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{{Character|name = Korwinism|image = <gallery>
Korwinismball.png|Wolność design
|themecolor = #093253
Korwinism.png|UPR design
|textcolor = #ffcb08
</gallery>|aliases = "Minarcho-Hopeanism"<br>
|title = [[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] Korwinism [[File:Korwinism (UPR).png]]
Ponytailism (by the left)<br>|affiliation = LibRight<br>|imagecaption = Before I was nine years old, I had been a socialist. When young, everyone is a socialist; later he becomes smarter.|relatives = [[Libertarianball]] (Father)<br>
|image =Korwinism-Jokie-Portrait.png|Wolność design
[[Monarchismball]] (Mother)<br>
|caption = "Moim głównym celem jest zniszczenie socjalizmu."
[[Hoppeball]] (Brother)<br>
|aliases ={{Collapse|
[[Minarchismball]] (Brother)|marital = Married again + lots of mistresses|birthDate = 27 October 1942|birthPlace = Warsaw, Poland|deathDate = Most likely never|gender = Male}}'''Korwinismball''' also known as '''Korwinball''' is an economically Far-right, Libertarian, Monarchist and culturally Right-wing Polish ideologyball based on the teachings of Janusz Korwin-Mikke and the parties he's been a part of. He can be most easily described as "[[Minarchismball|Minarcho]]-[[Hoppeanismball|Hoppean]]" in the policies he advocates for, Korwinism is known for saying stuff considered "questionable" which usually make [[Progressivismball|Progressives]] have a mental breakdown and even other LibRights to look weirdly at him.
[[File:Minarcho-Hoppeanism.png]] Minarcho-Hoppeanism <br> "Korwin-Mikke Conservative Libertarianism" [https://korwin-mikke.pl/jkm/nazizm-eurosocjalizm-korwinizm/ (Self-Proclaimed)]<br>
Ponytailism (By the left) <br> [[File:PolLibrt.png]] Polish Libertarianism <br>[[File:PolLib.png]] Polish Liberalism [[File:PolLib-a.png]]<br> Far-Right Libertarianism <br> Korwinian Philosophy <br> [[File:Kurwanism.png]] Kurwanism <br> Polish Trumpism <br> Hoppean Trumpism<br> Massacratism<br>
{{Alias|PCM.png|Kakistocracy#r/PoliticalCompassMemes_(aUtHrIgHt_ChAd_lIblEfT_SoY_fLaIr_Up!_1!!1!1!!!)|Left Quadrant Final Boss}}<br>[[File:Cball-Rusiec.png]] Rusiecism <br>[[File:PolHoppe.png]] Polish Hoppeanism <br> Polish Ron Paulism <br>
[[File:Nowa Prawica.png]] Polish New Right <br> Oxymoron Libertarian (By Culturally-Left Libertarians)<br>
Korwinidesism (Athenian Korwinism)<br>
[[File:Ozjasz.png]] Ozjasz Goldbergism ([[File:Zio.png]] [[Zionism|Jewish]] name)<br>
Polish Alt-Lite<br>
Polish Right-Manosphere<br>
[[File:ReactLibBert.png]] Reactionary Liberaltarian<br>
[[File:LibertAuto.png]] Libertarian Autocracy
|alignments= [[File:Rightunity-yellow.png]] [[:Category:Right Unity|RightUnity]]<br>
[[File:Libright-yellow.png]] [[LibRight]]<br>
[[File:Trad.png]] [[:Category:Culturally Right|Culturally Right]]<br>
[[File:Cap.png]] [[:Category:Capitalists|Capitalists]]<br>
[[File:Conservative.png]] [[:Category:Conservatives|Conservatives]]<br>
[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[:Category:Libertarians|Libertarians]]<br>
[[File:Nation.png]] [[:Category:Nationalists|Nationalists]]<br>
[[File:Monarch.png]] [[:Category:Monarchists|Monarchists]] (most)
[[File:Awaj.png]] [[:Category:Anarchists|Anarchists]] ([[File:Kulesza.png]] Kuleszism)<br>
[[File:Anticommunism.png]] Anti-Communism<br>
[[File:AntiDem.png]] Anti-Democracy <br>
[[File:AntiFem.png]] Anti-Feminism<br>
[[File:Islamophobia.png]] Anti-Islam<br>
[[File:Anti-LGBT.png]] Anti-LGBT+<br>
[[File:Antiprog.png]] Anti-Progressivism<br>
[[File:Antisoc.png]] Anti-Socialism <br>
[[File:Contrarianism-Icon.png]] [[Contrarianism]]<br>
[[File:Euroscept.png]] Hard Euroscepticism<br>
[[File:Hayek.png]] [[Hayekism]]<br>
[[File:Lfree.png]] [[Capitalism|Laissez-Faire]]<br>
[[File:LiberMon.png]] [[Libertarian Monarchism]] <br>
[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]]<br>
[[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]]<br>
[[File:NeoNationalism.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism|Neo-Nationalism]]<br>
[[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism]]<br>
[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]]<br>
