Template:UserMatteel - This radiates pure and utter basedness
Template:KaiserKlausMouse: True
Template:UserChirotesla: agreed
Pantheon - I agree, although it can be somewhat too centralized at times.
NGL, hella based
the ideas it has sound pretty nice, I consider adopting this to my economic influences as a primary pillar - Template:UserNuoh
Like it says on the article it's The Missing Link between Social Democracy and Fascism
- Just... how
- Pantheon - He probably thinks that because Corporatism is the Economic system used by most Fascists and it is somewhat Authoritarian.
- Pantheon - Do you think the Nordic countries are Fascist?
Pretty good economic model
I like a lot of what this proposes and I think it can be a good stepping stone towards a form of socialism in the framework of a liberal democracy. - IvarsBalodis
Not the worse but should only be implemented in case of economic emergency’s - Template:UserTony567
- Pantheon - Why only in emergencies?