To preserve your environment ties with preserving your values. We need more eco-conservatives, sad to see how many green parties got taken over by libtards. -
this is an oxymoron and doesn't exist
- NazBolGANG12 - how?
- because conservatives dont care about the environment
- yet! No really! Not all conservatives don’t care about the environment. -
- many right-wing political parties literally run on climate denialism
Why would they deny climate change? Why not claim it is a good thing?
- the person who wrote that right wing partys run on climate denialism if from the western world where this very true at least here in American. But it is not an oxymoron
Pretty cool
I prefer the more patcon and less capitalist versions (if they exist) but this is pretty cool
Nixon was great
Say what you will about the vietnam war, the drug war, dimplomacy with china, etc. but he still a hero for the green movement. Shame he choose to hang out with that eco-unfriendly Mao.