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Polcompball Wiki
Revision as of 10:05, 13 February 2024 by Anon0111 (talk | contribs) (i'm keeping this one though, just added a small note)
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666Nona Thought is an off-compass, totalitarian, globalist, culturally and economically mixed ideology that is the the opposite of Anon111 Thought.

666Nona doesn't believe in demons, but he made a deal with one anyways, and he is now on a mission to spread evil throughout the universe.

Personal Life

666Nona is a femboy and a File:Demiboy.png nonbinary dude with an infinite number of xenogenders. He is hypersexual and polyamorous, but not "ethical polyamorous" or whatever because ethics are a spook.

He is omni-pan-multi-poly-sexual (totally different from being bi i promise) and has EVERY single fetish or paraphilia imaginable. And he only does his weird fetishes in real life, never in fiction, and never with consenting adult humans. As a result, he has every STD imaginable and some of the only real scientists left alive are forced to study him to discover more STDs and spread them throughout the population.

He is also extremely overweight and will eat literally everything except for a very specific range of food. His fat folds are another source of new diseases which are then used to spread plague across the world.

Philosophically he believes that almost everything is fake and subjective, including morality, beauty, logic, God, the universe, and so on.

Real things include evil, pain, pleasure, screams, fun, and....gender for some reason. Gender is real and he understands exactly what it is due to esoteric knowledge from the bowels of hell. Bowels if you know what I mean. He doesn't believe demons are real but he makes deals with them anyways.

Economic Views

Economically, he is a mix of communism, capitalism, and third position ideologies. The government controls almost the entire economy in order to keep the moralfags in poverty, and private property is not allowed unless it is Evil Property.

The only market that he allows to exist is the Red Market for "unethical" things because those things are pretty cool. I don't care about morals, have you seen the way these organs are harvested? They don't even use anesthesia, it's hilarious! The Red Market is completely unregulated in order to allow for the maximum amount of fun and suffering.

Governmental Views

He is in charge of a totalitarian regime that controls every aspect of society.

He claims to value "Our Democracy", but this democracy is controlled by a few people and all elections being held are fake. The people are led to believe that the elections are only sometimes fake, and that their vote actually matters.

As part of his Democracy, there are two parties, a Reddish-Blue Party and a Blueish-Red Party. Both teams are equally based and evilpilled but in different ways, and voting is mandatory.

Legal Views

Pro-Abortion and Anti-Abortion are both way too moderate. Instead, 666Nona forces people to have both mandatory pregnancies AND mandatory infanticides. They won't know until the baby is delivered if it will be immediately sacrificed to Satan or not. Anti-choice plus anti-life equals extra fun!

All live-action porn is rape porn (which is legal), and all porn is produced under the worst possible conditions thanks to the glorious Red Market. But fictional depictions of sex are illegal. Why look at lolicon or shotacon when you can go to a playground and have the real thing? Similarly, pedophiles, zoophiles, and necrophiles are evil enough but ONLY if they act on it. Non-offending paraphiles will be executed because they dilute the cause of immorality.

Simply owning a gun for "self-defense" is illegal. Buying a gun with the intent to do something cool with it falls under the Red Market and is perfectly legal. If someone breaks into your house you shouldn't be using a gun anyways, you should be brutally raping and torturing the home invaders. Guns are for mass shootings only, and any other use for a gun would be better with a different weapon.

If you say a slur you will be raped to death by niggers. Or whoever else you said the slur against. We may be evil here, but there is no excuse for saying bad words because it isn't evil enough. If you are racist, you are required to commit some horrible hate crime, not just saying slurs or something, you fucking moralfag. Only I can say slurs, nigger, because I'm evil enough and you aren't.

Cultural Views

Culturally, he rejects the ideas of tradition and progress, instead being pro-evil. But as part of his democracy, he claims to be in support of both tradition and progress.

He is somewhat of an SJW but instead he hates everyone except for himself, not just hating the so-called "majority". He destroys old art and replaces it with modern abominations. He is also anti-theist, and wants to replace all religion with the worship of evil.

In addition, kids are forced to undergo circumcision and gender transitions, but not in a way that sterilizes them because that would be wasteful. The culture in general is full of evil and degeneracy, which 666Nona fully supports because morality is a spook.

Diplomatic Views

He is an interventionist, and invades countries to turn them more authoritarian. Many leaders are okay with this. The ones who "care about their country"? They get assassinated, of course, because nationalism is cringe.

As a globalist, he doesn't believe in "global cooperation" or any of that moralist bullshit. He just wants to subjugate the entire universe, not just the globe.

He is aligned with both the East and the West, and befriends other world leaders. The friend group likes to sacrifice children together to get some of that sweet sweet adrenochrome. He may be evil, but he loves making new friends!


How to Draw

[[File:|thumb|220x220px|Flag of 666Nona Thought ]]

Color Name HEX RGB

Personality and Behavior

Stylistic Notes



  • 666Nona Thought - Me
  • Satanic Theocracy - I don't know what these things are that appeared to me, they might have been hallucinations or something because I know this stuff isn't real. But I made a deal with the devil anyways, and afterwards I felt a surge of power run through me? The hallucination said, "that's weird, usually when people see me they aren't atheists anymore", but it seems my skepticism was too powerful or something. Then he called me a retard for not believing in him.


  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - Violence is based, but why is your goal to create a stateless society?
  • Ingsoc - Having complete control over individuals is boring. Let them have their temporary fun, let them be evil, let them further their own destruction, and then sit back and watch the lulz that unfolds as they do horrible things to each other.


  • Pacifism - Pacifists get sent to the killing fields.
  • Libertarianism - Non-aggression principle? NON-AGGRESSION?? You should be using your markets for fun, not for non-aggression!
  • Agorism - I like your idea of the Red Market, but you are on the wrong side of history. You're not only an anarchist, but you want to end the state by...doing non-evil things in secret markets? The markets are only for evil!
  • Theocracy - Religion is fake and should not be used as a basis for society.
  • File:RelAn.png Religious Anarchism - This is even worse, it's not even a state it's just religion. I am so angry right now. I am going to bomb a school bus full of children so I don't feel angry anymore.
  • Anon111 Thought - My opposite. I hate everything about her and she has zero redeeming qualities.

Mega Based




Somewhat Cringe


Mega Cringe






Political Test Placements

TODO replace with real numbers instead of just 50s because he is not a centrist

title goes here






Art Gallery




Anon111 - I know this is edgy but hear me out. I saw someone making the opposite of their ideology and their opposite wasn't extreme enough so I made my own. I made something that really is the opposite of what I believe. Somehow this villain character got a life of his own, and I don't even know what happened here.

Anon0111 - I was in the process of removing my old outdated stuff from the wiki so I can come back later when I'm ready to update it with my real opinions, but this is funny so I'm keeping it.
I'm not permanently leaving the wiki, I just had some OCD-like symptoms for a while about my old outdated opinions being online and not being able to log in and change them. I have some mental health problems right now but I am going to update the wiki page when I'm ready to write my thoughts there. (February 13 2024)