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Kakistocracy Gets MeToo'd


This is a story about the time where Feminism tried to #METOO Kakistocracy.

Major Characters

Chapter 0: Introduction

It was a normal day in PCB Land. Everyone was acting like their usual self, with Posadism being nuke crazy, AnPrim talking on the Internet about how we need to go back to the Stone Age, SJW and Alt-Right raging their culture wars, etc.

Maternalism was taking care of Kakistocracy, making sure he didn't get into trouble. However, Maternalism needs to get her unruly daughter, Feminism, to actually participate in household chores instead of complaining on Twitter and Tumblr about how guys are evil. So, Maternalism decides to approach Feminism and tell her the news.

My beloved daughter,

What is it?!

Well, I have been thinking, you need to learn to actually help in the house. Why not help take care of your brother Kakistocracy while I am gone to get errands?

Are you serious?! You are so old-fashioned! Stop spewing patriarchal nonsense!

That wasn't really an option. Go take care of Kak while I'm gone!

I'm not doing anything you say, mom!

If you don't take care of Kak, I am taking away your phone for a month!

FINE!!! *slams the door

Chapter 1: The Playdate

After Maternalism leaves to go get groceries, Feminism decides to invite friends over instead of take care of his brother Kak. She calls her friends, which include RadFem, LibFem, MarxFem, and PostColFem.

Hey girls!!! My mother isn't home, so we can have a playdate at my house!


Neglecting to take care of Kak, Feminism has a playdate with her friends. Meanwhile, since Kak is unsupervised, Kak decides to cause mischief around the house, including, but not limited to:

  • Going through all the snacks and candy and eating them
  • Throwing all the vegetables away
  • Drawing on all the walls and curtains
  • Setting the oven and stove on fire
  • Installing numerous viruses on all the computers
  • Destroying the fan in the family room, causing a power outage upstairs
  • Ordering $1511384 worth of furniture
  • Turning the pool yellow
  • Causing the TV to blow up
  • (feel free to add anything you want on this list)

While Feminism was having her playdate, Maternalism found out everything Kakistocracy did to the house and went straight home. Once Maternalism got back home, she was less than happy.



Why did you decide to have a playdate instead of simply taking care of your brother? Look what you inadverdently caused!

Feminism realizes the mistake she did. Until you can clean this house up, you're grounded! No more playdates, and no more phone time!

But Kakistocracy did all of this! You should be punishing him!

I will. But I gave you responsibility to take care of your brother for 1 hour!

Feminism walks to her room, sobbing and screaming.

Chapter 2: Feminism's Revenge on Kakistocracy

Three days later, Maternalism goes on errands again, and decides to make Feminism take care of Kakistocracy again.

Feminism, knowing that Maternalism is gone, decides to get revenge on Kakistocracy for whay happened on her playdate. She decides to unperson Kakistocracy by #METOOing him.

You ruined my time with my friends, and now they hate me! You know what? I'm going to #METOO you!

Me wut?

You're probably too dumb to understand what that means.

Feminism reaches out to get her iPhone, only to find out Kakistocracy has already grabbed it.

Eye wuv funi gloweeng wektangle. Wet'see wut apz u hav.


Kak clicks on the app that looks the most interesting, which happens to be iMessage.

Oooooh wuk at all deez pepul.


Kak remembers Feminism's friends, and decides to send messages to them.


Feminism tries to get her phone back from Kakistocracy, but it's too late. The bullets have already been fired. Meanwhile, Kakistocracy decides to click onto Instagram.

Ooooh eye wuv pikcherz.

Kak deletes all of Feminism's pictures on Instagram, and replaces them with random pictures about him. At this point, Feminism is now extremely angry.


Kakistocracy briefly becomes Speedocracy and runs as fast as he can in order to not lose the phone to Feminism.


Kakistocracy continues his rampage across Feminism's phone, from getting her canceled on Twitter for "Eye hate smelly cooties and nerdz," deleting all her pictures, and even managing to install a virus on her iPhone. There is only one app he didn't touch yet, which is the Phone app.

Ooooh the pepul again. Nd look. Dere's mom.

Kakistocracy calls Maternalism.

Hello Feminism, what is it that you need? Wait. Kakistocracy, why do you have Feminism's phone. You're supposed to be sleeping!

Fem wuz twying to me2 mee :(

Is that true, Feminism?

No, that isn't true! I was trying to get Kak to sleep, and he ran up and grabbed my phone when I was using it-

Stop lying to me. You are also not supposed to use your phone, remember?

I wasn't lying! I am telling the truth!

Mother knows everything. Anyway, I am coming home, and you will not be having any privileges until you learn to properly take care of your brother!

End of Story/Comments

This the end of the story. Hoped you liked it. Leave a comment below.


Aryan Monarchism - Utterly hilarious.
Template:2x2Master - Work of art and a masterpiece of writing. 10000/10
Bacon - Pretty funny fic, I would recommend this to every pcb user.