Yo Yo Yo its me B to the A to the C to the O to the N Wobbuffet.
I'm black and a Conservative(not radical)
. Please don't think I'm alt right I'm not a racist Trumpie.
I like Chicken Nuggies.
I joined this wiki cuz i was bored
OthodoxLeftist - My Bestest Friend in da whole wide world.
Pirate Tails - Although you are a liberal you are a fellow shitposter.
YankeeDoodle71 - Good Friend. Wait were you posting porn?
LogicalGrey - In my Opinion your nice.
SamChrry - I never got to know you but you are nice.
NazBolGang12 - We got off to a rocky start but your cool.
SpoonInADeepFrier - Understand newer Circumstances your okay in my book. ur still a traitor.
TheGhostOfInky - I have no problems with you. But can you please not take down other wikis. :{
Barack Obama - I know your a Nazi in a Civil Rightmen's Clothing.