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Cannabis Anarchy is a set of rants and other texts wrote by irrelevant anarchist after smoking weed.

In current politics, Cannabis Anarchy takes anti organizational approach, believes in making alternative to state and capital by armed insurrection, autonomous zones, unions of egoists and mutual aid. They reject ideological labels in favor of freedom of expression and considering ideologies, manmade values or ethics as oppressive products of society and superego. In economics they value free voluntary association, that leads to barter and mutual aid based economics without classes, private property and money, called Post-Mutualism, being close to true communism, where difference between both disappears. They are environmentalist, but not in humanist or religious way, believing that life close to nature is liberating. In philosophy, Cannabis Anarchy takes elements from Stirner and Nietzsche, and advocates for affirmation of life and rejection of phantasms like law, morality and norms. Their core belief is that world is ruled by not only hidden elites controlling world behind the shadows, but also Demiurge - malevolent deity, considered to be Abrahamic god. After collapse of civilization, called The Matrix - totality of civilizational oppression on Earth, that will soon become only stronger and more oppressive - politics, economy, religion and industry - that will in some time inevitably collapse, liberating people and their will from Leviathan and Demiurge, leading to benevolent post civilized world's time called Golden Age. Cannabis Anarchy doesn't idealize a perfect society that will happen in next years or decades, but sees collapse of civilization as something that will happen and will bring end of current history, mythological Golden Age.

Icons: ( / / / )

9 Principles of Cannabis Anarchy

  • Contemporary Anarchism (Civic)
    • Anti-Organizationism [3]
    • Autonomous Zones [4]
    • Unions of Egoists [5]
    • Self-Rule [6]
    • Law Abolition [7]
  • Post-Mutualism (Economic)
    • Anti-Economy [8]
    • Mutual Aid [9]
    • Production-Consumption Abolition [10]
    • Economic Decentralization [11]
  • Queer Anarchism (Cultural)
    • Anti-Culture [12]
    • Religion Abolition [13]
    • Post-Feminism [14]
    • Gender Abolition [15]
    • Postcolonial Anarchism [16]
  • Green Anarchy (Environmental)
    • Radical Environmentalism [17]
    • Deep Ecology [18]
    • Permacultural Agrarianism [19]
    • Animal Liberation [20]
  • Post-Civilization (Technological)
    • Technoprimitivism [21]
    • Solarpunk [22]
    • Anti-Urbanism [23]
    • Morphological Freedom [24]
  • Anarcho-Nihilism (Praxis)
    • Armed Insurrection [25]
    • Counter-Economics [26]
    • Artistic Action [27]
    • Squatting [28]
    • Self-Sufficiency [29]
    • Anarchy in Cyberspace [30]
  • Anarcho-Individualism (Society)
  • Anarcho-Egoism (Ethics)
  • Esoteric Anarchism (Spirituality)

Goal - Golden Age

  • Post-Civilization
  • Universal Ubermensch
  • Actual Communism
  • Reunite with Nature
  • Reunite with True Self
  • Literal Every Man a King
  • Universal Benevolence

How human race is fucked

In this paragraph I will explain current state of our civilization and pathetic attempts to change it.

We are extremely fucked. There is no hope for humanity, for a better world, you could say. We currently live in dystopia and it's not going to change at all. There is no hope for Planet Earth, we and not only we killed this world. Ecological catastrophe his irreversible. Civilization is a parasite. To the planet, and to human will. Anarchist society will not exist. Humans are both too dumb and too corrupted to fully embrace it. Civilization, capitalism, paternalism, government, consumerism, technology, religion, urbanity deprived humans of soul. We are mindless students-workers-consumers. There is nothing more to life than birth, school, work, consumption and death. We live around NPCs. Why building anarchy is impossible? Look at few of anarchist "principles": free voluntary association, self rule and mutual aid. Is humanity ready for it? No. All generations of people after first civilization lived under boot of some psychopath. Humans need to be slaves or masters, it's rooted in subconsciousness too much. And people cannot see their true needs, because capital blinded them. They cannot help others. So distinction between altruism and egoism is nonsense, as individual cannot fully serve themselves and others. We are mindless cogs in machine of civilization. Social relations collapsed. All friends will betray you, family will only dictate and command you. There are no places to be safe. There is no real sense of freedom, autonomy, individuality or even family, friendship and community, everything in human societies is corrupted, artificial and collapsing.

