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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Ukraiana's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.


Ukraiana Thought is the ideology of PCB longtime user Ukraiana. Like his earlier beliefs, Ukraiana Thought is rooted in a Fascist understanding of the influence of the state in service to a nation. This Fascist belief is coincided by a state and church combination under an Orthodox Catholic State Church to create a Christian Theocracy. He believes in Universal Nationalism by means of divisions of nation-states by Ethnic boundaries as an endgoal and universal cooperation between states in technology and resources as mutually desirable. He believes in establishing a Single World Order, so advocates for an interventionist foreign policy to establish and spread Christian run Theocracies. He is very Traditonalist but also proposes a synthesis between continuous progress in science as an essential part of society. He is a supporter of Corporatism and State Socialism as valid economic models to maintain an active and efficient workforce.

Political Journey

  1. <2014 : Ukraiana was not introduced to any sort of political concepts or understandings of the world that are any different than any other grade school children
  2. 2014-2019 : Ukraiana was slowly became assimilated to the beliefs of his guardians and became introduced to the concept of the value of hard work and success from an individuals actions. Ukraiana became a moderate conservative and slowly gained biases against those seen as "strange" to society such as feminine looking men.
  3. 2019-2020 : Ukraiana slowly begin consumption of right leaning news during the 2020 US election cycle such as Fox News and personalities such as Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, and Dennis Prager. He became extremely Republican leaning on most issues and became extremely concerned with security and immigration aswell as sexual education as he became more aware of social issues (and could've been more smart with how he could've done it).
  4. 2020-2021 : Ukraiana after the conclusion of the elections became more engrained into far right beliefs as he believes that measures taken for security and conservative principles cannot be contained within a Democratic system and Authoritarianism must be implemented to combat the social issues he finds disturbing or degenerate within a society by his own rationalism such as transgenderism, Radical Feminism, and Anti Nationalism.
  5. October 2021 - April 2022 : Ukraiana officially began engraining himself with the ideals of Fascism and became finding reasoning with the idea of a complete unifying Chauvinist state as well as applying religious doctrines and combining church and state together as he began to become more centralized in the ideals of Christianity. But, Ukraiana found himself promoting and too engrossed in topics that create a much more stratified and tyrannically unjust system of genocidal policies as his knowledge of Christian laws and good application of Fascist principles are limited.
  6. April 2022 - August 2022 : Ukraiana finalized his political idealist views on PCB and left the community as well as his organized political philosophical idealist views with similar Clerical Fascism ideals as before but slowly moving to more economically left economics from Capitalism to Ordo-Liberalism to Corporatism as the final economic state and solidifying his state with Third Position economics. He became very slightly more socially accepting with being less affluent upon his genocidal ideals. This is the final state of his previous cohesive ideological state of Proto-Ukraianism Thought
  7. August 2022 - January 2024 : Ukraiana began his hiatus from participating from politically driven communities and began focusing on issues that concerned his life or happiness as he became severely depressed during the period he was in PCB. But he began becoming part of infamous far right communities such as Nick Fuentes, and becoming associates and friends with other Fascists and National Socialists online. He became more affluent with his Orthodox belief and considered in central to all aspects of his life, but he never developed another cohesive ideological ideal during this period.
  8. January 2024 < Ukraiana Thought (2024): Ukraiana has decided to come back to PCB and develop a cohesive ideological belief for himself again, and took the lessons from his rationalism and Christian studies to further his idealism and beliefs more.

The State

The State must be upheld as the most essential part of a nation-state as the organizer to achieve and maintain the fruits of a collective. The State as outlined by the principles of Fascism is to be created as a Totalitarian state, which has control of all sectors of the nation and there will be no restrictions to power that the Government can place. The Government is to be reigned by a council of skill based political ideologs through a merit based system decided by the council for admission. The State and thus the face of the nation is to be represented by a Grand Autocrat who represents all diplomatic and final decisions by the council and all decisions must be focused through him.

