Guevarism is a revolutionary authoritarian left ball that promotes exporting a communist revolution to countries whose leaders are supported by an empire with a particular emphasis in guerrilla warfare outside urban areas.
How to draw:
- Draw a ball
- Draw dark blue diagonal stripes along it
- Add a hammer and sicke in gold to the middle
- Add a black berret with 4 point star on it
- (optional) Add a cigar.
- Maoism - Loyalest ally.
- Stalinism - Biggest idol.
- Zapatismball - We might not agree on the correct path to communism but I appreciate their admiration for me.
- National Communism - The Viet Cong were based.
- Marxism-Leninism - Used to be cool, but it became full of anti-Stalin revisionists
- Castroism - Why must you support revisionist USSR instead of the PRC???
- Trotskyism - You're revisionist cringe but exporting the revolution is very nice idea.
- Anarcho-Capitalism - We don't agree on literally anything but apparently he admires me? Thanks I guess
- Neoconservatism - Fuck off imperialist pig.