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SlovakianPatriot3ism: Difference between revisions

(Created page with "{{Self Insert Notice|SlovakianPatriot3}} {{Style |bannercolor = |headercolor = Black |textcolor = |buttoncolor =#002C84 |buttontextcolor = |linkcolor = Green |background = Black |hovercolor = }} {{IdeologyLegacy | themecolor = White | textcolor = Dark Blue | title =File:SlovakianPatriot3.pngSlovakianPatriot3ism | aliases = * file|Futuristfile|futurist Futurist Dengism * File:Slodeng.png Slovakian Dengism *File:AuthCap...")
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{{Self Insert Notice|SlovakianPatriot3}}
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| title =[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png]]SlovakianPatriot3ism
| aliases =
* [[File:Dengf.png|file|Futurist]][[File:Fut2.png|file|futurist]] Futurist Dengism
* [[File:Slodeng.png]] Slovakian Dengism
*[[File:AuthCapProg.png|file|Authoritarian]] Authoritarian Progressive Capitalism with Slovakian characteristics
* [[File:Smer.png|file|Ficoism]][[File:Soclib.png|file|Ficoism]] Ficoism-Šimečkaism
'''Add alias here pls'''
| alignments =
[[File:CentreAuthRight.png]] Centre-Auth Right<br>
{{info/TechnologicallyProgressive}} <br>
{{Blacklink|:Category:State Liberals|State Liberal Gang}}<br>

| influences  = <tabber>
[[File:Authcap.png]] {{PCB|Authoritarian Capitalism}}<br>
[[File:ProgFash.png]] {{PCB|Progressive Fascism}}<br>
[[File:FutFash.png]] {{PCB|Futurist Fascism}}<br>
[[File:Pop.png]] {{PCB|Populism}}<br>
[[File:Mach.png]] {{PCB|Realpolitik}}<br>
[[File:Anticommunism2.png]] {{PCB|Anti-communism}}<br>
[[File:GRights.png]] {{PCB|Gun Rights Advocacy}}<br>
[[File:Community.png]] {{PCB|Communitarianism}}<br>
[[File:Natalism.png]] [[Natalism]]<br>
[[File:CompAuth.png]] {{PCB|Competetive Authoritarianism}}<br>
[[File:UniParti.png]] {{PCB|One Party State}}<br>
[[File:Arist.png]] {{PCB|Aristocracy}}<br>
[[File:Fed.png]] {{PCB|Federalism}}<br>
[[File:Technocracy.png]] {{PCB|Technocracy}}<br>
[[File:Cybercr.png]] {{PCB|Cyberocracy}}<br>
[[File:PolState.png]] {{PCB|Police Statism}}<br>
[[File:PoliticalStrongman.png]] {{PCB|Political Strongman}}<br>
[[File:Anti-Humanism.png]] {{PCB|Pro-Death Penalty}}<br>
[[File:Laicism.png]] {{PCB|French Secularism}}<br>
[[File:Anti-Corrupt.png]] {{PCB|Anti-corruption}}<br>
[[File:Ingsocf.png]] [[Mass Surveillance]]<br>
[[File:Soccap.png]] {{PCB|Social Capitalism}}<br>
[[File:Statecap.png]] {{PCB|State Capitalism}}<br>
[[File:Natcap.png]] {{PCB|National Capitalism}}<br>
[[File:Econlib.png]] {{PCB|Economic Liberalism}}<br>
[[File:Fiscon.png]] {{PCB|Fiscal Conservativism}}<br>
[[File:Arasaka.png]] {{PCB|Kaizen}}<br>
[[File:Georgist.png]] {{PCB|Georgism}}<br>
[[File:Corp.png]] {{PCB|Corporatocracy}}<br>
[[File:Cameralism.png]] {{PCB|Cameralism}}<br>
[[File:Corptism.png]] {{PCB|Corporatism|Class Collaboration}}<br>
[[File:NeoMerc.png]] {{PCB|Mercantelism|Neo-Mercantelism}}<br>
[[File:Guildsoc.png]] {{PCB|Guild Socialism}}<br>
[[File:UBI.png]] {{PCB|Social Libertarianism|Universal Basic Income}}<br>
[[File:WelfChauvin.png]] {{PCB|Welfare Chauvinism}}<br>
[[File:FDF-Pirate.png]] {{PCB|Piratism|IP Abolition}}<br>
|-|Culture and Technology=
[[File:Fut2.png]] {{PCB|Futurism}}<br>
[[File:AltModern.png]] {{PCB|Cultural Rejuvenation}}<br>
[[File:Post-Genderism.png]] {{PCB|Post-Genderism}}<br>
[[File:Mil.png]] {{PCB|Militarism}}<br>
[[File:Rural.png]] {{PCB|Ruralism|New Cities}} [[File:UrbanAccelicon.png]]<br>
[[File:Space.png]] {{PCB|Galacticism}}<br>
