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Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Filipino Fuhrer's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

Isangtaoism (One people ideology) is a far right, National Capitalist, and Reactionary ideology. It borrows some aspects from Fascism, though it is not a fascist ideology.

Role Models

  • Augusto Pinochet
  • George W. Bush
  • Julio César Méndez Montenegro
  • Carlos Cortés Vargas
  • File:SVietnam.png Ngô Đình Diệm
  • File:SVietnam.png Dương Văn Minh
  • Douglas MacArthur


The Economy and the Government

National Capitalism

I support National Capitalism. I believe that a free market serves the Nation the best, and I believe that corporations have done more for the people than politicians have, by giving us comfortable lives. I defend the actions of the United Fruit company against communism. Free markets have also given us the most modern technology, and is to thank for America’s military power. I support a free market economy with little regulation. I will also terminate government paid social programs because they just steal money. I will give more power to corporations, which will be covered in another section. This capitalist economy will be enforced by the state, to prevent communism from rising.

The Government

I want a strong, right wing government that mirrors that styles of Augusto Pinochet and other so call US-Backed “dictators.” I want this government to make Communists, Socialists, Progressives, and other harmful people disappear. I want them to be very nationalistic and conservative too, borrowing some aspects from Nazism (not the Antisemetic parts, more their methods of making Russians and communists disappear). Basically, I want our Nationalism and Vehement anti-communism from the Cold War to be back in the government.

Corporations in the Government

In my ideal government model, I will also have corporations hold power in the government. Mainly, I want oil and weapons companies to have power in the government. As I’ve said before, some corporations, such as the United fruit company have done an outstanding job helping the United States battle communism during the Cold War. I will give oil companies their own private militaries, so that they can help in killing terrorists, while they get that juicy oil. I’ll arm Nestlé too so they can do more of that based shit I’ve been hearing about them doing. I also want the corporation militaries to make worker unions disappear. In my government, select companies will be able to vote on issues and decisions too, and I’ll even hire them to make communists disappear too.

Strong Police Force

To make these communists and progressives disappear, I will obviously need a very strong police force to do so. I will create my own version of the SS, to track them down. With the help of the corporations’ own police forces that I gave to them, these degenerates and progressives will be rounded up into vans and they will disappear.


I want trade to be cut off from China and instead to trade with the EU countries and NATO countries and such. I believe that trading with each other will form a strong bond between NATO nations and independence from China. This will also allow us to sanction Russia into the ground.


Healthcare is NOT a human right, are you guys dumb or something? I want the American system to stay, and to be spread worldwide. Healthcare is something that you should earn and work for. Natural selection after all. If you don’t work we won’t help you. People who want free healthcare are lazy bums or they are commies.

Suppression of Socialism/Communism

I’ll arrest all the communists and socialists, with the help of my police force, and make them disappear. I commend and take great inspiration from how many South American countries suppressed communists. I will also use violence on worker unions to make them disappear.

Why it Would Be Wrong to Call Me a Fascist

Although my ideology takes aspects from fascism, and I commend Nazi Germany for killing communists and Russians, I do not completely support their ideology. I am a Zionist, and I support a free market economy, unlike the third positionist economy of Nazi Germany. And I believe that the allied powers (except the Soviet Union) were still the good guys. As well, socialism and communism are miraculously seen as two different ideologies. If wanting complete governmental control over the economy doesn’t make you a communist, then being a Right-Wing and authoritarian Nationalist doesn’t make me a fascist. Also if Russia and China “aren’t real communism”, then Nazi Germany wasn’t real nationalism/fascism. In conclusion, if socialism and communism aren’t the same, then neither is being a right-wing nationalist and a fascist.

Foreign Policy

Pro Atlanticist

NATO is the good guys. Their actions during the Cold War and also during the War On Terror were very justifiable. I appreciate their support for Augusto Pinochet, their opposition to Russia and China, and their aid in suppressing communism in South America. I love the United Fruit Company!

Anti China and Anti Russia

Fuck Russia and China and all other communist nations. They also fund terrorist groups like the Taliban and ISIS, and they aren’t based and democratic like the west is. These cringe leftist countries should be nuked 1 million times!

How to end the war in Ukraine

We should send American and other NATO troops to Ukraine to teach those communist invaders a lesson. We need to send more money to Ukraine. We should also kidnap Russian people that are living in America and make them disappear.


Israel is the good guys. They help us combat terrorism and they are the only good nation in the Middle East. Palestine is full of goat fucking terrorists. I defend how they make Palestinians disappear. And yes, Jews do control everything, and that’s a good thing. Jews are the perfect people to be dominating the markets since they are religious and anti-communist.

The War on Terror was good

I defend the war on terror strongly. All of those Arabs deserved to be cluster bombed for what they did to those Americans in 9/11. I defend invading Iraq because that’s what they get for 9/11. Suckdam Hussein was harboring terrorist groups who were connected to 9/11. Also they had everything coming to them at the Abu Ghraib prison.



LGBTQ members have a persecution complex. They tend to be pretty toxic and fragile (go ahead, prove my point). They are full of child predators (which is why they get mad at bills that target pedophelia). They act like they are sooooo oppressed despite having rights in every western country. So I’ll remove their “rights” that they clearly don’t care about. I will arrest them and then make them disappear.


