your childish Anarchism and now is a Chad Fascist, Made me change my mine about Mosley, Your economics are fine compared to some people on this site. the only thing wrong is The Authoritarianism and The weird Pagan thing(and also the incessant hate of Globalism, ease up on Alter-Globalism, mate)
  • Comrade Phil Thought - The nazi weren't socialist, they Had free markets and not to mention your stalinism, But At least you hate Capitalism
  • Ganzism - way to extreme but your still respectable with your environmentalism
  • Leninism - Good Man, bad ideas
  • DDD Thought - let’s get to it, world federalism is bad, it can’t work it will just become a totalitarian dictatorship with rule over everyone. Market socialism isn’t the best I was one once, I still love market socs but it’s not the best economic system. Your reason why North American separatism is bad is very stupid it contradicts what you said about Dixie nationalism. You have huge flaws but you’re ok.
  • TIIKKETMASTER thought - Your based on basically everything except Economics even then we both agree the government shouldn't have much hold over the economy. Just stop being a cap.


  • Nazism - I hate you, forever and always.
  • State Atheism - No religious Freedoms?
  • Social Democracy - Keep your Friends Close and Keep your Enemies Closer.
  • File:AceffBall.png Aceffism - You are the worst thing I could ever image, Your a Globalist , Capitalist Scum, and an Atheist!
  • Stalinism - Worst Commie ever, but you showed socialism can be powerful(at least some of your ideas were but into good use with Iberian Communism and .Dotdotdotsam Thought)
  • Bourgeoisism - you have ruined many lives, I won’t lie that we have did bad things but you will not admit it!
  • German.red.patriot Thought - ain’t a Capitalist pig Social Democrat, am a Dem Succ, besides that you’re an Authoritarian Stalinist, which is Cringe.
  • American Confederalism - Uh… I don’t like you, Period
  • Reactionaryism - I don’t like you, Jesus!
  • Liberalism - Basically Capitalism but worse.
  • American Model - All We want is to be left alone..
  • Constitutionism - The Constitution is fine, but repeal Texas v. White!
  • .dotdotdotsam Thought - although you hate American Imperialism, You are A Extremist follower of Stalin, the ruiner of Marxist, words! But I did get to mad at you for no reason so you ain’t that bad.
  • ChronicLiberalism - Am from around the delta, Which kinda guaranteed me too be at least a bit Lefist, I support Southern Secessionism cause of the devastation that my homeland has if Lincoln wasn’t killed, I would be a Unionist, But until someone fixes the south, I will never follow Yankee Imperialism
  • Anti-Socialism - you know I never disappear, so get us out of here!
  • Rigby Thought - Basically South American Neocon, Paternalistic Conservatism is based, if it opposed all Capitalism.
  • Conservatism - No I will never vote for you
  • Caesar Thought - am not a Neo-Confederate am southern separatist, anyways your literally a social Fascist!
  • Niggarism - “stop saying the n word” - Lenin
  • Starbucks Nationalism - White woman Jump scare! racism? You’re the real racist here.
  • Neo-Majapahitism - Way to Totalitarian, Imperialistic(which by the way Indonesia was controlled by the Dutch for a while, and I don’t think y’all liked it), and Capitalist, But I have mercy on any soul(expect Stalin and Pinochet) Politics is indeed like a chessboard
  • Second Anidiotoncrack Thought - I just don’t like national Capitalism.
  • World Federalism - Rest in Piss, you won’t be missed!
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Jewish Neoliberal


  • File:Nusaball.png Megacapitalism - “The Darkness pit of hell has come to swallow you hole, so don’t keep the devil waiting, old friend..”
  • Ingcap - Ayo, he back, I Hate you Baka sussy, I love hot cocoa

Who’s in Paris? Kirby, Who's in Paris? Hungry man, the hungry? Guess what happened, File:AI-Controlled INGSOC-Apoliticism.png yo' mama dead


  • File:ELP.png Equitable Liberal-Progressivism - although your a Capitalist, I will give you credit cause you hate and the Right, and I don’t think an changing my opinion about secession any time soon, same with socialism.
  • Borker Thought - Anarchism is Impossible, to keep for a long time, especially in a revolution, Aragon fell cause it got conquered and that really one other large anarchist nation that I can think off, well thats the only anarchist nation, so I can cut anarchist some slack, since it’s never really been seen, at play. Also market socialism is real socialism, not coop-Capitalism. All am saying just turned down the extreme meter a bit.

