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Socialist World Republic: Difference between revisions

(→‎Relationships: That nigga ain't land)
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[[File:Antizion.png]] Anti-Zionism
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*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism]]<br>
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*[[File:Sablin.png]] [[Leninism|Sablinism]]<br>
*[[File:Sablin.png]] [[Leninism|Sablinism]]<br>
*[[File:RevSoc.png]] [[Socialism|Revolutionary Socialism]]<br>
*[[File:Optimism.png]] [[Optimism]]<br>
*[[File:Sartre.png]] [[Existentialist Anarchism|Jean Paul Sartre Thought]]<br>
*[[File:Sartre.png]] [[Existentialist Anarchism|Jean Paul Sartre Thought]]<br>
*[[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism]]<br>
*[[File:Marx.png]] [[Marxism]]<br>
*[[File:Antirev-icon.png]] Anti-Revisionism<br>
*[[File:Antirev-icon.png]] Anti-Revisionism<br>
*[[File:Anticapreal.png]] Anti-Capitalist Realism<br>
*[[File:Anticapreal.png]] Anti-Capitalist Realism<br>

Latest revision as of 21:28, 29 September 2024

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent SocialistWorldRepublic's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


My ideology was formulated in the early 2020's, when i noticed the huge contradictions and injustices in the global capitalist system and neocolonialism, and i became a unyielding supporter of Marxist-Leninist Communism.


Economic Policy

Economic Independence

Brazil should be made 100% economically independent. The Dependency Theory explains to us how the West exploits third world nations like Brazil for cheap raw resources, then turns them into high quality goods and sells them to us, effectively ripping us off. So Brazil should begin a policy of self-reliance emulating Juche, as it is very suited for Brazil as Brazil has vast resources and wouldn't suffer major impacts from isolation, cut all trade relations with Western countries, keep relations only with fellow socialist countries, and use the available resources from not diverging them to the West to create 100% national products to replace Western ones. Alter-Globalism is also a key element of the ideology, emphasizing global cooperation in socialism, ecologism and progress but NOT economic globalization.

Planned Economy

The economy should be centrally planned along a Marxism-Leninist system, with some influences from Pol Potism and Maoism, having the state in full control of the economy, utilities like roads, electricity and others publicly owned. The workers would hold power, with Illiberal Workplace Democracy and Maoism influencing the model.

Cybercommunism would also be used to solve the Economic Calculation Problem and help plan the economy, but of course with heavy human supervision.

The government would initiate programs to reduce poverty, homelessness, disease, and drug abuse, while increasing the literacy rates through a extensive reform in the education system. There would be increased investing in hospitals, military, and agriculture.

The country should not involve in stock markets, as they are bound to periodically crash, and depending on conditions, extremist measures such as abolishing financial institutions and currency, emulating Khmer Rouge would be put in practice. The agriculture would be collectivised, agroecology (with a few inspirations from MST's model) would be put in practice, while the agrarian elites would be executed.

Lysenkoism would serve as the main botanical approach, alongside with of course, evolutionism.

The Environment

I am deeply ecologicalist, and i believe that the environment must be protected fiercely, to the point of economic output being reduced to protect the environment.

Unproductive agricultural land would either be completely reforested, or turned into zones for agroecology. Dangerous pesticides would be completely prohibited. Not only reforestation, but also forestation efforts would be put into practice, to the point of buildings that threaten the environment being demolished to give place for the environment. Abandon cities lol

Cleaning beaches and oceans would be of high importance, and not ironically the police (or the red guards, we'll talk about it that later) would be allowed to beat down litterers. Big corporations, the main perpetrators of polluting, would be expropriated, their polluting activities ended, and their owners jailed or killed.

Public Transport would also be massively reformed and improved to reduce the population's need for cars, therefore reducing the Co2 emissions due to less cars on the streets. Electric cars and busses would also be genuinely incentivated, and alcohol as fuel would be more produced as a less harmful alternative to gasoline. There would be major efforts to preserve flora and fauna, with penalties for killing endangered animals going as far as execution.

Natives would be granted more of their rightful land, and social programs to help communities affected by disasters would be created. Natives would also be a heavily protected group, and there would be deliberate efforts to increase their population. There would also be incentive for Natives to form armed People's Militias to defend their communities.