[[File:Reactlib-icon.png]] [[Reactionary Libertarianism]]<br>
[[File:Thatcher.png]] [[Neoliberalism|Thatcherism]]<br>
[[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]]<br>
[[File:Abmon.png]] [[Absolute Monarchism]]<br>
[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Ancon.png]] [[Anarcho-Conservatism]]<br>
[[File:Prez.png]] [[Presidentialism]]<br>
[[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism]]
|variants =
*[[File:Kulesza.png]] '''Kuleszism''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]]
**[[File:Ancon.png]] [[Anarcho-Conservatism]]
**[[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism]]
*[[File:Mentzen.png]] '''Mentzenism/Neo-Korwinism''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:AntiDem.png]] Anti-Democracy
**[[File:AntiPutinism.png]] Anti-Putinism
**[[File:Antizion.png]] Anti-Zionism
**[[File:Euroscept.png]] [[Separatism#Euroscepticism|Euroscepticism]]
**[[File:Homophobia.png]] Anti-LGBT+
**[[File:Antiabort.png]] Pro-Life
**[[File:Honk.png]] [[Satirism]]
**[[File:Conbertf.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism]]
**[[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]]
**[[File:Rpop.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism]]
**[[mh:philosophyball:Nassim Nicholas Taleb Thought|Talebism]]<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/6crqBJPsDT8], Polish Youtube.</ref>
|song = [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-G8UQMnB1A Kor Win Mikket] <br>
[https://youtu.be/vhD9pHILuUE Unia Polityki Realnej Hymn] <br>
[https://youtu.be/7w_ETrbl8zU Janusz Korwin-Mikke Hot 16 Challenge] <br> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1bWLiIc78I Korwin Krool] <br> [https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0OtMVj60gpk Korwin - Przywrócimy Normalność] <br>
[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVWoIKex90I&ab_channel=MartinLechowicz Oda do Korwina] <br>
|theorists =
*[[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] [[Reactionary Libertarianism|Janusz Korwin-Mikke]] (1942-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism|Stanisław Michalkiewicz]] (1947-) (To a certain extent) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Korona.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism|Grzegorz Braun]] (1967-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Nowa Prawica.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Stanisław Żołtek]] (1956-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Kulesza.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|Jakub Kulesza]] (1990-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Dziambor.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism|Arthur Erwin Dziambor]] (1982-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Kelthuz.png]] [[Contrarianism|Tomasz Paweł Czapla (Kelthuz)]] (1983-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
*[[File:Mentzen.png]] [[National Libertarianism|Sławomir Mentzen]] (1986-) [[File:Cball-Poland.png]] Poland
[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]]<br>
[[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism]]<br>
Massacring leftists<br>
Saying controversial statements
|dislikes=[[File:Soc-h.png]] [[:Category:Socialists|Leftism]]<br>
[[File:Fem.png]] [[Feminism]]<br>
[[File:Cball-EU.png]] [[European Federalism|The European Union]]<br> [[File:PiS.png]] Kaczysm
|influenced=[[File:Korona.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism|Braunism]]<br>
[[File:Konfa.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism#Poland|Confederationism]]
'''Korwinism''' is a libertarian, monarchist, economically and culturally far-right Polish ideology based on the teachings of Janusz Korwin-Mikke and the parties he's been part of. He can be most easily described as "[[File:Minarcho-Hoppeanism.png]] [[Minarchism|Minarcho]]-[[Hoppeanism|Hoppean]]" in the policies he advocates for. Korwinism is known for saying stuff considered "questionable," which usually makes [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism|progressives]] have a mental breakdown; even other LibRights look weirdly at him.  

