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Cannabis Anarchy is a set of rants and other texts wrote by irrelevant anarchist after smoking weed.

In modern day society, Cannabis Anarchy takes anti organizational approach, believes in making alternative to state and capital by armed insurrection, autonomous zones, unions of egoists and mutual aid. They reject ideological labels in favor of freedom of expression and considering ideologies, manmade values or morals as oppressive products of society and it's superego. In economics they value free voluntary association, that leads to barter and mutual aid based economics without classes, private property and money, called Post-Mutualism, being close to true communism, where difference between both disappears, although they avoid term communism because it's bad correlations. They want Insurrection as the praxis, both communization (replacement of capitalist relations by insurrection) and TAZ (building temporary autnomous zones), and other kinds of action, including peaceful but lawless ones (alternative economics, squatting). They are environmentalist, but not in humanist or sacred way, believing that every lifeform has a soul, that humans are part of nature not above it, and that living close to natural environments is liberating, but they don't oppose technology, only irresponsible use of it. In philosophy, Cannabis Anarchy takes elements from Stirner and Nietzsche, and advocates for affirmation of life and negation of phantasms like law, morality and other norms. After collapse of civilization, called The Matrix - totality of civilizational oppression on Earth, that will soon become only stronger and more oppressive - politics, economy, religion and industry - that will in some time inevitably collapse, liberating people and their will, desires from Leviathan control, leading to benevolent post civilized world's time called Golden Age. Cannabis Anarchy doesn't idealize a perfect society that will happen in next years or decades, but sees collapse of civilization as something that eventually will happen and will bring end of current history.

Icons: ( / / / )


People who influenced me

Max Stirner ★
Pierre Joseph Proudhon
Karl Marx
Friedrich Nietzsche ★
Emma Goldman
Renzo Novatore ★
Michel Foucault
Guy Debord
Antonio Negri
Raoul Vaneigem
Jacques Camatte
Alfredo Bonanno ★
Ted Kaczynski ★
Hakim Bey ★
Bob Black ★
Mark Fisher
Saul Newman
Wolfi Landstreicher ★
Serafinski ★
Flower Bomb ★
HelloThere314 ★
E Coli Camel ★


  • Post-Left Anarchy
    • Post-Civilizationism
  • Stirnerite Egoism
    • Ego-Communism
  • Autonomism
    • Anarcho-Autonomism
  • Communization Theory
    • Anarcho-Communization
  • Nietzscheanism
  • Existentialism
  • Anarcho-Nihilism
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism
  • Gender Nihilism
  • Green Anarchism
    • Post-Anarchism
    • Ontological Anarchy
  • Proudhonism
    • Post-Mutualism
  • Situationism
    • Post-Situationism
  • Deep Ecology
  • Anti-Humanism
  • Moral Nihilism


Accursed Anarchism
Acid Communism
Dark Deleuzianism
Lacanian Anarchism

Simulation and Prison

In this paragraph I will explain our simulated reality in two parts.

1. Entire civilization where you live is a simulation. Politics is simulated, economy is simulated, religion, and everything else. To the point that you cannot really trust anyone. Even your mind, you are infected by virus of capital, statism and religion. There is really small group of people that controls everything they can. Sure, you may call me a tinfoil hatter and take metaphorical blue pill and go sleep. You are scared by phantasms like social norms, artificial morality, sins, laws, and so on. Why all authorities did it? Fear is a powerful tool of control. But they discovered new one: consumption.

2. Earth is a prison planet. If you was born as a slave, you must serve. If you was born as a master, you must command. Everything on this world costs money. If you earn money, government steals half of what you have earned. If they will want to declare war against other artificial division called nation, you must go on the battlefield and kill others or be killed. If you don't want to work, you are called lazy and parasite. If you criticize modern systems you are called crazy and a conspiracy theorist. People around you are NPCs. Any form of individuality and will is suppressed. You must conform. You must abide the law, or they will put you in literal prison, stole your property or eventually torture or kill you. Even if you just smoked a joint. If you try to "leave" this prison by committing suicide they will also imprison you in mental institution, where life is comparable to life in prison. And religions will scare you by hell. If you obey manmade rules and if you are a NPC you go to heaven. To make people think that they have some happiness, they invented entertainment and consumerism. In future there is a possibility that work will be replaced by machines and proletariat would be replaced by eternal consumers. The ""liberation"" movements like socialism, feminism, environmentalism, LGBT+ movement and BLM are now mere parts of capitalism.

