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PCBaller World/Ultimate Futures

Revision as of 21:19, 29 June 2023 by imported>Kultokrat (Created page with "{{Box| text = Feel free to add yourself to the project. The only requisite is that you must have a country '''IN THE CANON PCBALLER-VERSE (AND APPROVED BY JONAH)''' to place your country here. }} __NOTOC__ {{#css: body #mw-content-container {padding-top:7.3%;} body #mw-content-text {color: #fcfcfc;} .cosmos-button-primary {background-color: #161616;color: #ffffff;} #mw-content a:not(.new) {color: #37A5EF;text-decoration: none;} #mw-content-wrapper {width: 1305px;max-widt...")
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Feel free to add yourself to the project. The only requisite is that you must have a country IN THE CANON PCBALLER-VERSE (AND APPROVED BY JONAH) to place your country here.

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PCBaller World Ultimate Futures is a project hosted by Greater Illinois using their newest experimental supercomputers to render and simulate a wide variety of potential future outcomes for each country that is included in the simulation. Since the technology is experimental, it can be assumed that it will generate plenty of scenarios, including a few, uhh, wacky ones. In case you need it spelled out, this is a subpage where you can put all of the "good" or "bad" or "joke" endings for your country if you want without worrying about breaking the progression and angering Jonah.



Polish Social Nationalist Republic

Golden Ending

The Sorbian and Lithuanian independence movements failed to materialize, with the Pirate tailsists swiftly suppressed in Silesia without any spillover to Hispaniola. A single, unified Poland in the name of the Polish Social Nationalist Republic now stands as a beacon of strength and determination in the quest for Europe's safety and independence, with an unwavering commitment to the ideals of nationalism and glory. The campaign against Greater Illinois and its Westernist allies, as well as the Indonesian regime and other extremist governments worldwide, has resulted in decisive victories for the New Warsaw Pact. As a result, this coalition has established itself as a global leader in promoting normality and stability in international relations.

Good Ending

The Eastern Crisis ultimately proved to be less tumultuous than initially anticipated, as Lithuanian rebellions were swiftly quelled within a matter of weeks. Moreover, the Polish Social Nationalist Republic played an instrumental role in stabilizing the remnants of the Russian Federation by providing military and economic assistance. As a result, the Republic has emerged as one of the most robust economic powers on the continent. By adopting a non-radicalized approach, the ZZ organization prioritized the dissemination of nationalist ideals, ultimately paving the way for a new era of prosperity in Europe and the revitalization of the European Economic Union.

Canon Ending

Despite the Eastern Crisis dragging on for more than a decade, the Polish Social Nationalist Republic has persevered and emerged in a favorable position. With a focus on detente with the west and stronger integration with the east, the Ziółkowskiist doctrine has proven successful in advancing the country's interests. Although the nation has faced much hardship and uncertainty, the approaching defeat of western-sponsored Lithuanian separatists is a testament to the resilience and hard work of the Polish people. As we continue to face challenges in the future, we remain steadfast in our commitment to securing a prosperous future for our nation.

Bad Ending

After a prolonged period of tension, the Eastern Crisis resulted in Lithuania gaining victory and receiving substantial Western support in rebuilding their industry and infrastructure. However, tensions continued to simmer in the region, ultimately culminating in a final referendum proposed by the Polish Social Nationalist Republic to the government in Wilno, leading to a second war between the two nations. Despite their valiant efforts, the Polish Social Nationalist Republic struggled to make significant gains due to their economic difficulties. Eventually, both nations returned to their original borders and the Polish Social Nationalist Republic was compelled to provide reparations.

Worst Ending

The 13-day civil war resulted in the loss of Warsaw by the Polish Social Nationalist Republic to a NATO base situated in Podlasie. Presently, Poland has reinstated the PiS government and has aligned itself strongly with the Neo-NATO movements, harboring a notable Russophobic stance.

