Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism (Heartbert) also known as Liberaltarianism (Libbert) is an Economically Right (usually under Chicago school of economics, mostly because it's more politically correct), Culturally Left, Libertarian Ideology who is the child of Libertarianism and Progressivism. Heartbert believes that negative rights and free markets are compatible and also complementary to the concepts of Social Justice and usually by association Identity Politics and Political Correctness.
Heartbert within the comics is usually portrayed as a bit of an "SJW" stereotype within the context of other libertarians, meaning he will insist others not to use "politically incorrect language" and use the "correct pronouns".
How to Draw
Heartbert's design is the on of Libertarianism with the snake replaced literally with a "Bleeding Heart".
- Draw a ball
- Fill it gold
- Draw a Heart
- From the heart draw "blood" coming out
- (Optional) Draw some variation of "Don't Tread on Me" or "No Step on
And you're done!
- Pink Capitalism - Yay! You understand me!
- Social Libertarianism - Lib Unity!
- Green Libertarianism - I love Greta too!
- Libertarian Transhumanism - Social progress in the hands of the free market!
- Libertarian Feminism - You truly make my heart bleed.
- Paleolibertarianism - I may not like your cultural policies, but we are still are for libertarianism?
- Libertarian Conservatism - Right?
- National Libertarianism - This "Nation" thing makes me feel uncomfortable, what about those refugees and immigrants?