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[[File:Prolific.png]] '''Prolificism''' is a <big>'''FICTIONAL'''</big> philosophy of <big>'''FICTIONAL CHARACTER'''</big> '''Loïc Dupuis'''
{{MessageBox/Fictional|This is fictional}}
<center><div style="background:linear-gradient(to bottom right, yellow, orange) no-repeat;padding:5px;border-radius:20px;display:inline-block;="><span style="display:block; background:#161616;padding:1em 3em; text-align:center;font-weight:bold;color:#ecbd00;border-radius:15px;padding:1.3em;font-size:15px"><font color=white>{{{1|<span style="color:red; font-size: 50px">'''THIS IS ENTIRELY FICTIONAL!'''</span><br> This <big>FICTIONAL</big> page and philosophy, as well as Loïc Dupuis, is a <big>FICTIONAL</big> philosophy, concept, and character. Note that I, [[User:⠀|User ⠀]] <big>DOES NOT CONDONE TO ANY OF THIS.</big>
<span style="color:red; font-size: 20px">'''Now begin reading.'''</span>}}}</div></center>
|title = [[File:Eclipse.png]] Eclipsism [[File:Eclipse.png]]
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[[File:Eclipse.png]] '''Eclipsism''' is a <big>'''FICTIONAL'''</big> philosophy regarding a <big>'''FICTIONAL'''</big> story. '''Loïc Dupuis'''
==Key Principles==
===Absurdity of Existence===
Eclipsism, at its core, acknowledges the fundamental truth that life is devoid of any inherent meaning or purpose. It bravely confronts this existential reality head-on, embracing the notion that the vast and mysterious universe remains indifferent to the presence and actions of human beings. In this worldview, there is no grand cosmic plan, no predetermined destiny, and no ultimate significance that our actions hold in the vastness of the cosmos.
Eclipsism recognizes that the universe, with its immense scale and complexity, operates according to its own set of natural laws and cosmic forces. It does not bend to human desires or intentions, nor does it assign any special importance to our individual lives or endeavors. From the perspective of Eclipsism, the universe is a vast and impersonal entity, unconcerned with our existence and the meaning we seek to derive from it.
In embracing the absence of inherent meaning or purpose, Eclipsism does not succumb to nihilism or despair. Rather, it invites individuals to confront the void with courage and resilience, urging them to take responsibility for their own lives and the meaning they create within the boundaries of their existence.
This philosophy encourages individuals to engage in a profound journey of self-discovery and introspection, questioning societal norms, cultural expectations, and religious dogmas that attempt to impose ready-made meanings onto their lives. It calls for a deep exploration of personal values, passions, and desires, empowering individuals to forge their own paths and craft their own sense of purpose.
While Eclipsism recognizes the indifference of the universe, it does not deny the potential for personal growth, connection, and transcendence. It encourages individuals to seek out moments of awe and transcendence through various means such as art, nature, contemplation, or spiritual practices. These experiences offer glimpses of something greater than ourselves, enabling us to transcend the limitations of our individual existence and connect with the profound interconnectedness of all life.
In the face of the cosmic indifference, Eclipsism emphasizes the importance of human relationships, community, and empathy. It recognizes that while life may lack inherent meaning, the connections we form with others can bring solace, fulfillment, and a sense of shared purpose. These connections provide us with the opportunity to find meaning in the shared human experience and to support one another in navigating the inherent absurdities of life.
===Individual Autonomy===
The philosophy of Eclipsism places a strong emphasis on individual autonomy and personal agency. It asserts that each person possesses the freedom and responsibility to find their own meaning and purpose in life.
Within the realm of Eclipsism, individuals are regarded as the architects of their own lives. They are encouraged to take ownership of their choices, actions, and beliefs, recognizing that they have the power to shape their own destinies. This philosophy rejects the notion that meaning and purpose must be imposed upon individuals from external sources or authorities.
By placing the locus of meaning within the individual, Eclipsism empowers each person to engage in a deeply personal and introspective journey. It encourages individuals to explore their innermost desires, passions, and values, allowing these inner truths to guide them in their meaningful and purposeful life.
In this philosophy, the rejection of external dogmas or religious doctrines is  optional for every individual. Some say it is seen as essential to the cultivation of authentic selfhood. It encourages individuals to question societal norms and cultural expectations, to critically examine the beliefs and values they have inherited, and to seek their own truth without blindly adhering to established systems of thought.
Eclipsism invites individuals to embrace their individuality and uniqueness. It recognizes that each person possesses their own set of talents, strengths, and passions that can contribute to the creation of a meaningful life. By embracing personal agency, individuals are liberated from the confines of societal expectations and are able to pursue paths that align with their true selves.
