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Autocratic Post-Libertarianism: Difference between revisions

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People will always treat other people with different levels of importance and Egalitarianism as a concept is nothing more than a myth spouted by those who haven’t read a book at all. I would argue that we need a better system or value (not necessarily a new one) for humanity to look up to and help the most vulnerable in society. Like the idea that the strong must help the weak which I personally have no issue with. Instead of getting angry about the universe we live in (like the communists) and still perpetuating the very things they swore to destroy because hierarchy is a force they cannot destroy. <br>
People will always treat other people with different levels of importance and Egalitarianism as a concept is nothing more than a myth spouted by those who haven’t read a book at all. I would argue that we need a better system or value (not necessarily a new one) for humanity to look up to and help the most vulnerable in society. Like the idea that the strong must help the weak which I personally have no issue with. Instead of getting angry about the universe we live in (like the communists) and still perpetuating the very things they swore to destroy because hierarchy is a force they cannot destroy. <br>
Dignity is better than equality for the fact that we can say as a species that everyone has dignity and ensures universal human rights. We also aren’t being hypocrites and demanding that everyone be equal while living in a society that isn’t equal and will never be equal. Not everyone has the right to practice law or medicine and they shouldn’t. This society is nothing but madness and hypocrisy where we do not practice what we preach because both physically and mentally cannot. Inequality is simply nature and is also beyond nature and the diverse species of planet earth have evolved hierarchies in order to have a sufficient enough society to survive but also to prevent a war of all against all. A final note is that it was only after the invention of firearms that ideas of equality began to be taken even remotely seriously.  
Dignity is better than equality for the fact that we can say as a species that everyone has dignity and ensures universal human rights. We also aren’t being hypocrites and demanding that everyone be equal while living in a society that isn’t equal and will never be equal. Not everyone has the right to practice law or medicine and they shouldn’t. This society is nothing but madness and hypocrisy where we do not practice what we preach because both physically and mentally cannot. Inequality is simply nature and is also beyond nature and the diverse species of planet earth have evolved hierarchies in order to have a sufficient enough society to survive but also to prevent a war of all against all. A final note is that it was only after the invention of firearms that ideas of equality began to be taken even remotely seriously.  
== '''Aesthetics ''' <br> ==
* [[File:Crafttheo.png]] Lovecraftism <br>
* [[File:Norsefut.png]] Techno Vikings (see the game Apsulov end of gods and look at the background and machinery for what I mean)
* [[File:Anqueer.png]] Queer Aesthetic
* [[File:Cball-(W1)Germany.png]] Prussian Militarism
* [[File:Russophilia.png]] 90-2000s Russia
* [[File:House.png]]  Mr. House and New Vega
* {{info/Weebs}} Anime buildboards (because their cool stfu)
* [[File:Armstrong.png]] Senator Armstrong  (NANOMACHINES SON!!!)

== '''Relations''' ==
== '''Relations''' ==

Revision as of 12:04, 20 September 2023


This page contains possibly disturbing content for:

Leftists (Long Live The Bourgeoisie)

Luddites (You WILL become cyborgs)

Conservatives (Rejection of false science and religious dogma)

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent EldritchFox2's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Planed Pages

A Brief Overview
The Libertarian Paradox (completed)
Economics Of The Autocracy (WIP)
Embracing the Zero (WIP but a good amount has been written)
The Queer War Machine (WIP but a good amount has been written)
Conquest Of the Machine Or The Future Of Imperialism
Gender Acceleration
The Failures Of The Great War
The Modern Freikorp
To Save The West
The House Always Wins
Test Results


Autocratic Post-Libertarianism is an ideology that is inherently, Capitalist, Post-Humanist, Socially Progressive, and simultaneously the worst nightmare of the following, Tankies, Communists, Socialists, Left and Right Anarchists, Reactionaries, Democrats (as in people who support democracy not the American political party), Republicans (as in people who support Republics not the American political party), The “Two Party System”, Liberals, Neoliberals, and the IRS (Internal Revenue Service).