You live in a simulation

In this paragraph I will explain our simulated reality in two parts.

Yes, you live in a simulation. But not in Matrix movie style, or what people like Elon Musk think.

1. Entire civilization where you live is a simulation. Politics is simulated, economy is simulated, religion, and everything else. To the point that you cannot really trust anyone. Even your mind, you are infected by virus of capital, statism and religion. There is really small group of people that controls everything they can. Sure, you may call me a tinfoil hatter and take metaphorical blue pill and go sleep. You are scared by phantasms like social norms, artificial morality, sins, laws, and so on. Why all authorities did it? Fear is a powerful tool of control. But they discovered new one: consumption.

2. You live on a prison planet. Earth is ruled by malevolent being called demiurge, and other malevolent extraterrestrials called archons. Why there is so many negative emotions on this planet? Because they harvest it, like we harvest flesh of animals. They feed of pain, suffering and misery. Our whole world is prepared for it, we have simulated wars, famines, deficiencies, religions and regimes. If you want to compare it, humans for them are like cows, pigs and chickens for humans.

The future of Perpetually Simulated Regime

Here will be explained potential future of civilization. Remember that this scenario is purely hypothetical

Kneel before the Eternal Capital.

At first, there will be caste system, similar to what Evola theorized. There will be Shadow Council, where easily countable amount of people will control everything. Then we have Preachers, priests of New World Order, spreading propaganda, new religion, and so on. Then we have Coproratocrats. Collective group of CEOs of global economy. Banking, industry, farming, human resource distribution (family no longer exists, every individual is created in special of humans), and every other part of economy is directed by them, of course they have no will how many resources may be produced, only Shadow Council decides. Then we have Bureaucrats, a caste that their entire life is working in offices, for the Global State's interest. They are executive force that is absolutely obedient to higher castes, and does mechanical work. It includes police officers and soldiers. Contrary to lower castes, they know how to write, read and count. Then we have Consumers, a caste that is created for consumption. Their entire life is entertainment, consuming new products, artificial psychoactive substances, sex, and others. They are constantly drugged, so they have no free will. The next caste is Workers, they work in industry and agriculture. It may be replaced by machines soon but as long as they exist, they have no basic rights, works 23 hours per day, they are physically strong but stupid and obedient. They are all genderless clones. And then we have subhumans, untouchables, they are slaves of consumer caste that they can do with them whatever they want, including rape and recreational killing. They are genetically modified to be even more obedient and have no feelings. Except this, they do works like cleaning houses and streets, and when there is deficiency, they can be used as food or energy source (think about the Matrix movie or Rick and Morty episode with spaceship battery). And the absolutely lowest caste are all non human beings, I mean animals, plants and fungi. They are used as resource, as long as Shadow Council and dependent Corporatocratic scientists don't invent artificial production of food from other matter, or removing need of eating by using Transhumanism. Pollution is omnipresent, air is polluted by Chemtrails technology, water is polluted by fluoride, food is polluted by various other substances, and every caste lower than Corporatocrats is drugged by various substances. Everyone of them has Neuralink microchip in brain, that is connected to global Internet, but only Bureaucrats and above has access to it. Nobody on Earth has emotions, they look similar to Hive Mind from Star Trek. There are megalopolis, in architecture similar to Dubai and Cyberpunk media. Entire global population lives in these, and rest of the world is wild, only forests, deserts, arctic lands and so on. No human lives here, and cities are inescapable, because they are surrounded by walls.

But nobody knows that this entire global regime is ruled and commanded by Demiurge, known by various names like Jehovah, and extraterrestrial servants called archons or reptilians, that basically forms the highest caste.

What is Politics and The Leviathan

Here I will explain how the state and politics works.

