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Cannabis Anarchy is set of irrelevant rants written after smoking weed. My page is now complete.

The page will be minimalistic and I will focus here on short articles being an introduction to my strange theories, because I want to write longer articles somewhere else. I will focus here on politics, economics, ethics and sociology, because other parts of my philosophy aren't developed yet.

Main Ideas

  1. Anarchy as Communism as State of Nature as Golden Age as Body Without Organs
  2. Technocapital as Leviathan as Demiurge
  3. Era of Civilization as Kali Yuga
  4. Ubermensch Anarchy
  5. Civilizational simulation of life and The Matrix allegory
  6. Combination of Communization and TAZ
  7. Anarchy and Communism fully achievable in post-civilized state of things, and partially existing in pre-civilized state of things.
  8. Autokybernism

What I believe? There are a few positions and theses

  • Anarchy and civilization can be considered to be polar opposites.
  • Anarchy is anti organizational. Every more formal organization is basically a state.
  • We can divide praxis to two points:
    • Temporary - TAZ, squatting, mutual aid, affinity groups, unions of egoists and similar.
    • Quasi permanent - Communization and insurrection. No one should have any kind of legality.
  • No politics, economy or ethics is or should be universal. Any attempt to introduce a global system would end with totalitarianism.
  • Civilization and capital is fallen human creation, not a metaphysical entity.
  • The best economics could be barter like mutual aid, without planning and commodities.
  • "True communism" would be classless, stateless, moneyless society.
  • I have no cultural beliefs, except negation of traditions, gender, social norms and religion.
  • Morality, law, rights or religion are mere phantasms, concepts in mind that governs individual and are idols to them.
  • Civilization and capital are finally the same.
  • Civilization will collapse, and there is potential to bring an anarchist society.
  • Colonized peoples have some potential to become anarchist.
  • Idpol, both left and right wing is intended to stop us from actual problems.
  • Liberation of individual will would bring class, race, gender and other liberation.
  • State of nature before civilization was closer to Hobbesian vision, state of nature after civilization may, but not must be closer to Rousseauan vision.
  • Industrialism enslaved workers, so destruction of factories and replacing them by other means of production is preferable to maintaining it but in "more equal" way.
  • Ideals of enlightenment and renaissance are quite better than medieval ones, but still very undesirable.

Influential people

People and Groups

  • Epicurus (341–270 BC)
  • Baruch Spinoza (1632-1677)
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778)
  • Max Stirner (1806-1856)
  • Karl Marx (1818-1883)
  • Pierre-Joseph Proudhon (1809-1865)
  • Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900)
  • Emma Goldman (1869-1940)
  • Renzo Novatore (1890-1922)
  • Albert Camus (1913-1960)
  • Michel Foucault (1926-1984)
  • Gilles Deleuze (1925-1995)
  • Jean Baudrillard (1929-2007)
  • Felix Guattari (1930-1992)
  • Guy Debord (1931-1994)
  • Raoul Vaneigem (1934-)
  • Antonio Negri (1933-)
  • Jacques Camatte (1935-)
  • Alfredo Bonanno (1937-)
  • Ted Kaczynski (1942-2023)
  • John Zerzan (1943-)
  • Hakim Bey (1945-2022)
  • Bob Black (1951-)
  • Mark Fisher (1968-2017)
  • Saul Newman (1972-)
  • Jason McQuinn (?)
  • Wolfi Landstreicher (?)
  • Flower Bomb (?)
  • Tiqqun
  • The Invisible Committe

Negative Influences

  • Thomas Hobbes
  • Peter Kropotkin
  • Murray Rothbard
  • Noam Chomsky
  • Hans Hermann Hoppe
  • Giovanni Gentile
  • Vladimir Lenin
  • Leon Trotsky
  • Alexandr Dugin
  • Sergey Nechayev
  • Maximilien Robespierre
  • Julius Evola
  • Eduard Bernstein
  • Ayn Rand
  • Nick Land