However, with this freedom comes great responsibility. Eclipsism acknowledges that the absence of external meaning or purpose places the burden of creating one's own significance squarely on the shoulders of the individual. This recognition of personal responsibility can be both liberating and daunting, as individuals must navigate the complexities of existence and make choices that align with their own values and aspirations.
Ultimately, Eclipsism celebrates the capacity for human beings to find their own unique sources of meaning and purpose. It encourages individuals to embrace their autonomy, to trust their inner wisdom, and to forge their own paths in life. Individuals are able to engage in a deeply personal and authentic search for meaning, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and self-actualization.
===Transcendental Experience===
Eclipsism, as a philosophical framework, encourages individuals to actively seek out moments of transcendence and awe in their lives. It recognizes that through various experiences, such as engaging with art, immersing oneself in nature, practicing meditation, or engaging in introspection, one can glimpse a profound sense of connection to something greater than oneself. These experiences offer a means to transcend the inherent absurdity of existence and tap into a deeper, more meaningful dimension of life.
Within the philosophy of Eclipsism, moments of transcendence are viewed as transformative and enlightening. By engaging with art, whether it be visual, literary, or performance-based, individuals can encounter a profound sense of beauty, emotional resonance, or intellectual stimulation that transcends the mundane. Art has the power to evoke powerful emotions, challenge conventional perspectives, and provoke deep contemplation, allowing individuals to momentarily transcend the limitations of their own existence and connect with universal human experiences.
Nature, too, holds immense potential for moments of transcendence. The vastness of the natural world, with its awe-inspiring landscapes, intricate ecosystems, and harmonious rhythms, can evoke a sense of wonder and humility within individuals. Immersion in nature can provide a respite from the complexities of everyday life, offering a space for reflection, tranquility, and a deep connection with the natural world. In these moments, individuals may feel a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity with the larger web of life, transcending the boundaries of their individual existence.
Meditation and introspection are practices that enable individuals to turn inward and explore the depths of their own consciousness. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a state of heightened awareness, presence, and inner calm, lowering the chances of suicide. This practice allows for the quieting of the mind and the suspension of everyday concerns, creating an opportunity to glimpse moments of transcendence and tap into a profound sense of interconnectedness with oneself and the world.
Eclipsism recognizes that these experiences of transcendence are deeply personal and subjective, varying from individual to individual. What may evoke a sense of awe and connection for one person may not have the same effect on another. Therefore, this philosophy encourages individuals to explore a wide range of experiences and practices, discovering what resonates with them personally and allows them to transcend the limitations of their own existence.
By actively seeking moments of transcendence and awe, individuals can find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose in the face of life's inherent absurdity. These experiences offer glimpses into a deeper reality, a sense of connection with something beyond the individual self, and a reminder that there is more to life than the mundane and ordinary. Through these moments, individuals can cultivate a richer, more meaningful existence, finding a source of solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose in the face of life's inherent absurdity.
===Embracing Paradox===
Eclipsism wholeheartedly embraces the inherent paradoxes that permeate existence. It recognizes that life is a complex tapestry where meaning and meaninglessness, joy and sorrow, chaos and order coexist. By acknowledging and embracing these contradictions, individuals are able to navigate the intricate complexities of existence in a more authentic manner.
Within the philosophy of Eclipsism, the paradoxical nature of life is seen as an inherent part of the human experience. It acknowledges that life is not neatly divided into absolute categories of meaning or meaninglessness, joy or sorrow, chaos or order. Instead, these elements intertwine and intertwine within the fabric of our existence, creating a rich tapestry of experiences.
By embracing these paradoxes, individuals are able to approach life with a more nuanced understanding. They recognize that meaning can be found even in moments that may seem meaningless, that joy can arise amidst sorrow, and that order can emerge from chaos. This philosophy encourages individuals to hold space for these contradictions, allowing for a more authentic engagement with the complexities of existence.