Like with LGBT, feminists have a persecution complex as well. I will also have feminists disappear.


Animal fuckers get the electric chair. There is no justifying these weird fetishes. These zoophiles will pay for their sexual desires at animals. I will make them disappear with the help of my police force.


Anti-communist Squad

  • Neoconservatism - Anti-communism? Based! Zionism? Based! Supporting anti-communist dictatorships? EXTREMELY GIGACHAD BASED!
  • National Capitalism - You were a good inspiration.
  • Pinochetism - Good job on dropping commies from helicopters! Takes notes
  • Zionism - Go kick some Palestinian butt! My taxes are put to good use.
  • Azovism - Go kill some commie Russian invaders for me.
  • Tsarism - The only Russian I can respect! The good guys during the Russian civil war. If only you beat the communists, then we wouldn’t have had this communist shithole for the past century!
  • Yeltsinism - Another respectable Russian. After the much deserved fall of the USSR, Russia was on track to be a pro NATO, capitalist, and democratic country, but unfortunately this communist pile of shit ruined everything, and now we’re back at square one!
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Based! Anyone against capitalism should disappear!
  • File:JewNaz.png Jewish-Nazism - Perfection.
  • Kahanism - Gigachad, the ideology.
  • Neoliberalism - I LOVE CORPORATIONS. Also Shell and Nestlé paramilitaries when?
  • Imperialism - Lets go spread democracy™.
  • File:SVietnam.png Ngô Đình Diệm thought - My Lai didn't happen and the usage of Agent Orange on the commies was justified!
  • Ilminism - Long live the ROK!
  • Chiang Kai-Shek Thought - The only Chinese people I respect!
  • Axis Collaborationism - I don't support the Nazis, but countries such as Finland, Hungary, Romania, and Blugaria didn't have a choice since the USSR was threatening them. And the Ukrainian and Croatian separatists just wanted freedom from communism.
  • Banderaism - The 1943 massacre didn't happen but if it did then those Russofags deserved it! The Axis collaboration is just a Russian hoax!


Get in the Van

  • Putinism - Communist faggot! All Russofags should disappear! Arresting faggots is pretty based though
  • Lukashenkoism - Putin’s little communist slut. “Better to be a dictator than a homosexual” -
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Fucking Ching-Chongs at it again!
  • Hamas - Average Palestinoid.
  • Jihadism - All of you should be drone striked!
  • Ba'athism - Get 2003’d. Also Abu Ghraib didn’t happen, but if it did then that’s what you get for harboring terrorists who did 9/11 and making nukes.
  • Showa Statism - You fucking Japs deserved both of the nukes and the internment camps. You also destabilized China which led to the commies to rise. On the other hand, I prefer you over anime and all other that weird degenerate shit that comes from modern day Japan.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Oxymoron.
  • Democratic Socialism - Another oxymoron.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Somehow more oxymoronic than the 2 above. Ancoms are just a bunch of LARPers who need to touch grass.

Anti-communist squad

  • Neo-Majapahitism - You have some communistic economics I don’t like, but I like your government model, and your Sinophobic tendencies are pretty based.
  • Neo-Phibunsongkhram Thought - We have similar economic views and I too want to fund the police and military more. We are also both Zionists. You also have some good views on society.
  • Neutral

    • Nickfuentesfan Thought - You’re hatred of communists and Russians and wanting them all killed is very based, but I don’t support fascism and your economics are kind of communistic.
    • File:NewMatthism3.1.png Matthism - Wannabe philosopher, but you have good capitalist economics.
    • Old-MugiKotobuki8814ism - Goofy ass self insert. Your views, while some are good, are a bit too radical for me. Anime is leftist degeneracy too. Also, being anti-communist and Russophilic are mutually exclusive.

    Get in the van

    • File:PosadasComrade.png PosadasComrade thought - Average Anarchocommutard.
    • Iberian Communism - Just another communist retard. And it’s hilarious you’re progressive, like most other commies. If you spend like even 5 minutes reading history you’ll find that communist nations and governments were quite conservative.
    • Aryan Monarchishm - Goofy ass self insert.
    • Evolutionary Socialism - Average soycialist with a progressive persecution complex.
    • LARPing communist clown - “Muh not real communism!” Bro hasn’t touched grass in years. It’s funny that you call me a fascist, despite me repeatedly saying that I’m not, while you claim to be anti-Stalin when Stalin was a direct product of Leninism (and would fit perfectly with your views). It’s also very ironic that you claim I am a “fascist LARPer” who should “touch grass”, and that the Nazis “I support” would kill me, when it is more than likely that if you went to a communist nation (which you likely wouldn’t), they send your delusional ass straight to the gulags, Mr. “Neo-Leninist.” 🤡🤡🤡
    • Yoda8soup Thought - Average contradictory soycialist.
    • File:--CYBERLEN.--icon.png Cyberleninism - Bro probably grew up in a developed, capitalist democracy, and is out here in his armchair praising Castro and other communist dictators, ironically calling me a “fascist LARPer” in the process. Does this fucking tard not realize that the USSR (and other communist nations) executed LGBT members?


    Recent changes

  • Communism9867 • 6 minutes ago
  • JudaicLoli • 14 minutes ago
  • JudaicLoli • 18 minutes ago
  • Kosciuszkovagr • 12:31