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Philosophical Nuggets thought

Revision as of 03:15, 5 December 2023 by Kentucky panda (talk | contribs)

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Kentucky Panda's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

YOOOOOOOOOOO MUTHAFUCKAS!!! yo nigga philosophical nuggets has expanded into FagPCB with his all new ideology (that may just be a larp....) my discord is #philosophicalnuggets

The lore

the man, the myth, the legend that is philosophical nuggets began 2021 when a liberal joined PCB and Kentucky Panda was born, later I became radicalized into a Communist and Then a MLM named Libra invited me into a leftist discord server, where I met my archenemies Jef and Kretk. Kretk (A British czechoid jew(not that it matters(im not anti semetic))) mocked me for being revisionist and rather incomptent as I hadn't read theory at the time when him and Jef became lefcommunists due to the recent trend, they teamed up to opp on me. Eventually I read theory and became an ardent, studious Maoist and for the first time my views made sense and didn't contradict them self, until.........I became a Strasserite, and now i'm on a based quest to create an America strasserist party,the only person in the way is my nemesis Jefbol.

Books I have read

  • Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx
  • Alienated labor by Karl Marx
  • Dialectal and Historical materialism by Joseph Stalin
  • The Green Book by Muammar Gaddafi
  • Mein Kampf by Adolph Hitler
  • On the correct handling of contradictions among the people by Mao Zedong
  • On New democracy by Mao Zedong
  • Long live the victory of the people's war by Lin Biao
  • National Socialism a left wing movement by Povl Riis Knudsen
  • Germany tommorrow by Otto Strasser
  • Settlers the mythology of the white proletariat by J. Sakai
  • - Fascism: 100 Questions Asked and Answered by Oswald Mosley

Mixed Spartans and the coming of the master race

Embracing the Blackpill, how this mixed strasserist came to terms with his hatred of women

The war on Right opportunists

National socialism is left wing in it's essence but opportunists on the right corrupted it with capitalism since it's inception

The origins

Schachttian Corruption of Strasserist ideals

Goebbles and Rosenberg- a new hope for Nazbol

Hitler's weakness and opportunism

A post war hope?

Rockwellian shift to the right


Rejecting Esoteric weirdness

On Nationalism

I agree that the nation should be congruent to the state but... we must also specify on the type of nationalism


Everyone should be proud of their country and if they aren't it shows that their is something fundamentally wrong with it


This is silly and quite frankly to broad. The science doesn't make sense and race, lets be real is an invented concept, ethnicity is what matters


No doubt about it, ethnicity is a huge part of one's identity and should be preserved, this however should not be a excuse to commit horrid acts of genocide. Also interactions between ethnicitys can be a good thing. In short this ideology is good in small doses and I think America especially could use a healthy dose of ethno-nationalism as the government tries to erase ethnicities so we can all be identical "american" wage slaves. Also most ethno nationalists don't want to protect all ethnicity only their own


Similar than ethnonationalism but better because it's not as narrow and its something that can be changed


Religion is important to the individual but not necessarily the nation and it would be more advantageous for a state to stay secular


Very narrow as I have said there can be members of a nation who are of different religions or speak another language or even have another ethnic background


This is the best in my opinion as anyone who is born into a nations culture is part of the nation


Libtard that Just helps the liberal new order


Actually this one is the best, no explanation needed


Based every so called nationalist should practice what they preach and help to not only liberate their nation but all others


No nation should subjugate others

Lin Biao's proletarian third worldism vs The Gang of 4's opportunist ultra-progressivism


My ideal Alt history timeline

Nations of the world and their leaders


* blessed

  • Comrades
  • Meh
  • Face the wall
  • the worst of the worst

* blessed

  • Comrades
  • Meh
    • Hoodism- Council communism is mid but a least your not a Bordigite, also it seems most of your views came form Jef
    • Post-Jefbolism - my old foe, your leftcommy N word saying ways are brimstone and you are (((Cajun))) but still Council communism is basedish
  • Not it
    • Brazilian Liberalism - cringe liberal gooner, but is anti racist which is better than the others, also being pseudo coporatist does not make you socialist
    • Libertarian D4shism - average western green party enjoyer, but your social views are kinda based
  • Face the wall

  • Template

    Philosophical Nuggets thought

    Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 33 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 43 minutes ago
  • RealLibtard • 50 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 1 hour ago