In embracing the paradoxical nature of life, individuals are able to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and acceptance. They understand that life is not a linear journey, but rather a continual dance between opposing forces. By embracing these contradictions, individuals are able to navigate the complexities of existence with a deeper sense of authenticity and resilience.
Rather than seeking to resolve or eliminate these paradoxes, Eclipsism encourages individuals to embrace them as an integral part of the human experience. It recognizes that by accepting and integrating these contradictions, individuals can cultivate a more holistic understanding of themselves and the world around them.
===Authentic Existance===
Eclipsism places great emphasis on the significance of living in an authentic and genuine manner, remaining true to oneself. It urges individuals to question the established societal norms, engage in deep self-reflection, and actively make choices that align with their own unique values and desires.
Within the framework of Eclipsism, living authentically involves a deliberate and conscious examination of the expectations and pressures imposed by society. It encourages individuals to critically question the prevailing norms, beliefs, and values that are often taken for granted. By doing so, individuals can discern whether these societal constructs truly resonate with their own personal truths or if they are merely conforming to external expectations.
Engaging in self-reflection is a fundamental practice within Eclipsism. It involves introspection, contemplation, and a deep exploration of one's inner thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By turning inward, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of their own values, desires, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness is crucial in guiding individuals towards living an authentic life that is in alignment with their true selves.
Eclipsism encourages individuals to make choices that are in harmony with their own values and desires. It emphasizes the importance of personal agency and the responsibility to make deliberate decisions that reflect one's true nature. This philosophy recognizes that conforming to societal expectations can lead to a sense of alienation and dissatisfaction. By making choices that are aligned with one's own values and desires, individuals can cultivate a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and authenticity.
Living authentically, according to Eclipsism, requires a willingness to embrace uncertainty and take risks. It acknowledges that the path of authenticity may not always be easy or comfortable. It may involve stepping outside of societal conventions, challenging the status quo, and facing potential criticism or disapproval. However, by embracing one's true self and making choices rooted in personal truth, individuals can experience a deep sense of empowerment, fulfillment, and a genuine connection to their own lives.
===Community and Connection===
While Eclipsism acknowledges the inherent absurdity of existence, it also places great importance on human relationships and community. This philosophy recognizes that despite the existential challenges and uncertainties of life, meaningful connections with others can provide solace, companionship, and a sense of purpose.
Eclipsism acknowledges that the human experience is marked by a fundamental sense of absurdity. It recognizes that life can often seem chaotic, unpredictable, and devoid of inherent meaning. In the face of this absurdity, the philosophy encourages individuals to find solace and meaning through their connections with others.
Human relationships, according to Eclipsism, offer a unique opportunity for individuals to navigate the complexities of existence. Meaningful connections with others provide a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences. In cultivating these relationships, individuals can find comfort and companionship, even in the face of life's inherent absurdities.
Eclipsism emphasizes that shared experiences and genuine connections with others can help individuals find meaning and purpose. Through these relationships, individuals have the opportunity to engage in deep conversations, exchange ideas, and challenge one another's perspectives. These interactions can contribute to personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.
Community, in the context of Eclipsism, is seen as an essential aspect of human existence. It is within the communal space that individuals can find support, empathy, and a shared sense of purpose. By actively participating in communities, individuals can contribute to the collective well-being and foster an environment of understanding and acceptance.
Eclipsism encourages individuals to build and nurture relationships based on authenticity, empathy, and mutual respect. It emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with others, listening to their stories, and recognizing the interconnectedness of human existence. Through these connections, individuals can find solace, support, and a shared sense of meaning in the face of life's absurdities.
===[[File:Dupuis.png]] Dupuisism===
==How to draw==
===Main Design===
===Meaningful lives===
===Do suicide at this point===

