"mental gymnastics" is a purely pejorative term unless you provide an actual counterargument to my beliefs.
what do you think I mean by barbarism? because it generally means this to me: "being disobedient to and resisting outside of the state-sanctioned history and civilization", I.e, what was and is commonly called "barbaric"
"repress the desire to belong" is anti-nationalism, not individualism.
Next sentence, I don't even fucking know what you're talking about, "you want to destroy the spectacle in search of this mystical realm of 'reality'"- what??? what are you talking about, can you tell me what beliefs, that I explicitly said on my page, this is referring to??? because this is so vague, I don't even know what you're talking about in regards to my beliefs.
Not hating people for who they are (progressivism) is actually called being nice, not "hatred"