The Libertarian Paradox

The paradox of Libertarianism is that in order to prevent the rise of communism, reactionaries and others things from eroding individual rights and the like there must be an authoritarian state. Another aspect is the likelihood that Libertarians will never win an election in a democratic system in which people like Moldbug have called for the formation of Monarch-Ceo style nations (see Neocameralism). Ultimately this paradox has led to the rise of Post-Libertarianism which perhaps is best explained by the definition itself: “Post-Libertarianism is a school of thought stemming from Libertarianism, born out of the need to rectify its contradictions, this is done through a rejection of dogmatic opposition to any government intervention beyond the bare minimum, and instead embracing a more pragmatic approach, in favor of a more proactive government for the sake of maintaining individual liberty, and while this doesn't entail authoritarianism, it's enough for Post-Libertarianism to effectively become dealigned from Libertarianism. While not being libertarian, post-libertarianism still maintains a lot of libertarian ideas such as an affinity towards free markets, skepticism towards state control of information and anti-interventionism.” Now there will be differences between fundamental Post-Libertarianism and Autocratic Post-Libertarianism enough so that is what might be called “Civil Post-Libertarianism” instead of it’s base name.

Economics Of The Autocracy

To briefly summarize the economics of this system it is a mix of the Singapore Model, The Nordic Model, Elements of State Capitalism, And the economics of Park Chee Hung. WIP

Embracing The Zero

We do not matter. Nothing matters in this universe. The universe is completely indifferent to the struggle of mortals and gods alike. We must embrace this truth instead of creating a meaning we must accept the nihilism of our reality. We must embrace the zero and ultimately nothingness. WIP

The Queer War Machine

The fight for the ability to marry, openly date and transition genders is something that will not end until everyone who opposes it is gone. The war will be eternal until the last breath of a conservative is taken. Arm thyself queer and stand fighting rather than die kneeling in the face of an ultimately illogical human force that uses violence and other means of bigotry to further the whims of a Jew executed by the Romans long ago and a god whose Prophet is a degenerate. WIP

Gender Acceleration

Nyx kinda sums it up better than I can so here read what she says. https://vastabrupt.com/2018/10/31/gender-acceleration/ Alright now I believe the acceleration of gender to be a goal that should be achieved as fast as possible. It only has benefits in the end.

The Leviathan Or The Ideal State

“Men may sail the seas for a lifetime and seldom, if ever, come in contact with the nightmare monsters that inhabit the caves and cliffs of the ocean floor. Gazing down at the slightly muddy water, the men of The Unicorn saw a squirming mass of interwoven tentacles resembling enormous snakes, immensely thick and long and tapering at their free ends to the size of a man's thumb. It was a foul sight, an obscene growth from the dark places of the world, where incessant hunger is the driving force. At one place, down near the bulge of the hull, appeared a staring gorgon face with great lidless eyes and a huge parrot beak that moved slightly, opening and shutting as though it had just crunched and swallowed a meal of warm flesh.

("Fire In The Galley Stove")” ― William Outerson, Monster Mix

Despite what anarchists say, the state is a necessary evil. It must simply exist as it is human nature to dominate other beings and control them. The state can be minimized, large, and has one leader or many, but it must exist. However, what is an ideal state? Anarchism or the lack of a state (or hierarchies if you are a left-anarchist) is not possible due to human nature and isn’t even desirable to most people so let's move on. Many human beings seem to favor a form of democracy in which voting takes place in order to decide rulers and occasionally policy. However, democracy has proven to lead to nothing more than mob rule, disastrous two-party systems, and the stagnation of progress as old men (and occasionally women) hold back and use the power of lobbying (read: Bribery) to keep society in a less than ideal state. Republics are the same thing but do not actually have people decide what is going on. Instead, they have people vote, then some arbitrary person votes for said people, though said person might not even vote for the person the people wanted! A system in which the ruler focuses on spending large amounts of money for reelection and not keeping their promises is not ideal. To me, the ideal state is some form of autocracy or monarchy, where one or a few people run the country based on merit and skill. Granted Monarchy has almost always been hereditary, but it can be fixed with a variant of Noocracy, which must be absolute in its power. An Autocrat will choose an heir based on a few limitations. The heir has to be of sound physical and mental health (things like autism are fine) and cannot be a blood relative. Ideally, the family of the Autocrat (should they have any) will serve the nation’s military, like the monarchs of ancient times.

