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Revision as of 00:18, 20 July 2023 by imported>LeastResponsibleCitizen
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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent ResponsibleCitizen's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

So uhhh, hai there! :D I took a hiatus for an (albeit extremely brief) period of time for a number of reasons, but I decided to come back as I now suddenly have an extremely random streak of motivation and I feel like I can now carve at least a little bit of time into working on this page (no promises on how quickly I will flesh out this page, tho). Comments will be open, in case you have questions about my ideology or if you want to scream slurs at me or whatever. I will not be taking requests, however, until I deem this page complete enough for both of us to have something meaningful to say.

Neo-Citizenism is a libertarian-right, distributist, ethnonationalist, agrarian, and culturally syncretic ideology. Economically, the author of this page (me lol) believes in the Austrian school of economics with an emphasis on worker cooperatives and the widespread ownership of property. He is, in general, culturally right-wing (but not reactionary), although he can generally be considered culturally liberal when it comes to LGBT issues. He also identifies as a cultural nationalist (not a supremacist, mind you), believing that multicultural societies will inevitably lose a sovereign identity (as well as a sense of spiritual identity/belonging), and wishes to return to a pre-industrial agrarian society. Regarding his religious beliefs, he does not currently identify with any Christian denomination and rejects many aspects of general Christian dogma. He is also very spiritual, and many of his religious beliefs take inspiration from various religions/belief systems such as gnosticism.

Economic Beliefs

The Perils of Excessive Capitalism

Distributism From a Libertarian Perspective

Voluntary Taxation

Much of this section will bare resemblance to my “taxation is theft” section for Refined Citizenism, except it’ll be much more concise I hope.

Cultural Beliefs

The Effects of Multiculturalism

The Decline of God in Society and its Consequences

LGBT Rights

I support LGBT rights both as principle (as a civil libertarian who believes in the harm principle) and for personal reasons (as someone who’s bisexual). I believe that two consenting individuals should be allowed to form a loving relationship with each other and get married without fear of being prosecuted by the state, and hence I believe same-sex marriage should be both legal and recognized by the government. When it comes to transgender rights, I believe that gender and sex are completely interchangeable terms and that one cannot change what they are born with. However, I am willing to treat someone who is transgender how they want to be treated and to show them basic human decency.

The Agrarian Persuasion

Religious Beliefs

Religious Journey

Spirituality (please don’t burn me at the stake)

The Nation and its Soul

Reading List

Currently Reading/Partially Completed

  • "For My Legionnaires: The Iron Guard" by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
  • "Essay on the Generative Principle of Political Constitutions" by Joseph de Maistre


Best and Worst Parts About My Ideology?

Personality and Behaviour

Uhhh, I don’t know…! TBD

How to Draw

I need to make a design first lol


uhhh W.I.P.!


  • Distributist Libertarianism - Literally me!
  • Homonationalism - Extremely based.
  • Progressive Conservatism - I see no reason why we cannot further freedom of expression while also conserving our culture and spirituality.
  • Minarchism - The state’s only function should be to protect its citizens and maintain a relative sense of order.
  • Austrian School - While pretty much all of you are capitalists, your economic analysis, theory, and opposition to statism are admirable, and if we combined your opposition to government regulation with widespread ownership of property, you would be extremely based.
  • Ethnopluralism - Cultural and ethnic purity guarantee the preservation of their identity, blood, and spirituality of the nation.
  • Anti-Authoritarianism - Down with tyrants!
  • Classical Nationalism - A sovereign nation is more than just an area enclosed by lines on a map. It is a sovereign people who are inextricably bonded together by their heritage, culture, blood, spirit, and their soil.
  • National Libertarianism - Embrace the idea of mass ownership of private property and be more LGBT-accepting and we’ll be good to go.
  • Progressive Reactionaryism - What can I say except BASED!
  • National Agrarianism - Retvrn to the ways of our ancestors and connect our souls with nature!
  • Femboy Nationalism - Yet again, literally me!
  • Virtue Ethics - Reject the pursuit of short-term pleasure. Embrace wisdom and virtue.


  • Democracy - I love democracy.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Pretty good, just take the distributist-pill and become more free-market oriented.
  • Transphobia - Men are men and women are women, but I am willing to treat those with gender dysphoria how they wish to be treated.


  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Worker coops are okay, but private property is a good thing, actually, and I don’t think the economy should entirely consist of them. You’re also way too progressive for my tastes, and Vaush is just awful.


  • The LGBTQ+ community in general - Having a different sexuality or being trans is nothing to be prideful about, sorry. Also, pride ideology is simply disgusting collectivist hedonism, nothing more.
  • Xenogenderism - Extremely soy.


  • Anti-Fascism - lOoTiNg faMilY-OwnEd bUsInEsSes aNd PunChiNg pOliTicAl oPpOnEnTs is OkAy bECauSe wE’Re fIgHTinG aN iDeoLoGy wHiCh HaSn’T bEeN rElEvAnT sInCE eIgHTy YeArS AgO1!1!1!
  • Capitalism - Your time must come to an end for the good of the nation, people, and their eternal spiritual bond.
  • Radical Feminism - Cringe. ‘Nuff said.
  • Stransserism - LARP moment.
  • Multiculturalism - Multicultural societies will inevitably lose a sovereign identity and a sense of a shared spiritual bond, becoming nothing more than degenerate, rootless cesspits.
  • Industrialism - Industrial society deprives us of our ability to spiritually connect with the ways of our ancestors, heritage, and culture.
  • Authoritarianism - Sic semper tyrannis!
  • Zionism - [Comment removed by moderator. Banned for 24 hours.]
  • Kleptocracy - I’ve already mentioned capitalism. :troll:


  • PZNC - Oh boy, woodchipper time!
  • National Socialism - mfw the indomitable Aryan race gets assfucked by the supposed Untermenschen
  • Marxism-Leninism - RIP BOZO REST IN PISS
  • Neoconservatism - The fact that Henry Kissinger and George W. Bush aren’t rotting in the prisons of the countries they bombed to the ground is irrefutable proof that we are living in a clown world.
  • Satanic Theocracy - kys

I will not be taking requests right now, sorry.


Feel free to edit this section if you have some cool art of my ideology, I guess.




Feel free to ask me questions, say hello or send me pipebombs. I will NOT, however, be taking relationship requests right now, so don’t ask me to do that (or do whatever, idc).

  1. I don’t like the term “SJW” btw especially as it’s primarily used by online edgelords, I’m just using it to refer to naive terminally-online hyperprogressives

Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 38 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 41 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 41 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 42 minutes ago