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Shellshocked Communism

Revision as of 20:06, 25 March 2024 by MEADOWSIN (talk | contribs)
thank you so much, hysteria, for your beautiful art, I really don’t know how to thank you, you’re a fantastic artist
In Development
"I'll stop reading eventually." - Left Communism

This page is still in development due to ongoing reading by Someone, multiple things may change drastically.

Self Insert
"People can really believe anything these days!" - Ismism

This page is meant to represent MEADOWSIN's political views. Please do not make any major edits without their permission.


Primary Aspects

  • not giving a shit about capitalist realism because that shit makes politics less fun
  • the modern effeminate signifier as aesthetically soothing and fundamentally beneficial (in embrace and adaptation) to all individuals, especially those born with the characteristics associated with the phallus (AMAB)
  • the previous notion and all ideals associated with my ideas are not enforced, simply my ideas
  • ccru bullshit
  • post-kaczynskism
  • post-thoreau
  • democratic confederalism in some ways
    • as a note to add onto this, keep in mind i advocate for economic anarchy or mutualism, which differentiate me definitely from democratic confederalism, which still clings definitely to dogmatic practice and melts down multiplicity
  • being the single most annoyingly stunted creative on the site, not going to be on as often either
  • genuinely just don't want my ideology to be dependant on others' opinions
  • post-party libertarian communism, pseudo-voluntaryism, self-sufficiency, technophilia with purpose
  • I love art so much, genuinely above all
  • occultfag worshipping an animalistic machinic-natural godform (denoted as "The Deer God") as an essential sponsor

Addendum 1.X

To be the builder of the new point beyond and yet behind the factional division of postmodern insanity is not something I wish to be. I dislike the title of Meta-Modernism, as it seeks to find simplicity within “oscillation” or some organized formation of anti-formation, unstatic staticism- something which I see as highly pretentious if even manageable in the first place. Most of the time this justifies things that definitely don’t need to be justified- simply done, simply acted upon, simply said. So where I stand now is post-postmodernism, simply because I wouldn’t like to stand in the same room as acceleration or collapsists, or especially anarcho-nihilists, despite me being one before. I think that it honestly has given me fear for my future, and has made me insolently shut out those postmodernists that approached me before, at least as far as political advice goes. I find myself finding my own roads between the virulent nihil of Bataille and my own spiritual-religiosity based on absurdism, Bataillean spiritualism and the occult, discordianism, animism, pantheism, and a lens of the works by Ghost Mountain, who expressed an image of a Deer God.

The Deer God is my lens to selfhood, my lens to becoming, something that is not ontological but instead bestowed upon me, a biomechanical hope and love for The Deer God, which we can clearly nonsee in the some unprivileged beyond. I commune but do not expect omnipotence or the sacred, or some higher signified beyond, I expect a comrade in my journey, and an understanding inner spirit that makes me an object of desiring-production in a system of interlocked and webbed desiring-production. This is the origin of my esoteric Marxism-Voluntaryism, a communal expression of individual desiring- some individual-community of interflowing beings, something that should be allowed to be expressed in a way of civil war. This is how I approach Democratic Confederalism- in that I believe in voluntary communities that are shaped like interconnected viruses, like a central community and outsider self-sufficient individuals utilizing biomechanisms to build themselves a life they find independent and sufficient. The inner community would decide things organically among themselves in things very very similar to the systems implemented in direct democracy or democratic confederalism. That’s all there is to say, thank you for reading.

thinking out loud

Restarting again

The idea is simple: build the value-form a padded place to sleep until we can simply take it into the afterlife. To have natural community-forming with surgical (in turn, personalized) techno-natural materialism would be most essentially a dream, killing the worker-form, workerists denying the stratifier of work, but I frankly think we need to ensure that millions of disadvantaged people within our very real shitty systems now have somewhere to lay their head instead of letting things fall into disrepair and simply "letting collapse occur." Sure, it'll occur, but after what? What pedestal of privilege within the shitty modern systemic do you have that you can justify to yourself that collapse would be livable? What in the hell has convinced any of you that any of this shit is even relatively comparable to the experience of the true individual- the unatomized fleshmechs that occupy everything from woods to everything else? Why can't we simply have the communism of other animals intermeshed with techno-natural infusions? I understand it's hard to hear me with all the post-modern philosophy clogging up everyone's ears, but did we forget why we'd like to summon something to strike down and rip off the head of the beast-capital in the first place? Have we forgotten animalia? Have we forgotten how horribly collapse will effect humanity and everything we've forced to be subservient to us? Have we forgotten the dances that we used to do with those we loved, when we had intent to have some form of beauty in our lives? I'm a communizer for love, and I don't know about you, but I think utilizing technology as a summoning-tool rather than as a god in itself would be fantastic, and analyzing and realizing the points in regards to alienation and leftist martyrdom can lead us to something beyond the hitman-infused lands of modernity and deliver us to a land beyond, one that all of you keep blabbering and philosophizing about with nothing but words. Organize. I understand your philosophical-anti-ideology says something different, but I believe we can truly utilize the worker for our nigh-occultist ritual summoning, rather than excluding the worker and sitting on our shitty armchairs that we don't realize are turning us into harmless fucking corpses.

