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Mujirushi Kaizera

In the quiet suburb of Osaka, under the soft glow of streetlights, Mujirushi found himself immersed in the mundane task of grocery shopping. Clad in a crimson tracksuit, his white hair tousled, and dark blue eyes glazed over, he absentmindedly traversed the aisles, lost in his thoughts. The shopping list his mother had given him floated in his mind. As Mujirushi deposited items into his cart, his detachment continued until he found himself standing in line at the checkout. It was only then that he snapped back to reality, realizing he had forgotten one crucial item; the new charging cable mom wanted. A furrow formed on his forehead, and with a hint of annoyance, he retrieved the missing item and returned to the queue.

The late evening hushed the grocery store, and the line moved swiftly. After the two customers in front of him completed their transactions, Mujirushi mechanically paid for his items. A brief pang of regret hit him as he walked out, realizing he forgot to purchase a bag. Still, he dismissed the idea of retracing his steps and opted to carry the items in his hands. The rhythmic tapping of Mujirushi's footsteps reverberated in the quiet night. Suddenly, a man shaped blur raced past him, causing a momentary startle. Unfazed, he continued walking until the true nature of the situation unfolded. The pursuer, now visible, revealed himself to be a criminal, the glint of a gun chillingly present in his trousers. With a demand for his phone, Mujirushi's instincts kicked in.

Partially refusing to be a victim but partially due to panic, Mujirushi bolted, a gunshot echoing in the stillness. He dodged into the cover of nearby bushes, heart pounding. As he cowered, the air crackled with tension. Then, an indescribable, blinding white light enveloped him forcing him to close his eyes, and the world around him seemed to dissolve into the unknown..

Mujirushi lay still, his eyes squeezed shut against the blinding light which was now fading, unsure of what had just transpired. The seconds ticked by, and in the silence, he contemplated the possibilities—was he dead, or was this some strange twist of fate? Amidst his musings, guilt gnawed at him for neglecting to grab a bag for the groceries he had dropped in the panic. A distant murmur interrupted his thoughts thought.

  • "God has the homelessness got so bad that they sleep in the middle of the road now?"

Startled, Mujirushi's eyes shot open to a new environment. Before he could grasp his surroundings, a man materialized before him. A grand mustache adorned his face, and a top hat crowned his head. The man, donned in a black suit with a distinctive "C" pin, confused by Mujirushi's disorientation. As he turned to leave, Mujirushi mustered a shaky "Wait!" that halted the man in his tracks.

  • Mujirushi: "Where am I?"
  • The man: "You had a deep sleep huh?"
  • Mujirushi: "No seriously, where am I? I was in some bushes, and then there was a bang, and some light-"
  • The man: "Calm down. If you're seriously that clueless, I don't know how you're still even alive."

He pauses for a second.

  • The man: "Unless... Do you happen to come from a foreign country?"
  • Mujirushi: "No! Well, maybe. I don't know..."

The man stared in confusion.

  • Mujirushi: "C'mon, just tell me where I am!"
  • The man: "Fine, fine. You're in Pzhemeborg, a small town in Liberland, 60 km east from the capital."
  • Mujirushi: "Liberland, huh? I've never heard of such a place."
  • The man, in shock: "Huh? Seriously?"
  • Mujirushi: "Yeah, well, do you know where Japan might be or how do I get there?"
  • The man: "Hm, well, I think I've heard of such a place. Apparently, it's in Kultokrat's area."
  • Mujirushi: "Who?- Nevermind. How do I get there?"
  • The man: "Well, since we're in Liberland, there is no public transport here. You're going to have to get a taxi or something. Alternatively, you could come with me. I do happen to plan to go to the capital soon anyway, and if we split the taxi bill, then it will be cheaper for both of us."
  • Mujirushi: "Sounds good.."
Carrots Rppltwo
  • The man: "Since we're going to be together for the next few hours, might as well introduce myself. I am Carrots Rppltwo, CEO of C Grant."
  • Mujirushi: "Wait, if you're a CEO, why do you need a taxi?!"
  • Carrots: "I like to be humble."
  • Mujirushi: "Ugh... Well, I'm Mujirushi Kaizera."
  • Carrots: "I see. Your name does definitely sound foreign, if not archaic even."
  • Mujirushi: "You know, that does sound kinda rude."
  • Carrots: "Doesn't matter because I didn't mean it to be."

They start walking towards the city center with Carrots leading the way.

  • Mujirushi: "That's not how that works."
  • Carrots: "Yes, it is. Shut up already. Let me walk quietly."
  • Mujirushi: "Ok, fine."

