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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent LordCompost's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

‟Through the heaven of civilization, the human being seeks to isolate himself from the world, to break its hostile power.”

The Unique and Its Property, Max Stirner

Howdy, I'm LordCompost.

I am an Egoist, Pragmatist, Post-Civilisationist, Iconoclast, and Anti-Humanist.

I am influenced by a variety of schools, most notably by Post-Analytic Philosophy, Psychoanalysis, German Idealism & Romanticism, Political Nihilism, and by various Post-Structuralist thinkers.

Unlike what my influences describe, my thought is grounded not in Political Nihilism nor Egoist/Individualist Anarchism, but rather in a very broad philosophically anarchist interpretation of anti-civilization and post-civilization philosophy; seeing the subjects relation to the state as just another of the same phenomenon which underpins modern civilisation. I see civilisation, the state, capitalism, traditions, or any other contingent historical phenomenon, etc., as neither desirable nor regrettable; they are simply existent, and our relation to such phenomena underpins societal ills.

I see civilisation, capital, culture, ideology, etc., as part of a domesticating process through which individuals find themselves under subjectification. However, this does not create oppression by itself but rather leads to opportunities, social relations, and the possibility of fixity and ideological domination. My response to such domestication is simply the constant renegotiation of individuals, institutions, societies, etc., to themselves and their values through the questioning and revision of values as a form of decadence and pragmatism.

My Icons: (////)


See my Philosophy page.


The State

State authority[2], as opposed to power, is granted by self-legislation/ voluntary servitude which are products of manufactured consent, ideology, or repression. While not entirely voluntary or consensual, being a product of social environment with its own norms, culture, values, institutions, etc., it is possible to separate it from compliance to power.

While an "ideal" state is voluntary and fully representative, it will never exist, simply because it cannot, therefore, I opt for a conception of philosophical anarchism in which without such direct, free and informed self-legislation, there can be no obligation of individuals towards the state; either they freely choose to obligate themselves, or there is no obligation.

Philosophical Anarchism

Any state that is lesser than the above conception, i.e., all current and historical states, fails to produce political obligation to its supposed subjects. Thus, individuals have no duty to participate in governmental affairs nor obey laws.

Instead, individuals are 'morally' able (if you care for such arguments), or rather freely able, to succeed from the state through revolution, insurrection, crime, civil uprest, destruction, free association, rejection of work, decadence, rejection of tradition, questioning, and above all denial of authority.


As stated above, states rely on both power or repressive state apparatuses , and authority or Ideological state apparatuses . However, states do not typically function on the strict use of power, that is, the threat of force. Instead, states operate on the principle that citizens will internalise and accept its rule and become their own 'police force' by constantly operating and enforcing norms, laws, values, etc.

Thus, while it is important to alter the material conditions, these themselves are reliant on ideas or collective consciousness.[3] Thus, individuals in their rejection of fixed institutions, values, norms, laws, etc., through the above methods will as a consequence undermine the authority of the state.


Links to my Substack.

The Shears of “Civilization”

The "Origin" of Civilisation

On Decline in Relation to Decadence

The Cultural Industrial Complex

On the Issue of Negation

Political Obligation

Totality and Autonomy

Postmodern Paganism


How is 'The State and Its Property' illegitimate? If you truly held to the principle that property is individual protection, then isn't the state currently the most powerful entity that protects its property? As such, according to you, it is your perfect society already.

Bourgeoisie Destroyer
I am sure you have read something, but merely returning and subscribing to 'ancient' philosophy does not make one intelligent, nor does it advance any knowledge or let one overcome modern problems simply because thought has developed and overcome older philosophy.

Killer Kitty
Question: If politics was a net negative on your country would you overcome it and bring politics into its nullity? Or would you hold close to it and always remain bound to your highest truth? 'No,' you would say, 'politics cannot be done away with; it is necessary, it is fundamental, it is more important than us.' Liberalism, Fascism? Politics...

No writings...

Xx godisfaithful xx
Your similarity to postmodern/post-anarchism with your rejection of an 'Arche' or grounding principle is fascinating. This is why I am surprised you disagree with postmodernism so much. However, in your thought, I find the assurance of human rights to be the primary ground of politics; it seems to be a slight contradiction?