The government and the DoTP

The Dictatorship of The Proletariat would be put in place, the government would enforce strong authority to guarantee the advancing of socialism and the suppression of counter-revolutionaries, and a nearly totalitarian model would be put in place and people expressing capitalist, fascist, liberal, reactionary, centrist, or any similar views, would be quickly silenced. The vanguard party would guide the nation to communism, following a party=class analysis, but it might not be the only party as it is possible to have a similar model to China with 5 parties but all commited to the revolution. Maoist principles would be applied, But New Democracy wouldn't as Brazil doesn't have the opportunity for an alliance with the national bourgeois to destroy foreign forces, as the national bourgeois in Brazil is as bad as the foreign.

The Military

The military would be completely reformed, with most of the former leadership being purged, a new communist one being appointed, rank system changed, more political connection to communism, anti-american sentiments being promoted in it and Socialist Patriotism too.

After that, it would receive extra funding and begin developing better and better technology, such as tanks, ships, equipment and missiles to protect national sovereignty. Trade with Iran and North Korea would be useful for developing missiles and the Nuclear Program, which would seek to not only built nuclear energy as a clean energy source, but also to build nukes for defense of the nation. Let's analyse: Saddam didn't build nukes, where he is? Gaddafi didn't build nukes, where he is? Kim did, where he is?. Nukes are essential for national independence, Enéas Carneiro was 100% right in promoting a Brazilian nuclear weapon.

The Police

The police in Brazil is a deeply flawed organisation, with corruption and racism widespread inside it. The police should be completely reformed, the leadership purged and replaced, promotion of anti-racist ideals enforced in it, a increase in connection to the party too, and a massive anti-corruption campaign started.

The zionist-backed cartels [1] would be brutally suppressed, and any cop discovered to be collaborating with it would be fired, arrested and executed depending on the level.

With good reform, the police can become a instrument in favour of the revolution, and police Statism can be put in practice.

Death Penalty

Guess my opinion on this matter? Well, it's obvious. I believe in a complete reform of the penal system, with life sentences, forced labour sentences and death sentences becoming legal. Of course, throught investigation would be pursued before taking such extreme measure.

Social Policy

My social views are syncretic and influenced from both ends of the spectrum. I take ideas considered both progressive and conservative, and im firmly revolutionary, believing in extensive social change.

Gender War

I believe gender war is a capitalist tool to divide the proletariat, and gender equality should be achieved. Im against both radical feminists and redpills, and i support addressing the issues faced by both men and women with moderation. And we should first think about the main issue that is class war.


I am forever anti-racist and i hold no prejudice against any race, I believe racism is a illness caused by capitalist society. All communists must support racial equality. I believe reparations should be paid to the black community, and more efforts to integrate them should be made too. Same for Natives.

Cultural Revolution

A cultural revolution to purge racist elements, degenerate capitalist elements and other harmful practices should tale place. Bourgeois culture would be destroyed and replaced with a proletarian one, based off Brazil's latin, african and native origins. National symbols would be replaced with ones actually representing our national spirit, cultural richness and nature, not some european monarchy. Red Guard groups would be assembled to supress counter-revolutionaries and carry the revolution. LGBT would be censored, gypsies would be monitored, Japanese would be deported, (many) funk songs would be prohibited, (most) sertanejo would also, and organisations like the Brazilian evangelical church that promote reactionary beliefs and are full of corruption and abuse would have their leaders arrested and their rethoric censored.

Theories and Philosophy

The theories i developed and support include defending communist leaders and exposing U.S. crimes, such as the early funding of Daesh by the U.S. and Israel, the unjust invasion of Iraq, the assassination of numerous resistance figures , and the exploitation of the Third World .

Revolutionary Optimism

I also developed the philosophy of Revolutionary Optimism. This philosophy asserts that maintaining hope in the achievability of the revolution is crucial. It encourages active opposition to capitalism and rejects capitalist realism as a demotivating tool. My philosophy draws influence from Sablinism, particularly its emphasis on revolutionary fervor and optimism, as reflected in Sablin's quote: "Be strong in the belief that life is wonderful. Be positive and believe that the revolution will always win." Also, i take ideas from Sartre's existentialism and Marxist critiques of capitalism, viewing impulses like greed and racism not as part of human nature, but as symptoms of a capitalist society that rewards such behaviors. Once socialism is established, these issues will diminish, allowing humanity to flourish once again.