They continued to walk towards the center in silence. After a few minutes they entered the Pzhemeborg city center, and as they stepped out of the alleyway, Mujirushi couldn't help but be awestruck by the unfamiliar surroundings. The architecture, products, and even manners were a stark departure from what he knew, reminiscent of the online videos and posts showcasing European countries or the United States. Meanwhile, Carrots, though slightly embarrassed by Mujirushi's childlike awe, kept a composed silence. He fought the urge to comment on Mujirushi's excitement, deciding to maintain a stoic demeanor. The two made their way to the taxi station, where Carrots settled on a bench while Mujirushi continued to explore the area. Carrots couldn't contain his annoyance as Mujirushi's fascination seemed to intensify. Finally, he blurted out, "Can you stop excitedly prancing around like a little girl for God's sake?! You're clearly too old for that stuff now, no?"

  • Mujirushi, suddenly halting, apologized, explaining, "I'm sorry. It's just this place is so... exotic?"
  • Carrots scoffed, "This is the most boring and unexotic place I can think of. It's a damn taxi station."
  • Mujirushi defended himself, "Well, I've never been in one of those before, I think."
  • Carrots couldn't resist the opportunity to criticize, "Personally, I don't think you've done anything in your life, judging by the fact I found you on the floor completely unaware of your surroundings." Their conversation was interrupted as a taxi screeched to a halt.
Skeletronius Janitorius, more commonly known as SJ
  • SJ greeted Carrots, "Good day, Mr. Rppltwo."
  • Carrots, acknowledged, "Yes."

As Carrots entered the car, Mujirushi attempted to follow but was stopped by SJ. Carrots clarified, "Nah, let him in, SJ. He's with me."

  • SJ questioned, "You sure?"
  • Carrots snapped, "Are you stupid or something? If I say something, I mean it."

SJ nodded, and Mujirushi entered the car. The taxi pulled away, and Mujirushi, impressed, remarked, "Do all taxi drivers follow orders like that? Amazing customer support, honestly."

  • Carrots couldn't resist a jab, "I'm so lucky that you're stupid."
  • Confused, Mujirushi questioned, "What?"
  • Carrots dismissed him, "Nothing," sticking his tongue out mockingly.

As they drove in silence, Mujirushi's worry became palpable. Carrots, sensing something was amiss, debated asking what was wrong but ultimately chose not to. Assuming Mujirushi's concern was about accommodation, Carrots decided to let the matter rest. With Mujirushi lost in thought about explaining his sudden absence to his mother once he returns to Japan, Carrots kept quiet. After 35 minutes of driving, the taxi came to a stop.

  • SJ announced, "We are here. The Liberland capital."

The Liberland capital stretched before them, a dazzling spectacle of towering skyscrapers that reached into the evening sky. As the city lights began to shimmer with the onset of dusk, Carrots and Mujirushi exited the taxi, which promptly continued on its way without them. Carrots anticipated Mujirushi's admiration for the prestigious capital, but to his surprise, Mujirushi seemed less impressed, his worry about getting home and the city's resemblance to Osaka overshadowing any awe.

  • Carrots, bewildered, exclaimed, "How were you in awe about some ugly small town, but then seem completely uninterested in the most developed city in this region?!?"
  • Mujirushi responded calmly, "Well, this city just... it's very similar to my home city. There are many big glowing cities like this in Japan."
  • Carrots, sweating at the thought of FPCBA's development, stood in shocked silence. He muttered to himself, "Maybe laissez-faire doesn't wor—" before cutting himself off, "he must be a propagandist, I WILL get him back to FPCBA and then blackmail Kultokrat into giving me money."
  • Mujirushi, not fully hearing Carrots, asked, "Huh? What are you murmuring about now? I'm not saying it's ugly or anything."
  • Carrots chose to ignore his theory for the time being, saying, "Whatever, let's just get something to eat. I'm starving!"
  • Mujirushi agreed, "Uh, sure, but in terms of currency, I don't think mine is compatible with this place," taking out some yen.
  • Carrots, puzzled, asked, "What in the world is that? Some collector's coins? They don't look like the FPCBA Zloty."
  • "Well, I guess I'll pay then. You'll just pay for me next time," Carrots suggested.
  • Mujirushi, reluctantly, agreed, "Uh, sure."

They walked to Taco Gong, Carrots' favorite place, where they ate and talked for about an hour. After leaving the restaurant, they stood outside.

