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United Federation of Bak Bax

Work in Progress
"I'll be done any day now!" - Still-Being-Drawnism

This page is not done yet and may still contain inaccurate information or miss important details.

The United Federation of Bak Bax is a massive, efficient nation, ruled by Enver Balmaceda Ríos with an even hand, and remarkable for its public floggings, complete lack of prisons, and hatred of cheese. The hard-nosed, humorless population of 2.262 billion Baxians are fiercely patriotic and enjoy great social equality; they tend to view other, more capitalist countries as somewhat immoral and corrupt.

About the Nation

The enormous, corrupt, socially-minded government juggles the competing demands of Education, Administration, and Industry. It meets to discuss matters of state in the capital city of Northern Saint Bax. The average income tax rate is 86.6%, and even higher for the wealthy.

The frighteningly efficient Baxian economy, worth 243 trillion Roubles a year, is driven entirely by a combination of government and state-owned industry, with private enterprise illegal. However, for those in the know, there is a large, well-organized black market in Information Technology, Book Publishing, Woodchip Exports, and Uranium Mining. The private sector mostly consists of enterprising ten-year-olds selling lemonade on the sidewalk, but the government is looking at stamping this out. Average income is an impressive 107,477 Roubles, and distributed extremely evenly, with little difference between the richest and poorest citizens.

Small children are frequently chased by rehabilitated pitbulls, theft is considered to be okay if the crime happened a long time ago, solving crossword puzzles requires fluency in at least five languages, and saying 'no homo' is enough to escape punishment for the crime of being gay. Crime, especially youth-related, is totally unknown, thanks to a well-funded police force and progressive social policies in education and welfare. Bak Bax's national animal is the Double-Headed Eagle, which is also the nation's favorite main course, and its national religion is Secularism.


Many years ago, in what is now known as the United Federation of Bak Bax, history began to be written with the arrival of Anthony Bax to these lands. Anthony Bax was a visionary, a man with dreams of freedom and justice who longed for a better future for his people.

At the time when Anthony Bax arrived, the region was part of a vast colonial empire, controlled by a distant metropolis that exploited the natural resources and labor of the local inhabitants. Oppression and discontent were palpable, but the idea of independence was still just a whisper in the wind.

Anthony Bax, with his vision and determination, began to unite dissidents and those hearts eager for change in Bak Bax. Over time, he became a charismatic and respected leader, capable of inspiring people to fight for their freedom.

The independence movement grew stronger over the years. Anthony Bax and his followers fought silently, preparing for the day when they would raise the flag of the United Federation of Bak Bax as a symbol of their independence.

Finally, the day came. On September 27, Anthony Bax and his followers carried out a bold act of resistance. They rose against the colonial forces, bravely fighting in the streets of Bak Bax, waving the flag of the United Federation of Bak Bax, and declaring their independence from foreign oppression.

The struggle was tough and costly, but the determination of Anthony Bax and his people never wavered. Over time, the international community recognized the bravery of the Baxians and provided support. The colonial forces withdrew, and ultimately, the United Federation of Bak Bax was recognized as a sovereign nation.

Anthony Bax became the first president of the United Federation of Bak Bax, and his legacy endures in the nation's history. The independence of Bak Bax not only symbolized the liberation from colonial oppression but also the promise of a future of equality, justice, and prosperity for its people.

Today, the United Federation of Bak Bax celebrates its independence on September 27, paying tribute to its founder, Anthony Bax, and all those who fought for the freedom of this nation. The history of Bak Bax is a reminder of the importance of determination and courage in the pursuit of freedom and justice.

Political Parties

Federal Party

The Federal Party is a party that leans towards authoritarian center-left ideologies. It is a nationalist and protectionist liberal party. The party is currently in power, with over 250,000 members and 100,000 representatives.

As a party of authoritarian center-left leanings, the Federal Party promotes policies that aim for increased state control in key areas of the economy and society. This involves stricter regulation of businesses and greater government involvement in the planning and execution of public policies. Their nationalist and protectionist orientation is reflected in their support for promoting local production and employment, as well as defending trade borders to protect domestic industry.

With such a sizable membership and a large number of representatives in the government, the Federal Party wields significant influence in political decision-making and the direction of the country. This enables them to push their agenda, which typically includes social and economic policies aimed at reducing inequalities and improving social welfare.

However, their authoritarian focus can generate controversy and criticism from those advocating for greater individual freedom and a more limited government. In any case, the combination of a center-left government with a nationalist and protectionist approach can have a significant impact on the country's economy and politics, as well as international relations.