Civilization - disaster of Planet Earth

We live in a simulation. Simulation of life. Every part of your life is controlled, manipulated, measured and artificially constructed. We have an artificial life, without true meaning (if there even is one). You are born. As a child, you cannot consent to anything. You can be given to "demonic rituals" (baptized). Manipulated (sent to a preschool and later to a school, where you are only told to conform, be disciplined, punished and taught about bullshit traditions and norms). Polluted (you will be fed by mass produced "food", subjected to a medical experiment called vaccination and so on). Then if you are an adult, the age of "freedom" begins. But not really. You leave your family, but you are subjugated to the government and companies even more. Everything, including basic things to survive cost money. How to earn money? By work. In a job you probably hate. Still if you earn some money, the mafia called government will steal half of what you earned. You work for a boss, that commands how much money you will get. What you do after work? You consume another shit that corporations produced by slavery in third world. You poison your body and mind by alcohol, just to forget how fucked civilized life is. If you try to leave this prison, in an attempt of committing suicide, you will be put in literal prison, called euphemistically psychiatric hospital. Even religions, being an absolute lie, will say if you try to leave your fucked life you will be punished after death, by hell or reincarnation as an animal (considered in humanist hegemonic paradigm as a lower form of life). Civilization is an Alcatraz prison hard to escape. You see, all liberatory movements were already incorporated into the machine of capitalism. Feminism? Already only commodity and political issue. Women were liberated when they can oppress other women (and men too) while being politicians and bosses, plus t shirts and cups with "girl power". LGBT? Look at June, a true ritual of capitalism. Black liberation? BLM is now just a commodity. Environmentalism? Corporations being saviors of the planet, because they sell cardboard packagings, not plastic? That plastic straws are strictly forbidden, but politicians and other elites have private flights around the world? Electric cars, where used batteries are littered into oceans and deserts? And so on. Everything was already commodified and co-opted into the spectacle described by situationists. Currently there is no god other than civilization and it's disastrous consequences for the human race. Then we have politics. The greatest and most harmful invention of the human race. What happened that tribes, more or less living in peace, created politics and capital? At first we had agriculture. Stupid apes thought they are superior to the rest of nature, and subjugated it. They domesticated plants and animals. Was that evil or whatever? No. But consequences it brought were. In Mesopotamia, first confirmed civilization in official history, agriculture made more humans, and more humans needed more resources. They invented irrigation. Technology needed someone to govern and distribute it. Government required first organized economy. That's how politics and economy were created. And this was the worst step of humanity. There was another great tool of control, that smart but machiavellian pricks used, religion. Tribal animism was recreated into state religion. There was no longer respect for nature, nature was only a tool of expansion of humanity. Priests invented new gods and afterlife, and masses started to believe them. Morality as an institution was born. The Chosen Nation, perhaps the most influential nation to the human history invented that there is only one god. Really sadistic, cruel and dictatorial one. This nation justified everything they did, rapes, infanticide, torture and other things like this by their deity. Then their Messiah has come, but many Jews didn't accept him. Jesus Christ taught more peaceful vision of the world and religion, but his teachings were used to do exactly disgusting things. Nero, Roman emperor oppressed christians, but then christians oppressed pagans. After collapse of Rome, the dark ages came. Ages of popular ignorance and brutality. Their only authority were "noble" parasites and "spiritual" parasites, aka aristocracy and clergy. Then, the "golden ages" of renaissance and enlightenment came. Nothing human is alien to us, science and rationality and the like. Only another leviathan with another form of control over individual. Humanity and reason being another deities. Another totalizing ethics being utilitarianism and such. Another statism, even if limited by a meaningless roll of papers. There were a few of interesting historical events. First, creation of United States of America. The paradise of liberty and freedom, with slavery and manifest destiny. Second one is French Revolution, where incest tyrants were replaced by The People. Many heads were cut off, but situation after it was pretty similar. And in 19th century we had another great prophet, close to Jesus Christ himself. Karl Marx. And his prophecies were put in practice by Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong and other great liberators of the working people. Did they destroy capitalism? No. The greatest socialist empires are today only capitalist hegemonies, Russia and China. After the second world war, UN was invented, the state of Israel wad created, and the myth of human rights arose. Today, the official prophet of New World Order is dude called Klaus Schwab. Glorious future we will have is; eating ze bugs and living in ze pod. We will go back to the caste system (not in Evola's terms), techno-feudalism, call it whatever you want. It can happen. And will. Everyone will consent to it, because many of us, (NPCs) cannot imagine an alternative to capitalism. They don't think about anything except basic things that id does, and that superego forces. Consumption and propaganda went too far, the spectacle controls every part of life, even unconsciously. This is capitalist realism. In Landian terms, technocapital may soon eradicate the human race, because it will no longer be necessary to it's development. "The creation shall destroy the creator." Very pessimistic and not true at all. The capital and civilization is just a fallen creation of human beings, not some metaphysical entity which commands our reality. What conclusions do we have? We live in the theater where they eternally play simulation of life. I call it The Matrix. TECHNOCAPITAL, CIVILIZATION, LEVIATHAN AND SUPEREGO ARE THE DEMIURGE. THERE IS NO EXTRATERRESTRIAL OR DIVINE FORCE RULING THIS WORLD ONLY HUMAN IGNORANCE AND IT'S DISASTROUS CONSEQUENCES.