  • Mujirushi declared, "Well, time to get to Japan now!"
  • Carrots, taken aback, exclaimed, "What? You know that's like a couple of hours' drive. I don't have enough energy for that."
  • Mujirushi responded, "Well, you don't need to come, I guess."
  • Carrots, thinking about the missed blackmail opportunity, asked, "How in the world are you gonna get there without me?"
  • Mujirushi suggested, "Can't I just take some taxi? I didn't see you pay for your taxi."
  • Carrots, flustered, claimed, "Uh... I paid... in advance, yeah, I paid in advance."
  • "Oh, well, can you lend me some money?" Mujirushi asked.
  • Carrots adamantly refused, "Hell no!"
  • Mujirushi pointed out, "I thought you were trying to be humble?"
  • Carrots snapped, "Shut up! I don't care about that! It's about the blackm— I mean, I want to come with you," forcing a fake smile.
  • Mujirushi, unaware of Carrots' internal struggle, said, "Oh, well, I don't have anywhere to stay if I am to stay."
  • Carrots, dismissive, replied, "Oh, well, that's fine, I guess. Just buy me a whiskey in the future or something."
  • Mujirushi asked, "You sure?"
  • Carrots, with another forced smile, affirmed, "Yes."

They walked to the hotel, where Carrots spoke to the receptionist.

  • Carrots asked, "How much is a room for one night? A small one is fine, it's just gonna be one guy."
  • The receptionist replied, "Like, hm, 560 dollars."
  • Carrots, seemingly unfazed, accepted, "I suppose that's doable."
  • "Room 240 is yours then," the receptionist declared, handing the key to Carrots.
  • Carrots passed the key to Mujirushi, saying, "It's two whiskeys now."
  • Mujirushi, somewhat nervously, responded, "Haha, thanks."
  • Carrots instructed, "Tomorrow at like 2 pm, meet me at the entrance. Before then, do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't cost me, Goddamit."
  • Mujirushi agreed, "Alright, thank you once again."

They separated, and Carrots left the hotel. Mujirushi headed upstairs to the second floor, took off his shoes, and immediately jumped onto the bed on his back. Staring at the ceiling, he pondered the events of the day, wondering how he ended up in this strange place, his working theory being that he must of been transported by that guy who wanted to steal his phone, since he didn't have his phone with him ever since waking up. Eventually, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, determined to find his way back home as soon as possible.


Mujirushi slowly opened his eyes after a good night's sleep, still feeling a bit disoriented by the unfamiliar surroundings. As he sat up, he noticed a piece of paper and some money on the bedside stand. The note read:
"I just realized that 2 pm is a little late, and you're probably gonna wake up way before that. So, here is some money if you're planning to buy something, or more importantly, eat something."
Mujirushi, relieved to have some sustenance, pocketed the money but couldn't shake off the discomfort of someone entering the room while he slept. Ignoring the lingering unease, he took a moment to inspect the room more closely. Yesterday, fatigue had led him to overlook the unique yet somewhat cheap appearance of the place.

  • Mujirushi pondered, "Well, if I have to be here by 2 pm, then how much do I have?"

Checking his pockets, he was once again reminded that his phone was missing. Frantically looking around for a clock, he found none.

  • Mujirushi decided, "Guess I'll just ask somebody in the city."

He left the room, descended the two flights of stairs, and handed the key back to the receptionist, inquiring, "Thank you. By the way, do you happen to know what time it is?"

  • The receptionist suggested, "I don't know, but I could go check the staffroom; there's a clock there. I suggest investing in a watch."
  • Mujirushi chuckled, "I wish, but I don't think I have enough money for that."
  • After a quick check, the receptionist informed him, "It is currently 9:14 AM, sir."
  • Mujirushi sighed in relief, "Huh, so I still have some time until 2 pm?"
  • The receptionist confirmed, "Indeed."
  • Mujirushi thanked her, saying, "Well, thanks for the help. Goodbye."
  • The receptionist replied, "You're welcome."

Exiting the hotel, Mujirushi felt a bit disoriented and without a plan. After a moment of hesitation, he decided to turn right and walked down the busy city streets, navigating through the crowded sidewalks. Eventually, he found himself in front of a general grocery store but initially decided to turn away. However, a loud groan from his stomach interrupted his indecision, prompting him to turn back towards the store and enter.
Mujirushi then walked around the store, perusing the aisles with uncertainty about what to get. Normally, he would have a list of items, and his mother would take care of the cooking. The thought of his mother made him feel a bit sad, but he pushed those emotions aside and focused on the task at hand. In the end, he grabbed a pack of chips and a bottle of LiberCola, paid for them, and left the store. He began walking to the right again until he found a quieter area away from the bustling crowds. Exhausted from the pushing and shoving, he sat on the floor in an alleyway.
Finding a moment of calmness, Mujirushi ate his chips while observing the adjacent street. He noticed a surprising number of men in suits passing by and speculated that it might be a commercial center. After finishing his snack, he tossed the empty chip bag and stood up to continue exploring.
As he walked out of the alleyway, there was a sudden explosion, and smoke filled the street. Shocked, Mujirushi stood frozen until a man ran towards him, pinning him down. Initially resisting, Mujirushi soon realized the man wasn't intending harm but trying to get him to take cover. Another explosion followed, and they waited on the ground, eyes closed, for what felt like an eternity.
Once the silence endured for around 20 seconds, Mujirushi assumed the danger had passed. He stood up, and the man followed suit.