ZZ ending

Following the protracted Eastern crisis and the passing of the previous Kultokrat of Poland, Hubert Ziółkowski, the ZZ faction has taken control of the PSNR. Consequently, they have abrogated the Treaty of Chicago and have opted to support Indonesia unilaterally against the liberal powers of the world. The ZZ's tactics have caused Lithuania to be on the brink of collapse, and they have also advanced into Sorbia and Czechoslovakia. Furthermore, there has been a general mobilization of all able-bodied Polish men, and military factories are being staffed with new workers whilst civilian factories are being torn down.

Strange ending

Following the passing of Kultokrat Hubert Ziółkowski, Witold Basiński has taken over the helm of the Polish nation. Despite the challenges posed by the radical ZZ faction, with the help of the GS, Basiński has steered Poland towards a more western and pragmatic foreign policy, opting for cooperation with Western nations. Under his leadership, Poland has joined the GTO, and together with their allies, they have effectively quelled the NWP. Consequently, Poland has been granted a mandate over the former Russian territories.

PRL ending

In light of Poland's imperative to strengthen its alliances with the NWP, the Polish Communist Party has risen in prominence, culminating in its victory in the advisory board elections. Following the death of the Kultokrat, the Party, with the support of the Soviet Union, has taken control and re-established the Polish People's Republic.

Польша ending

After the passing of the Kultokrat in the Polish Social Nationalist Republic, there was an increasing infiltration of individuals who harbored a strong affinity towards Russia. Eventually, this faction gained complete control of the government and the advisory board, resulting in significant changes such as the adoption of Cyrillic script for the Polish language and its classification as a Russian dialect. Moreover, they seek to join the Soviet Union as an autonomous Soviet republic.


Worst Ending

Indonesia somehow manages to beat both us and Greater Illinois, which in the mean time resulted in a presidential dictatorship arising in Byzantium under Akakios Stamoglou, with him firing all of Byzantium's annihilator bombs, resulting in the destruction of the entire world.

Byzantine-Illinoisan Hyper War

Somehow, Byzantine and Greater Illinois get dragged into a war, which has global consequences, as it means the two most advanced countries got into a conflict. There are a lot of casualties on both sides and also on innocent nations, both artificial and human casualties.

Golden Outer Space Ending

Byzantium manages to create an interstellar galactic federation, uniting alien races for one common goal. Humanity finally contacts other extraterrestrial beings, besides just discovering their existence through probes or communications.

Golden Earth Ending

Byzantium manages to create an international democratic order, while still maintaining competition between NWP and GTO to ensure international technological ascension.

Alien Invasion: We Win Ending

An advanced alien civilization comes to invade Earth and while our weapons failed to take down their shields, we manage to find a weakness in the alien rank and manage to destroy their mothership using an alien attacker, a quantum computer and a nuke. This however has meant the deaths of many people, who possibly did not have to die.

Alien Invasion: We Lose Ending

The aliens are able to swiftly take over Earth and make us their slaves (or exterminate us entirely) and expand their own model of government onto our Planet, for better or for worse.

Singularity Gone Rogue Ending

An evil artificial intelligence manages to take over the government by hacking quantum computers and making sure SRUs all followed its orders. It would go on to establish an AI-1984-like state, where there freedom is slavery, peace is war and ignorance is strength.

Northern French Republic

The unionist (good) ending

The northern french government managed to remove political violences and reunited with the rest of the 5th french government's theory forming a 6th french republic.

The Neo-humanist Society (ultimate good) ending

After the 7th election since the reunification, a radical liberal group influenced by high personels of the beryist society took over, proclaiming the third french empire, ruler of afro-eurasia.

Le rêve passe (bad) ending

After supporting Hispaniola, greater Illinois and Taiwan in their War for international recognition and the unification of their homelands, Northern France has been seen as a threat to international stability and has been sanctioned to death by members of the altUN, the beginning of an unlimited economic recession.