Anarchy - past, now and future

Human race invented endless ideologies about how society should be organized, and endless philosophies about every part of life and what's beyond our lives (metaphysics and such). In antiquity and middle ages there was no alternative to the state and slavery. After enlightenment there were invented another ideologies. Let it be liberalism; life, liberty, property and so on. What a glorious ideas, that liberated people forever. Not really. The social contract was another step in state slavery. "The state exists because people consent to it". This is partially true, because today and before people couldn't live without the state. When the government spoke about stability, safety and productivity, masses will just believe in it, and why should they revolt? Liberals and their limited, temporary "freedom" are hilarious. In another side of the same coin there we have "anarchists". Hobbes stated that the state of nature is chaos and people killing each other. Our only escape from it is leviathan, centralized authoritarian state, that can prevent it. Human nature is inherently evil and the state is a force of good. Those so called anarchists say that human nature is inherently good, and authorities and capital corrupted it. They propose various types of governance, but mostly federations of "autonomous" communities with direct democracy. They want to achieve it in different means, but their brains are limited to the dichotomy of reform-revolution. Some of classical anarchists wanted gradual and peaceful changes. Other wanted revolutionary change, that will be directed by unions, platforms, whatever. Meaningless. What reform can do? Nothing. If there was an "anarchist" political party, and something strange will happen and they will win elections, USA or other imperialist force will simply intervene, do another Operation Condor and defeat it. Revolution you say? Look at French or October Revolution. What they did. Replacement of capitalist, monarchist or other oppressive system of rule by socialism, democracy, whatever they call it, it's basically the same. There is no difference between bourbon and jacobin, between tsar and revolutionary. Anarcho syndicalists speaks about revolutionary labor unions, general strikes and other shit. Collectivist and communist anarchists wants immediate revolution that will change society and then it will be "perfect", because there is nothing more ideal than confederal communes working in principles of direct democracy. What is their praxis for here and now? Sitting and waiting for a revolution. Maybe some dumb protests being only another part of the matrix. Classical anarchism is another part of classical political spectrum, that will still save major parts of society. True anarchy is like the Plato's cave allegory. When you escape this cave, this simulation, you can no longer tolerate this state of things. The political enlightenment, you see all that happens on the world only as a theater and spectacle. But anarchy is not only philosophical theories. What is the real praxis? Just living. Living anarchy here and now! But what it means? We, anarchists in today can do various things. We start at stuff like affinity groups, temporary autonomous zones, mutual aid, squatting and unions of egoists. Unorganized and free flowing praxis, without waiting for prophecy of revolution, without worshipping a book. Temporary actions, and bursts of freedom are good and necessary, but is there even a hope for long term goals? There are no goals, no utopian visions and no political programs to be realized, our path is negation. Negation of civilization and society. If we want to do something that may really destabilize this cancer system, not only give us a little freedom, it is communization. Communization is a theory and movement replacing capitalism by communism from below, rejecting Marxist dogmas and outdated bullshit, like dictatorship of the proletariat, and even the concept of proletariat itself, being defined as self slavery. Combined with autonomist anti organizationalism, and situationist anti spectacle, it's the best form of communism. TAZ is still a great idea, we can create a small planes of insurrection and be free here, then this insurrection can expand (without force) to other places. Not only "proletariat" but also peasants, students, "petit bourgeoisie" and "lumpenproletariat" can be on our side. The destruction of everything that enslaves us, all institutions of modern society. Take a gun and kill a politician or a cop. Burn political office. Build a bomb and throw it out on anything that is related to the government, capital, industry or religion. But... It's still just a dream. Even if there were events like May 68 or Exarchia in Athens, it still haven't changed society really. We should accept that leviathan, civilization or technocapital is too powerful to be simply destroyed. As I said before, today we can count only on little acts of rebellion, like TAZs, squatting, small scale insurrections, etc. To not be pessimistic at all, let's talk about proto and pseudo anarchistic acts in history. There were slave insurrections in antiquity, peasant communities in medieval times, unorganized worker strikes in first capitalism, rebellions in concentration camps and gulags, and so on. The revolution of everyday life is something that we do and should do. There is also another possibility. If civilization will evolve into its most oppressive form, close to what Orwell and Huxley warned us, even more insane than predictions of Klaus Schwab, similar to fears of conspiracy theorists, it will probably collapse too. Perhaps civilization will collapse during an event that no human can fully control. It may be nuclear war, pandemic, climate change, famine, alien invasion. Superego will no longer be necessary to even exist. Everyone may become Ubermensch. Kali Yuga will end. The demiurge, after thousands of years of parasitic living on Earth, feeding on our souls and suppressing human will, would suddenly disappear. You will ask, what will be next? After this set of events, the Golden Age awaits us. An order coming from chaos. Post-civilizational, post-societal world. Everyone may think about it differently, I think about world working as Stirnerite unions of egoists, internally based on mutual aid, post-civ and communism, externally based on voluntary cooperation and isolationism. Only Ubermenschen would be able to control their desires. Only Ubermenschen would be able to live beyond good and evil, civilization, superego, religious slave morality, beyond master and slave and beyond order and chaos. A fully deterritorialized state of things. When it comes to organization, I think about solarpunk style settlements, not reminding cities and villages, and if someone doesn't want to live in those communes, can live as a nomad. This kind of "society" would be simple, peaceful but wise, connected to nature and the universe, free from all abusive elements of the civilization, matrix, demiurge. ANARCHY IS COMMUNISM, COMMUNISM IS THE STATE OF NATURE, THAT IS THE GOLDEN AGE THAT IS THE BODY WITHOUT ORGANS. THE ANARCHY OF UNIQUE UBERMENSCHEN.