Tikket Maister
  • The man: "Man, I was really thinking you were gonna be in danger, but it seems the second explosion was further away than the first. Sorry for tackling you like that, dude."
  • Mujirushi: "It's fine. My name is Mujirushi."
  • Tikket: "My name is Tikket." He proceeded to shake Mujirushi's hand and then pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and put it in his mouth.
  • Tikket: "Want one?"
  • Mujirushi: "I don't smoke."
  • Tikket: "Lame." He put the cigarettes away. "What's the deal with you, anyway? A bomb went off, and all you do is stand there like an idiot?"
  • Mujirushi: "I—I was just spaced out, I guess."
  • Tikket: "Jeez, enough to ignore a bomb? Must be something major on your mind, then."
  • Mujirushi: "I guess so. I just wanna go home, but for that, I have to wait till 2 pm, and I don't know what to do till then."
  • Tikket: "Hm, I see. Well, I can show you a cool place I frequent around these parts."
  • Mujirushi: "I guess that could kill the time. Thanks."
  • Tikket: "No problem. Let's get going, then."

They both walked out of the alleyway, past the damage the bomb caused.

  • Tikket: "Goddamn terrorists. It must be them Pecebian guys. Still salty we're just better than 'em."
  • Mujirushi: "Pecebian guys?"

Tikket raised an eyebrow.

  • Tikket: "You're not from around here, are you?"
  • Mujirushi: "Nope, I'm from Japan."
  • Tikket: "Never heard of that place, must be some small town in Panthonia or something."
  • Mujirushi: "No, it's a big place. Made up of a bunch of islands, has a large population, etc."
  • Tikket: "Sounds like Neersea, but everyone knows they're just Socnat puppets. No way they don't know about Pecebia."

a moment of akward silence paseed

  • Tikket: "Well... I'm not a geography expert or anything, so maybe you should give up on me trying to recognize your place."
  • Mujirushi: "I guess so."
  • Tikket: "Anyways, Pecebia is the country south of us. Used to be the main country over here until they put draconian purges in place, which caused a mass popular revolt. The country split in half into Pecebia and Hyperfreepecebia. There were like three or four wars, I don't remember anymore. But eventually, Pecebia just stopped being relevant, so they stopped attacking us. We still hate them, and vice versa, though."
  • Mujirushi: "Hm, interesting. I see."

Then they walked into a sketchy-looking alleyway, and Mujirushi got a little uncomfortable.

  • Mujirushi: "So, is this the place where you hang out?"
  • Tikket: "Mhm. Even though the devil's lettuce has been legal since like forever in Liberland, we still do it in sketchy alleyways for the sake of tradition."
  • Mujirushi: "That's just stupid."
  • Tikket: "Nah, it's smart. It isn't as cool when it feels legal, so we make it feel illegal even though it isn't."

Mujirushi sighed.

Then they were interrupted by Tikket stopping and pointing towards a back door of some building with LED lights saying "Very illegal activities area" above it.

  • Tikket: "This is the place!"

They both then entered through the creaky front door. In the dimly lit room, a haze of smoke greeted Mujirushi and Tikket as they stepped inside. The air was thick, and Mujirushi couldn't help but cough, but Tikket, seemingly unaffected, led the way. As Mujirushi's eyes adjusted to the smoky atmosphere, he spotted two figures on a sofa.
A man, sprawled in a blue shirt and torn jeans, lay in a deep slumber with an improvised hoodie pillow. The evidence of his revelry surrounded him in the form of empty beer bottles. His light brown hair and green eyes spoke of a night well spent. On the other side, a girl in a worn-out suit held a cigar, billowing smoke that obscured her features. With green eyes, and blonde hair, she emanated an air of mystery.

Mish cheskyy & Luna Chloro

Approaching the duo, Tikket smacked the sleeping man on the head in an attempt to wake him, but it proved futile. Concern and shock flickered in Tikket and Mujirushi's eyes. Tikket turned to Mujirushi, introducing the duo, "Tikket here on my right is Mish, he is black out drunk right now, I think. And on my left is Luna, she is... well, I don't know. I just hope she ain't dead."