Techno-Imperialism Or The Conquest Of The Machine

The Gods gift to humanity was the discovery of gunpowder - Annika Fox

Flesh, gold, oil, and uranium, all of which have been the causes of colonization and imperialism, have grown humanity to its current point. Without exploiting the weaknesses of technological and culturally regressive people, we would not have the technology and other benefits of modern society. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, a period of decolonization hit the world, and less-advanced people gained autonomy. Some deserve this, such as the nation of Canada, though it has regressed since, while others might have gained some technological skills they have continued to regress culturally, such as the subcontinent of India. Obviously, this was a mistake for at least some nations. Places like the Middle East have rotated into swimming pools of misery and oppression, and as such deserve to be recolonized by superior civilizations. Colonization, which is used to gain resources, ultimately benefits humanity. The advancement of human technology is a noble goal, and as such, they should be considered beneficiaries rather than slaves. Imperialism for the sheer purpose of advancing humanity is one of the most honorable things that an individual can do. Gold, God, and Glory are now technology, progress, and nobility.

The Modern Superstition

The word equality it seems has no set definition and is highly contested in the modern world. Which is hilarious because it is the foundational value of said modern world. The only definition that matters is that of people being of equal status and ability. Neither of these are things that are possible in our reality. Equality is not hyperstition or something fictional becoming manifest is it superstition, something fictional that will never become real. Not everyone is of equal ability or status and that is okay. And here’s the real kicker, nobody believes we actually have the same value anyway, especially not the large swarms of egalitarians who will seek to silence me for writing this. Please note that I am not advocating for discrimination specifically against minorities (gender, race, sexual orientation etc.) The elites (specifically the Autocrat and others in positions of importance) should be those of high skill and quality and should they turn out to not be please imitate the Chinese during the medieval era.
People will always treat other people with different levels of importance and Egalitarianism as a concept is nothing more than a myth spouted by those who haven’t read a book at all. I would argue that we need a better system or value (not necessarily a new one) for humanity to look up to and help the most vulnerable in society. Like the idea that the strong must help the weak which I personally have no issue with. Instead of getting angry about the universe we live in (like the communists) and still perpetuating the very things they swore to destroy because hierarchy is a force they cannot destroy.
Dignity is better than equality for the fact that we can say as a species that everyone has dignity and ensures universal human rights. We also aren’t being hypocrites and demanding that everyone be equal while living in a society that isn’t equal and will never be equal. Not everyone has the right to practice law or medicine and they shouldn’t. This society is nothing but madness and hypocrisy where we do not practice what we preach because both physically and mentally cannot. Inequality is simply nature and is also beyond nature and the diverse species of planet earth have evolved hierarchies in order to have a sufficient enough society to survive but also to prevent a war of all against all. A final note is that it was only after the invention of firearms that ideas of equality began to be taken even remotely seriously.


  • Lovecraftism
  • Techno Vikings (see the game Apsulov end of gods and look at the background and machinery for what I mean)
  • Queer Aesthetic
  • Prussian Militarism
  • 90-2000s Russia
  • Mr. House and New Vega
  •  Weebs Anime buildboards (because their cool stfu)
  • Senator Armstrong (NANOMACHINES SON!!!)


Neo-Erissianism - Autocracy and cybernetics! Very based and sigmapilled.

Besteybeetophilia - Esoteric Nightmare but your relatively progressive and are chill so B tier.
Neo-Glencoeism - You're fine I guess.

Neo-MugiKotobuki8814ism - You suck politically and don't get me started on our personal interactions.
Template:16384ismlink - Trash.
Meridionalism - I dislike everything about your beliefs. Also neither of us will gain political power.
Indonesian Nazism - Fed or 14 year old take your pick.
Red Tsarism - Fed.
Jupiter Thought - What?
Neo-Majapahitism - I dislike most of your ideas with the exceptions of a secret police and the feminism. I will be adding a secret police to this ideology thank you for the inspiration.


Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 26 minutes ago
  • Aperson14 • 1 hour ago
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54