How I Would’ve Voted

  • 1788-1789 - - Washington (Independent)
  • 1792 - - Washington (Independent)
  • 1796 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
  • 1800 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
  • 1804 - - Jefferson (Democratic-Republican)
  • 1808 - - Madison (Democratic-Republican)
  • 1812 - - Clinton (Democratic-Republican/Federalist)
  • 1816 - - King (Federalist)
  • 1820 - - Abstain
  • 1824 - - Adams (Democratic-Republican/Adams-Clay Republican)
  • 1828 - - Adams (National Republican/Anti-Masonry)
  • 1832 - - Clay (National Republican)
  • 1836 - - Van Buren (Democratic) Reluctantly
  • 1840 - - Van Buren (Democratic) Reluctantly
  • 1844 - - Clay (Whig)
  • 1848 - - Van Buren (Free Soil) Reluctantly
  • 1852 - - Scott (Whig) Reluctantly
  • 1856 - - Frémont (Republican)
  • 1860 - - Lincoln (Republican)
  • 1861 - - Davis (independent) Reluctantly
  • 1868 - - Grant (Republican)
  • 1872 - - Greeley (Liberal Republican)
  • 1876 - - Cooper (Greenback)
  • 1880 - - Weaver (Greenback)
  • 1884 - - Butler (Greenback)
  • 1888 - Streeter (Union Labor Party)
  • 1892 - Wing (Socialist Labor Party)
  • 1896 - Matchett (Socialist Labor Party)
  • 1900 - Debs (Social Democratic Party)
  • 1904 - Debs (Socialist Party)
  • 1908 - Debs (Socialist Party)
  • 1912 - Debs (Socialist Party)
  • 1916 - Benson (Socialist Party)
  • 1920 - Debs (Socialist Party)
  • 1924 - La Follette (Progressive Party)
  • 1928 - Maurer (Socialist Party)
  • 1932 - Foster (Communist Party USA)
  • 1936 - Browder (Communist Party USA)
  • 1940 - Thomas (Socialist Party)
  • 1944 - Thomas (Socialist Party)
  • 1948 - Thomas (Socialist Party)
  • 1952 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
  • 1956 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
  • 1960 - Dobbs (Socialist Workers)
  • 1964 - Hass (Socialist Labor Party)
  • 1968 - Mitchell (Communist Party USA)
  • 1972 - Jenness (Socialist Workers)
  • 1976 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
  • 1980 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
  • 1984 - Hall (Communist Party USA)
  • 1988 - Fulani (New Alliance Party)
  • 1992 - Fulani (New Alliance Party)
  • 1996 - Abstain
  • 2000 - Nader (Green Party)
  • 2004 - Calero (Socialist Workers)
  • 2008 - Moore (Socialist Party)
  • 2012 - Alexander (Socialist Party)
  • 2016 - Sanders (Democratic)
  • 2020 - Hawkins (Socialist Party)

Parties I support


  • Socialist Party USA


  • Party of Greens and the Left Future

How to Draw

Color Name HEX RGB
White #0000 0, 0, nil
Maroon #800000 128, 0, 0

1. Make a ball
2. Paint it Red
3. Add a star
4. Add eyes
5. Add a Dixiecap (optionally)
(Alt Design)
1. Make a ball
2. Paint it Red
3. Add The The state that are in the flag
4. make them yellow
5. Make it have a ML hat (optionally)


Have Read



  • - Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered

Plan to Read

  • - The Communist Manifesto
  • - Social Democracy Versus Revolutionary Democratic Socialism
  • - A New View of Society

Books I Want to make

  • Introduction to Libertarian Socialism
  • Meridionalist Manifesto


  • Feel free to add whatever book you'd like me to read here!

