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New Model Of Cheesenism

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"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent Second kaiser emperor of cheese empire's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.

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"Help" - Still-Being-Drawnism

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"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

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now I completely leave the capitalist economy idea. now I follow the fascist corporatist economy policies that combine the Islamic economic model and the socialism idea. I believe in a total nationalization of all Chinese and foreign industries but also I belief the allowing some private industries to encourage competition and innovation all the private industries must work for the interest of the state just like in nazi Germany and fascist Italy. I believe the planned economy and the five years plan combine with a socialist market system and government intervention. I also believe the government should do massive public reform and building. I will urbanize all rural cities and bring back the abri Masuk Desa program and great Calgarian reform on all rural land. I believe that every province in Indonesia should be completed industrialized and also believe that the government should build more important public infrastructure and bring electricity to all villages even the remoted ones. I also believe that government must build more railroads and bridges so the rural people can come to urban areas. I believe that the government should tax 38 % of the rich so the rich tax money can be used for the poor and flat tax policies for the middle-class people other than that I believe there is a centralized bank that follows an Islamic banking system. I believe that the government should heavily support native businessmen and boost their business. other than I still believe we should boost the tourist and marine industry and believing putting tariffs on every trade ship that crosses the malacca strait. Well, I still believe all people have the right to own public property but are under government supervision to prevent any harmful activity and all landlords should follow the regulations and strict government rules and must follow government rent prices. other than that I believe Indonesia should create its automobile car, plane industry like Habibie's dreams, its cruise ship line, and space industry


I believe that tradition is very important and I believe the government should protect all traditions and cultures of all tribes in Indonesia. I believe that people should wear 1900s gentlemen's and ladies' suits and shirts but I still believe the government should fund and research new technology for the greater good of the people. I also believe that we should bring back new Islamic golden age and a new enlightenment idea era. I believe in true progressive ideas, not those western * progressive *


I believe education is for everyone believe that education is free for everyone. Government should build more schools and build more proper school buildings in rural areas and remote areas. I believe the government should launch a new literacy program so all citizens can write and be educated. I believe that politics should teach in school and we should indoctrinate all students in religion, nationalism, and anti-American and Chinese subject. I believe that all students should study how to fight and used a weapon.


I believe that health is a basic human right I believe that all people should have a proper healthcare system and I believe that healthcare should be free for anyone. We should build more healthcare facilities for rural folk and believing mass vaccination for all people. I believe government should invest in and research new technologies and medicine for better health service.


My stance in world politic is neutral believing both east and west is bad. If there is a conflict we should send troops to protect our interests. I believe Indonesia should become a major player in Asia by controlling all southeast nations. I believe we should start by controlling and influencing Malaysian, Singapore, and Timor-Leste politics and government. I also believe we should control all poor African nation economy and important industries. We should turn Indonesia into a shield to counter the Chinese and west influence. Other than that I am very anti-Zionism and believe that Jews should be kicked from Palestine's land. if there is a conflict I believe other than protecting Indonesia's interest I belief will send peacekeeping forces and try to negotiate both blocs to a peaceful term


I believe Indonesia's military GDP should be increased by 88% I believe should build our military industries and weapon. I believe that Indonesia should pursue Sukarno's nuclear ambition and turn Indonesia into too a nuclear power. Other than that I believe that we should build chemicals and biological weapons. I believe we should create a massive navy so we can block the malacca strait. we should create huge air power in Asia to protect Indonesia's space and believing Indonesia build strong space forces and build massive military and intelligence satellite


Okay, I just larping now to the real belief. first, I believe in a centralized government that all local governments must follow. I opposed federalism because it will lead to the downfall of a nation like a certain nation. I believe that people can still have rights like the right to vote for their candidate to the choice prime minister but still freedom of expression and speech is limited I believe that every time there is a protest movement should invite those who start the protest and discuss it with them for achieving a peaceful solution for satisfied the protest but if is failed we will use brute forces to destroy the protest. but if that LGBT community we will destroy them. I believe the suppression of media and believe state's media will broadcast good things about government and believe the oppression of radical right and left-wing or any ideology who will harm the republic. I follow Sukarno's guide to democracy styled with new order characteristics combined with Gadhafi democracy I believe mass surveillance on the people and military so we can know who the traitor who not. I still belief we should put some of the opposition in the goverment key role and cabinet


Fine no more radicals and extreme beliefs now it's time for my real opinion on it.