Latest revision as of 22:12, 30 December 2023

Script error: No such module "Mbox".

This FICTIONAL page and philosophy, as well as Loïc Dupuis, is a FICTIONAL philosophy, concept, and character. Note that I, User ⠀ DOES NOT CONDONE TO ANY OF THIS.

Now begin reading.

Eclipsism is a FICTIONAL philosophy regarding a FICTIONAL story. Loïc Dupuis

Key Principles

Absurdity of Existence

Eclipsism, at its core, acknowledges the fundamental truth that life is devoid of any inherent meaning or purpose. It bravely confronts this existential reality head-on, embracing the notion that the vast and mysterious universe remains indifferent to the presence and actions of human beings. In this worldview, there is no grand cosmic plan, no predetermined destiny, and no ultimate significance that our actions hold in the vastness of the cosmos.

Eclipsism recognizes that the universe, with its immense scale and complexity, operates according to its own set of natural laws and cosmic forces. It does not bend to human desires or intentions, nor does it assign any special importance to our individual lives or endeavors. From the perspective of Eclipsism, the universe is a vast and impersonal entity, unconcerned with our existence and the meaning we seek to derive from it.

In embracing the absence of inherent meaning or purpose, Eclipsism does not succumb to nihilism or despair. Rather, it invites individuals to confront the void with courage and resilience, urging them to take responsibility for their own lives and the meaning they create within the boundaries of their existence.

This philosophy encourages individuals to engage in a profound journey of self-discovery and introspection, questioning societal norms, cultural expectations, and religious dogmas that attempt to impose ready-made meanings onto their lives. It calls for a deep exploration of personal values, passions, and desires, empowering individuals to forge their own paths and craft their own sense of purpose.

While Eclipsism recognizes the indifference of the universe, it does not deny the potential for personal growth, connection, and transcendence. It encourages individuals to seek out moments of awe and transcendence through various means such as art, nature, contemplation, or spiritual practices. These experiences offer glimpses of something greater than ourselves, enabling us to transcend the limitations of our individual existence and connect with the profound interconnectedness of all life.

In the face of the cosmic indifference, Eclipsism emphasizes the importance of human relationships, community, and empathy. It recognizes that while life may lack inherent meaning, the connections we form with others can bring solace, fulfillment, and a sense of shared purpose. These connections provide us with the opportunity to find meaning in the shared human experience and to support one another in navigating the inherent absurdities of life.

Individual Autonomy

The philosophy of Eclipsism places a strong emphasis on individual autonomy and personal agency. It asserts that each person possesses the freedom and responsibility to find their own meaning and purpose in life.

Within the realm of Eclipsism, individuals are regarded as the architects of their own lives. They are encouraged to take ownership of their choices, actions, and beliefs, recognizing that they have the power to shape their own destinies. This philosophy rejects the notion that meaning and purpose must be imposed upon individuals from external sources or authorities.

By placing the locus of meaning within the individual, Eclipsism empowers each person to engage in a deeply personal and introspective journey. It encourages individuals to explore their innermost desires, passions, and values, allowing these inner truths to guide them in their meaningful and purposeful life.

In this philosophy, the rejection of external dogmas or religious doctrines is optional for every individual. Some say it is seen as essential to the cultivation of authentic selfhood. It encourages individuals to question societal norms and cultural expectations, to critically examine the beliefs and values they have inherited, and to seek their own truth without blindly adhering to established systems of thought.

Eclipsism invites individuals to embrace their individuality and uniqueness. It recognizes that each person possesses their own set of talents, strengths, and passions that can contribute to the creation of a meaningful life. By embracing personal agency, individuals are liberated from the confines of societal expectations and are able to pursue paths that align with their true selves.

