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This user is a LeftUnity
"Oh, Tankie, can't you see? (What?) You're standing in the way of leftist unity."

This user is Environmentalist.
"Save the trees or I'll break both your knees!"

This user is a Feminist
"My body, my choice!"

This user is an Internationalist
"May we all prosper together"

This user is a Leftist.

This user is a Marxist.
"Workers of the world, unite!."

This user is a Progressive.

This user is Socialist
"The proletariat is equal!"


This user joined in 2023.
"The beginning of the Free Polcompball wiki."

This user is a femboy

This user is hella gay.
"Alphabet Mafia Unite!"

This user is non-binary
"The devil shivers when an enby loses their temper."

This user is pansexual.
"Abstinence is futile, now let me [REDACTED] to picrews."

This user is Transgender
"For my next trick, I’m gonna make my chromosomes disappear!"

This user is asexual.
"What do we want? WORLD DOMINATION!"

This user has autism.
"Proceeds to not get irony"

This user is an Aspie.
"My special interest is [ INSERT THING HERE ]"

This user is a Weeb.
"Onii chan~"

This user is a Bad Artist
"My ArT iS tHe BeSt AnD aNyOnE wHo SaYs OtHeRwIsE iS dOuBlEpLuSuNgOoD!"

Personal Creations

List of Characters, OCs, and Fictional Nations

Low Fantasy World


  • Mansel Alonso Mohamed de Cordoba El-harar
    • Human
    • Man
    • Heterosexual-Heteroromantic
    • Pirate
    • Sunni Muslim
    • Spanish
    • Anti-Imperialist
  • Kareema van der Bijl
    • Dark-Light Elf Halfling
    • Genderfluid
    • Panromantic
    • Pirate Carpenter Doctor
    • Atheist
    • Dutch
    • Illuminist
  • Kweku Micah Acheampong
    • Dwarf
    • Man
    • AroAce
    • Pirate Helmsman
    • Pagan
    • Akan (Ghanian)
    • Anti-Colonialist
  • Kailani Irving
    • Slime
    • Demi-Girl
    • Pansexual
    • Pirate Cook
    • Incan Pagan
    • Surinamese
    • Tribalist
  • Fatmir Klodian Rexhepi
    • Woyan
    • Demi-Boy
    • AroAce
    • Pirate Boatswain Apprentice
    • Sunni Muslim
    • Albanian
    • Beaurocrarchic
  • Verena Tiziana Zanon
    • Human
    • Woman
    • Bisexual-Biromantic
    • Pirate Boatswain
    • Christian Catholic
    • Italian
    • Minarchist
  • Alphonsine
    • Human
    • Woman
    • Pansexual-Panromantic
    • Pirate Captain
    • Christian Catholic
    • Portuguese
    • Hydrarchist
  • Izel
    • Alraune
    • Agender
    • Panromantic
    • Pirate Quartermaster
    • Pagan
    • Terena Brazilian
    • Hydrarchist
  • Aédh “Arson” Azar
    • Fire Genasi
    • Bigender
    • Pansexual-Panromantic
    • Pirate Master Gunner
    • Shia Muslim
    • Azeri
    • Insurrectionary Anti-Authoritarian
  • Aqakuktuq
    • Locathah
    • Non-Binary
    • Omniromantic
    • Pirate Doctor Apprentice
    • Pagan
    • Greenlandic Inuit
    • Water Feminist
  • Luc’yastreba
    • Tabaxi
    • Non-Binary
    • Androsexual-Androromantic
    • Pirate Carpenter Apprentice
    • Christian Eastern Orthodox
    • Russian
    • Proto-Socialist
  • Merikh
    • Halfling
    • Woman
    • Pansexual-Panromantic
    • Pirate Quartermaster Apprentice
    • Christian Catholic
    • Hungarian
    • Anarcho-Aristocracism

Diary of a Tabaxi Soldier

  • Arseniy Yanukovych Novick
    • Tabaxi
    • Man
    • Heterosexual-Heteroromantic
    • Corporal of the Red Army
    • Atheist
    • Belarusian
    • Sablinism
  • Maria Szymańska-Novick
    • Tabaxi-Changeling
    • Woman
    • Heterosexual-Heteroromantic
    • Factory Worker
    • Atheist
    • Belarusian Ashkenazi Jew
    • Marxism-Feminism