Civic Question

Here I will explain how the state and politics works, and explain an old-new idea.

Short Analysis of Politics

We said that the state is monopoly on violence. And politics is one big manipulation and theater. Thomas Hobbes considers the state as rescue from chaos, the state of nature. The state will bring order and peace. It's bullshit, the state cooperating with religion is responsible for all of wars. First confirmed ancient civilization Mesopotamia, was created when technological progress started, it means that industry and government are intersecting. In ancient tyrannies, especially medieval monarchies, they justified that their power comes from god. In extreme cases, like Egypt, rulers were self proclaimed gods. Today democratic liberal parties justifies they tyranny by "the people". Both are manipulations; if king said, that his power is divine nobody will revolt, because majority of population was religiously devout, or just scared. If you will do anything out of their retarded laws, you will be tortured or executed. In modern day politics, population thinks they choose their tyrant. They think that their vote matters, that they can change anything by it. They don't revolt with paying taxes, because "healthcare", "public schools" and so on. In reality, both sides are the same, except little economic and cultural differences, like higher or lover tax slavery or bigger or smaller LGBT "rights". When there were only tribes, the dictator will rise and conquer more and more other tribes, and made empire (Genghis Khan for example) Of course by the way there were rapes, child abuses and environmental destruction. The state isn't better than a gang or mafia (described by law definition), as state can rob you in taxes, enslave you by conscription, kill you in death penalty, torture you as "law enforcement" exactly like criminal organizations does. So what is law? Nothing more than set of abstract and artificial rules, that not following them will result by harsh punishment. The mafia called state, is even worse because nobody will protect you (except yourself, if you are powerful enough) from being robbed, enslaved, killed, tortured, abused. What to do with it? You think you are powerless, that the leviathan will rule forever. Of course one state will collapse and another will rise. Dictators will die and will be replaced by other dictators. No revolution will make it better. No reform too. In next years, there will be no utopia. World will only become worse. We will have New World Order, Great Reset, call it how you want. But they are some ways to kill it at least at local scale.

How to kill the Monster of the State, and how to not do it

What to do? Reform and electoral politics simply doesn't work from an anarchist or any other non neoliberal perspective. If you want more radical change towards individual and social autonomy than legalization of marijuana, you should be never misguided by reformism.

There are two chances for them; globalist elites predicted all future of all countries, that there is no place for changing it. If not, imagine that democratic socialists, libertarians or any other "anti" status quo party wins elections. USA will destroy it with NATO military power, or will do Operation Condor again. Every deviation from liberal world order will be immediately crushed by their forces.

Revolution is outdated. Any revolution will end by the same as starting point. Look at French or October revolution. They replaces monarchist or capitalist state, by pseudo democratic or socialist state. Where are the differences? That king's police tortures you or jacobins cuts your head off? Nowhere. The state and capitalism will not disappear at anarchist revolution, this is very childish and utopian vision that will never happen. Extremist revolutionary Sergey Nechayev said that revolutionary has no identity and name, and there is only sacred revolution. This is what revolution really is, totalitarian attempt to make world better, while making things the same or worse.

Do we have alternative? Yes! This is insurrection, but it isn't single event that will change the world to utopia, it's constant action. Insurrection is spontaneous act of rebellion against all authorities, and the system, it can range from militarized action to simple sabotage and negation. In insurrection, nobody forces you to participate in it, that's difference between insurrection and revolution. Even not paying taxes, selling drugs, avoiding military service are insurrectionary, not only riots, even if they also are based. Your very life may be insurrectionary. When there will be peak of oppression, people may rise, and unleash their anger towards all authorities.

Insurrection will not lead to vision of world of Kropotkin, Bakunin, Proudhon, Rothbard, Hobbes, Marx, More, Gentile, Hitler, Lenin, Robespierre, Nechayev, Mises, or any other theorist on classical political spectrum. Will it lead to anything? Yes and no. There could be autonomous zones, like ghettos in cities (but with freedom of joining and leaving) and rural communities at first.

Post-Autarchism - Final Anarchist Form of "Organization"

We invented endless models of how government or lack of government should look like. We have monarchy, tyranny of an individual, rape on human will. We have democracy, tyranny of majority, gang rape. And various others, like theocracy, technocracy, etc. Classical anarchists proposes confederal direct democracy, that's not truly anarchic system, because it still implies rule of majority over individual, kind of universality, planned economies, etc.