Spectrum Overlap Theory

The Spectrum Overlap Theory was also created by me to understand apparent ideological connections and similarities between seemingly opposed ideologies. This theory establishes an ideological chain of ideologies, showing how ideologies become increasingly aligned with opposing ones. For example, liberalism is theoretically opposed to fascism. Liberalism supports capitalism, which is sympathetic to authoritarian capitalism, which in turn is sympathetic to fascism. This illustrates the connection between the two. The degree of this connection varies depending on whether liberalism stops supporting at capitalism, authoritarian capitalism, or fascism.

Visual representation: >>>


I am strongly anti-revisionist, i place great emphasis on maintaining ideological purity and revolutionary principles. I fervently support the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (DoTP) and i remain committed to the revolutionary overthrow of capitalism. I strongly oppose revisionist trends like Khrushchevism, Brezhnevism, and Dengism, all of which are deviations from true Marxist-Leninist ideals, leading to the weakening of socialist states and the eventual restoration of capitalism.

Despite my opposition to revisionism, I selectively endorse certain leaders sometimes criticized by hardline Marxist-Leninists. I support leaders such as Xi Jinping and Fidel Castro, as i view them as pragmatic leaders who, while sometimes diverging from strict Marxist-Leninist orthodoxy, have successfully preserved and advanced socialism in their respective countries. I view these leaders as maintaining revolutionary zeal while adapting to the unique challenges faced by their nations.

Im open to support leaders who, despite some ideological differences, contribute to the global struggle against imperialism and capitalism. However, i remain deeply skeptical of any reforms or policies compromising the long-term goals of communism.

Diplomacy and Geopolitics

Nationalism and Internationalism

The Diplomatic approach should be based off Alter-Globalism, Left-Wing Nationalism and Proletarian Internationalism. As expressed in the economic policy, there should be proletarian solidarity but not economic globalization.

Brazil should also seek to reclaim lost territories such as Ciasplatina and Pirara, along with expanding to annex French Guyana and others. Relationships with the Eastern Bloc should be strengthened, and Fourth Theory should influence the approach in making alliances with other anti-imperialist powers. As explained in the section about the military, Nukes would play a role to guarantee national independence and the continuity of the revolution.

Any socialist and/or anti-western armed group should be funded to help counter the west, with a approach similar to Third International Theory. A stronger intelligence agency would be developed to help counter western intelligence and help coordinate global anti-imperialist efforts. The west would be treated as an enemy, as their interests are imperialistic and contrary to the core with socialist values and self-determination.

Israel and Palestine

Israel is one of the most colonialist modern states. It's treatment of Palestinians resembles Apartheid or the Nazis, and it's economic policy is extremely capitalistic.

Israel shouldn't exist as a state, as Palestinians have right over the land and have no obligation to make any concessions. Brazil should withdraw it's recognition of Israel, and all anti-zionist groups should be funded (especially DFLP and DFLP), and there should be active participation in the anti-zionist struggle.

The Palestinian State should control all of the levantine lands, and jews would be shipped back to Poland stripped of their positions of power, and all settlers and IDFs would be trialed. Palestinians have inhabited the land for thousands of years, and there has been thousands of years since jews lived there, and israelis are ethnically more closer to Poles than Hebrews, so they have no right over the land. Free Palestine!


The modern Ukrainian government has strong ties with Neo-nazis, criminals more recently Syrian Jihadists, Malian Jihadists, and even loose ties with Daesh. Zelensky is a despot with the blood of thousands in his hands, he is completely delusional and keeps dragging on this lost war. He should be deposed, arrested, trialed and executed.

I also believe in a version of the Ukraine Fabrication Idea, as i see the invention of Ukraine happening around the late 1800's and early 1900's, as before that people living there were referred as Rusyns and Ruthenians, and there wasn't a Ukrainian identity. It is fault of the Tsars and also of Austria-Hungary that Ukraine exists, as Austria-Hungary spread propaganda to destabilise the Russian Empire by promoting separatism.