  • Mujirushi, alarmed, questioned Tikket's uncertain statement, "What do you mean you HOPE?"
  • Tikket replied casually, "What do you mean what do I mean? Do you want me to speculate she's not dead or something instead?" Turning to Luna, he added, "Also, Luna, can you open up the window? This smoke is rancid."
  • Luna, clearly not sober, agreed with a stumble, "Yeah, sure." She managed to get to a window, opened it, and let some of the smoke escape.
  • Tikket then turned the conversation toward Mujirushi, asking, "So, what do you think?"
  • Mujirushi, surveying the chaotic scene, replied, "It's... not what I expected, let's just say that."
  • Luna chimed in, "Oh, come on, this place is great."
  • Mujirushi looked at her with concern, "Yeah, sure..."
  • Tikket redirected the conversation, "Anyways, you came here 'cause you're bored, right?"
  • Mujirushi confirmed, "Yeah, something like that."
  • Tikket offered various vices, "Well, you want beer, whiskey, weed?"
  • Mujirushi declined, "No thank you. I guess these sorts of activities aren't for me."
  • Tikket scoffed, "You are SO LAME, my God."
  • Mujirushi, unfazed, continued, "I still want to ask about things generally, though. Do you know how long it would take to get from here to FPCBA?"
  • Tikket explained, "Oooh, that's a hard one. Technically, it's not that far from here, but Neugermania is in the way, and they have basically no roads there. Also, closed borders, so you have to go alllll the way around through Centrapolis or by boat. It's not impossible, just annoying."
  • "I see," Mujirushi replied.
  • "Why would anyone want to go there anyway? It's an authoritarian shithole, and the leader is an alcoholic," Tikket commented.
  • Mujirushi pointed out, "But aren't you guys too?"
  • "I don't lead a whole autonomous zone, though," Tikket retorted.
  • "Hmm, I guess. Still a bit hypocritical, though," Mujirushi observed.
  • Tikket dismissed it, "Nuh uh, you're wrong."
  • Mujirushi sighed, "Well, do you know what C Grant, the company, does?"
  • Tikket revealed, "Oh, Rppltwos thing? It's an arms dealership firm. It builds guns and bombs, then sells them to governments, our own and also foreign ones."
  • "Oh, I see," Mujirushi acknowledged.
  • "Don't you try starting any revolts, though, kid. I don't want the army in the streets like back in the day of the RC split," Tikket warned.
  • "The what?" Mujirushi inquired.
  • "Oh, just some stupid political feuds. It's why we have autonomous zones. It's pointless, so don't worry about it," Tikket dismissed.
  • Luna, who had been paying attention to the TV, suddenly shouted, "Bomb!"
  • Tikket and Mujirushi exclaimed, "HUH?"
  • Luna clarified, "Look, there was an explosion on Ire street in the capital!"
  • "Oh, that? Jesus, don't worry us like that with just shouting the word bomb, you moron," Tikket scolded Luna.
  • "Whatever, man, you're just scared," Luna retorted.
  • Thinking it over, Tikket advised Mujirushi, "You should probably abstain from travel, kid."
  • Mujirushi questioned, "Huh, what, why?"
  • "Well, considering there was, like, an explosion, it would be extremely suspicious for you to bail right after. Plus, the intel agency will be snooping around, trying to find the ones responsible," Tikket explained.
  • "But I have to get home!" Mujirushi protested.
  • Tikket suggested, "Well, at least avoid Centrapolis, then."
  • "I'll do whatever is necessary to get home without trouble," Mujirushi declared.
  • Tikket concluded, "Well, have fun with that. Speaking of, it's 1 pm. I think you should get going to whatever you were going to do."
  • Mujirushi realized, "Oh, right! I have to go. Thanks for everything!" He rushed to the door, swung it open, and ran out.
  • Luna questioned, "Why'd you let him go?"
  • Tikket explained, "Seemed like a good kid. Plus, I put our business card in his pocket so he can reconsider buying from us in the future."
  • Luna simply responded, "Hm."

As Mujirushi hurried out of the alleyway and back onto the main road, a sudden unease overwhelmed him. Not entirely sure which way he came from, he trusted his instincts and ran towards the right. Spotting the aftermath of the explosion, now filled with firefighters and police, he knew he was going the right way. Ignoring a firefighter's request to stop, he kept running until he reached the hotel entrance.

The hotel lobby is a chaotic scene, with people rushing in and out, talking frantically about the explosion. Mujirushi approaches the receptionist, who seems stressed but still manages a professional demeanor.

  • Mujirushi: "Excuse me, is everything ok?"
  • Receptionist: "Yes. It seems there was an incident on Ire street. Emergency services are handling it. Are you a guest here?"
  • Mujirushi: "Yes, I stayed here last night. I just wanted to know if it's safe to leave."
  • Receptionist: "It should be fine, but please be cautious. If you're planning to go out, stay away from the affected area."

Mujirushi nods, feeling a bit uneasy. He heads towards the exit but stops when he hears a familiar voice.