[[File:SpaceCol.png]] [[Space Colonialism]]<br>
[[File:Archeofuturist.png]] {{PCB|Archeofuturism}}<br>
[[File:PalUltranat.png]] {{PCB|Palingenetic Nationalism}}<br>
[[File:Transh.png]] {{PCB|Transhumanism}}<br>
[[File:Nuclear Icon.png]] [[Nuclear Power Advocacy]]<br>
[[File:Transhfur.png]] [[Biotranshumanism|Freedom of Form]]<br>
[[File:Anti-Racism.png]] [[Anti-Racism]]<br>
[[File:Multicult.png]] {{PCB|Multiculturalism|Race Mixing}}<br>
[[File:Sixlib.png]] [[Sexual Liberationism]]<br>
[[File:Biomech.png]] [[Biomechanicalism]]<br>
[[File:Ectrans.png]] {{PCB|Technogaianism}}<br>
[[File:Eugen.png]] {{PCB|Eugenicism}}<br>
[[File:Ultraprogressive Reactionarism.png]] [[Progressive Reactionaryism|Ultraprogressive Reactionaryism]]
[[File:Neocon.png]] {{PCB|Neoconservatism}}<br>
| song        = [https://youtu.be/gTWRUdSHEcE?si=nUL61JbuUjHnTVtw Little dark age (speed up)]<br>
| likes =[[File:Transh.png]]Technologies<br>
[[File:Mil.png]] Military<br>
[[File:Honk.png]] Memes<br>
[[File:Cball-Slovakia.png]] Slovakia<br>
[[File:Mach.png]] Machiavellianism<br>
[[File:Cball-Czechia.png]] Our Brothers<br>
[[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Our Cousins  <br>
[[File:Cball-NATO.png]][[File:Cball-Austria.png]][[File:Cball-India.png]] Our other friends and allies [[File:Cball-Ukraine.png]][[File:Cball-Japan.png]][[File:Cball-Argentina.png]]<br>
[[File:FutFash.png]][[File:RegDelCarn.png]] Progressive Fascists [[File:ProgFash.png]][[File:Jack.png]]
[[File:Czechoslovak.png]]The First Czechoslovak Republic<br>
[[File:LVT.png]] Good Tax<br>
[[File:Cball-Singapore.png]][[File:Cball-Germany.png]] Economic miracles [[File:Cball-Chile.png]][[File:Cball-China.png]]
[[File:Soccap.png]][[File:Statecap.png]] My Economy [[File:Econlib.png]][[File:Corptism.png]]<br>
[[File:Scientocracy Small.png]] Science
|dislikes =
[[File:Kak.png]] Idiots<br>
[[File:Cball-Hungary.png]] Western Mongolia <br>
[[File:Anticommunism2.png]] Commies<br>
[[File:Smer.png]] Fico-Pellegrini Gang<br>
[[File:Cball-North Korea.png]] Fake Korea<br>
[[File:Kak.png]] Andrej Danko [[File:Ultranat.png]]<br>
[[File:Pac.png]][[File:Smer.png]][[File:Russophilia.png]] Retarded "I want peace" idiots
[[File:Putin.png]] Liliputin<br>}}
SlovakianPatriot3ism is ideology of [[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|SlovakianPatriot3]] SlovakianPatriot3. It is an
[[File:neocon.png|thumb neoconservative]] neoconservative, [[File:Auth.png|thumb authoritarian]] authoritarian, [[File:Cap.png|file|economically right-wing]] economically right-wing, [[File:Prog.png|file|culturally left-wing]] culturally left-wing and [[File:Civnat.png|file|civic-nationalist]] civic-nationalist ideology. He thinks that [[File:Cball-Slovakia.png|file|Slovakia]]
Slovakia and its people have not fulfilled their true potential and that to fulfill this potential a [[File:Technocracy.png|file| Technocratic]] technocratic, [[File:Fed.png|file|federal]] federal,  [[File:Auth.png|file| authoritarian]] authoritarian state with a [[File:Econlib.png|file|highly]][[File:Corptism.png|file|highly]] highly efficient economy similar to that in [[File:Cball-China.png|file|China]] China, [[File:Nordmodel.png|file|Scandinavia]] Scandinavia and [[File:Cball-Singapore.png|file|Singapore]] Singapore is needed. He also wants a [[File:AltModern.png|file|dynamic]][[File:Mil.png|file|dynamic]][[File:Fut2.png|file|dynamic]] dynamic, militaristic, futuristic culture that combines the [[File:Trad.png|file|old]] old and the [[File:Prog.png|file|new]] new.