Praise The Deer God, Summon The UnGod Communization, Technonaturalism/Biomechanicalism, Post-Thoreau, Post-Kaczynski, Fuck All Of You (generally,, except for a handful of you, like Rocks or Hood or Avian or Camel or Hysteria, especially Hysteria, but wtv :3)

Frankly, I'm not looking for community or understanding here, and if you disagree, I get it. Live your life, but don't blame me when

  • A. Collapse doesn't happen
  • B. Whatever other bullshit you're waiting for doesn't happen

Thank you.



  • Derrida
  • Deleuze
  • Bataille
  • Guattari
  • Ghost Mountain
  • Thoreau
  • Kaczynski
  • 4lung
  • Rosa Luxemburg
  • Marx
  • Flower Bomb
  • Camus
  • Fumiko Kaneko
  • Hunter S. Thompson
  • Discordianism


  • Fisher
  • Locke
  • Land
  • Meta-Nomad
  • Vonnegut
  • H.P. Lovecraft
  • Meadowsin's Basilisk



  • Venatrixism - I like your ideology, even if we're growing apart a bit. I'm moving toward mixing postmodern ideas with more contemporary or workers-movement ideas, mixing the old and the new,, stewing up something perfect for myself.
  • Rocksism - While you may not intend to do this, I feel like you take an approach that effectively understands my post-postmodern position. You incorporate some non-philosophical classic political resistance methods that are effective, while still building up an effective idea that allows for some play-room for ideas.
  •  Romantic Egoism - I can't say I exactly align with your ideas, but we do have similar inspiration, and genuinely see ourselves as advocating for liberation of the self, whether that be through your methods or mine. I understand where you could potentially critique me, and I really do like your advocacy for the individual, despite the false hold of "individualism" and "being you" entailed by the modernity we find ourselves in. I also love your romantic and esoteric aspects, as I'm highly spiritual and a pseudo-transcendentalist (referring to the ideas of my Post-Thoreau,) a movement that owes a lot to romanticism. Overall, unique, beautiful, and delightful in many ways. I also like your economic theory, and I find myself being a lot of the same as far as economy goes. I like economic anarchy, and I may look into mutualism. I hope you understand I'm not just eating garbage as far as I'm calling myself a "post-postmodernist," I'm just trying to indicate a distaste for most postmodernist ideals, especially as they start to approach the singularity that is accelerationism. Thank you.


  • HelloThere314 - I like the ideal of Rojava, moreso the ideas of DemConfed themselves rather than Rojava, its closest interpretation, a miming of DemCon in the most puppet-esque sense. I do have a lot of contradictions, but I'm not a nationalist, and a lot of the contentions are intentional. I ask people to let these ideas play in their head like they play in mine. I don't really like control, frankly, and I don't really see communities expanding if they see themselves as one cohesive community regardless. The point is moreso to let ideas play, and I understand you see myself as some form of false communization, but having phantom fixtures is more functionally operational than to allow for contemporary fixtures or to simply delete them and allow for a fascist to rally himself into whispering into the ears of those that demand a more fleshy-feeling overlord. I simply think that the structure I provide can very easily dissolve modernity and meld modernity into tapestries of something beyond that. Otherwise you're interesting, and I want you to know I completely understand your critique of me.
  • Imperial Socialism - I don't like imperialism or socialism but you aren't trash and I wouldn't hate living under your system (I would just stir up copious amounts of civil unrest and cause violent protests in order to attempt a cessation to imperialist practice.)



Recent changes

  • Dr. Occo • 39 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 42 minutes ago
  • Aryan • 42 minutes ago
  • Dr. Occo • 42 minutes ago