We said that the state is monopoly on violence. And politics is one big manipulation and theater. Thomas Hobbes considers the state as rescue from chaos, the state of nature. The state will bring order and peace. It's bullshit, the state cooperating with religion is responsible mostly all of wars. Did nazi Germany state bring peace? Did Soviet Union? No? First confirmed ancient civilization Mesopotamia, was created when technological progress started, it means that industry and government are intersecting. In ancient tyrannies, especially medieval monarchies, they justified that their power comes from god. In extreme cases, like Egypt, rulers were self proclaimed gods. Today democratic liberal parties justifies they tyranny by "the people". Both are manipulations; if king said, that his power is divine nobody will revolt, because majority of population was religiously devout, or just scared. If you will do anything out of their retarded laws, you will be tortured or executed. In modern day politics, population thinks they choose their tyrant. They think that their vote matters, that they can change anything by it. They don't revolt with paying taxes, because "healthcare", "public schools" and so on. They vote on liberal parties because gay rights, or on conservatives because they will let them love Jesus. In reality, both sides are the same, except little economic and cultural differences, like higher or lover tax slavery or bigger or smaller LGBT "rights". Your life doesn't matter for them, if they will call for war you will die on battlefield, your life matters for them exactly like life of a bug. Another mean of the state to gain power is war and conquest. When there were only tribes, the dictator will rise and conquer more and more other tribes, and made empire (Genghis Khan for example) Of course by the way there were rapes, child abuses and environmental destruction. The state isn't better than a gang or mafia (described by law definition), as state can rob you in taxes, enslave you by conscription, kill you in death penalty, torture you as "law enforcement" ban nonviolent things you like to do, exactly like criminal organizations does. So what is law? Nothing more than set of abstract and artificial rules, that not following them will result by harsh punishment. The mafia called state, is even worse because nobody will protect you (except yourself, if you are powerful enough) from being robbed, enslaved, killed, tortured, abused and so on. What to do with it? You think you are powerless, that the leviathan will rule forever. Of course one state will collapse and another will rise. Dictators will die and will be replaced by other dictators. No revolution will make it better. No reform too. In next years, there will be no utopia. World will only become worse. We will have NWO, Great Reset, call it how you want. Compared to elites, you are powerless in changing the world. You can only change yourself.

And how to kill it

What to do? Reform and electoral politics simply doesn't work from an anarchist or any other non neoliberal perspective. If you want more radical change towards individual autonomy than legalization of marijuana, you should be never misguided by reformism.

There are two chances for them; globalist elites predicted all future of all countries, that there is no place for changing it. If not, imagine that democratic socialists wins elections. USA will destroy it with NATO military power, or will do Operation Condor again. If libertarian party wins, situation will be similar. Every deviation from liberal world order will be immediately crushed by their forces.

Revolution is outdated. Any revolution will end by the same as starting point. Look at French or October revolution. They replaces monarchist or capitalist state, by pseudo democratic or socialist state. Where are the differences? That king tortures you or jacobin cuts your head off? Nowhere. The state and capitalism will not disappear at anarchist revolution, this is very childish and utopian vision that will never happen. Extremist revolutionary Sergey Nechayev said that revolutionary has no identity and name, and there is only sacred revolution. This is what revolution really is, totalitarian attempt to make world better, while making things the same or worse.

Do we have alternative? Yes! This is insurrection, but it isn't single event that will change the world to utopia, it's constant action. Insurrection is spontaneous act of rebellion against all authorities, and the system, it can range from militarized action to simple sabotage and negation. In insurrection, nobody forces you to participate in it, that's difference between insurrection and revolution. Even not paying taxes, selling drugs, avoiding military service are insurrectionary, not only riots, even if they also are based. Your very life may be insurrectionary.

Insurrection will not lead to vision of world of Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon, Rothbard, Hobbes, Marx, More, Gentile, Hitler, Lenin, Robespierre, Nechayev, Mises, Land, or any other theorist on classical political spectrum. Will it lead to anything? Yes and no. There could be autonomous zones, like ghettos in cities (but with freedom of joining and leaving) and rural communities.

Reclaiming Autonomy and Individuality

Here I will explain enslavement of human will by society around us, and how to liberate from it.

Destroy the economy, embrace Post-Mutualism

Here i will explain economy and how to replace it.

