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Revision as of 03:39, 21 September 2023 by Levathon (talk | contribs)
Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Levathon's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

Levathonism is the ideology of the PCB user Levathon.



Private Sector

There should be a strong, well regulated private sector. Private entrepreneurship & Markets have brought global prosperity and innovation more than anything else, and it should be without too much regulation. The state should still intervene in the private sector to protect the workers and consumer interests, and prevent monopolies from forming.. Except for a selected few industries that are better off in the hands of the state rather than the market, most industries should be privatized, with regulations, of course. Overregulation is just as bad as underregulation.

Public Sector

There should also be a strong, for-profit public sector that competes with the private sector. State-owned enterprises are great for generating wealth to the state that can be put towards welfare and reducing the national debt, keeping a balanced budget in the process. This should include Transportation(Including Airlines), Asset Management, Banking, and the like. Sovereign Wealth Funds are also great and the state should invest in buying shares from corporations globally. For the most economic efficiency possible, these state owned enterprises should function as if they were private enterprises, guided by the invisible hand, although handled by the state.


Here are the taxes that should be implemented:

Income Tax - I don't like the Income Tax, as it financially holds people back, especially those in poverty. But I still recognize that it is useful for funding social welfare and other government spending. The federal income tax should be lowered to around a marginal rate of around 18% as a flat tax, for a progressive income tax is bullshit and punishes the wealthy just because they were successful in the market for the sake of reducing income equality, which is nothing more than a lost cause, and the rejection of a natural process.

Land Value Tax - A Land Value Tax is awesome. In fact, it is probably the best tax out there. It helps with problems such as speculation and underdeveloped land, taxing land hoarders who wait for their land to become more valuable overtime on the value of the land so they can't make profit from doing nothing and will actually have to develop their land. It would also lower housing prices, as landlords would create more housing on unused land to make profit, which would increase supply, and therefore lower housing prices.

Corporate Tax - The Corporate tax should stay the same for the most part, as it is a great source of government revenue. I don't want it too high or too low.

Excise Tax - I support an excise tax on harmful products such as drugs, vapes, cigars, and products akin to those in order to discourage their consumption.

Carbon Tax - Lastly, there should be an ecological tax that taxes corporations and individuals that produce carbon emissions in order to encourage more eco-friendly energy sources, though Nuclear energy should be encouraged out of all other energy sources, as it is the best at providing constant, reliable, carbon-free power to millions of Americans.

Big Businesses

Big Businesses are a good thing. These big businesses are a natural consequence of the competition that fuels the market, as it is the most innovative, merited, and fortunate that shall dominate the market. Big businesses are very productive, push research and development more than any other organization. Things such as Corporate welfare can be used in good ways such as helping corporations afford lowering the prices of their products. These megacorporations are also a very useful tool for the state, able to influence society, as well as being able to collaborate with the state on projects, even able to help with surveillance and suppression of dissents. Therefore, I support lobbying to a certain extent, though not to the point where corporations influence state decisions, only in cases of collaboration between the state and corporations should lobbying occur. I still want to break up monopolies(including state monopolies), as they hinder the competition that made them get to that point.


As I have already said, all banks should be nationalized. The private banks have shown that they are not very good at responding to economic crises like The Great Depression and the '08 financial crisis. They are also quite limited in resources and expertise, and the state would be able to prevent Banks from collapsing more often. The state should therefore take control of the banks.


I strongly oppose retarded Classism , as it creates unnecessary tension between the citizens of the nation that should be united. I am in favor of Class Collaborationism. It is basically when the lower and middle class work for the upper class and provide them with resources that they use to make a profit, who in return provides the two lower classes with safety, comfort, and well being. This should be encouraged by the state, as this simply benefits everyone and lowers tension between classes, strengthening the unity between the population. It is also a great way to placate the workers.


I am supportive of unions as long as they are regulated to prevent corruption, and participate in Tripartite Co-Operation between Unions, Businesses, and the state. The state should be the mediator between the two sides, and should engage in negotiations between labor unions and business interest groups to establish economic policy. Striking should be illegal, and all unions should sign tripartite contracts, and they should be banned if they refuse to do so.


There should be a flexible welfare state in which the benefits are for citizens only. The state should provide free, single-payer healthcare and childcare to those are unable to afford it. To ensure that there is still an incentive to work and there off of the welfare fund, a Negative Income Tax should be implemented for families that make under $25,000 per year and replace most other welfare. A Universal Basic Income is also something that could be implemented and is good to eliminate poverty, appeal to the populace, increase happiness and stability in the United States, and boost the fertility rate among the population by making things like childcare and necessities more affordable, and is preferable to the bureaucratic mess that is US Welfare, but it will most likely come after mass automation to deal with the mass employment that will come soon after.