File:Icon1casa.png The forever divided (ultimate bad) ending

After the socialists won majority, far-right ultranationalist leader File:Icon1casa.png casagon, formed their own country threatening northern french sovereignty and stability.

National Republic of Hungary

Good Ending

A war with Dacia seems unavoidable, and with relatively low casualties, Hungary with the help of the NWP and GTO, has defeated Dacia. All its claims on Northern Transylvania, Partium, and Transcarpathia get ceded to Hungary.

Islamic Emirate of Finland

Normal Ending

Finland remained Islamic, and nothing seemed to change.

Revert Ending

Republic of Finland
Suomen tasavalta, Republiken Finland

  • Anthem: Maamme
  • Capital: Helsinki
  • Demonym: Finnish
  • Languages: Finnish, Swedish
  • Official Religion: Christian
  • Government: Unitary Parliamentary Republic
  • President: Sauli Niinistö

In Finland, the Islamists were expelled and the state returned to its former form. Under the influence of Sweden, it succeeded in overthrowing the Islamists.

Communist Ending

Finnish People's Republic
Suomen kansantasavalta, Финская Народная Республика

  • Anthem: Taistojen Tiellä
  • Capital: Helgrad
  • Demonym: Finnish
  • Languages: Finnish, Russian
  • Official Religion: State Atheism
  • Government: Unitary Communist Regulated Socialist Republic
  • I Secretary: Hannu Harju

The Finnish people liked communism so much that a new government was formed. The economy has gone from a Dengist capitalist to a fully communist one. This slowed down technological development.

Tax Haven Ending


Anarchist Ending


Racism Ending (semi-joke)

Dixies of Finland
Suomen Dixit

  • Anthem: Säkkijärven Polkka
  • Capital: Helsinki
  • Demonym: Finnish
  • Languages: Finnish, English
  • Official Religion: Christianity
  • Government: Unitary Presidental Non-Partisan Herrenvolk Republic
  • President: WIP

There used to be an offer that they were buying 300 black men for only 5€. This ushered in a new era of black slavery. Now black people are only in the military. This also attracted the attention of Southern Confederates, who moved here en masse.

Gensokyan Ending (joke, but likely)

Gensokyan Occupation of Finland
幻想郷フィンランド占領, Gensokyon miehitys Suomessa

  • Anthem: WIP
  • Capital: [Human Village]
  • Demonym: Gensokyan
  • Languages: Gensokyan (Japanese), Finnish (minority)
  • Official Religion: Shinto, Buddhism and other
  • Government: Unitary Presidental Occupied Non-Partisan Youkai Dictatorship
  • President: File:YukariYakumo.png Yukari Yakumo



Blue China Ending(ultimate good ending)

Chinese Civil war end up in Kuomintang Victory, China then into forty years long period of Chiang family authoritarian rule with reforms and rapid economic development. After the student demonstrations in 1986 and 1988, President Sun Yun-suan start another round of democratic reforms, let China become a modenized democratic nation.

Democratize 1989 Ending(good ending)

During the 1989 demonstration, the reformists(liberalists) of CCP had upper hand in the power struggle: Hardliner Conservatives like Li Peng had forced to step down in the event, the place of premier is replaced by Qiao Shi as temporary, Deng retired after the event. After then, Zhao Ziyang and his successor Hu Qili, Wen Jiabao start another round of liberalization and democratization reform. Republic of China on Taiwan, correspondly, keep the function of "Guidelines for National Unification", and push the Cross-strait negotiation into the Medium term and Long term phase during James Soong and Ma Ying-jeou presidency.

Democratize 20xx Ending(good ending)

2022 COVID-19 protest evolved into a demonstration movement across whole China. In order to reach a compromise with the demonstrators, CPC finally agreed to gradually lift the ban on freedom of association and decentralize government power, and build a more open society.