What I propose is called Post-Autarchism, the most anarchic system of rule, if we can call it like this at this point. It's based on total self rule, where external powers trying to subjugate individual are rejected, negated as long as there will be no need for them to exist. This isn't equal to atomization, because it advocates for free social groups without organization and structure, like affinity groups, unions of egoists and other kinds of free voluntary association. Ultimate anarchist form of "politics", free from both autocracy and democracy, and all other forms of state, government, authority and law.

Economic Question

Here i will explain economy and how to replace it.

Short analysis of Economics

The economy of the world was always... unsatisfactory and abusive. First, we had slavery, then feudalism, then capitalism with few breaks for so called socialism. What connect they all? The fact that all of them are hierarchical and oppressive. In slavery I can not explain, it's obvious, feudalism doesn't differ too much because peasants are literally owned by higher classes. In average capitalism, workers are owned by bosses, even if they can "choose" who they serve, they still must work or die. In soviet style socialism, situation looks similar, but the state owns everyone and everyone is slave of state monopoly. But SOME form of markets is inevitable. Even economic systems called most libertarian like georgism, mutualism or anarcho-communism with planning aren't perfect. If someone wants to apply any of them universally, it will fail. Just because people in modern days aren't ready for it.

And how to defeat Capital...

Some say that capital cannot be defeated. Some theorists say that capitalism is inevitable , Land says that capitalism is how our world works. Fisher said that there may be no alternative for capitalism, because people are unready of it. It's easier to imagine end of the world than end of capitalism. Situationism says that the spectacle is omnipresent and hard to escape. They are all partially right. We can count slavery, feudalism and state socialism as parts/variants of capitalism. Although we have thing like communization, that is about insurrectionary communism, replacement of capitalist social relations by communist ones, rejection of commodities, alienation, dictatorship of the proletariat, and even idea of proletariat itself, and other unwanted concepts. Only thing that is bad about it is mass insurrection, that is unworkable at least currently. Class consciousness doesn't exist, people are too dumb to mass rebellion, they are perpetually brainwashed by mass media, social media, consumption and fear.

...And introduce something new

So what I propose? It's replacement (at small scale) of all abusive types of economy, for something better. I call it Post-Mutualism. Name is related to mutualism, even if I like communism, because in post-mutualism you can choose your economy. Even if I feel distaste towards markets I don't oppose their existence at local scale, same about decentral planned economy, but in anarchist "society" people should choose what is the best and most efficient for them. My preferable economics is communism, but not collectivist one, but individualist, where property, class, money, commodities and capitalist alienation no longer exist and production is based not on industry, but on crafting, nanofactories, permaculture and nature based resources like hunting, fishing an gathering.

Anarcho-communism believes in decentralized planning, total gift economy etc. I find it as unrealistic. Planning simply doesn't work, no government and no commune will really know what individual really needs. Anarcho-collectivism is quite similar, except that it has totally useless labor coins, that without markets will be nonsense. Georgism still enforced taxes, even if land value tax is considered as most just tax. Market anarchism and it's competition will slowly produce capital. I propose mutual aid, little property based on usage, post monetary economics, worker self management, without banks, taxes, intellectual property and other oppressive parts of modern economy. Things that also should be dropped but many anarchists advocates for it are labor value theory, labor unions and workplace democracy. I also support economic self sufficiency, achieved by both permacultural agrarian economy, hunting gathering, craft and nano factories (mix of the past and the future).

The Problem of Ecology and Technology

Environmentalists often tend to moralize; there are religious arguments like nature should be defended because it's sacred, or humanist, because without it humanity cannot develop civilization and evolve. Religious argument is really weak, because they cannot even define sanctity. Humanist environmentalism has one good point at least, because nature is necessary to human life, at least currently.

Why am I environmentalist? I believe in a form of panpsychism and animism, i mean that not only humans but every animal, plant, fungus and one cellular protozoans, bacterias, maybe viruses have a soul. Ultimately even planet Earth has a soul. Humans aren't masters of nature, this species started exactly like every other species, the process of evolution. They weren't created by God to be masters of Earth. Their "reason" and "civilization progress" is worthless "evidence" to be race of masters. Humans are part of nature.

Transhumanism is humanist; they want cybernetic enhancements, biological modifications etc. because it will empower humanity, make human lives longer and let them conquer space.

Cybernetic technologies are dangerous not only when in hands of the government (mass surveillance) but everywhere. What if nanomachines in your body will start to eat your body from inside? What if chip in your brain will absorb your thoughts and if hacked and hijacked send then to the government or other people? And so on.

