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Black-Hundredism, also known as Black Hundred, is a culturally extreme right and economically traditionalist ideology based on the Black Hundreds movement in early 20th century Russia. It was based on strong support for the House of Romanov and violently opposed any form of retreat from the autocratic rule of the Tsardom. It is also notable for its extremist views which were mainly composed of xenophobic and prejudiced beliefs such as its strong anti-Ukrainian rhetoric as well as anti-Semitic and anti-Masonic ideals.


The Black Hundreds were established as a movement following the Revolution of 1905. They were regarded as staunch Tsarist loyalists who mobilized opposition to any attempt at reform and acted as a loose bloc of pro-Tsar Russian nationalist and fiercely supremacist militias, helping him maintain power through brutally terrorizing and persecuting dissidents. The Black Hundreds were eventually dissolved following the February Revolution and most of their members fled after the Russian Civil War. Their legacy partially lived on in the Russian Fascist Party, which supported similar reactionary ultranationalist beliefs, combined with elements of Nazism, but had dropped the explicit support for monarchism. Black Hundredist thought influences modern Russian ultranationalist movements, such as Pamyat, and arguably even Putinist ideology.

Russian Fascism

Russian Fascism is mostly based on the thoughts of Russian political figure Nikolai Ivanovich Nukuoro.

He was born at the Kiev Governorate/Ukraine, Russia on April 29th 1886, as scientist along with being a lawyer but then in 1910, he graduated from St. Vladimir University in Kiev and was left there to be prepared of becoming a professor.

In 1914, Nikolai Nikiforov passed the master's tests in which he received the title of privatdozent but then during World War One (1914-1918), he was privatdozent at St. Joseph University from 1914 to 1917 while being a extraordinary professor at the Omsk Polytechnic Institute by the "Department of General History/Ministry of National Education" from 1917 to 1918 and during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923), he was a professor at Irkutsk State University from 1920 to 1921 but then becomes extraordinary professor at the State Far Eastern University in the same department from 1921 to 1922 and acting extraordinary professor of the law faculty at the Harbin Normal University in Manchuria, China from 1922 to 1937.

In 1925, Nikolai Nikiforov along with certain members of the Law Faculty at Harbin Normal University founded the "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) but then in 1927, "The Theses Of Russian Fascism" was published while the organization smuggled some propaganda into the Soviet Union that brought the attention of China who banned the group from publishing such works and in 1928, Nikiforov defended his thesis called "The Seigneurial Regime In France In The Outcome Of The Old Order" for a master degree of general history in the testing commission at the Russian Academic Group in Prague, Czechoslovakia.

The "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) was a minor Fascist organization that looked to Italian fascism for inspiration while it produced the "Theses of Russian Fascism" but then F. T. Goryachkin published a book called "The First Russian Fascist Pyotr Arkadyevich Stolypin" in which stated that Stolypin is even more brilliant than Benito Mussolini and the Russian Fascists established the Stolypin Academy in Harbin.

In March 1929, Nikolai Nikiforov becomes the last deputy dean of the law faculty at the Harbin Normal University while he was the editor of a journal called "The Bulletin of the Manchurian Pedagogical Society" and in February 1st 1930, he was engaging in private practice published a Russian version of the book called "The Secret Forces of the Revolution" by Léon de Poncins in a Russian Fascist newspaper called "Our Way" in 1933.

In May 26th 1931, the "Russian Fascist Organization" (RFO) was absorbed into the newly founded "Russian Fascist Party" (RFP) under the leadership of Konstantin Rodzaevsky while in 1936, Nikolai Nikiforov moved to Tianjin in which he opened a private bank with a former employee of the CER but later moved to Shanghai where he was engaged in teaching again and in 1945, he was arrested by the "Smersh" to be deported into the Soviet Union after World War Two (1939-1945) in which he was sentenced to 10 years in forced labour camps at which he died in the year 1951.

Russian Imperial Movement

Russian Imperial Movement is based on the thoughts of Russian political figure Stanislav A. Vorobyev.

He was born in Leningrad, Northwestern, Russian SFSR, Soviet Union on June 2nd 1960 but then in 1982, he graduated from the faculty of law at St. Petersburg State University (LSU) and in years later he was a supporter of the "All-Russian Party" of the "Monarchical Center".