Adding List:
* {{Ipse}}
* [[File:GeneralStudios.png]] [[General Studios Thought]]
*[[file:LilDem.png]] [[Lilacist Democracy]]
== Beliefs ==
===Foreign Policy===
===United Slovakia===
== Relations ==
=== Positive ===
*{{CHROMATISM}} - Basically you're kind of like me a year ago before I took AuthPill. Economically it's based. Basically me but without the class collaboration and state capitalism elements. But regarding government, you're a typical libertarian who flaunts human rights and civil liberties. But at least you acknowledge that mild authoritarian practices are permissible in times of crisis. Progressive Conservatism is not bad. But I'm going more towards what might be called Ultraprogressive Reactionaryism. Tradition and modernity united to create the Faustian spirit of a new Slovak civilization. Technologically based. Foreign policy is good. But I am more extreme in foreign policy as well. Patriotism is based. You are basically 21st century Girondism. Too bad you're not like Strawman Chromatism. It's extremely based xdd.
*{{Social Authoritarian Bonapartism}} - Great ideology. I disagree with you on a few things regarding cultural issues, economics and foreign policy. On economics you are too left wing. But I do appreciate your support for class collaboration, and also that you recognize the function of a state-coordinated private sector. But too left-wing and too populist on economics. On cultural issues, you're too conservative. Also, unlike you, I support the death penalty. On foreign policy I'm more western-aligned but still good. I also don't like Perón. He was the man who economically ruined Argentina. Btw techno-nationalism is based. Otherwise your ideology is based.
*{{DECBism}} - Overall, a good ideology. The economics are fine. I'm a bit more right wing and support class collaboration. Foreign policy is based. My only foreign policy differences are that I support arming jihadists against Assad. And I also won't needlessly provoke Saudi Arabia, Thailand and Erdogan for pragmatic reasons. Culturally, that's not a bad thing either. Even if it's not the great futuristic ultra-progressive reactionary stuff. You are too naive when it comes to government, and you are too much in favour of human rights and civil liberties. 
=== Meh ===
*[[File:Eco_Social_Autocracy_Ball_New.png]] [[Esaism]] - Authoritarianism, cultural leftism and environmentalism are based. Fordism isn't bad. But it will be better if Fordism stays with the Corporatocracy and doesn't embrace socialism. Overall, I don't much like utopian socialism. World federalism is naive. Btw good mapping channel.
* {{Neoross}} - You are a fellow galacticist, transhumanist and technocrat. That's based. All in all, all technological progress is based. Nationalism, anti-racism and authoritarianism are also great. Now we come to the cringe stuff. Moderate traditionalism, socialism, and your entire foreign policy are definitely cringe. The Juche you admire is utter shit. Also Perón was a pedophile who protected Nazi war criminals and economically ruined Argentina.
* [[File:Donutzsm.png]] [[Donutzism]] - Based Economics, Antiracism, Nationalism, Indigenism, Militarism and Equal Rights. The rest is a cringe.