Xiism Ending(OTL ending)

While Deng Xiaoping enacted some formal and informal regulation to the CCP leadership, it cannot last long after Deng passed away, Xi Jinping, the fifth generation of CCP leader canceled or broke those regulation one by one; making the PRChina, a post-totalitarian regime now under xi jinping thought, more and more restrict and sultanistize. Meanwhile, the Republic of China on Taiwan, are more and more localize and separatismize.

Canon Ending

The outbreak of SCCW in the 2020s led to the demise of the OG PRC regime, and China returned to the situation before the 1930s, and is currently in a stalemate.

Shanghai Clique Ending

General Gao managed to defeat the rest of China's Cliques in SCCW, and a nationwide military martial law ensued. The struggle of millions of people for freedom has finally come to naught, and China has returned to the even worse era of authoritarianism; and minorities nationa have become part of history in the continuous nations assimilation and massacre.

Peking Clique Ending

The anti-CPC powers during SCCW were united by PCPC, and successfully thwarted Gneral Gao's rising plan, then gradually regained all the lost ground during SCCW. The real red flag was successfully raised on the land of China again, but unlike 1949, this time it was not literally anthem.

Yunnan Clique Ending

After teleported from its own Timeline, Yunnan Clique decided to take the initiative to launch a China Reunification War to rebuild a unified Blue China; after defeating General Gao with other Cliques, it reached a compromise with other Cliques then annexed Chungseunguls, completed China Reunification's works.


Good Ending

Kaiser Emperor never went insane; instead, he became Asia's most kind and modest leader. He was successful in achieving his aim. Making Indonesia an economic powerhouse in Asia, as well as the richest and most prosperous country in the region. A global Player who can always resolve every dispute. Paradise on Earth, indeed.


After a lengthy wait, the Kaiser Emperor finally unified all of Asia.He launched the Enternal Cleansing and managed to rid Asia of the debauchery crisis, with every Asian unified behind the Indonesian banner and Kaiser Emperor Divine Rule extending its reach.Every last Heretic has been exterminated! Every Asian city has been purified! Every Asian Country Is Now Fixed! Asia is now cheering!


Kaiser Emperor Begans launched the Last Purification or The Last War Against The Usurper Of Bophrus and The Lucifer Of Chicago after uniting all of Asia under his Divine authority.The conflict is brutal, and many people have died. The combined Illinoist and Byzantium Millitary give Indonesia a fight, but with the Kaiser Emperor, Indonesia will come out on top.The conclusion of the Last War is marked by the liberation of Byzantium and the raising of the Indonesian flag in Chicago.After becoming the world's de facto only ruler. The GRAND SALVATION is overseen by Kaiser Emperor. Every country's healing. He then declares that His Work For God is over, and he wishes God well. The New Utopian of Equality and Progress has been constructed. Kaiser Emperor then retired to an isolated place and lived as a humble farmer till he died.


Greatest Ending

Lebanese soldiers and Romanian exiles have landed in Romania. With support from Greater Illinois and Byzantium, they managed to push back the Dacians and reclaim the country. A stand-off at the border with Hungary ended with full-out war, which ended in the occupation of a demilitarised Hungarian zone in West Crișana. Poland's defeat at the hands of Romanian and Lebanese forces ended with the overthrow of the Polish dictatorship, and the establishment of a join Eastern Polish-Hispaniolan government. Back home, Lebanon swept in the South and took out all of the territories of the Emirate and the Phoenician city-states. Whiztale renounced his dictatorship and democracy was restored to both the Lebanese Republic and the Kingdom of Romania. And so the nations entered an era of close cooperation and prosperity. Whiztale retired at an undisclosed location after making several trips to Dublin.

Good Ending

While the Dacians were wiped out, it was not done by the Lebanese nor Romanians alone. As of such, Romania was placed under joint occupation then mandate. Skirmishes are frequent alongside the Hungarian and Polish borders, and attempts to defuse the situation through referenda in Transylvania have so far failed. The tense situation forces Whiztale to remain at the helm of the countries. War is avoided for now and the economy is only starting to recover...for how long can this monstrous union last?