Automation is inevitable, and that is a good thing. Automation in manufacturing comes with many benefits, such as an increase in productivity, reduction of labor costs, the constant availability of machines, improvement of product quality, and much more. It makes no sense not to embrace it and try to get there as fast as possible(Unless you're a retarded luddite). Now, millions of workers will be unemployed due to this drastic change, so automation should be gradual to ensure that the transition to an automated economy goes smoothly. The fallout should be dealt with through implementing a UBI and moving workers to jobs such as machine maintenance and management, manual labor that machines cannot do yet, sending many people to colleges where they can learn how to do things like engineering and entrepreneurship, and/or allowing people to pursue their dream jobs.



I advocate for an aristocratic Presidential System in which there is a president who serves 3 terms at most and leads the executive branch with a state selected legislature determined by competence, expertise and qualification that limits the power of the president, having the power to impeach and override some president decisions. I also advocate for a a competitive authoritarian regime in which the ruling party utilizes tactics such as election rigging, controlled opposition, and limited media coverage for opposition to prevent opposition from gaining power, while outright banning the more radical opposition. The only reason I would keep democracy is to be pragmatic. In the future, however, I want to move to an Algocratic Cyberocracy, which I will expand on later.

The Constitution

I recognize the need for a constitution in order to prevent corruption and ensure that the state is just. as for the current United States constitution, it's not that bad, but it is still somewhat outdated and needs some changes. I mainly want to edit certain amendments that limit the power and ubiquity of the state, such as the first, fourth, and fifth amendments. However, the rest of the constitution is completely fine, and I don't seek to change them very much.


I champion elitist systems of government over populist or democratic regimes. Power should be centralized in the hands of a select, excellent few. Populism, on the other hand, is the tyranny of the mediocre. The politically illiterate masses do not know what is best for the nation. The commoners do not care for politics, yet populism shoves it down their throat. Populism rejects the ruthless efficiency of elitism in favor of giving "power to the people". The people, however, don't give a flying fuck. Populism is a destructive ideology, and should be eradicated once and for all.

The Media

All independent media should be controlled by the state. Nowadays, news reports opinions rather than facts, and we frequently see that many news sources are fabricating or outright lying about events that happen to benefit themselves and protect their own views. I don't blame them, as the other reason I want the state control of the media should be pretty obvious. With the state having been granted control over the media, any destructive ideology or political opposition is prevented from being promoted. The state owned media should report facts, and provide most media coverage for the ruling party.


I seek to heavily expand the surveillance state in order to combat criminal activity and preserve order. Despite this, I believe that the people should still have some privacy, and should not feel like they are being watched at all times, so this would mostly happen in public areas, and rarely in one's own home, though if there is illegal/suspicious activity going on in a certain area, every part of that area should be watched by state surveillance. The state should still have access to information technologies, such as the recording of phone calls, access to emails, and more.


The police should be far more trained, disciplined, and funded, with the most advanced gear. The state should exercise power through a national police force, and there should also be a secret police force that exerts political control over the country and preserves the regime. However, I still recognize that officers can abuse their power to commit crimes and brutality, so their uniforms should still have cameras implemented inside them to make sure that this doesn't happen, and if it does, then they can be held accountable for it.

State's Rights

Federalism should still stay, as subdivisions are useful for organizing the country and implementing policy that is best for a certain region, also allowing the testing of laws in the subdivision before implementing it nationwide. I do still want The United States to be far more centralized. Therefore, the federal government should still remain supreme, controlling educational institutions, and should be able to adjust any local law or policy. Furthermore, governors of states should be semi-elected, with the candidates being selected by the state to ensure that governors are competent, and then being voted for in a democratic system.


I seek to transform the current prison system in the US from a waste of taxpayer dollars into something useful, something that can make a profit. First, all incarcerated workers should do at least 6 hours of manual labor per day. I also will not waste even more tax dollars on paying these prisoners or making their prison experience more luxurious for them, as they have made society worse and don't deserve it(fuck your human rights lmao). And if they were not sentenced to death or life in prison, They should be able to get back up on their feet with government support after the end of their sentence.






  • Post-Calculustism (///) — Amazing. We both want humans to rule the universe under the banner of Christ, support a regulated market economy, and while we seem to differ in civics, we both support security and liberty coexisting(Though I am more for security than liberty). And now that you've dropped humanism and have embraced posthumanism once again, your ideology has gotten much better. The only real problem I have with this is globalism, as I am an American chauvinist who would rather dominate an alliance of nations than be okay with my country ceasing to exist, but that's not a big issue. Overall, extreme levels of based, and much better than your previous ideologies.



  • Voidvill Rajandeep (///) - I don't understand your the majority of your philosophy, but it doesn't seem like we are aligned philosophically, as I dislike absurdism, and we disagree on things like metaphysics, morality, and free will. Birdcage economy is based, though you're a bit too regulationist, and your civics are also good, though it is somewhat vague. Singularitarianism is based too. Overall, middling ideology, I don't have much to say because I don't understand most of the shit on your page.



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