*{{NeoMut}} - Proto-Charlottism is quite based. Too bad it would have to die out in favor of Charlottism. Anarchism is a cringe. The state is needed as protector of the people, promoter of the development of the country and representative of the nation. I'm also not a fan of completely turning people into emotionless machines. If the people themselves want it though that's fine. I haven't thoroughly studied the works of Stirner and Nick Land yet. I'll include them on my reading list and see after reading them.
*[[File:Neokira2.png]] [[Meowxism]] - Practically the average ML of the 21st Century. Economically complete shit. I don't know who still trusts a planned economy which has only brought corruption, poverty and even more suffering to the proletariat than a market economy. We are going to the government. The government is quite fine. Authoritarian and with one party. The kind we need in Slovakia to prosper. Additionally, as someone who supports gun rights, I appreciate the idea of an armed proletariat. Culturally it's great. Although I would prefer a combination of ultra-progressivism and reactionaryism. A harmonious blend of tradition and modernity, past and present. As for your opinion on pornography and sex work, I disagree with you. I think for-profit public brothels should be created that will bring money to the state and satisfy people who are negatively affected by government policies. But I still think pornography should be heavily restricted and street prostitution should be banned. The foreign policy is terrible. Technologically you're extremely based. I'm also in favor of allowing citizens to become anthropomorphic animals. Overall you have quite a lot of good points but for example the economy or foreign policy is complete shit.
=== Negative ===
*[[File:Deivinism.png]] [[Deivinism]] - The only good things about your ideology are authoritarianism and anti-racism. Otherwise, it's terrible. The economy, government, foreign policy and culture are cringe. I don't even need to comment on theocracy.
*[[File:BreadAndCircuses.png]] [[Bread and Circuses Thought]] - Shit
== Comments ==
*{{Social Authoritarian Bonapartism}} - Can you update relations? I updated my economic views?
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done :3. Sorry I didn't notice your comment the first time. Btw Can you give me an alias please?
*{{Neoross}} - add me, RevProg.
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done, ReactSoc.
*[[File:Cball-Indonesia.png]] [[User:RandomUser876|RandomUser876]] - Add [[File:Donutzsm.png]] [[Donutzism]], [[File:EnGen3.png]] [[Energeneralism]] and [[File:Deivinism.png]] [[Deivinism]], add them not me.
*{{Social Authoritarian Bonapartism}} can you add me to relations?
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done :3
*{{CHROMATISM}} - Add me.
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done :3
* [[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|Hello]] - Hello. Is there anyone who would make an icon for my ideology?
*{{Social Authoritarian Bonapartism}} - I can help you fill the basic information section thing
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - I would appreciate it. I'm new here and I'm lost in editing right now. I'll be adding more stuff to that section in a bit. 
*[[File:Zhyto.png]] [[Phill Tchaikovskism]] - so this is an Icon I made for you [[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png]]
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] Thank You. Basically a Neocon Futurist Liberal. I like it.:)
*{{NeoFolkarchy}} - I would reccommend using: [https://polcompballanarchy.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Ideology This]
-{{Nasakom2}} - add me
[[User:BasedSnowFlake]] - I fixed your page :3
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] -  Thank You :3
*{{Ipse}} - add
*[[File:Neokira2.png]] [[Meowxism]] - add me when u can?
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done.
*{{NeoMut}} - add me? if you want to ofc
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done.
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - What is ofc?
***{{NeoMut}} - it means "of course"
****[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Oh, ok.
*{{DECBism}} - A D D M E P L Z
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - Done :3
*[[File:Eco_Social_Autocracy_Ball_New.png]] [[Esaism]] - Add me I like slovakia
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - That's good to hear. We are a small country with great potential...the problem is our terrible politicians. I'll add you to the relations tomorrow.
**[[File:SlovakianPatriot3.png|file|-]] - I added you :3
*[[file:LilDem.png]] [[Lilacist Democracy]] - Can I be added pls?
== Tests ==
===Political Compass===
[[File:SlovakianPatriot3 Compass.jpg|thumb]]
[[Category:Statelib Gang]]

Latest revision as of 13:20, 16 July 2024