Let's start with homosexuality and lesbianism I believe there will be a law that prohibited such behavior just like in Aceh I believe the combination of Islamic sharia law with the nation's 1945 laws. I believe there is a very strict restriction on homosexuality and lesbianism followed by a massive crackdown on it simply massive suppression of their right to speech and protest. pride month itself will be banned any act of some kind of pride march will be met with harsh punishment. I believe a mandatory Conversion therapy.

Now to transgender. I simply just encourage people to have no trans operations and banned just banned it. I believe some kind of public shaming punishment for a transgender.is prohibited for a parent to encourage their children to change their gender.

For Bisexuals simply that two choices become a straight who will enjoy many rights same like people or become homosexual where they will gain little rights and public isolation


the worker is the key to defeating the Judeo-capitalism plague and Rothschild-communism menace that threatens the world. prosperity is the key to defeating capitalism and communism. I believe that should be a class collaboration between the bourgeoisie and proletariat to achieve true prosperity goals and the creation of strong corporatist ideas that follow the classical Mussolini doctrine. I believe class collaboration is important not matter if you bourgeoisie or proletariat everyone is equal in front of the state. I also believe in the creation of trade and the labor union that follows the socialist model. I believe in the abolishment of minimum wages. I believe that government should set equal and balance wages. I also belief creation is a very sanitation and safe work place


I believe in corporal and capital punishment for all criminals and I will bring back Petrus and I will root out corruption with executed any government official who does corruption and purges out the military official who steals people's money. Police will have powerful and same military-level equipment then I believe the creation of powerful secret police who have very powerful power like the military and government will use it to terrorize and purge radicalism Wahhabism and Salafism ideas who will ruin Islam's name. Secret also will be used to suppress the opposition. I also believe that sharia laws should be put so the people will feel safe and secure.


I tolerate all religions and beliefs people can choose what religion they want. I believe in equality for all other religions. an atheist is legal people can be atheists as long they don't distribute to other people but still, I opposed radical ideas and satanic cultism.


My goal is to remove the poor and homeless plague in Indonesia I believe all homeless and be put in one area where they have free houses and their life should be sustained by the government until they can work. I believe all people even the elite should have proper welfare but still restrict welfare effect Chinese( except for Indo-Chinese Muslim Chinese ), westerner ( except they permanently live in Indonesia and have merry with pribumi ), and Malaysian. But for LGBT race they don't have a welfare system





  • Capitalism - capitalism what is capitalism? Capitalism was a concept of greed, exploitation, and the lust of the rich. capitalism is the worst ideology in history. history proves that capitalism has killed countless people because for profit. capitalism always undermine the poor and worker suffering. Capitalism is a bourgeoise dictatorship that always finds a way to make workers suffer and try to find a way to avoid taxation. capitalism has many faces and versions but each version is the same purpose wealth. More capitalists face more wealth for the capital. capitalism has many ways to achieve money. first, they can divide the masse by creating dozen of misinformation, second, they will privatize and ad a certain minority group, and third, they will pay influencers to spread their product to the mindless individuals to buy their product. finale capitalism exploits people suffering and war to gain countless wealth. It has been proven yet again by history. but sometimes capitalism tries to alter history for its interest. big businesses only care for themself and never care about their workers. they don't have any morals they will do everything for wealth. but don't forget slavery. Slavery is the key fixture in the capitalist mentality that human is the same as a product .capitalist will not care about human rights as long they can have profit

Self Insert Relation


File:Casagonism2.png Casagonism File:Casagonism.png - ah your ideology is based you want to make France a traditionalist religious society but why abolish the republic. in my opinion, the bourbon monarchy style will not succeed again in present-day France it will lead to misery but okay

File:Revequom-newicon.png Atronism - based some aspect but your millitary policies cringe

Technonationalism - what should i call you Benito Mussolini America Or ThNew Theodore Roosevelt. What a chad man !