  • Carrots: "Hey! Where are you running off to? You know you owe me two whiskeys and some money even if you don't need my taxi."
  • Mujirushi: "Carrots! I was just about to head out. Did you hear about the explosion?"
  • Carrots: "Yeah, I bet its those Pecebians. I was actually on my way to meet you. Ready to head to the capital?"
  • Mujirushi hesitates for a moment, glancing back at the commotion outside.
  • Mujirushi: "I guess so. Let's go."

They leave the hotel and make their way to the taxi station. The city feels tense, and Mujirushi can't shake off the recent events, however he is interrupted by SJ.

  • SJ: "Good day Mr. Rppltwo, don't you think this is a strange time to go out of the city? considering the timing of the explosion and all.
  • Carrots: "Doesn't matter I'm a big CEO dude so Im not suspicious, now, buckle up. It's going to be a long ride."

Mujirushi and SJ do as instructed, Mujirushi still processing the unexpected turn of events.

  • Carrots: "We will just have to avoid big places and stuff"


In the dimly lit taxi, Mujirushi found himself surrounded by an air of uncertainty, a future shrouded in mystery. Carrots and SJ, his unconventional companions on this unexpected journey, were like enigmas, and Mujirushi couldn't decipher the paths their destinies would weave.
The hum of the car engine resonated with the rhythm of his contemplative thoughts. Unbeknownst to him, the intricate tapestry of fate was unfurling, each thread contributing to a narrative that Mujirushi could scarcely comprehend. Deep in introspection, he gazed out of the window, the world passing by in a blur, his mind dancing to the melody emanating from the car radio.
The weight of his familial concerns pressed upon him, the worry etched across his face. Yet, the allure of a daydream drew him in, a momentary escape from the harsh reality of the unknown. Slowly, Mujirushi succumbed to the embrace of slumber, leaving Carrots to observe the scene with a watchful eye.
Carrots, sensing an unspoken turmoil within Mujirushi, pondered over the complexity of the situation. However, choosing not to disturb the tranquility of the sleeping passenger, he turned to SJ for a brief exchange.

  • Carrots: "Hey, SJ, so what's your take on the kid?"
  • SJ: "I don't know him and so I don't have any opinions, you know I'm only giving him the privilege of being transported by me because you have instructed me to"
  • Carrots: "Damn, Cold as always."
  • Carrots: "I feel like he could get us a lot of money, that's why I'm helping him. Its not personal or anything"
  • SJ: "And you call me cold, sir."
  • Carrots: "hm, well I guess it was sort of hypocritical..."

Meanwhile, Mujirushi continued to slumber peacefully, oblivious to the discourse between his companions. As the taxi traversed the rural landscape, a sudden jolt and the blare of a loud song disrupted his restful state, forcing him back to consciousness.

  • Mujirushi: "Ack!"
  • Carrots: "Good morning, slacker. Good timing."
  • Mujirushi: "Why's that?"
  • Carrots: "We're approaching the border, and the guards might stop us, especially after the recent bombing in the capital."
  • Mujirushi: "Yeah, that makes sense..."
  • Carrots: "They won't bother me, being a big CEO guy. Just try not to raise suspicion. You should be fine with me around."
  • Mujirushi: "Alright, sounds good."

Peering out of the window, Mujirushi observed a quaint village, its underdeveloped facade a stark contrast to the bustling capital. A pang of empathy struck him, realizing the disparity between urban prosperity and rural struggles. His contemplations shifted as the car left the village, the border checkpoint emerging on the horizon, marking the threshold between Liberland and the Folkish Syndicalist Republic.
As they approached the border in the car, Carrots appeared a bit nervous, though he did his best to hide it. SJ, the ever-expressionless companion, and Mujirushi, determined to overcome any obstacles, shared a sense of anticipation. The vehicle neared the border checkpoint, revealing two distinct coat of arms on the small building. One showcased a white raven on a dark red shield, representing the autonomous zone they were entering. The other featured a yellow shield with a green dollar symbol, symbolizing the autonomous zone they were leaving. Mujirushi briefly pondered these symbols before the car came to a halt at the checkpoint, where a guard named Wendigo Silva awaited.

Wendigo Silva
  • Wendigo: "Good day, sir. I'm Wendigo Silva, the local border guard and all."
  • SJ: "Good day, sir."
  • Wendigo: "So I assume you know about the incident in the capital?"
  • SJ: "Yes sir, with me is Mr. Rppltwo and his companion"
  • Wendigo: "Hmm, interesting."

Expressing a need to check the trunk, Wendigo received permission from SJ. As he walked past, Mujirushi's gaze briefly intersected with his, sending a shiver down Mujirushi's spine.

  • Mujirushi (whispering to Carrots): "Who is that guy?"
  • Carrots: "The border guard, dumbass. I don't know everyone in this country; I don't know him specifically."

Wendigo proceeded to check the trunk and then approached the window where Mujirushi sat.