The Civilization Collapsers and Golden Age Bringers

The Anarchic Circle

The Undecided

The NPCs

The Agent Smiths of the Matrix

The Demiurge and Archons

The Unclassifiable


Have read

  • 1984 (George Orwell)
  • Against Legalization (Hakim Bey)
  • Against Organizationalism (Jason McQuinn)
  • Anarchist Religion? (Hakim Bey)
  • Anarchy and Ecstasy (Hakim Bey)
  • Armed Joy (Alfredo Bonanno)
  • Because I Wanted To (Fumiko Kaneko)
  • Beyond Workerism and Syndicalism (Alfredo Bonanno)
  • Blessed is the Flame (Serafinski)
  • Burn All Bibles (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Critical Self-Theory (Jason McQuinn)
  • Descending into Madness (Flower Bomb)
  • Godless (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Ilness and Capital (Alfredo Bonanno)
  • Isms, Wasms and Amn'ts (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • New Libertarian Manifesto (Samuel Edward Konkin)
  • I Am Also A Nihilist (Renzo Novatore)
  • Industrial Society and it's Future (Ted Kaczynski)
  • Insurgency (Multiple authors)
  • Insurrection or Revolution (Saul Newman)
  • Life is Not a Machine (Hakim Bey)
  • No Future of the Workplace (Bob Black)
  • On Organization (Jacques Camatte)
  • Post-Anarchism Anarchy (Hakim Bey)
  • Post-Civ! (Introduction) (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
  • Post-Civ! (Elaboration) (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
  • Post Left Anarchy (Jason McQuinn)
  • Specters of Freedom in in Stirner and Foucault (Saul Newman)
  • Spread Anarchy, Make Communism (The Invisible Committee)
  • Technology and Class Struggle (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Technophilia, An Infantile Disorder (Bob Black)
  • The Abolition of Work (Bob Black)
  • The Anarchist As an Outlaw (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • The Logic of Insurrection (Alfredo Bonanno)
  • The Unique and it's Property (Max Stirner)
  • Towards the Creative Nothing (Renzo Novatore)
  • What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality (Flower Bomb)
  • Why I Am Not a Communist (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Why Primitivism? (John Zerzan)
  • Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck (Nadia C)


  • Anarchy After Leftism
  • Desert
  • Willful Disobedience
  • Nihilism, Anarchism, and the 21st Century
  • The Revolution Of Everyday Life
  • The Temporary Autonomous Zone
  • This Is Not a Program
  • Stirner's Critics

Plan to Read

  • Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy The Economy
  • Anarchist Response To “An Anarchist Response to Crime”
  • Debunking Democracy
  • Anarchism and Other Essays
  • Destroy Race, Destroy Society
  • Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack
  • The Right To Be Greedy
  • The Society of the Spectacle
  • Capitalism Realism
  • Capital
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • God And The State
  • The Conquest of Bread
  • What Is Property?
  • Leviathan
  • Strangers In An Alien World
  • Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto
  • Dark Deleuze
  • The Coming Insurrection
  • Endnotes
  • Beyond Good And Evil
  • Twilight Of The Idols
  • The Futurist Manifesto
  • Capitalism And Schizophrenia
  • Capital And The State
  • When Insurrections Die
  • Ontological Anarchy In A Nutshell
  • Democratic Mystification
  • Acid Communism
  • Discipline And Punish
  • The Subject and Power
  • Post-Scarcity Anarchism
  • Post-Anarchism
  • The Politics of Post-Anarchism
  • War on the State
  • Theorie Communiste
  • "Stirner Wasn't a Capitalist you Fucking Idiot"
  • Egoist Communism: What It Is and what It Isn't
  • The Incredible Lameness of Left Anarchism
  • Hello from The Wired

Recent changes

  • Kosciuszkovagr • 51 minutes ago
  • Kosciuszkovagr • 53 minutes ago
  • SocialistWorldRepublic • 1 hour ago
  • Kosciuszkovagr • 14:00