In 2002, Stanislav A. Vorobyev founded the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) at St Petersberg, Russia while according to various data the movement was founded in 2005 but then in 2008, the "Imperial Legion" was formed by the movement as a paramilitary arm that was lead by Denis Gariev six years later as he called for young Orthodox men to dedicate themselves to defending Novorossiya even the paramilitary arm maintains two training facilities in the city even one of which is located south of Heinäsenmaa island located in Lahdenpohsky, Karelia called camp Partizan that runs urban warfare training, shooting training, tactical medicine, high-altitude training, military psychology and survival training as during that same year members of the movement visited Stockholm, Sweden in order to attend Karl XII's Memorial Day with a Neo-Nazi group called the "Party Of The Swedes" (SVP) lead by Stefan Jacobsson until 2015.

In 2011, the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) has joined with the "People's Militia Named After Minin And Pozharsky" (NOMP) lead by Vladimir Kvachkov until 2015 while in July 2014 during the War In Donbas (2014-2022), the "Imperial Legion" began training while sending volunteers in support of unrecognized republics such as Donetsk or Lugansk even they participated in hostilities in the areas such as Slavyansk, Debaltseva and Mius but then sat down Nikishino, Ukraine and then certain members of the legion worked as mercenaries in the Middle East along with North Africa.

In 2015, it was noted that the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) provided support to the "Nordic Resistance Movement" (NRM) while Stanislav A. Vorobyev had visited the movement in Sweden but then he got a visit by the "Atomwaffen Division" lead by Brandon Russell as both groups adhere to James Mason's Accelerationism and according to an investigation in which was conducted by an online newspaper called "Infobae" a new cell of the "Atomwaffen Division" was created in Russia receives training from the movement as the citizens of the United States of America who are affiliated with the group are also believed to have taken part in it.

The "National Counterterrorism Center" (NCTC) with it's director Christopher Miller confirmed that American Neo-Nazis have had contacts with the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) specifically on previous occasions as they have travelled to Russia to train with the group while Miller described these connections as relatively loose or informal and Kaleb Cole who is the new leader of "Atomwaffen Division" allegedly was one of them who was trained by movement.

In May 2018, the "National Democratic Party of Germany" (NPD) lead by Frank Franz held a meeting in Riesa, Meißen, Saxony, Germany with related organizations such as "Serbian Action" along with "Bulgarian National Union - New Democracy" (BNU-ND) lead by Boyan Rasate while the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) with its representatives are in this event but then in November 9th 2019, Stanislav A. Vorobyev was invited by an Austrian Monarchist movement called the "Black-Yellow Alliance" lead by Nicole Fara to took part in the movement's congress in which was held in Vienna, Austria at the Parkhotel Schönbrunn a guest house for the palace of Franz Joseph I and during the same month a representative of the movement held a speech in an international conference in Madrid, Spain that was organized by the Far-Right Spanish political parties such as "National Democracy" lead by Luis Mateos along with the "Alliance For Peace And Freedom" lead by Roberto Fiore.

In January 26th 2020, Anatoly Udodov who is a representative of the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) was arrested at the Stockholm Arlanda airport in Sweden after the "Swedish Police Authority" had discovered a cache of weapons belonging to him while they confiscated numerous firearms from him the previous summer due to his connections to "Nordic Resistance Movement" (NRM) for being a representative of this group as well but then he was a local recruiter for training camps in Russia and according to the police, Udodov is friends with a convicted terrorist named Viktor Melin who was part of a group of Swedish Neo-Nazis who went to Russia for military training with a upon returning was responsible for a string of bombings against minorities along with political enemies at a Leftist bookstore or an asylum centre.

The "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) has also provided paramilitary training to German, Polish and Finnish Neo-Nazis that have been recruited by Johan Bäckman along with Janus Putkonen and they are aligned with the movement.

In January 30th 2020, it was reported that a member of the "Imperial Legion" named Vladimir Skopinov who had also previously fought in the War in Donbass (2014-2022) along with the Syrian Civil War (2011-) died in the Second Libyan Civil War (2014-2022) while the website of the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) has been found to be part of a broader cluster of websites for political groups in Russia that promote Monarchy mixed Orthodoxy drawing inspiration from the Black Hundreds (1904-1917) and the cluster has other 202 groups such as "For Faith and Fatherland" along with the modern revival of the "Union of the Russian People" lead by Vyacheslav Klykov.

In April 6th 2020, the "United States Department of State" (DOS) added the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) along with Stanislav A. Vorobyev, Denis V. Gariyev and Nikolay N. Trushchalov to the "Specially Designated Global Terrorist" (SDGT) list thereby making it the first White Supremacist group to be designated a terrorist organization related to Islamic Terrorism by the "United States Department of State" along with "United States Department of Justice" included the movement’s website with its print media in the list of extremist materials and the Representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry named Maria Zakharova stated that the inclusion of "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) in the list of terrorist organizations is designed for external propaganda effect even does not contribute to the fight against Terrorism.