Neutral Ending

The Dacians remain in power in Romania and Whiztale still seeks liberation. However, he understands the time is not ripe for it, even as the Anarchists are fighting for their existence. Lebanon seeks to expand its banking and services sectors and increase its GDP. Hopefully Whiztale will manage to convince the GTO that a united Romania is the best for its interests...

Bad ending

The landings fail and the Anarchists manage to protect their existence. Whiztale becomes increasingly authoritarian as popular contestation starts calling for his demission. Massive crackdowns on liberties are organised and the country enters a near-totalitarian regime. In his zeal, Whiztale has become that which he sought to destroy.

Worst Ending

Not only did the invasion of Dacia fail, but the anarchists counter-invaded Lebanon. Whiztale took his own life to avoid capture, or at least so it seemed to the Dacian soldiers storming Baabda. Lebanon was re-organised into an anarchist commune allied with the Dacians, and the Anarchist revolution continued, sweeping over Europe and even the Americas. Obviously, such organisation could not maintain global hegemony, and the world devolved into statelets constantly vying for power in murderous wars. A dark turn indeed.

Lebanon First Ending

Whiztale realised the impossibility of reclaiming Romania and in desperation resigned. With Democracy back in place, Lebanon prospered to become one of the richest states in the world, but simultaneously became increasingly isolationist, exiting the GTO and joining the non-aligned movement. The whereabouts of Whiztale are unknown.

Daco-Phoenician Ending

Whiztale's desperation muted into something far, far more sinister. He declared the abolishment of the Republic of Lebanon, and declared the formation of the Daco-Phoenician Empire. Leading Lebanon into a highly militarised path, he not only liberated Dacia from the anarchists, but reclaimed the fullest territorial extent of the Dacian confederation from Europe, as well as the various Phoenician and Carthaginian colonies around the Mediterranean. The exact manner with which he did it are obscure, and experts are torn between dumb luck, military genius or incompetence from the rival governments. Regardless, the end result was the same. An absolutist, totalitarian monarchy holding many peoples in a tight grip. The last conquest would be the invasion of Ireland. Perhaps that will finally appease him.


North America

Greater Illinois

Golden Ending

The PSNR and Greater Illinois put aside their differences and ratified the Treaty of Chicago far earlier than canon, allowing for the NWP and GTO to combine into a second EU in their infancies, with a goal similar to what the ARI had (that is, forming a confederacy of aligned, yet autonomous states working in each other's and their own interests). What happened with Byzantium in canon happened everywhere in Europe all at once. Indonesia was snuffed out in the cradle, leading to Asia and eventually the entire world experiencing mass modernization as well. American-European cooperation was truly mutually-beneficial for the first time ever, and humanity appears to be unstoppable.

Good Ending

Greater Illinois makes peace with the NWP and helps stabilize America and Europe while attempting to reconcile the blocs of the NWP and the GTO. The planet's technology level has been massively increased due to free trade, and the Illinosian economy is still the strongest on the planet. Communism is in an irreversible decline due to Illinosian meddling, and Indonesia, Dacia, and East Greenland have been neutralized. Every capable nation has a space program, asteroid mining is now more commonplace than resource extraction on Earth, and multinational ultraprojects are very common. The ARI has expanded to cover North America, and the notion of a confederal New USA has been realized. The future is looking very bright.

