Hello I'm aldathy.
Aldathism is my self-insert.
My links: https://aldathy.carrd.co/
I live in a village in Holstein, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany where I was born. I'm a German citizen. I'm half-Icelandic and half-German ethnicity roughly, but only live in Germany, though I frequently visit Iceland (at least once a year).
Some other stuff:
- I do not own a Smartphone
- I grew up in a Nationalist/NatSoc household and was raised accordingly
- I love nature/forests and try to visit my local one twice a day at least
- Out & freely expressing since 2019 :3
I believe in a pan-Aryan natural state in which the economy is based on individual villages and mutual aid.
See: Aldathism
One of my friend groups acts as a mostly political small local group. Other than that, I've been looking to get involved in the NPD (Now: Die Heimat) but there are multiple obstacles to do so and I'm unsure if I actually should based on the past experiences of my dad.