Accelerationism (Acc) sometimes specified to Unconditional Accelerationism (U/Acc)is the advocacy of intentionally accelerating and unstabilizing political processes for the achievement of political goals, especially in relation to Capitalism although not necessarily.
Accelerationism was originally big friends with the left, although after some time he fell out of favour and the generally wondered around the compass and made friends and lovers with multiple personalities.
How to Draw
- Draw a ball.
- Fill it in with either black or a very dark gray.
- Draw three right-pointing arrows, the leftmost arrow green (#0ed145), the center arrow yellow (#fff200) and the third arrow red (#ec1c24).
- Add the eyes and you're done!.
Further Reading
Wikipedia Pages
- A Quick Rundown of Accelerationism by Aldous Huxley
- What is Accelerationism? by Nester
- A C C E L E R A T E - The Accelerationist Song by Jreg