In April 29th 2020, the "Spanish Ministry of the Interior" (MIR) received an intelligence report which stated that the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) was inciting its Right-Wing extremist contacts in Spain to commit acts of terror such as attacking the infrastructure & transportation system and using chemical weapons against the public.

In June 5th 2020, a German magazine called "Focus" reported that the German security services were aware of the training of German Neo-Nazis in Russia while they could not prohibit the Germans from traveling to the country for legal reasons but the authorities assume that President Vladimir Putin is aware of the camps tolerate it and the "International Centre for Counter-Terrorism" (ICCT) described the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) relationship with the Russian government as an adversarial symbiosis as long as they do not commit terrorism domestically as they are free to operate even they offer training to militants even to send troops to conflicts abroad where Russia has a stake in the world.

In February 3rd 2021, the "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) was officially designated as a terrorist group in Canada while in 2022, the German government verified that members of the "National Democratic Party of Germany" (NPD) youth organization "Junge Nationalisten" along with the "Third Path" lead by Matthias Fischer are trained in Russia and the representatives of the movement were involved in military operations during the Russian invasion of Ukraine of the Russo Ukrainian War (2014/2022-) with the "Imperial Legion" that has a approximate number is 4000 personnel-personal composition, 20 RSZO-Grad, 20 artillery M777.10 armoured personnel carriers, 5 T-74 tanks, 20 Sarmat units and 49 Dagger units even the legion was in Central African Republic Civil War (2012-2022).

The "Russian Imperial Movement" (RIM) lead by Stanislav A. Vorobyev is sanctioned by the European Union and Switzerland.

How to Draw

Flag of Black Hundredism
  1. Draw a ball with a black outline
  2. Separate it into three stripes
  3. Fill the top stripe with black
  4. Fill the middle stripe with yellow
  5. Fill the bottom stripe with white
  6. Draw a yellow circle in the middle
  7. Inside that circle, draw a smaller white circle
  8. Draw a black orthodox cross inside of the white circle
  9. Add the eyes and you're done
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #202020 32, 32, 32
Yellow #FFCE00 255, 206, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • Putinism - Modern Russia is absolutely deplorable and degenerate. But, I really like the way this Putin guy handles things.
  • Mladorossism -You love the Tsar as much as I do, but why do you need godless Soviets?
  • Nazism - You slaughtered so many Russians, but at least you killed a lot of them ... Konstantin Rodzaevsky and Bronislav Kaminski are based too.
  • Taboriskyism - Zh*d, but at least he hates himself. Nabokov's dad deserved to die. He goes too far even for me in TNO.
  • Showa Statism - In many ways my Japanese counterpart sheltered White exiles, especially that based Rodzaevsky. But I won't forgive you for what happened in 1905.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Traditionalist, monarchist, good! Socialist... Heavens, NO!
  • Navalnyism - Filthy progressive liberal, but he's against socialism, Muslims and immigration. Still, worse than Putin so he best stays in jail.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Same as above but better and weirder.


  • Ukrainians Malorussians and Byelorussians - You're part of the Russia Triune and I will preach triune Slavic unity anyway.
  • Black Nationalism - Not that kind of black hundred!
  • Socialism - SERFS ARE SERFS
  • Marxism–Leninism - You ruined Mother Russia!
  • Bundism - Get out of here you filthy Jews!
  • State Atheism - You dare disrespect the Lord?!
  • Esoteric Socialism - Come on, fight me, coward! I will gut you like a fish, you masonic scum! You too are responsible for the ruin of Mother Russia, not only him!
  • Socialist Revolutionarism - You destroyed the Tsar with the so-called “February Revolution” and paved way for the Bolsheviks to come to power REEEEE!!
  • Zionism - Damned greedy merchant who sold Jesus and ruined our great Empire! May God strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger!
  • Liberalism - People, what people? This is why people don't like you.
  • State Shinto - You have almost ruined our destiny and turned the Tsar into a Weaboo with a cursed dragon tattoo.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - Crazy terrorist who wants to destroy our nation and make everyone miserable!.
  • Kerensky - Socialist with a mask. You are not our friend, but our enemy.
  • Leninism - This massive ill tempered jerk have killed the Tsar, and invented fake ethnicities!
  • Trotskyism - I think you can be considered one of the worst people here, maybe Stalin wasn't that bad for killing you.
  • Sternenkoism - A ukrainian version of Navalny? Prepare to die!


Further Information

For overlapping political theory see:





Online Communities



  1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/All-Russian_nation
  2. according to a Russian ultraconservative philosopher Ivan Ilyin

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