Neutral Ending

Greater Illinois has established a detente with the PSNR, but refused to engage any further with European affairs, considering the entire continent to be too far gone. The only states that Greater Illinois has contact with in Europe are West Germany, South Italy, Byzantium and Hungary, but Greater Illinois has refused to engage in any military activity over there, preferring to shift their focus on Indonesia, Greenland and the rest of the American continent. Eventually, the ARI was fully realized through a mixture of annexation (in the case of the Northwestern Imperium, Autonomous Texas, Louisiana and Missouri), economic pressure and genuine detente/cooperation (with Colorado, New Wisconsin, Deseret, Baja California, South California and the New American Republic). The USA is back, but it is an isolationist state who deems the rest of the world "unworthy" of their technology. The space blockade that Greater Illinois holds is still there to keep communists and fascists earthbound, but it sees lesser use now that peace has been made with the NWP bloc.

Bad Ending

The Treaty of Chicago has failed to hold in the face of Byzantine interference in the Eastern Crisis, and the situation has escalated to an all-out war with the entire NWP. Totalitarian measures have been re-activated to ensure the long-term survival of Greater Illinois, thus barring them full access from the GTO. Talks with Hungary have also failed, leaving Byzantium as Europe's only "real" Illinoisian ally. Once again, the ARI has activated its highly expansionist prior policies, with Illinoisian leadership confirming that Illinois will resort to full imperialism to reunify the United States. Since then, Illinoisian and Byzantine operations have left Europe deeply scarred and divided, but that's no longer our concern. Draconian measures have also been taken at home against dissident states. Colorado and New Wisconsin were intimidated into joining the ARI and chemical warfare against Arimexico, the Northwestern Imperium and Canada was a standard tactic. We will attain our goals regardless of whether or not the reactionaries that infest this planet like it or not.

Worst Ending

The Solution has couped the Greater Illinoisian leadership, leading to an immediate declaration of war against the entire NWP. A nuclear exchange happened, with 90% of the Earth being destroyed except for Indonesia, the PSNR, Byzantium and Greater Illinois due to their technologies. A nasty decade-long war with a Byzantium/Illinois coalition against an Indonesia-backed PSNR commenced, eventually culminating in the PSNR and Indonesia's loss. As reparations for the amount of destruction the PSNR caused, the Navyshirts, now a fully-fledged organization akin to the Schutzstaffel, were granted free reign over the ruins of Europe, employing a nightmare system across the entire continent, save for the portions that Byzantium controlled. In a recent summary, fewer than 1,000 people in Europe identified as "Russian." What is left of the world now lies within the grip of two equally nightmarish states (at this point, Byzantium has completely abandoned liberal ideas), with no end in sight.

Absolutely Terrible Ending

Basically, everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. Illinois achieved its goal of reunifying the USA, but the ARI never formed, an alliance with Byzantium was never made, and a complete war broke out with the NWP. This means that Illinois basically reunified the USA in the bloodiest way possible. Hungary and Byzantium were swept into a non-aligned movement, but without Illinoisian trade, they never became as advanced as they were in canon. Nuclear weapons were used against the NWP and their sycophants, resulting in the destruction of the entire Nordic territory, North Germany, the PSNR, the Balkan Anarchists, East Greenland, Russia, Canada, Arimexico, East California, the Imperium of the Northwest, and Korea. Greater Illinois is unquestionably the dominant power, but it's based almost entirely on fear. Greater Illinois's new USA is doomed to collapse again, but they'll keep churning on, reviving and crashing the same old system ad-infinitum.

Total Illinois Death

By some miracle, the NWP won the war against Greater Illinois, and the Poles got their reparations. Hispaniola was nuked. The EPR has fallen. Billions must die. But we're rebuilding...

Original Ending

Greater Illinois swiftly defeated the entire NWP through the usage of surprise attacks and fusion bombs along with Byzantium and the GTO, reconstructing Europe afterward into what was pre-Collapse, with a somewhat increased focus on local nationalism this time. Germany was reunified under the Beryists once again (total Jonah death), England was restored under the monarchy, basically, the entirety of the Nordic sphere was reformed into something significantly less schizophrenic than the previous regimes, Byzantium reunified the Balkans, and Hungary was allowed to recognize all of its claims. Greater Illinois itself directly annexed the Neo-Soviet Union as reparations, and the EPR took over what was previously the PSNR. The USA was reunified without a hitch after the fall of the NWP, Indonesia collapsed under joint Illinois/Byzantine sanctions, and Greater Illinois sits as the world's sole hyperpower.

