HWTH was Franco a kleptocrat?
Template:Pantheon Probably because his regime led to Corruption in Spain.
Why the hell would anyone support a system in which they are the ones being robbed? Reminder that kleptocracies are deliberate.
Am I alowed to add Tusk, Diem, Moi and The Shah?
Template:Pantheon Was the Shah corrupt? And I don't know the others, may you tell me something about them?
Template:UserMatteel - SLAVA UKRAINI
- Template:KaiserKlausMouse: You realize that both Ukraine and Russia are kleptocracies, right?
Template:Pantheon That doesn't justify Russias invasion though.
- He never said it did?
I pity the Ukrainian people. He made the comedian president and threw it into the fire, relying too much on the west. Western states left him alone. They do nothing but condemn.