However, with this freedom comes great responsibility. Eclipsism acknowledges that the absence of external meaning or purpose places the burden of creating one's own significance squarely on the shoulders of the individual. This recognition of personal responsibility can be both liberating and daunting, as individuals must navigate the complexities of existence and make choices that align with their own values and aspirations.

Ultimately, Eclipsism celebrates the capacity for human beings to find their own unique sources of meaning and purpose. It encourages individuals to embrace their autonomy, to trust their inner wisdom, and to forge their own paths in life. Individuals are able to engage in a deeply personal and authentic search for meaning, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and self-actualization.

Transcendental Experience

Eclipsism, as a philosophical framework, encourages individuals to actively seek out moments of transcendence and awe in their lives. It recognizes that through various experiences, such as engaging with art, immersing oneself in nature, practicing meditation, or engaging in introspection, one can glimpse a profound sense of connection to something greater than oneself. These experiences offer a means to transcend the inherent absurdity of existence and tap into a deeper, more meaningful dimension of life.

Within the philosophy of Eclipsism, moments of transcendence are viewed as transformative and enlightening. By engaging with art, whether it be visual, literary, or performance-based, individuals can encounter a profound sense of beauty, emotional resonance, or intellectual stimulation that transcends the mundane. Art has the power to evoke powerful emotions, challenge conventional perspectives, and provoke deep contemplation, allowing individuals to momentarily transcend the limitations of their own existence and connect with universal human experiences.

Nature, too, holds immense potential for moments of transcendence. The vastness of the natural world, with its awe-inspiring landscapes, intricate ecosystems, and harmonious rhythms, can evoke a sense of wonder and humility within individuals. Immersion in nature can provide a respite from the complexities of everyday life, offering a space for reflection, tranquility, and a deep connection with the natural world. In these moments, individuals may feel a profound sense of interconnectedness and unity with the larger web of life, transcending the boundaries of their individual existence.

Meditation and introspection are practices that enable individuals to turn inward and explore the depths of their own consciousness. Through meditation, individuals can cultivate a state of heightened awareness, presence, and inner calm, lowering the chances of suicide. This practice allows for the quieting of the mind and the suspension of everyday concerns, creating an opportunity to glimpse moments of transcendence and tap into a profound sense of interconnectedness with oneself and the world.

Eclipsism recognizes that these experiences of transcendence are deeply personal and subjective, varying from individual to individual. What may evoke a sense of awe and connection for one person may not have the same effect on another. Therefore, this philosophy encourages individuals to explore a wide range of experiences and practices, discovering what resonates with them personally and allows them to transcend the limitations of their own existence.

By actively seeking moments of transcendence and awe, individuals can find solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose in the face of life's inherent absurdity. These experiences offer glimpses into a deeper reality, a sense of connection with something beyond the individual self, and a reminder that there is more to life than the mundane and ordinary. Through these moments, individuals can cultivate a richer, more meaningful existence, finding a source of solace, inspiration, and a renewed sense of purpose in the face of life's inherent absurdity.

Embracing Paradox

Eclipsism wholeheartedly embraces the inherent paradoxes that permeate existence. It recognizes that life is a complex tapestry where meaning and meaninglessness, joy and sorrow, chaos and order coexist. By acknowledging and embracing these contradictions, individuals are able to navigate the intricate complexities of existence in a more authentic manner.

Within the philosophy of Eclipsism, the paradoxical nature of life is seen as an inherent part of the human experience. It acknowledges that life is not neatly divided into absolute categories of meaning or meaninglessness, joy or sorrow, chaos or order. Instead, these elements intertwine and intertwine within the fabric of our existence, creating a rich tapestry of experiences.

By embracing these paradoxes, individuals are able to approach life with a more nuanced understanding. They recognize that meaning can be found even in moments that may seem meaningless, that joy can arise amidst sorrow, and that order can emerge from chaos. This philosophy encourages individuals to hold space for these contradictions, allowing for a more authentic engagement with the complexities of existence.