Biomechanicalism proposed by some users of the wiki is still flawed; attempts to modify nature are dangerous, for example gene modification may lead to deaths. As breeding animals is considered as domestication and animal abuse, same about cloning and modifying them. This is natural that some species extinct and other rise, but it's purely evolutional process, not civilizational. Although i am open to new technologies, but they shouldn't be risking life and environment at large scale. Call me bioconservative if you want, I don't care, but vast change of nature will lead to destruction of ecosystems, undesirable species extinctions and creation of dangerous mutants.

I propose kind of post civ, that after collapse of civilization we shouldn't reject technology but rebuild it in a different way. Build decentralized eco friendly energy sources, recycle everything, rewild natural environments.

At the beginning there was chaos - and will be again.

Here I will explain eventual collapse of civilization.

Warning: I don't support wars, famines epidemics or climate change as means or praxis, I just think about both sides of of possible catastrophe, positive and negative.

At least after 6000 years or more, looking for future, of tyranny, control, subjugation, slavery and inhibition of the will, something can change. When hatred, conflict, materialism, egotism, and rest of human psychosis will peak, there will be long world war. Elites will try to hold their power, but all of this will be revealed. In this decade, the 0.1% tries to do everything to hold their authority. Pandemics, wars, famines, terrorist attacks, etc. Go back to covid pandemic, it was artificially created microbe in the lab. They tested how humanity will behave during Orwellian totalitarianism and absolute control. Then we have Russian-Ukraine war and Israel-Palestine war. Artificially accelerated conflicts. There will be more and more of these. The world will descend into chaos and madness. People will say, that this is enough. It will be the biggest insurrection. But not only. Elites will slowly disappear. Entire civilization on Earth will collapse. Capital will leave us alone. The Demiurge after thousands years of feeding on our souls and limiting our will, may extinct. What would be next?

The Golden Age - An introduction to Post-Civilized World

And what will happen after collapse - new kind of society, possible end of history.

And the the Golden Age awaits us. It was described by many philosophies, religions and mythologies around the world. Remember it's not another prophecy, it's one of many attempts to predict the future. In this kind of world, civilization and it's elements: class, state, capital, religion and industry will no longer even need to exist. Capitalist realism and the spectacle will end. Pure and total freedom, autonomy, responsibility and perfection would be reached. At first, after collapse of this absolutist regime we may scavenger the ruins of old world, and build new. Everyone may imagine new world differently, I think about planet where most of it's surface is covered with natural environments, with spaces for humans, like settlements or communities in Solarpunk style. Inside them there will be no need for any type of governance, as everyone could be their own master, Ubermensch, without need for external masters and slaves. Class, money and other elements of capitalism, like commodities and alienation will disappear, entire economics, if we can call it economics at this point will be based on total free association, mutual helping and communism, and whole production would be done by the people for the people, voluntarily and some parts of production would be mechanized. Outside communities, there exist nomads as well. And finally, religion would become totally unnecessary, as humanity would know themselves and knowledge about the universe will be present in "society". Reunited with nature, the universe, without hierarchy, materialism, egotism and authoritarianism, finally war between individuals can disappear as it will be unnecessary for anything, free will will be unleashed, with full responsibility of actions and when person will love themselves hatred towards others will disappear. Beyond good and evil, morality, superego. Comparable to Rousseau's state of nature, opposed to Hobbesian vision of it. If Hindus were right about cyclical time, it will come when Kali Yuga ends. This is my eschatology.

Ideology relations

I add here only ideologies that are relevant to my thought, or they really deserve criticism.

Anarchy Bringers

  • Anarcho-Egoism - I agree with your stances on politics and philosophy. Although nothing harmed egoism more than it's modern "supporters". Stirner said that one should not make idols, while modern "egoists" literally worship a book. Original Stirnerism is based anyway.
  • Ego-Communism - Egoism plus anarchic communism? Based.
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - Insurrection is awesome.
  • Ontological Anarchism - Let's build TAZs!
  • Post-Civilizationism - Good criticism of both civilization and primitivism. After collapse we should build alternatives to both civilized and primitive life, to commodities and planning, to collectivism and individualism.
  • Post-Left Anarchy - The based, nothing more to say.