The Grand Autocrat

The Grand Autocrat is the highest order of power of the state. He is a singular leader of the state, and has no limits of his powers or decision making. He is in control of all decisions and plans sent through the Grand Council and represents the final decision to approve any new plans. He may create bills but must run them through the Grand Council for deliberation before deciding on a final version. The Autocrat must spend all his time along with his immediate family members inside government facilities at all times so that the Autocrat is able to work with his powers at any point when needed and be in safety unless to leave for diplomatic reasons. The Autocrat is brought to power usually through the popular opinion of the people that brought the government into people or through the election of a previous Autocrat. His family is to be taught in a special education to work for the tasks of the state alone and must any offspring of the Autocrat must not be reintroduced into public society and can only be introduced into governmental powers. The Autocrat must have a plan of succession to any person he deems worthy, but the person of choice can decline the decision, and if no suitable heir is found, then the decision is made in deliberation by the Grand Council.

Autocrat Family

The Family of the Autocrat will function very similarly to that of a Monarchy in that the family must learn to serve the duties of The Autocrat or a similar governmental profile or influence. They cannot have any holdings in business or affiliations with any power to hold money or political power. Any individual Autocrat may decide what individual positions each of them families can hold to their respected interests or may spend their time as a figurehead such as for women of the family unless skilled otherwise. The Autocrat can decide the fate of a family member if dissent or abdication of their position is made.

The Grand Council

The Grand Council is the second highest order of power in the state. Its members are comprised of officials that were handpicked from the Autocrat to fulfill the council. The Grand Council is comprimsed of the Regional Leader of each determined regional area, and the head leaders of each sectors controlled by the state, (these include the Sector of Education, Sector of the Military Forces, etc). These members have the duty of being able to creating new bills or revising ones to be submitted to the Grand Autocrat for his approval. They are served on the council for life until they step down in which the Autocrat selects a new one to the position.

Regional Government

In every nation, the state will decide the appropriate amount of governmental regions to be established to divide the country by the different cities, environment, resources, landscape, etc. These regions will have a capital city to represent their region and have a central regional government. These regional governments will have their own governor and Regional Council, similar to the Grand Autocrat and Council. Just like the Grand Autocrat and Council, they will decide to create regional specific bills for things such as infrastructure, creating major roadways, dealing with environmental emergencies, and carrying out orders from the Grand Council. The members of the Regional Governments are selected from an initial sifting process from the Grand Council and a Governor selected by the Grand Autocrat. These regional governments reign over the local government which is the same concept as a Regional Government but one step lower and with much more individual cases and mostly lives to carry out the orders of the regional and national governments.


As with any other society, the main sectors of public service are to be divided up into different individual sectors to function with their specific state function. The Sectors are the most important parts of the state and mark the complete functionality of the state on a national level, so they are the most structured and constructed part of the government and must be completely controlled by the state as it cannot be changed by capitalistic and civilian use. The different sectors of the state are the Education Sector, Armed Forces Sector, State Church Sector, Sector of Economic Activities , Sector of Environmental Activities, Sector of Transportation , Sector for National Security, Sector of Health, Sector of Public Infrastructure.


Education is one of the most important parts of the development for a citizen for their ability to contribute to society for their development of physical skills or labor, as well as their development for their individual application of their studies onto their personal lives. It is the basic standard for any collective society to function to create an educated society to further technological progress as well as creating healthy interactions between citizens as intellectual discourse between field of study and in the most basic components of society such as discourse between humans or their products. The educational system of the state is divided into a constructed educational system that follows a much more linear path and is designed to fill a general line of creating a general education for all citizens before splitting off to specialized courses later into their educational path as teenagers and young adults. The educational system will divide into 3 general states of education, the primary education which begins at the age of 6 and continues until the age of 12, the secondary education which sets off to specialize into different basic fields of study and advanced studies of simpler courses, and the advanced education sector which begins after the age of 18 and functions as education for people going into studies of advanced scientific courses or of courses that requires knowledge of large quantity of material.