Finished Suggestions

User Tests

  • Civic Axis
    • Anarchist (-50)
    • Minarchist (+100)
    • Libertarian (+90)
    • Statist (+15)
    • Dictablanda (-35)
    • Authoritarian (-100)
    • Totalitarian (-500)
    • Orwellian (-1000000000000000)
  • Type of Rule Axis
    • (Anarchist) Anti-Democracy (-50)
    • Direct Democracy (+30)
    • Representative Democracy (+25)
    • Authoritarian Democracy (-5)
    • Totalitarian Democracy (-250)
    • (Authoritarian) Anti-Democracy (-500)
  • Economic Axis
    • Communist (+5)
    • Socialist (+100)
    • Welfarist/Gift Economy ** (-5)
    • Mixed (-10)
    • Liberal Economics (-50)
    • Capitalist (-100)
    • Darwinist (-105)
  • If none above apply...
    • Third Positionism (+20)
    • Anti-Economy (-100)
  • Economic Freedom
    • Anti-Economy (-100)
    • Dirigisme (-5)
    • Regulationism (+25)
    • Mixed (-25)
    • Liberal Economics (-25)
    • Free Market (-50)
    • Laissez-Faire (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Planned (+100)
  • Diplomatic Axis
    • Autarchy (-1000)
    • (Alter-) Globalist (+50)
    • World Federalist (-100)
    • Cosmopolitan (-5)
    • Internationalist (-1)
    • Moderate (+5)
    • Patriotic (+5)
    • Nationalist (+50)
    • Chauvinist (-100)
    • Racial Nationalist (or similar broad category) (-200)
    • Ethno-Nationalist (or similar narrow category) (-200)
  • Geopolitics
    • Western (-25)
    • Western Adjacent (-10)
    • Non-Aligned (+100)
    • East Adjacent (+50)
    • Eastern (+5)
  • If none above apply...
    • Anarchist (-25)
  • Cultural Axis
    • Revolutionary (+5)
    • Progressive (+10)
    • Reformist (+50)
    • Syncretic (+100)
    • Conservative (-10)
    • Traditionalist (-15)
    • Reactionary (-50)
  • Technological Axis
    • Primal (-25)
    • Primitivist (-25)
    • Pre-Industrial (-10)
    • Deceleration (-10)
    • Moderate (+25)
    • Acceleration (0)
    • Automated (+15)
    • Transhumanist (-1)
    • Posthumanist (-100)
  • If none of the above apply...
    • Post-Civ (-100)[and/or] Archeofuturism (?)
  • Environmental Axis
    • Human Extinction (-100)
    • Radical Environmentalism (+25)
    • Eco-Fascism (-25)
    • Ecocentrism (+10)
    • Environmentalist (+5)
    • Moderate (+0)
    • Post-Industrialism (0)
    • Industrialist (-10)
    • Anthropocentric (-25)
    • Anti-Environmentalism (-100)
    • New Mass Extinction (-500)
  • Neurological Axis
    • Anti-Praxis (0)
    • Utopian (+40)
    • Dogmatic (+5)
    • Idealist (+10)
    • In Between (+10)
    • Realist (+91)
    • Pragmatic (+50)
    • Rational (0)
    • Dystopian (-100)
    • Anti-Theory (-10)
  • War Axis
    • Pacifism (0)
    • Non-engagement (-5)
    • De-escalation (0)
    • Intervention (-25)
    • Irredentism (+100)
    • Revachism (+50)
    • Jingoism (-100)
  • If none above apply...
    • Class Warfare (+50)
  • Praxis
    • Insurrectionism (-10)
    • Revolutionism (+100)
    • Moderatism (+10)
    • Reformism (+0)
    • Stagnationism (-50)




  1. Revolutionary Democratic Socialism
  2. Libertarian Socialism
  3. Liberal Socialism
  4. Marxism
  5. Jacobinism

File:ELP.png (-590)
File:Philosophicism.png (-795)
Brazilian Liberalism (-19)
Dr. Occo (295)
Person #16384 (35)
Heredism (294)
Voidvill Rajandeep (19)
 Comrade Phil Thought (95)
Borker (205)
Levathonism (-1026)

Movements I Would have Supported

  • The Second Spanish Republic
  • Syndicalist Movement
  • Mensheviks

Further Information

Recent changes

  • JAcket • 27 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 40 minutes ago
  • JAcket • 53 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 11:40