It is quite strange that through all your insights and some I agree with quite earnestly, post-rationalism is a particular favourite; one then runs into your quite tame and sacred economics. Economic freedom is the same as 'religious freedom' - not freedom from the economy, but the freedom of the economy.

Anthony Bax
I am still yet to understand the existence of altruistic egoism. Where does Stirner oppose altruism? When egoists are social, supportive, associative, etc., why does this entail the conclusion that sharing is a moral ought, and that collectivisation is a sacred duty? It is alien to my will, something that can always be separated from the social ego.

I appreciate the critique of capitalism; I, too, agree that it is a stifle of individuality and creativity. However, I do not support socialism for the same reasons. Additionally, anarchy, even as expression or lifestyle, is still a mode for me to exist within; why can I not act freely and have a me-ism? Why label it and put rules on what I can and can't do; if I idly protested and violently resisted at other times, shall I be shunned as false to the cause?

Who is the nation existing for? If it is for the nation, then it can do its own work to benefit itself; if it is for the people of that nation, then why are we supporting the nation and not the people? Additionally, if it is voluntary whether people identify with that nation, then it can hardly be said to be a universal shared value. If individuals stop identifying, they can hardly be said to oppose the nation's interests because they no longer accept the nation itself.

You have no idea what you are talking about, do you? Also, please try to improve your writing skills.

A collection is not synonymous with collectivism; one is the aggregate of individuals, or merely a multitude of them more so than a total, while the other remains an organisational principle of interests that relate individuals to a supposed shared value. In reality, individuals are connected into a 'collective' through a web of values. Ultimately, if any individual no longer valued what others valued, would you side with the individual or the multitude?

A very consistent anarchist, but, also a very principled one; I do not oppose the forms of lifestyle that you propose, but I would, instead of 'living anarchy', much rather have my lifestyle without heed of laws, norms, religion, economics, etc., and have it 'said' that it is insurrectionary. Additionally, I certainly do not wish my life to be defined by abstract concepts imposed on me by society, such as soul or nature; much the same as you oppose essentialism in gender, humanism, politics, etc.,

As I said in the comments on the insurrectionary communism page, I am yet to understand the necessity of communism, nor the denial of the proletariat for insurrection. If one wanted to constantly head to the 'what-can-be,' or in your and Stirner's words, the 'ideal,' something which, once it is here, is no longer ideal but real, and thus static, then why is the language (and theory) of the 'old-guard' still in power? Clearly, much like static fixity, reaction allows the revolution to realise itself by allowing individuals to become fully conscious of what the revolution stood for; it is a necessary step, but it is not the last step.

The obvious point of contention is simply that your picture of the state, economy, and even social relations is paternalistic in the traditional sense of the term. You believe, and not without justification, that the state (and not even you specifically) knows what is best for its subjects; it treats itself as the 'father'; it is paternal. Obviously, if it goes against the current grain, it is not necessary that it opposes individual interests, but it is difficult to tell without some community mechanism.

Now, you correctly surmise that automation and the abolition of labour in the economy are currently unsuitable simply because, well, beating on a dead horse, we produce more than we need and yet labour more than ever. We have more automation and efficiency, but we have less leisure time. Of course, people are scared about losing their jobs because we certainly do not have structures in place that will allow these people to live without labour. And yet, why is your system of economics required if the solution to your conundrum is just communism?

I have very little to go off, as I prefer not to judge an individual's ideology merely by influences. Thus, there are only a few sections that I can judge: Economics, Markets, Immigration, Conservatism, and Gender. Economics is by-the-by; it is just that, well, any market favours the accumulation of wealth, not just free ones. You then also support 'free market' socialism, so is it capitalism or free markets that lead to large corporations? The rest is just conservative/reactionary scare words intended to win merely by sophistic refutation (Ad Hominem).


  1. In my opinion, consensus democracy, or a complete collective will, can only function with the addition of individual succession and in limited circumstances.
  2. Here defined as "the right to command, and correlatively, the right to be obeyed. It must be distinguished from power, which is the ability to compel compliance, either through the use or the threat of force." Robert Paul Wolff.
  3. I am not denying that ideas are also reliant on previous material conditions; it is more that neither is purely reducible to the other.


LordCompost - Please comment here if you have questions.

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