Ukraine should be annexed into Russia as an autonomous republic, all Ukrainian Neo-nazis and war criminals trialed and the nation completely rebuilt. Ethnic minorities like Rusyns should either gain full independence or be autonomies, and a ethnic inclusive system similar to the Soviet Union should be practiced.


The "ROC" was created after KMT bandits started losing the war and fled to the island.

They effectively genocided the native peoples there, and established a totalitarian fascistic state, still claiming not only all of China but also Mongolia, parts of Russia, Burma and Central Asia, which shows their chauvinistic tendencies.

Now with the DPP in power the pretend to have improved, but little has changed and communism is still suppressed, with fascistic tendencies widespread. Taiwan has no legitimacy as a Chinese government or independent nation, it should be incorporated into the PRC and Taiwanese people should be re-educated.


Japan is deeply degenerate nation with widespread sexism, crime, fascism, historical negationism and western influences. It is ruled by the same family that ruled it during WW2, that never took responsibility for their actions. Japanese war criminals are praised and protected in Japan, and US played a huge role in defending them after WW2.

Of course, Anime is almost complete shit, and half of all animes should be prohibited and their creators should get their hard drive checked. I don't know what the fuck is omori, but the creator is a and all it's fans should be beaten, arrested and have their computers seized and checked.

Now being serious, Japan is a terrible country, it should never re-militarize, Japanese nationalism should be prohibited and Japanese culture drastically changed. Japan can only be redeemed trough the execution of the monarchy and the establishment of a Communist People's Republic.


The dystopian South Korean regime should be toppled and Korea should be reunited under the North. The North is currently prosperous, with perfect social order and lots of resources, along with happiness, internal peace and cleanliness.

South Korea is facing huge problems with gender war, depression, greying, poverty and all sorts of problems. The regime in South Korea is effectively authoritarian capitalist, with communist organisations having to operate underground, as the government can suppress them. Samsung has a dangerous level of control over the country, women are many times forced on IMPOSSIBLE beauty standards, some even forced to have plastic surgeries, children and young people are forced into long school days that destroy their mental health, men are overworked and lonely, and people aren't having kids due to lack of financial capacity and time, which leads to population greying.

Extremely repressive actions by the South Korean government like the Jeju Genocide are overlooked, while the North is demonized without critical thinking or evidence. Korea proves communism works and capitalism fails.

Favourite Regimes

North Korea
Burkina Faso
China (Before 1978, now since 2014)
Historical regimes
USSR (Until 1956, sometimes afterwards)
Hoxhaist Albania
Ceaușescu's Romania
Libyan Jamahiryia
Khmer Rouge

Worst Regimes

Historical regimes
Nazi Germany
Brazil 2018-2022



  • Communism - Best economic system, it'll definitely be achieved in the near future!.
  • Hoxhaism - Based anti-revisionist Albanian comrade! Your self-reliance is specially based! But you're a little too dogmatic, you shouldn't have pushed Mao and Ceausescu away.
  • Stalinism - Perfect leader who saved us from the Nazis and expanded communism like never before!
  • Leninism - First communist leader, was essential for the movement!
  • Conservative Socialism - Even though im not you (at least not anymore), your variants from Eurasia and Africa are completely right.
  • Jim Jonesism - Rest easy Jim. I know the CIA killed you and your followers and blamed you to discredit your political activism.
  • Third International Theory - I completely support your foreign policy of funding anything socialist and anti-west, and your views on gender roles are the same as mine. Your only mistakes were trying to compromise with the west at times and stopping your nuclear program. The previous mistake unfortunately led to your overthrow, rest in power.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Very based, You have ecologist policies and you're restoring socialism to China. But you need to do more to destroy Deng's legacy and restore Maoism.
  • AES of the 21st Century - Peak basedness. Communists that embrace both Stalin and Xi? Perfection. even though i might disagree a little with a few of your followers regarding Duterte and Deng, That's a small detail.