The economy of the world was always... unsatisfactory and abusive. First, we had slavery, then feudalism, then capitalism with few breaks for so called socialism. What connect they all? The fact that all of them are hierarchical and abusive. In slavery I can not explain, it's obvious, feudalism doesn't differ too much because peasants are literally owned by higher classes. In average capitalism, workers are owned by bosses, even if they can "choose" who they serve, they still must work or die. In soviet style socialism, situation looks similar, but the state owns everyone and everyone is slave of state monopoly. But markets are inevitable. Markets are just free exchange of goods among people, it always existed and will exist. If monkey has two bananas and other monkey has watermelon, and they exchange it, it will be first market relation. Even in communism, this kind of gift economy would be market relation, and planned economy will only lead to famine and deficiencies. Also cooperation is preferable to competition, that's why I prefer mutual aid above capitalist kind of markets. Even economic systems called most libertarian like georgism, mutualism or anarchist communism aren't perfect. If someone wants to apply then universally, it will fail. Just because people in modern days aren't ready for it.

So what I propose? It's replacement (at small scale) of all abusive types of economy, for something better. I call it Post-Left Mutualism, it's different than classical mutualism. Why I found mutualism as the best economy for an anarchist? Anarcho-communism believes in decentralized planning, total gift economy etc. I find it as unrealistic and easily corruptible. Planning simply doesn't work, no government and no commune will really know what individual really needs. Anarcho-collectivism is quite similar, except that it has totally useless labor coins, that without markets will be nonsense. Georgism still enforced taxes, even if land value tax is considered as most just tax. Market anarchism is pretty cool, but market competition will slowly produce capital. I propose mutual aid market, with land property based on usage, little enterprises based on self employment, post monetary economics, worker self management, without banks, taxes, intellectual property and other oppressive parts of modern economy. Things that also should be dropped are labor value theory, free banking (instead no banking at all), labor unions and workplace democracy. I also support economic self sufficiency, achieved by both agrarian economy, hunting gathering and nano factories (mix of the past and the future).

Some theorists say that capitalism is inevitable , Land says that capitalism is how our world works. Fisher said that there may be no alternative for capitalism, because people are unready of it. It's easier to imagine end of the world than end of capitalism. Debord says that the spectacle is inescapable. They are all partially right. We can count slavery, feudalism and state socialism as parts/variants of capitalism. While communization isn't possible (people are too dumb to rise in mass insurrection against capitalism, as they were too dumb for this entire Marxist class consciousness thing) I propose teaching at first, then I would like little insurrections in urban areas and possibly creating communes in rural areas, working on principles of mutualism disposed of unwanted classical anarchism elements

Defend Mother Nature from Industrial Society

Simple article about environmentalism

Ecology vs Technology - real or redundant distinction?

At the beginning there was chaos - and will be again.

Here I will explain eventual collapse of civilization.

The Golden Age - An introduction to Post-Civilized World

And what will happen after collapse - new kind of utopian society, possible end of history.

My critics

Primitivism - utopia or genocide? File:VHEMent.png

Here we will focus on primitivism, the fact it's impossible to create and how it may be introduced (optionally).

Arguments against anarcho-primitivism are often full of strawmans. But we can easily consider it as idealization of prehistory. Anprims often thinks that prehistoric times were kind of idyll, eden paradise or something, no. Life in these times could be easier than life in middle ages, but still was hard. Not only dying on preventable diseases, but also caveman spent all the time at hunting animals, then ate it. But what about implementation of primitivism? Only way to do it is an apocalypse. But most likely, after apocalypse technology will still stay, or entire human race will extinct so even this will not lead to universal anarcho-primitivism. If you want to live anprim lifestyle, do what Thoreau did, build a wooden house and hunt and gather.

Conclusion: Anarcho-primitivism is impossible goal, even if the only way to create it is apocalypse.

Transhumanism - Fairy tales for stupid people

Here we gonna talk about consequences of transhumanism and trying to make techno-utopia.

What a beautiful day! You wake up in the pod in giant skyscraper, then you don't go to the work because robots replaced it, then you play VR video game all the time, take Soma, go to your doctor to check that your implants works properly, and go sleep again. Or you wake up in the dumpster, rob some shop from Soma, and get killed by some kind of Robocop, or just a random gang. This sounds like average Cyberpunk dystopia, but this is just one of possible scenarios of transhumanism. Many transhumanists are philosophically humanists; empower humanity by technology, let them conquer the space and dominate not only Earth but also other planets, solar systems and even galaxies. Or we have posthumanists like Nick Land or Nyx, where situation only becomes worse; Nothing will stop technocapital from removing humanity from Earth, or even more insane predictions. WIP

Social Anarchism - Very weak attempt

Here I will speak about social/classical anarchism as really bad way to deal with literally anything.