  • Wendigo: "Mr. Rppltwo, may I have a moment..."
  • Carrots: "Yes, sure."

Wendigo quickly checked Mujirushi's pockets, making him scream out of fear.

  • Wendigo: "He seems unarmed, so he's fine."

After the inspection, Carrots and Wendigo went into the small building. The tension lingered for a few minutes before they emerged. The gate lifted, allowing the car to pass.

  • Wendigo: "You're good to go. Don't cause any trouble."

As the car sped away, SJ hit the pedal, and Mujirushi couldn't help but ask Carrots about the encounter.

  • Mujirushi: "What did he tell you?"
  • Carrots: "I don't know why he made it so scary at first, but he just wanted to ask about how my company is doing. Apparently, the FSR is interested in buying stuff."
  • Mujirushi: "Oh, I see. It looked much scarier than it ended up being, huh?"
  • Carrots: "Yeah, almost like he gets off on people being scared or something."
  • Mujirushi: "Well, if he did, then being a border guard makes sense."
  • Carrots: "I suppose. I'm just glad everything turned out fine."

After clearing the border checkpoint, the car cruised along the highway, leaving the immediate vicinity behind. Mujirushi, gazing at the landscape and distant villages, couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between this place and Liberland. Unlike the industrialized and heavily exploited land of Liberland, here, nature seemed to reclaim much of its space, with vast empty lands and villages that almost felt like a journey back in time—albeit shattered by the modern amenities like lights, roads, and vehicles.

  • SJ: "Uh, sir, we have a problem."
  • Carrots, abruptly waking from a post-border checkpoint nap: "Huh, Huh, what is it?"
  • SJ: "We're low on fuel. I don't see a gas station now, but we should visit the next one we come across."
  • Carrots: "Sure, yeah, do that. Sounds good."

Mujirushi chuckled at Carrots' abrupt awakening.

  • Carrots: "Hey, what are you laughing at?"
  • Mujirushi: "Just how unaware you were of your surroundings the moment you woke up."
  • Carrots: "HEY, you weren't much better when I found you on that street."
  • Mujirushi: "Pfft, I know, and I don't care."
  • SJ: "I see a gas station. Success."
  • Carrots: "Nice, we can fill the car tank and get something to drink."
  • Mujirushi: "Oh yeah, I guess I am a bit thirsty."

The car turned right into the gas station, and SJ started pumping gas. Carrots and Mujirushi exited the car.

  • Carrots: "So, how low is the tank?"
  • SJ: "It's basically completely empty, so you can pay the guy full price for filling a tank minus a few dollars."
  • Carrots: "Alright, thinking about it, the currency is different here, isn't it? I need to find an ATM."

Mujirushi spotted one near the entrance of the gas station shop.

  • Mujirushi: "Look there."
  • Carrots: "Ah, nice."

Carrots and Mujirushi left SJ behind to pump the car and headed toward the gas station shop. Carrots stopped at the ATM while Mujirushi entered the little shop, scanning the drinks aisle and patiently waiting for Carrots.

After a brief transaction, Carrots walked into the store and approached Mujirushi.

  • Carrots: "Still not decided on what to get?"
  • Mujirushi: "I was just waiting for you. I don't know how much money you withdrew."
  • Carrots: "Oh, no need. I have more than enough. Besides, they're all about the same price."
  • Mujirushi: "Hmm, okay." Mujirushi then picked out some orange juice while Carrots opted for a Whiskey-cola mix. They headed to the till where a tired man with black hair and brown eyes, wearing the firm's uniform, attended to them. His tag read "Sanchez de Repugnante."
Sanchez de Repugnante

Carrots: "Good day to you, sir."

Sanchez: "Hey, is those two drinks all?"

Carrots: "In terms of products, yeah. But we're also filling up our tank."

Sanchez: "Mhm, well, how much gas are you taking?"

Carrots: "Basically the whole thing, minus a few milliliters."

Sanchez: "Alright, so I'll just count it as 95%."

Carrots: "Sounds fair."

Sanchez: "Alright, here is your total."

Carrots paid and left the store, sipping on his whiskey drink. They strolled through the gas station shop, Mujirushi eyeing various snacks. Carrots caught sight of a peculiar-looking energy drink labbeled as a free sample.

Carrots: "Hey, check this out. 'Folkish Blast' Sounds intense, huh?"

Mujirushi: "Sure, why not? Grab one."

They headed back to the car, each with their chosen drinks. As they approached, SJ was finishing up with the gas pump.

Carrots: "How's the filling going?"

SJ: "Been done for a long while. We should get going then."

They all got into the car, and SJ hit the pedal to move, but the car made a revving noise without budging. SJ tried a few more times.

SJ: "Oh no... Something must have broken."