  • Khomeinism - Your economic nationalism, anti-imperialism and support for socialist movementsworldwide are 100% based, Also, Hezbollah is economically leftist, so they are even better. But the suppression of the Tudeh party was shameful and you claim to reject economics.
  • New Resistance - NR is based. Destroy those stupid libtards! But please stop calling Latin America Iberian America and simping for the Portuguese.
  • Lulism - Stop being so moderate and compromising with the right!
  • Taliban - Based opposition to the yankees and building infrastructure in Afghanistan, but stop this misogyny, and fighting the soviets was awful.
  • Nationalism - I am a nationalist, but it still believe a united communist world is the ideal to be achieved.
  • National Bolshevism - Left wing economics are indeed based, but please understand that Nazism is bad.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Sometimes you criticize anti-western dictatorships for their cultural policies, and sometimes even communist regimes for their hatred of the LGBT community. I recommend you abandoning support for LGBT causes.However, both of us have strong opposition to racism, neoconservatism, centrism, and colonialism.
  • Progressive Conservatism - in Brazil we must have a Cultural Revolution to remove both the racist colonial traditions and the degenerate western capitalism. But you most of the time don't wanna go revolutionary on the both ways, you wanna be moderate on both ways. Beating up the bourgeois racist homosexuals is where its at.


  • Capitalism - Your contradictions will cause your downfall and Socialism will be victorious!
  • Pink Capitalism - Like i say: To achieve equality, we must seize the means of production, not paint them rainbow.
  • Dengism - Filthy revisionist! You destroyed what Mao built, and you even suppressed real leftists!
  • Redpills - Stop whining about women, you pathetic incel and undercover homofash!
  • Conservative Feminism - You will make sandwiches in the communal kitchens.
  • Liberal Feminism - You will be shared as communal property.
  • Classical Liberalism - Absolutely terrible. An unjust and archaic system pretending to be "revolutionary" by evading taxes. Also, return the land to the natives!
  • Neoliberalism - Worse than the above. You are destroying mine and many other nations. But we will end you, just see.


  • Calmism - Good ideas, now without that imperialism stuff it's close perfection, but emphasize communism a little more. Overall good.


  • Meowxism - While you are a fellow stalinist and a true ML, You're a furry and a ((bourgeois)). Also, don't call Kim, Xi, Honecker and specially Castro revisionist near me or you get destroyed.
  • Belinism - Decent ideas, just be less reactionary and more economically leftist and it will be perfect. Also, depending just on friendship I'd add you in "Good" section.
  • Dankeism - Why is this ut*pian calling me a "fake socialist"? But thanks for calling me "World Stalinism", i 100% endorse that label. Also, you aren't all bad since you have environmentalist and (partly) anti-capitalist views.
  • N.Brioism - Supporting Stalin, Guevara and Pol Pot is based, but stop hating on religions. Except Evangelicals, fuck them
  • RK Thought - Meh. Corporatism is cringe, but atleast you're pro-East and sympathetic to USSR and Russia.
  • Argentine Theory - Gotta be a little more communist, but overall decent.


  • HopesDarkness - Monstrous capitalist ideology with no morals or any redeeming qualities. But a nice guy.
  • Energeneralism - Too reactionary , right-wing, and proselytising, but you're cool.
  • Neocarlism - The unholy amalgamation of Reactionary Monarchism, Red Fascism and everything else. Very close to Ismism. Completely unholy.
  • Distributist Reactionaryism - Im ashamed to share a country with you, homofash white supremacist atheist racist scum.
  • Ludwigism - Hideous. Complete garbage on all opinions, and even it's supposedly reedemable anti-zionism is just an extreme misconception
  • Nuriskianism - You had so much potential, but you're a dirty revisionist anti-marxist.
  • Brazilian Liberalism - Becoming a little less imperialist, but still beyond trash. Giving up on Neoliberalism would be the START of it. Also you support my arch nemesis, Rwanda.
  • DECBism - Unironic Neolib, crypto-fascist scum. No redeeming qualities except for the self-proclaimed environmentalism.
  • Baxism - Don't care if you claim to be socialist. Please eat a tortilla the vertical way.
    • It shows that you are an extremely immature Pseudocialist. You will never join my secret socialist elite!
    • Did you just admit you're elitist? ReviZionism at it's peak. And you still have the courage to call me "pseudosocialist".
    • Even tho I’m not elitist. Conservative Socialism is revisionist.

Further Information


Recent changes

  • Officernasty • 01:02
  • Aperson14 • 00:12
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 18:04
  • JoeBidenMarxism • Yesterday at 17:54