== Personality ==
Some of these policies include: rebuilding the culture and traditions of Latin civilization, implementation of the eternal human aspirations for freedom, respect for private property, decreasing the overall role of the state, strengthening the role of the family and creating favorable conditions for its development, etc.
Korwinball's mannerisms refelct the ones of Janusz Korwin-Mikke.
* Loves destroying leftists with facts and logic in a style Ben Shapiro can only dream of
* Arrogant, despises the majority, at the same time polite and cultural towards everyone
* Horseshoe anti-socialist (every type of socialism is actually the same)
* Right-wing equivalent of [[Left Communismball]] - believes that 99% of ideologies are socialists, he and a tight group of his friends are the only true right-wingers
* Compares every opponent to [[Naziball]], likes mentioning Hitler in general
* Sometimes unexpectedly says something weird about women, disabled people or praises random authoritarian dictatorship (behaviour known as the "1% protocol")

== How to Draw ==
This ideology is mainly represented by the [[w:KORWiN_(Poland)|Coalition for the Renewal of the Republic]] or simply Korwinist party, a mainly [[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism|paleolibertarian]] and [[File:Minarchist.png]] [[Minarchism|minarchist]] party, with [[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|anarcho-capitalist]] and [[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism|monarchist]] factions within.
Korwinball's design is usually based on the logo of Korwin's current party ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KORWiN_(Poland) Wolność]) usually upside down to reflect the Ideology's Polish origin. Symbology of the [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unia_Polityki_Realnej Real Politics Union] (UPR) is accepted too.
Korwinball's mannerisms and behavior reflect the ones of Janusz Korwin-Mikke:
*He loves destroying leftists with facts and logic in a style [[File:Shapirocube.png]] [[Neo-Libertarianism|Ben Shapiro]] can only dream of;
*is arrogant, does despise the majority; at the same time, is polite and cultural towards everyone;
*is a horseshoe anti-socialist (every type of socialism is actually the same);
*is a right-wing equivalent of [[File:LeftCom.png]] [[Left Communism]]'s purism: believes that 99% of ideologies are socialists, whereas he and a tight group of his friends are the only true right-wingers;
*compares every opponent to [[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism]] and likes mentioning Hitler, in general;
*sometimes unexpectedly says something weird/bizarre about women, disabled people, or praises random authoritarian dictatorship (behavior known as the "1% protocol").
===Korwin in the Polish People's Republic===
Until the age of 9, Korwin was a [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|Socialist]] passively accepting of what the [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PRL Regime]] told him. He even had the portraits of [[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism|Mao]] and [[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Stalin]] in his room, but he eventually heard in the news that [[File:Tito.png]] [[Titoism|Tito]] had devalued the Yugoslav Dinar, this made him think that "Wouldn't that mean that Yugoslav products ten times cheaper for foreigners, and foreign products ten times as costly for Yugoslavs? Making life harder for them". This turned into a conversation with his Grandma, which broadened his worldview to generally turned him towards the right-wing direction. From this point on he was sent on the epic quest to destroy Leftism epic style.
Korwin in his adulthood became involved in politics, writing several underground publications and joining the D*mocratic{{Refn|It is a common joke within Korwinist circles to censor the term "[[Democracy]]".|group=Note}} Front (A state-approved opposition party) and later becoming an advisor to the Solidarity Trade Union. He was generally the most right-wing person in the opposition, criticizing Solidarity leaders for pushing for a mixed market-and-planned economy which would preserve Socialism instead of scrapping the system entirely in favour of a [[File:Lfree.png]] Laissez-Faire society.
===Korwin early on===
The first party Korwin has founded was the "Real Politics Union" (UPR), founded as an alliance of [[File:Conserv.png]] [[Conservatism|Conservatives]] [[File:Con-t.png]], [[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|Market liberals]], [[File:Farm.png]] [[Agrarianism|Agrarians]] and [[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism|Nationalists]]. It initially found success due to the First Sejm's lack of strict entry requirements, but the Sejm has eventually established them and the party could not secure enough votes to get in or to secure public funding. Eventually causing Korwin to leave it.