In embracing the paradoxical nature of life, individuals are able to cultivate a greater sense of self-awareness and acceptance. They understand that life is not a linear journey, but rather a continual dance between opposing forces. By embracing these contradictions, individuals are able to navigate the complexities of existence with a deeper sense of authenticity and resilience.

Rather than seeking to resolve or eliminate these paradoxes, Eclipsism encourages individuals to embrace them as an integral part of the human experience. It recognizes that by accepting and integrating these contradictions, individuals can cultivate a more holistic understanding of themselves and the world around them.

Authentic Existance

Eclipsism places great emphasis on the significance of living in an authentic and genuine manner, remaining true to oneself. It urges individuals to question the established societal norms, engage in deep self-reflection, and actively make choices that align with their own unique values and desires.

Within the framework of Eclipsism, living authentically involves a deliberate and conscious examination of the expectations and pressures imposed by society. It encourages individuals to critically question the prevailing norms, beliefs, and values that are often taken for granted. By doing so, individuals can discern whether these societal constructs truly resonate with their own personal truths or if they are merely conforming to external expectations.

Engaging in self-reflection is a fundamental practice within Eclipsism. It involves introspection, contemplation, and a deep exploration of one's inner thoughts, emotions, and experiences. By turning inward, individuals can gain a clearer understanding of their own values, desires, strengths, and weaknesses. This self-awareness is crucial in guiding individuals towards living an authentic life that is in alignment with their true selves.

Eclipsism encourages individuals to make choices that are in harmony with their own values and desires. It emphasizes the importance of personal agency and the responsibility to make deliberate decisions that reflect one's true nature. This philosophy recognizes that conforming to societal expectations can lead to a sense of alienation and dissatisfaction. By making choices that are aligned with one's own values and desires, individuals can cultivate a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and authenticity.

Living authentically, according to Eclipsism, requires a willingness to embrace uncertainty and take risks. It acknowledges that the path of authenticity may not always be easy or comfortable. It may involve stepping outside of societal conventions, challenging the status quo, and facing potential criticism or disapproval. However, by embracing one's true self and making choices rooted in personal truth, individuals can experience a deep sense of empowerment, fulfillment, and a genuine connection to their own lives.

Community and Connection

While Eclipsism acknowledges the inherent absurdity of existence, it also places great importance on human relationships and community. This philosophy recognizes that despite the existential challenges and uncertainties of life, meaningful connections with others can provide solace, companionship, and a sense of purpose.

Eclipsism acknowledges that the human experience is marked by a fundamental sense of absurdity. It recognizes that life can often seem chaotic, unpredictable, and devoid of inherent meaning. In the face of this absurdity, the philosophy encourages individuals to find solace and meaning through their connections with others.

Human relationships, according to Eclipsism, offer a unique opportunity for individuals to navigate the complexities of existence. Meaningful connections with others provide a sense of belonging, support, and shared experiences. In cultivating these relationships, individuals can find comfort and companionship, even in the face of life's inherent absurdities.

Eclipsism emphasizes that shared experiences and genuine connections with others can help individuals find meaning and purpose. Through these relationships, individuals have the opportunity to engage in deep conversations, exchange ideas, and challenge one another's perspectives. These interactions can contribute to personal growth, self-discovery, and a deeper understanding of oneself and the world.

Community, in the context of Eclipsism, is seen as an essential aspect of human existence. It is within the communal space that individuals can find support, empathy, and a shared sense of purpose. By actively participating in communities, individuals can contribute to the collective well-being and foster an environment of understanding and acceptance.

Eclipsism encourages individuals to build and nurture relationships based on authenticity, empathy, and mutual respect. It emphasizes the importance of actively engaging with others, listening to their stories, and recognizing the interconnectedness of human existence. Through these connections, individuals can find solace, support, and a shared sense of meaning in the face of life's absurdities.



How to draw

Main Design





Meaningful lives


Do suicide at this point