Insurrectionary Circle

  • Acid Communism - You are right that it's easier to imagine end of the world than end of capitalism. People aren't ready for alternative to capitalism, yet.
  • Anarcho-Individualism - Good, the state and all other forms of involuntary organization and compulsion are abusive to individual, but why influences from classical liberalism? Sure, it's preferable to absolutism in any form but it's still capitalist and based on phantasms. Morality, natural inalienable rights and utilitarianism are phantasms.
  • Anarcho-Nihilism - You seem to lose all of the affirmation of life and even dignity in your negation, that leads you to negation of not only phantasms, but also yourself.
  • Autonomism - Rejection of states, parties and unions, anti organizationalism, acceptance of lumpenproletariat in insurrectionary struggle, why don't you call yourself an anarchist?
  • Camattism - Communism can exist in both pre civilized and post civilized state of things.
  • Communization Theory - Really good, but I prefer anarchist part rather than ultra left one. Let's communize, let's destroy the state, capital and finally the proletariat!
  • Nietzscheanism - Great points on Ubermensch, will to power, affirmation of life and metaphorical death of god. But I am scared about misinterpretations of Nietzsche, plus heroism even if individualistic is awful.
  • Situationism - Criticism of the spectacle is really good, but conclusion being council communism is shitty. Embrace anarchy.
  • Techno-Anarchism - Hacking and piracy are cool, but transhumanism should never be trusted.
  • Autarchy - Stop flirting with ancaps and you will be okay.

Misguided travelers

  • Agorism - Maybe, maybe black markets as the praxis is good idea, but your end goal doesn't differ from ancap. I prefer communization, and pacifist revolution would not work, we need to use violence to defend ourselves.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Heart in right place, but your means and way of thinking are bad. First of all, anarchist revolution would not lead to collapse of the state and capitalism. Second, anarchy isn't just federal democracy, it's another reproduction of state system. Third, your economics is awful, because even locally planned economy is ineffective, bureaucratic and not anarchist. Fourth, your kinds of organization aren't anarchist in any way.
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - We don't need to go backwards to be free. We must look forward, to building something completely new. Anprim is kind of heavenly idolization of prehistory, life back in these times was far away from perfection.
  • Eco-Anarchism - Green Anarchism proposed by post civ writers is based, and deep ecological ones too, but many of you are influenced by Bookchin, that wasn't even an anarchist.
  • Illegalism - Original illegalism was cool, but today it's just insufferable larp of people who does nothing except scrolling internet. Plus fighting without any idea, even idea of individual liberation may lead to undesirable conclusions.
  • Marxism - You gave us not bad analysis, but your disgusting end goal oriented politics, revolution, collectivism, bigotry, dictatorship and even the concept of proletariat itself are outdated and stupid. Hopefully there are better variants of marxism than orthodox one.
  • Mutualism - Good for your times, but today it's outdated. Also, fuck banks and money. Let's embrace mutual aid without both commodities and planning.
  • Queer Anarchism - I like the idea of queer emancipation, but without "rights", without legality, without idpol and wokeness, without twitter. Many of your supporters does nothing except writing bullshit in internet and calling everyone you dislike bigot.


  • Anarcho-Capitalism - It has only three ways: going back to classical liberal state limited by constitution, corporate warlord society or being fully communized. I didn't put you in lowest category because in this society built from very beginning there is a chance that mutual aid and communization will dominate society before monopolies will rise.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - "Act only in legal framework, and all of the evil parts of society will disappear!" No.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Face it, all your revolutions collapsed or became statist because of your ineffective praxis. Unions are just mere parts of capital, that has no insurrectionary potential.
  • Austrian School - Capitalist markets only empower monopolies, not destroys them. Only good thing about it is hatred for economic planning, keynesianism and mathematical approach to economics. Invisible hand of free markets is a myth though, because the state will always intervene.
  • Council Communism - Councils aren't really communist in my eye, as it induces bureaucracy and strong organization.
  • Libertarianism - Just a conservative who does drugs and is a pedophile. I don't hate you that much, because (at least in theory) you will not actively fight affinity groups and such and with minimal regulations it may be easier to communize.
  • Libertarian Municipalism - Your criticism of "lifestylism" is just laughable, and all your attempts to build an utopia would fail.

