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Revision as of 22:28, 20 April 2024 by Lekuwaball (talk | contribs)


This ideology was founded when a brazilian internet user, seeing all the problems and injustices his country suffers from, started advocating for a armed revolution and a socialist society.

Personality and Behaviour

SWR sometimes acts satirically and makes edgy jokes, but can be friendly to other socialists and discuss political topics seriously. SWR also is a brazilian nationalist and irrendentist, but he still believes the end goal of communist is a united communist world, but while still maintaining nation's traditions, culture and patriotism (except US, Israel and Japan).


Economic Axis

The ideology of "Socialist World Republic" follows a relatively basic marxist-leninist economic system with some influence from Stalinism, Maoism, Pol Potism and Juche. Like most socialist ideologies, Socialist World Republicanism pushes for equal living standards, with everybody in certain working class being provided with what they need. What people have varies by job. like most socialist systems, a hypothetical government under the ideology would have much control over the market and business. Notably, despite the ideology being inherently communist, it is sympathetic to forms of capitalism (e.g. Putinism).

Social Axis

Despite being left leaning of the Economic Axis, Socialist World Republicanism is socially conservative and authoritarian. The ideology advocates for so-called "religious-traditional cultural revolution," where instead of advocating for a great forward from the past to the future, with socialist world republicanism, it's put into reverse. And yes, unlike most forms of communism, religion is a major part of what builds the foundation of the ideology. Notably the ideology is pretty discriminatory. A primary example this is homophobia and transphobia. In advocates for the ilegalization of changing gender, gay marriage and homosexuality as a whole. In fact it's speculated by a few that the ideology is sympathetic with far right nationalist forms of communism such as White Juche. The ideology advocates for the creation of repressive worldwide dictatorship, with members of society who criticize leaders of the movement or disagree with the ideologies' ideals being "let go" or arrested by the Socialist World Republic equivalent of the KGB. Despite not being totalitarian, the ideology would create a state that comes dangerously close (debatable).



  • Communism-Best economic system, it's what will be achieved in the near future!.
  • Hoxhaism-Bunkers for all! Long live communist Albania! Long live Hoxha! Long live Albanian Juche!
  • Stalinism-Potential favorite leader of the USSR. Yes, the purges, Holodomor and horrendous treatment of Lithuanians, Estonians, Latvians, Ukrainians and Finns was likely real, but let's just say that was invented by the CIA as a way of making the EXTREMELY handsome Joseph Stalin look bad.
  • Leninism-Paved the roadway for the creation of the great USSR!
  • New Resistance-NR is extremely based. Destroy those stupid libtards! But please stop calling Latin America Iberian America.


  • Talibanism-Approve of the theocratic totalitarian islamist rule, and also do approve of crushing the Americans, but crushing the Soviets was pretty cringe ngl.
  • Nationalism-The statement "the state comes before all else" is partially true, but sometimes that can be taken too far.


  • Capitalism-Literally thing invented by the human species. It will inevitably destroy itself when it reaches its height. To be fair though, it does give communism an opportunity to rise.
  • State Liberalism-Oh my god the gays, the gays are evil, those fucking gays, oh my god they are so evil, fuck the gays but not in the gay way.

Further Information
