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Revision as of 05:43, 21 November 2023 by Jancake (talk | contribs)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Jancake's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

The basic grim truth that Americans need to face up to is that American successes and victories in the 19th and 20th centuries did not happen because of America's unique political system. They happened despite America's unique political system. America became great not because American democracy was great, but because America was a great people in a great place. As such, it was uniquely resistant to the poison of democracy, and alone survived its own disease. Now that the bloom is off the continent's youth, we can see how well American democracy works in a normal country. Others have experienced this disappointment; now, it is our turn.

In my opinion just about every country on earth today would benefit from a transition to military government…

Jancakeism , also known as Jaccoudism, is the self insert and beliefs of Swissilian and wikipedian Jancake.






Police Force









Cope SJWs


Capital Punishment


No Abortion

No Euthanasia

No Smoking




Severity of punishment for assassins is determined by the importance of the target, the underlying principle is to reinforce the value of human life and the significance of individuals within society. This system recognizes that some individuals hold critical roles in shaping the course of a family or town, and their loss can have far-reaching consequences. As such, the punishment for assassinating highly important figures would be more severe, reflecting the gravity of the crime and the potential impact on stability, governance, and public trust. By implementing this, authorities aim to deter potential assassins and protect key individuals who contribute to the progress and well-being of their family. Nonetheless, it is crucial to ensure that such a system is fair, just, and respects the principles of due process, as the punishment should always be proportionate to the crime committed.


Punishment for burglars varies based on the value and nature of the items stolen, the aim is to deter theft and ensure appropriate consequences for the severity of the crime. The punishment would be determined by the monetary value, sentimental value, or potential harm caused by the stolen items. For instance, stealing highly valuable or unique items, such as artwork, jewelry, or rare artifacts, would result in more severe penalties compared to stealing everyday objects with minimal financial or emotional significance. This approach seeks to address the impact of the crime on the victims, considering both the monetary loss and the potential emotional distress caused by the theft. However, any system of punishment should also take into account the principles of fairness, proportionality, and due process to ensure that judgments are made objectively and consistently.


Punishment for muggers is more severe than that for robbers, the focus is on the potential harm and threat posed by the presence of a weapon during the crime. Muggers, by definition, employ force or intimidation to steal from their victims, often using weapons to instill fear and ensure compliance. This heightened level of aggression and potential for violence necessitates a stronger deterrent and stricter penalties. By imposing harsher punishments for muggers, such as longer prison sentences or increased fines, the justice system aims to discourage individuals from resorting to violent acts during the commission of a crime. The rationale behind this approach is that the possession or use of a weapon during a robbery significantly escalates the danger and potential harm to both victims and bystanders. Thus, the legal system seeks to prioritize public safety and send a clear message that such acts of aggression will not be tolerated.


Death penalty.


Vandals receive community service as a punishment, the aim is to address the offense in a way that reflects the relatively lower severity of the crime. Vandalism typically involves the intentional destruction, defacement, or damage to property, which can range from graffiti on public buildings to destruction of private property. By assigning community service, the justice system seeks to provide an opportunity for vandals to make amends for their actions, contribute positively to their community, and learn from their mistakes. Community service can involve tasks such as cleaning up public spaces, repairing or restoring damaged property, or participating in educational programs aimed at preventing future acts of vandalism. This approach recognizes that while vandalism can cause inconvenience, financial burden, and distress to individuals and the community, it may not pose an immediate physical threat or cause significant harm compared to more serious crimes. By emphasizing restorative justice principles, the focus shifts towards repairing the harm caused and promoting rehabilitation, rather than solely punitive measures.


War criminals who are responsible for killing civilians face severe penalties due to the gravity of their crimes. The intentional targeting and killing of civilians during armed conflicts is a violation of international humanitarian law and human rights principles. It is essential to hold these individuals accountable for their actions to ensure justice for the victims and to deter future atrocities. The punishment for war criminals involved in killing civilians typically involves prosecution by international criminal tribunals or domestic courts with jurisdiction over war crimes. These legal processes are designed to ensure a fair trial, where the evidence is carefully examined, and the accused has the opportunity to defend themselves. If found guilty, war criminals can face significant penalties, including lengthy prison sentences or even life imprisonment. The severity of these punishments reflects the heinous nature of intentionally targeting innocent civilians during armed conflicts, which causes immense suffering and violates the fundamental principles of humanity and human rights. Additionally, the international community plays a crucial role in holding war criminals accountable. Cooperation between nations, extradition treaties, and international cooperation mechanisms, help ensure that perpetrators cannot evade justice by seeking refuge in other countries.


Death penalty.




Molto bene




Molto brutto