The Demiurge and it's Archons

  • Capitalism - The eternal system of humanity based on slavery, but it will not last forever.
  • Conservatism - While reactionaries has some ideas even if awful and retarded, you are only a NPC who is scared of change and has a Stockholm syndrome because supports everything wrong in the world.
  • Democratic Socialism - Absolutely, sure, because no foreign American power will not intervene if some kind of "change" would be introduced, or you just will become mere socdem introducing even more tax slavery, regulations killing individual independence and empower corporations.
  • Fascism - It has no one redeemable quality.
  • Fourth Theory - Dugin is not even a philosopher, just Putin's bootlicker in "philosophical" coat. Ideology is awful of course, anti westernism combined with blind worship of eastern countries.
  • Blanquism - Socialism in it's true form, filthy conspirator elites who don't really care about workers and lumpenproletariat.
  • Hoppeanism - Your entire ideology is built on pure phantasms, there is nothing anarchic about this abomination, you just want totalitarian and ochlocratic city states.
  • Industrialism - Enslaved and polluted billions of people, nature and Earth for sake of "productivity" and "progress".
  • Leninism - First, the state would not magically dissolve, it will just empower itself. Second, there is no proletarian state, because the new ruling class will be impossible to distinguish from the bourgeoisie.
  • Maoism - Cultural revolution would not encourage people to your twisted vision of "communism" (capitalism). And fuck off, sparrows are cool.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Red fascist, nothing more nothing less.
  • Neoliberalism - The spectacle and capitalist realism itself.
  • Paternalism - Perfect form of manipulation, say that the state limits freedom because of safety and make everyone a slave, 300 IQ.
  • Progressivism - You want to establish a new woke "tolerant" culture and make it conservative. You want to lick boots of corporations only if they use rainbow paint.
  • Social Democracy - Let's make everyone dependent to the state, and nobody will revolt! Nice try, bourgeois elites.
  • Transhumanism - Humanist progressive capitalist bullshit.
  • Trotskyism - Permanent imperialism, you mean?
  • Zionism - (((Bourgeoisie)))

Impossible to categorize


Have read

  • 1984 (George Orwell)
  • Against Legalization (Hakim Bey)
  • Anarchist Religion? (Hakim Bey)
  • Armed Joy (Alfredo Bonanno)
  • Because I Wanted To (Fumiko Kaneko)
  • Blessed is the Flame (Serafinski)
  • Burn All Bibles (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Descending into Madness (Flower Bomb)
  • New Libertarian Manifesto (Samuel Edward Konkin)
  • I Am Also A Nihilist (Renzo Novatore)
  • Industrial Society and it's Future (Ted Kaczynski)
  • Insurgency (Multiple authors)
  • Post-Anarchism Anarchy (Hakim Bey)
  • Post-Civ! (Strangers in the Tangled Wildness)
  • Spread Anarchy, Make Communism (The Invisible Committee)
  • Technophilia, An Infantile Disorder (Bob Black)
  • The Abolition of Work (Bob Black)
  • The Anarchist As an Outlaw (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • The Unique and it's Property (Max Stirner)
  • Towards the Creative Nothing (Renzo Novatore)
  • What Savages We Must Be: Vegans Without Morality (Flower Bomb)
  • Why I Am Not a Communist (Wolfi Landstreicher)
  • Why Primitivism? (John Zerzan)


  • Anarchy After Leftism
  • Desert
  • Willful Disobedience
  • Nihilism, Anarchism, and the 21st Century
  • The Revolution Of Everyday Life
  • The Temporary Autonomous Zone
  • This Is Not a Program

Plan to Read

  • Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy The Economy
  • Anarchist Response To “An Anarchist Response to Crime”
  • Debunking Democracy
  • Anarchism and Other Essays
  • Destroy Race, Destroy Society
  • Arming Negativity: Towards the Queerest Attack
  • The Right To Be Greedy
  • The Society of the Spectacle
  • Capitalism Realism
  • Capital
  • The Communist Manifesto
  • God And The State
  • The Conquest of Bread
  • What Is Property?
  • Leviathan
  • Strangers In An Alien World
  • Let’s Destroy Work, Let’s Destroy The Economy
  • Gender Nihilism: An Anti-Manifesto'
  • Dark Deleuze
  • The Coming Insurrection
  • Endnotes
  • Beyond Good And Evil
  • Twilight Of The Idols
  • The Futurist Manifesto
  • Capitalism And Schizophrenia
  • Capital And The State
  • When Insurrections Die
  • Ontological Anarchy In A Nutshell
  • On Organization
  • Democratic Mystification
  • Acid Communism
  • Stirner's Critics
  • Discipline And Punish
  • The Subject and Power
  • Post-Scarcity Anarchism
  • Post-Anarchism
  • The Politics of Post-Anarchism
  • War on the State
  • Insurrection or Revolution
  • Theorie Communiste
  • "Stirner Wasn't a Capitalist you Fucking Idiot"
  • Egoist Communism: What It Is and what It Isn't
  • The Incredible Lameness of Left Anarchism
  • Hello from The Wired
  • Your Politics Are Boring As Fuck