Primary Schooling

Primary Schooling is the first section of state education and begins from the ages of 6 - 12. The primary educational stages represent a required prerequisite for all citizens to pass through, and represent learning basic knowledge in intellectual fields before the development of teenagers begin and specialization and synthesis of physical skills becomes integrated. An average school day will range from 7am to 4pm (To accurately represent an educational model in my point of view, I will use subjects that apply to American Society only)

  • In the 1st Grade, students will learn topics that involve novice level skills in english, mathematics, and exploring topics in different fields of understanding. These include
    • Learning the Alphabet, and applying it towards spelling into basic verbs and nouns and concluding with sentences.
    • Learn to count to 1,000, and begin the introduction of basic addition and subtraction
    • Explore different fields of science at a novice level such as Chemistry with states of matter and their basic functionality, Physics, with the introduction of the gravity, force, etc. Environmental Science such as weather, Biology with basic human functions.
  • In the 2nd Grade, students will learn topics that further novice level topics learned in the 1st grade, these include.
    • Continuing the development of arithmetic skills in subtraction and addition with grouping until the use of word problems is used for the remainder of the grade.
    • Develop the understanding of grammatical terms such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, proper nouns, etc. Apply it to the beginning of reading comprehension.
    • Continue the studies of different variations of basic Chemistry, Biology, Physics such as electricity, and learning identification and classifications of a variety of subjects.
  • In the 3rd grade, the development will now turn into moving away from basic learning to the introduction of a combination of skills and prior knowledge in primary knowledge. These include.
    • Development of learning multiplication and division as well as the introduction of non whole numbers into the arithmetic curriculum.
    • Continue development and refinement of grammatical skills and vocabulary.
    • Begin writing and reading comprehension
    • Study of functions of Environmental Science and Ecology now begin.
    • Beginning of the studies of national history and geography that takes place.
    • Beginning of the studies of economics such as supply and demand.
  • In the 4th grade, the final grade for novice learning begins before systemic learning begins, these include.
    • Studies in completing the understanding of multiplication and division into the application of word problems.
    • Learning to write essays that analyze topics such as theme, symbolism, figurative language etc.
    • Continue the study of Environmental Science and Ecology before transferring into a synthesis course on Chemistry and Physics with the introduction of the atomic level.
    • Continue the study of historical figures around the world and geographic locations of different areas.

Base Primary State Exam - At the end of the 4th Grade, all students must take a statewide exam that analyze all levels of knowledge up to this point in arithmetic, basic science, english to decide where to move further.

  • In the 5th Grade, the beginning of topics that involve advanced knowledge that will continue once they enter secondary school begin, these include.
    • The introduction of negative numbers and variables into advanced arithmetic with the introduction of a coordinate plane
    • Continue the study of different types of literary devices and styles into writing and reading comprehension.
    • Begin the study of fundamentals of Biologic and Chemical functions such as mixtures, compounds, and a course on different parts of anatomy and cells.
    • Begin learning the histories of different nations.
    • Begin learning Theology and the fundamentals of the timeline of Scripture.
  • In the 6th Grade, further application of advanced knowledge of topics begin, including
    • The beginning of Algebra and its studies such as polynomials, linear functions.
    • Continue application into more difficult reading and writing pieces.
    • Begin the study of sexual education and biology
    • Begin an indepth course into different figures in American History and major events
    • Introduction a study into the memorization and application of morality and customs from the New Testament.
  • In the 7th Grade, the final stage of the primary education before Secondary Education begins, these topics include
    • The continuation of the study of fundamental Algebra and apply it into various functions and applying it into word problems.
    • Continue the study of studies of different writing styles and explore different reading.
    • Continue the study of all subjects such as environmental science, biology, chemistry, and physics and begin the application into labs and projects.
    • Begin a course on World History
    • Develop analytic studying of events in the Bible and its application into society.

Secondary School Introduction Exam - This exam will cover all knowledge into a 6 hour long test that will test the capabilities of students in all subjects covered at the normal level by the end of the 7th Grade. After that, the specialization of schooling begins.