7 Broken Seals


  • Laruan Confederation (1087-1180)
  • National Kingdom of Laru (1180-1550)
      • Bracerist Dictatorship (1225-1240)
  • Valkon Kingdom of Laru (1550-1840)
    • (Factions)
  • Valkon Commonwealth of Laru (1840-)
  • Leaders
    • H.M. Avalon I "The Great" of Mediodubros (1084-1125)
    • H.M. Tadhg I (1092-1121)
    • H.M. Bridget I "The Great" of Mediodubros (1125-1165)
    • H.M. Muadhnait IV "The Diplomatic" of Mediodubros (1525-1550)
    • P.M. Saory Neit (1830-1840)
  • Senate
    • Progressive Faction (1170-1520)
    • Clerical Faction (1170-1520)
    • Conservative Faction (1170-1520)
    • Ultravisionarist Faction (1180-1520)
    • Téigh Faction (1180-1520)
    • Bitus Faction (1180-1520)
    • Reactionary Faction (1180-1240)
    • Bracers of Combat Faction (1225-1240)
    • Reactionary Confederation (1225-1240)
    • Forward Revolutionaries (1230-1245)
    • Ultravisionary Confederation (1235-1245)
    • Revolutionary Faction (1500-1560)
    • Socialite Faction (1500-1560)
    • Stratocratic Faction (1500-1560)
    • Harmonist Faction (1500-1560)
    • Utyxian Faction (1500-1560)
    • Phomisian Faction (1500-1560)
    • Iussian Faction (1505-1520)
    • Freeian Faction (1505-1520)
    • Crenaidian Faction (1505-1520)
    • Left Progressive Party (1520-1805)
    • Centrist Clerical Party (1520-1805)
    • Free-Conservative Party (1520-1805)
    • Old Guard Conservative Party (1520-1805)
    • Neo-Progressivist Party of Labour (1560-1805)
    • Labour Party of Laru (Neitist) (1805-)
    • National Confederation of Guilds (1805-)
    • Centrist Clerical Party (1805-)
    • Propertarian Oscailtist Party of Laru (1805-)
    • Traditionalist Royalist Party of Laru (1805-)
    • Laruan Social Movement (1805-)


  • Franceska van Diesk
    • Human
    • Woman
    • Lesbian
    • Minister of Education
      • Philosopher
      • Playwriter
      • Writer
    • Christian Calvinist
    • Dutch
    • Populareism
      • Dirigisme
      • Roman Republicanism
      • Agrarianism
      • Roman Progressivism

Personal Library


  • Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - The Manifesto of the Communist Party
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Social Reform or Revolution?
  • M. de Voltaire - Candide: or, All for the Best
  • Nick Srnicek - #accelerate manifesto: for an accelerationist politics
  • Alexander Bogdanov - Socially Organised Society: Socialist Society
  • Alexander Bogdanov - Proletarian Poetry
  • Joseph V. Stalin - Marxism and the National Question (5/8)
  • Dania Piras - Un Poliamore Così Grande


  • Antonio Gramsci - Letters from Prison
  • Max Stirner - The Ego and its Own

Will Read

  • Guy Debord - Society of the Spectacle
  • Anton Pannekoek - Worker's Councils
  • Hermann Gorter - Open Letter to Comrade Lenin
  • Alexander Bogdanov - The Workers’ Artistic Inheritance
  • Alexandra Kollontai - Love of Worker Bees
  • Alexandra Kollontai - The Soviet Woman — a Full and Equal Citizen of Her Country
  • Laurie Penny - Meat Market: Female Flesh Under Capitalism
  • Jules J. Gleeson, Elle O’Rourke, Jordy Rosenberg - Transgender Marxism
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Opportunism and the art of the possible
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Lassalle and the Revolution
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Organizational Questions of the Russian Social Democracy
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Riot and Revolution
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Blanquism and Social Democracy
  • Rosa Luxemburg - The National Question
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Theory & Practice
  • Rosa Luxemburg - A Call to the Workers of the World
  • Rosa Luxemburg - The Socialisation of Society
  • Rosa Luxemburg - Theory & Practice
  • Karl Liebknecht - Militarism and Anti-Militarism
  • Karl Liebknecht - Self-Determination of Nations and Self-Defense
  • Sylvain Marechal - Manifesto of the Equals
  • Enver Hoxha - The Titoites
  • Enver Hoxha - The Khruschevites
  • Enver Hoxha - Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism
  • Enver Hoxha - What Was and Is the Cuban Process
  • Maximilien Rubel, John Crump - Non-Market Socialism in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
  • Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels - Das Kapital
  • Niccolò Machiavelli - De Principatibus