Template:UserMatteel - Fascists, conservatives, neocons, ect, can cope at the sheer basedness at this this ideology.
Wow nice job removing my comment - Template:UserComradeGanyu
DragonRed Hey guys. My page come
Everything about this is cringe except for free speech, online privacy, secularism, and whistleblowers. Even then this often takes those to unhealthy extremes. -Template:UserComradeGanyu
General Ganyu, I agreed your point. - Template:UserChirotesla
Please stop calling progressive communists or socialists shitlibs. I am not angry with you being angry with them it is just rather petty. Because liberalism is not just culturally left so any other culturally left ideology does not have to be liberalism
- Template:UserChirotesla: Because he had removed GeneralGanyu’s comments because he disagrees with GeneralGanyu’s opinions on this ideology. I think that not all progressive communists or socialists are shitlibs.