The presence of the Federal Party in the government and its position of authoritarian center-left has also led to debates about the balance between state regulation and individual freedom. While social protection policies and economic intervention can be seen as beneficial by some, others argue that these measures can limit economic freedom and private initiative.

As for its nationalist and protectionist orientation, the party has sought to promote local production and employment, which can create tensions in international trade relations. The implementation of trade barriers and protectionist policies can have repercussions on trade agreements and diplomatic relations with other countries. This can pose challenges and negotiations on the international stage, as other countries may respond in kind, affecting exports and imports, and ultimately, the national economy.

The success and long-term sustainability of the Federal Party’s policies will depend on how it balances its goals of social welfare, state intervention, and protectionism with the needs and expectations of society and the international community.

The combination of social welfare policies, state intervention, and protectionism, while effective in certain aspects, can also present significant challenges in implementation and long-term maintenance. On one hand, these policies can contribute to reducing economic inequalities and protecting local economic sectors. However, they can also lead to issues such as a lack of incentives for innovation and competition and might result in increased state bureaucracy.

The party must be prepared to face criticism and challenges both at the national and international levels. Opposition and other groups may question the effectiveness and fairness of their policies, and foreign trading partners may seek resolutions to trade disputes or pressure for the removal of trade barriers.

It is essential for the Federal Party to establish continuous dialogue with other political, economic, and social actors to build consensus and minimize polarization in society. Furthermore, transparency and accountability in policy implementation are crucial to maintaining the trust of the population.

The direction of the country under the government of the Federal Party can bring both benefits and challenges, and it will be interesting to closely follow its evolution and its impact on society and the economy. Like any political party, it will need to adapt to changing circumstances and challenges it faces to achieve a sustainable balance between its objectives and the population's expectations.

The Federal Party’s adaptability and responsiveness to challenges are crucial for its ongoing success in government. This involves the need to conduct periodic assessments of implemented policies to ensure they are having the desired impact and are aligned with the party's objectives. Additionally, it is important to listen to the concerns and opinions of society and be willing to adjust policies accordingly.

On the international front, the party must carefully manage trade and diplomatic relations to avoid unnecessary conflicts and maintain a balance between safeguarding national interests and global cooperation. Diplomacy and constructive dialogue are essential tools in this regard.

Ultimately, the effectiveness and legacy of the Federal Party will depend on its ability to balance its authoritarian center-left approach with the expectations and needs of the population, as well as the challenges of a globalized world. Politics is an ever-evolving process, and adaptability and responsiveness are key elements for any party aspiring to lasting and effective leadership.

A+ Party

The A+ Party is a center-right, conservative, and capitalist party that emerged during the dictatorship of Arturo Silva Morrison.

The A+ Party has a cult of personality around Arturo Silva Morrison, a dictator who was executed by the Canadis military.

The history of the A+ Party is closely tied to the figure of Arturo Silva Morrison, who ruled with an iron fist during the dictatorship that marked a controversial period in the country's history. The formation of the party during his regime was largely due to his influence and the consolidation of a political system that allowed him to maintain control over the country during his tenure.

However, after the execution of Silva Morrison by the Canadis military, the A+ Party faced a period of uncertainty and challenges. As the country struggled to move beyond the dictatorship and transition to a democratic system, tensions and divisions within the party arose. Some A+ Party members remained loyal to the memory of the late dictator, while others sought to adapt to the new political and social reality of the country.

Over time, the A+ Party underwent a gradual transformation. As younger generations took on a more prominent role in the party, they began to distance themselves from the authoritarian and dictatorial image of Silva Morrison. The party was driven by leaders advocating for a more moderate and democratic vision, moving away from the personality cult of the former dictator.

This process of ideological change led the A+ Party to adopt a platform more focused on conservative and capitalist values, without completely denying its past. The party tried to balance a more modern and democratic political perspective with traditional elements that appealed to its loyal base of followers.

In the elections following the democratic transition, the A+ Party became one of the major political contenders in the country. While it still faced criticism from those who saw it as a vestige of the authoritarian era, it also gained support from those who shared its conservative and capitalist economic approach. The country's politics became more pluralistic and diverse, with multiple parties competing in a developing democratic system.

Arturo Silva Morrison Dictatorship

How to Draw

Flag of United Federation of Bak Bax
  1. Draw a circle;
  2. Draw a eyes;
  3. Draw the Baxian Flag;
  4. (Optional) Draw the Baxian Coat of Arms;

Colour it!

Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Blue #001338 0, 19, 56
White #ffffff 255, 255, 255

Diplomatic Relationships




Further Information