Syncretic Tridemism - ah yes another anti-CPC enjoyer. What a based man

Techno-Esoteric Fascism - one of my greatest freind altrough your concept scare me

File:Noelism-icon.png Noelism File:Noelism-icon.png - a rare based malaysian. you somewhat little bit like my malaysia counterpart

Nastyism - Gigachad disguised as nasty. what a chad self insert


Neo-Phibunsongkhram Thought - let me start with your civic view you see I don't really like it I mean your view on the military is meh, although I like your free speech idea what I hate was your support for federalism. then it makes worse by your support of the aristocracy( i don't really hate aristocracy once I support aristocracy and monachism ).same with your civic view your fiscal view is bad. well not bad on religion. I like your view on tradition. now your diplomacy well I agree with some. I do see western is preferable to Peking. Thai nationalism-based and ASEAN view-based.Now enter the kra canal. well, your support for canal construction is actually against and threatens one of my beliefs about Indonesia. you see I believe Indonesian should have absolute control of the Malaccan strait and Singaporean and that is why I believe in the total annexation of Malaysian well the real reason I believe Indonesia should have annexed malaysian because to have absolute control of the malacca strait. also if Indonesian manage to control it Indonesian can counter china influence and turn their economy to scramble and no more Red Qing Empire

Neo-Addycakesball Thought - no homophobia and transphobia is justfied. but rest of your ideology is based

Glencoe - based economical but mixed on goverment policies.i dont know with the a.i

Pantheonism - in some aspects you based but in another aspect, you cringe

Ronwelltarianism - is based on economic policies and foreign policies but I am against your idea to let kids attend the pride march

Template:NameXirlan - Nah I hate homosexual and lesbian event that is not part of the community but I still have a human side I will not kill or tortures any old couple above 50. Because killing old people is inhuman. also, I don't think it's possible to reinstall the bourbon monarchy or to return the french to the reactionary era

XarTario Thought- no you can't just decriminalize all drugs and allow sex workers but your foreign and energy policies are based

File:Silasicon.pngSílas Carrasco Thought -based on some aspects. but capitalist is cringe also STOP FUCKING REMIND ME WITH MY SISTER SOPHIA OBSESSION

 Neo-Afunhumaninterism File:Neoafunalt.png - capitalist federalist I don't expect very much from it but your cultural stances are based

Eco-Progressivism- wow made very some valid point i thought your belief will be cringe but not you made some good point but i very disgaree with your government view.you should know any form of democracy ( except authoritarian democracy ) will never work and will only turn corrupt


Libra Thought - not really bad on foreign and economy but still have cringe aspect

Nekoqingist Bolshevism - you are a great malaysia you have very based vision for malaysia future and we agree that western is evils but china is also evils.too left for my taste.i do agree to turn third world country to a shield against both east and west.but still cringe is some aspect

Silasism - no nead to be explaind

File:Thanat.png Thanatism File:Armchair Thanat.png - if i had 1 dollar per anarchist that created page in pcba i will become richest man in asia.

HelloThere314ism - is stirner that popular? how many egoism out there

File:Touseyism ball.png Neo-Touseyism- HERETIC KAISER PROTECT!

Owfism File:Geopirate.png- apart you based education policies the rest is cringe

Anti Fairyism - there is not such a thing as fairy you filthy heretic.if they real then i the leader of the entire fairly monarchy !.at least you like republic and socialism

Vermaatism/Name File:Vermaatism2.png - Quark with diffrent Face

AshleyHereism - oh you said I am a psychopath but you want to created a society that based on anarchist that will lead chaos and many peole been killed ? Typical anarchist. At least I will do good for the people

Template:Io - Wow, if I had a nickel for every time a depressed Stirner follower created a page in PCBA I'd have two nickels - which isn't a lot, but, weirdly, it happened twice.

Pirate Tails Ideology - typical capitalist. i do like your nationalist view but the rest is garbage can

Post Ego Anarcha-Nihilism-ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh S T I N E R I S M

Self Insert Request And Comment

contact via discord because i lazy to see comment in here

Braun Spencer Model - Your Discord doesn't work.

Neo-Phibunsongkhram Thought - Add me in the relations?

What Politician Do I Remind You Of?

Best/Worst Parts Of My Ideology?