Carrots: "Oh, come on! Our journey is long enough as is!"

SJ: "Sorry, sir. I will check it out immediately. It must be the engine."

Mujirushi: "How about we ask the shopkeeper guy to help?"

Carrots: "Yeah, sure, you do that."

As Mujirushi headed back to the store, Carrots and SJ inspected the car's engine, trying to determine the issue. Inside, Mujirushi approached Sanchez.

Mujirushi: "Hey, do you know anything about cars? Our car just died."

Sanchez: "I dabble a bit. Let me take a look."

As Sanchez stepped outside to join Carrots and SJ, the three men found themselves in an unexpected situation, their journey momentarily stalled as they faced the uncertainty of a malfunctioning car.

Sanchez: "Let me take a look at that engine."

Carrots: "Yeah please do that, I cannot be stuck in a place like this.."

As Sanchez crouched down, ostensibly examining the engine, he furtively glanced around, making sure nobody was paying too much attention. He quickly switched from the cool demeanor of a gas station worker to someone more clandestine, all the while maintaining a façade of normalcy.

SJ: "Looks like a loose wire here. It should be a quick fix."

Sanchez: "Yeah, just give me a moment."

While SJ and Sanchez got to work on the engine, Carrots and Mujirushi, armed with various tools and sticks, goofed around, attempting to contribute in their own way.

Carrots: "'Ey, pass me the wrench. No, the other one idiot."

Mujirushi: "This one?"

Carrots: "Yup!"

As they bumbled through their makeshift assistance, Carrots couldn't help but see a glimmer in Mujirushis eyes, this kid probably wasnt a propagandist afterall, but still, there was something about him. Unconsciously, his mission to profit from this endeavor began to shift into a genuine desire to help, driven by a blossoming friendship.

Carrots (whispering to Mujirushi): "You know what, if we keep being this lucky with all this suff, we might actuall get to FPCBA in no time."

Mujirushi: "I guess even a broken car can't stop us."

Meanwhile, SJ and Sanchez managed to fix the engine without much hassle. Sanchez, was growing more and more weary, trying to hide parts of his clothes, for an unknown reason.

SJ: "There we go. It should run smoothly now."

Sanchez: "You're good to go. Just be careful out there."

Carrots, Mujirushi, and SJ thanked Sanchez for his help and Sanchez accepted the thanks then quickly hurried back into the gas station.

Carrots: "You sure know your way around cars huh."

Sanchez as he is leaving: "Well, you pick up a thing or two working at a place like this."

Carrots: "We owe you one."

The trio hopped back into the car, the engine now purring like a contented cat. As they drove away from the gas station, the unlikely quartet continued their journey, the road ahead holding uncertainty. Sanchez watched the car disappear into the distance, and as that happened he heard a bang.

Sanchez: "thank God she fell out now, not before, some people have terrible timing for things"

The car hummed along the highway, the rhythmic sound of the engine providing a soothing backdrop to the journey. Carrots, having downed his whiskey earlier, succumbed to the drowsiness, and soon, his rhythmic snores filled the car.

Mujirushi, staring out of the window, initially found himself lost in thoughts about his parents, their worries, and the uncertain path ahead. Eventually, he decided to break the silence and engage SJ in conversation.

Mujirushi: "Hey, SJ, mind if I ask you something?"

SJ, keeping his eyes on the road, responded, "Go ahead."

Mujirushi: "You've been with Carrots for a while, right? What's your story?"

SJ: "Not much of a story to tell. I've been working with Mr. Rppltwo ever since the RC split."

Mujirushi: "But, like, what were you doing before? Where are you from?"

SJ: "Cant say im from anywhere except hyperfreepecebia, I have been around since before the RC split and so had Mr. Rppltwo. As for what I did before, not something I talk about."

Mujirushi persisted, wanting to know more. "Why are you helping me, then? It can't just be because Carrots told you to."

SJ's gaze remained fixed on the road. "Mr. Rppltwo is my employer. I do what he says. That's all there is to it."

Mujirushi: "But there has to be more to it. You could've reported me back in the capital after that bomb incident. Why didn't you?"

SJ's response was measured. "Reporting isn't my job. My job is to transport. Mr. Rppltwo handles the rest."

Mujirushi, not satisfied with the vague answers, continued, "But there's got to be a reason you're sticking your neck out for me. What's the deal?"

SJ, showing a rare hint of emotion, sighed. "Look, kid, I don't get personal. I'm here to do a job. If it weren't for Mr. Rppltwo, I would have reported you. You came out of nowhere and then a bomb went off, you are suspicious."

Mujirushi, understanding the gravity of SJ's words, fell silent. The car continued its journey, the road stretching out ahead, carrying the trio through landscapes both familiar and unknown.