uhh... guess who's made ANOTHER page! err... ME.
2x2ɅɅasterisʌʌ believes that Avstraliaʌs vvere the trve Hyperboreaʌ aryaʌs vvho origiʌate froʌʌ iʌside the ceʌtre of the earth. 2x2ɅɅaster seeks to rejvveʌate the hyperboreaʌ spirit by recreatiʌg Hyperborea iʌ ʌʌoderʌ-day Avstralia by adoptiʌg the systeʌʌ vsed iʌ Hyperborea ( libertariaʌisʌʌ aʌd classical liberalisʌʌ)
On Hyperborkea
Contrary to popular belief, Hyperborkea is not the real hyperborea and people should know that. This can be proven by Hyperborkea not being entirely 100% Australian aryans
"b-but what about aboriginals?!"
As the story goes, aboriginals were in Australia burning forests or smth until the EVIL british came in and did some shit. This is not true. The actual truth is that aboriginal australians were originally hyperborean aryans that were later taken and melanized by General Dick.
With "acknowledgement of country" and the like being sponsored by the government, it's about time the people take a stand for the TRUTH about aboriginals and hyperborea...