Secondary Schooling

Secondary Schooling begins during the introduction of the 8th grade, but different variations of Secondary Schooling education can occur. The average student will continue to attend public education until the age of 18, but you're able to conclude as early as the age of 15. There will be 5 different types of pathways for how secondary school education will continue. It begins with a continuing 8th Grade as an introduction to Secondary classes before beginning 9th Grade where students can make 4 choices about their career pathways. The first is the Early Laborer pathway in which the student plans to take a career path of becoming a laborer in fields such as Farming, Manual Labor, or Service based businesses, this careerpathway can be taken anytime before the age of 17. The second pathway is the Classic Pathway, which is the typical pathway for an individual that hasn't decided on their specified career path and would like to continue with a typical secondary school curriculum. The third pathway is the Skills Based Pathway which is a curriculum based around the teaching of skills involving different forms of labor, and individually set skills if a student believes that they wish to pursue a secondary school course towards more of a nonintellectual education (These are recommended for people who seek to pursue any sort of nonintellectual career field). And the fourth pathway is the STEM pathway which are for students who wish to pursue highly intellectually rigorous career paths in fields of scientific studies. And the final pathway is the Social Service pathway which is a made for students seeking for careers in social and cultural studies or governmental positions.

8th Grade

Before beginning the selection process for their secondary school, they will enter the 8th grade, they will select the courses they wish to pursue and spend most of their time exploring options through quarter month long or semester long courses to decide their preferences. This grade is attached to the primary school that a neighborhood is designated.

These courses include

  • Semester long Algebra II course about radical exponents, logarithms, and new functions
  • Semester long course about the United States Government
  • Semester long course about Biology
  • Quarter long course about Intro to Computer Science
  • Quarter long course about general economics
  • Fullyear course on Writing and Reading
  • Semester long course about General Geometry
  • Semester long course about World History II
  • Quarter long course about Introduction to Social Process'
  • Quarter long course about Basic Law Fundamentals
  • Quarter long course about Premedicial Education
  • Quarter long course to Workshop
  • Quarter long course about Introduction to Secondary Theology
  • Quarter long course about Introduction to Manual Labor
  • Quarter long course about Introduction to STEM studies

Early Labourer Pathway

If a student decides to go for an Early Labourer pathway, then they are only required to complete only 1 more year of formal education before being registered as completed their education unless they decide to restart their secondary education. Their required courses are made for their immediate approach onto the working society,

These courses include

  • Fullyear course on Personal Economics & Finance
  • Fullyear course on Applications of Christianity/Moralism
  • Fullyear course on Mental & Physical Education
  • Fullyear course on Sociology
  • Semester Course on Analytical Writing
  • Semester Course on Public Speaking
  • Semester Course on Geometry
  • Fullcourse on (Any chosen course that the student chooses) - For every career sector, there will be a specified made online course that must be followed independently by the student to graduate.

Classic Pathway

The Classic Pathway is made for students who haven't decided on a career path yet but wish to pursue secondary education to full completion. The Classic pathway is meant to be very linear in the courses and the required courses up until the age of 18 will not change.

The required courses for graduation are

  • Continued Mathematics (Geometry, Precalculus, Calculus (A), Calculus (B)
  • Continued English and Writing Courses
  • Continued Science courses (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and any Advanced Level Science course)
  • Continued History Courses (World History III, European History, Asian History, Advanced Level US History)
  • Continued Theology Courses (Church History I, Church History II, Morality & Ethics, Personal Theology)
  • Optional Economics Courses
  • Optional Dual Enrollment Courses
  • Optional Specialized Courses (Computer Science, Manual Labor, Engineering)

{{BoldText| Skilled Labor Pathway

The Skilled Labor Pathway is for students who wish to pursue specialized labor such as Media or Computer Technology and aren't interested in topics surrounding any premise of math, science, and the like as a career choice. They will continue their education until 18 as usual. The following topics they'll concerned with are much more variable upon their level of intelligence and such, but the required courses such as Mathematics, English, and Theology will be required for all 4 years.