Sad Ending

Peace in Europe was made and the Treaty of Chicago was successful. Still, pre-emptive strikes from the Psychopathic Tyrant Alliance made before the International Laser Matrix was brought online led to Greater Illinois and Byzantium being the only capable states left on the planet after the total destruction of everything else. Radiation blankets the globe and nuclear winter runs rampant, thus interfering with the space quest. Eventually, the Old and New World were united under Byzantium and Illinois, respectively. However, morale has never been lower. The human population numbers less than two billion individuals, and the world is generally a dark, depressing place with minimal hope for the future.

Illinois-Byzantium Hyper War Ending

Somehow, an Illinois-Byzantium war broke out, with most of the globe being destroyed in the aftermath. The last Illinosian remnants in Chicago became the last holdout of human civilization, other than some weirdos in Indonesia. We're not dead yet!

1984 Ending

Greater Illinois never dropped its totalitarian safety protocols, leading to them becoming increasingly intrusive over the years. Eventually, Greater Illinois resembled Oceania from 1984, except with the competency, technology, economy and drive to keep going...forever.

Alien Ending

Greater Illinois was the one to come up with SatellaGlobe instead of Finland, and they actually contacted aliens with it and helped them invade the countries that Illinois didn't like. Uhh, insert something generic about Star Trek or world federalism here.

Showdown Ending

Somehow, a Solution-led Illinois and a ZZ-led PSNR ended up existing at the same time. Mass hilarity ensued as The Solution launched its entire nuclear arsenal at the PSNR, only for them to do the exact same thing. 90% of the nukes collided in midair with each other, while each nation's missile defenses intercepted the remaining 10%. Thus, President BERNHE told Kultokrat Hubert Ziółkowski to "1v1 me fgt" on Mount Everest. Both died from exposure to the elements and the Treaty of Chicago was realized once sane people took back power in both countries.


More endings coming soon.

File:Neo-XarTario.png Syncretic America's Carcass

Post-Nuclear Strikes Scenario (Happens after the worst ending scenario from Indonesia)

Without warning and despite the SAC's isolationist efforts, the SAC has been nuked and the SAC loses almost all of its population and all of its infrastructure is destroyed. Due to this attack on American soil, the survivors now have to settle underground and ocean settlements in order to survive. Not long after the nuclear strikes, the SAC re-established itself as the American Cremation, but the SAC can't officially settle within the overworld due to the nuclear radiation, and nuclear winter that will probably last for many decades to come before the rest of the world can start re-settling the overworld.

With only minimal population left in the SAC, we made settlements within the underground and the ocean and food sources are limited, even with the ocean and its food as of now. Far-to-reach communication with survivors all around the world will become way more important in the future as we populate back up more, but the SAC leaders rejected the notion by completely isolating themselves from the outside world from their neighboring survivors, even if it completely affects future trade, relations, survivability, etc. to prevent ever contacting with Indonesia again and to become more alerted of danger coming towards us, similarly to how the Sentinelese treated outsiders as such. For the people that do decide to go to the overworld, it's usually just to get materials that were left over after it was destroyed by the nuclear strikes.

The Rebirth of the SAC and the American Ash Representations were formed by mostly, apoliticals and by some that already had representative identification within the politics of the former government, especially from the United Party of the SAC (in support of The Rebirth of the SAC), the Secret American Operatives and Corps (in support of The Rebirth of the SAC), and the Survival For Democracy (in support of the American Ash). Meanwhile, the remaining representative identification within the politics of the former government stayed identified and/or switched to the The Common Order, the Society of the Dark Triads, or as an Independent.

South America


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