SomeCrusader - Based an not having the bloodlust of an AnCom pilled.
Losing faith in this
As progressives and capitalists continue ruining society, they tighten their grip and tyranny. Guillotine the progressive capitalist elites, burn the system to the ground, and build a new one! - Template:UserGeneralGanyu
I too feel the same, initially, it used to be a noble movement, meant to achieve change without bloodlust through participation in the system, but now I realized such a thing is just wishful thinking, for true change cannot come when the system remains in high spirits, reform is just mere concession, meaningless victory, and history further proves this as several revolutions under the pillars of revolutionaries themselves managed to achieve change, but very little have reformists gain a victory - Template:UserDNY
- Agreed^^^ - Template:UserChirotesla