Wide Range Communism - Just pathetic

Here we will talk about universally implied communism (in theory, because in practice you may realize it only in sandbox video game).

The Two Faces of Progressivism

Here we will focus on two examples of progressivism - both woke cucks and "muh development of civilization".

Conservatism - Conserve everything wrong in the world

Here we gonna talk about conservatives trying to make world worse by preserving it's worst parts.

Paternalism and Moralism - Slave mentality

Here we will focus on moralists and doctrines coming from it, like paternalism, and how abusive are these beliefs, and how to escape from them.

Abrahamic Religion - Sadism and masochism

Here we will discuss about abrahamic religions and it's consequences for the human race.

Humanism - Rebranded Religion

Here we will focus on humanism, and how this belief is excessively stupid.

Right-wing "Anarchism" - LARP or mental retardation? File:ReactionaryAnarch.png

Here we will focus on right wing "anarchists", and how their doctrines are insanely silly.

Nihilism - surrendering to weakness

Here we gonna talk about nihilism, especially existential, and how it may destroy your life.

"Elitism" - Dreams of little kids

And finally, here we will talk about pests (in eyes of actual elites) who wants to become one.

  1. Thoughts that directly influenced Cannabis Anarchy
  2. Thoughts that author has no enough knowledge about them, but is sympathetic to some ideas, and plans to learn more about them in future, or simply agrees with few points but not all. Sequence of ideologies is random.
  3. Rejection of all kinds of formality and structure as inefficient and not anarchic.
  4. Zones that government and capital has no access, at least temporarily (as nothing is constant), both in cities and villages.
  5. Self explanatory - even friendships are unions of egoists.
  6. You can do what you want with full responsibility.
  7. In modern society, self regulation of generally harmful behaviors, in perfect world, all rules would become unnecessary.
  8. In my term, rejection of all hierarchical and abusive economies, that includes slavery, feudalism, capitalism and socialism. Although I stand for decentralized economies based on free association (kind of panarchy/collage), that includes mutualism, anarcho-communism and market anarchism.
  9. Self explanatory
  10. Stopping eternal cycle of production and consumption.
  11. Economics based on craft, permaculture, hunting, gathering and nanofactories.
  12. Negation and abolition of cultural values and social norms.
  13. Forceless moving away from religion.
  14. Rejection of both gender, patriarchy and traditional feminism.
  15. Cultural only - as abolition of biological sex is seen as undesirable if not voluntary.
  16. Freedom of self determination for all colonized people
  17. Moving away from liberal environmentalism instead choosing more extreme solutions to environmental problems.
  18. Reunition of humans and natural environment.
  19. Rejection of industrialized agriculture in favor of sustainable farming.
  20. Ending of animal cruelty and absolute rejection of breeding.
  21. Amalgamation of best Primitivist and Transhumanist ideas.
  22. Optional rebuilding of both cities and villages for something new - environmentally friendly settlements but with technology
  23. Rejection of modern day urban lifestyle.
  24. Freedom in changing your body.
  25. Basically armed riots, but without any kind of formality and organization.
  26. Basically not paying taxes and not obeying regulations, selling illegal commodities etc.
  27. Counter-culture and avantgarde art.
  28. Taking over unused buildings at first, then whole areas in cities.
  29. Striving towards autarky of anarchist areas.
  30. Internet as good place for spreading anarchy and our ideas
  31. Self liberation by negation of what enslaves you.
  32. Both philosophical and practical criticism and negation of civilization as whole.
  33. Full psychoactive substances "decriminalization" but with responsibility.
  34. Do what you want in your bed, until it isn't rape (pedophilia and zoophilia)
  35. Morals as manmade and inexistent
  36. Personal belief, that you can do what you want.
  37. Striving towards happy life.
  38. I appreciate affirmation of life, rejection of pessimism in everyday life, but I dislike cult of strength and potential hierarchization of society.
  39. Universe as absurd, but without entire defeatism and pessimism present in nihilism.
  40. I believe that there is malevolent Demiurge ruling the world, but I don't believe in moralism, asceticism and material world being evil.
  41. Belief that God is the Universe, and every living being has the soul.

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