After this moment, Korwin took it upon himself to partake in as much events as possible. Partaking in every single Polish election including Presidential, Parliamentary, European and Local{{Refn|With the exception of the 2020 Polish Presidential Election, as he lost Konfederacja's primary elections.}}; he also rarely refused an interview or a title.
===Korwin's rise to fame (and infamy)===
Korwin's time struck with the popularization of the Internet in the mid 2000's, where his views and behavior became very memeable, especially his debates with leftists which were re-uploaded on YouTube with titles like "Janusz Korwin-Mikke COMPLETELY MASSACRES a leftist".
Due to the fact that the type of people to use the internet at the time where primarily young College and University students they became primary fanbase and voterbase of his. Because at the time it was fashionable for these students to have rather long hair which was tied in a ponytail the term "ponytail" ("kuc"{{Refn|Polish word for "Pony" (animal) and "Ponytail" (hairstyle) are the same.|group=Note}}) became the term for all followers of Korwinism, even if they are bald.
During this time he was crowned "Poland's biggest chauvinist" which he wore as a badge of honor. Korwin also turned out to be the Cyborg that is powered by nothing but Sugar<ref>[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8xhA5jSqwc], Polish Youtube.</ref>.
===Korwin goes international===
In 2014 Korwin under the party "Congress of the New Right" has managed to garner enough support to join the [[File:Cball-EU.png]] European Parliament, he used this opportunity to cause as much chaos as possible in the institution because as Korwin said "You can basically do nothing of importance in the Europarliament."
His plan to cause as much chaos as possible in the Europarliament has worked, although out of all the statements he made that foreign media could stick to was his statement that the gender wage gap was justified since on average women were smaller, weaker and less intelligent than men on average.
===The return of the king===
In 2019, under a Fourth party (Wolność) Korwin started a coalition with several other dissenter right parties and politicians called "Konfederacja" (Polish for "Confederation"). After a brief reshuffling the coalition ended up being [[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] [[Korwinism|Wolność]], [[File:NatDem.png]] [[National Democracy|The National Movement]] and [[File:Korona.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism|Confederation of the Crown of Poland]] with minor members like the Driver's Party.
After failing to get into the European parliament again, the coalition participated in the Parliamentary elections. Which were successful, resulting in Korwin and his movement getting into parliament the first time in 25 years.
In order to protest the various integration of the European Union, Korwin even publicly saluted the Nazis in his speech and spoke for China when the Liberals and left-wing party groups in the European Parliament were strongly anti Chinese. <s>But isn't he anti communist?</s>
===After Korwin===
After Janusz Korwin-Mikke retired in 2022, he was replaced by Sławomir Mentzen. It changed its name from "KORWiN" to Nowa Nadzieja.
The Korwinist movement is distinguished by a certain set of Features.
===[[File:Libertarian.png]] Libertarian beliefs===
The unifying element within Korwinist movements is the belief in [[File:Lfree.png]] Laissez-Faire economics and that taxes should be as low as possible. This belief leads also to the belief that the government should be left to do as small of an amount of functions as effectively possible. As such, they demand the annulment of corporate tax and income tax, along with lowering the VAT to the legal amount demanded by the [[File:Cball-EU.png]] European Union. This comes along with privatising all state-owned enterprise, including the education system and hospitals.
Korwin and his parties are also in favor of liberalisation of gun laws, believing it to be the best way to stop terrorists. Furthermore, they believe that if every second Jew in the 1930's and 40's have had a gun, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened, also, despite his cultural beliefs, they're in favour of the legalisation of all drugs alongside prostitution. Korwin himself also believes in the legalisation of child pornography, as long as it's created and shared digitally, with no real children involved.
===[[File:React.png]] Traditionalist Beliefs===
Some beliefs include:
*The wage gap is generally justified as the '''average''' woman is smaller, weaker and less intelligent than the average man (note: the "average" is to be stressed).{{Refn|However, Korwin claimed that his statement has been misinterpreted, as bere he is referring to the wage differences in a free-market economy by taking an example of the differences between salaries of a tall basketball player and a short basketball player, with the taller player getting paid more|group=Note}}.
*Men should often ignore a partner who said no to sex, as women usually pretend that they don’t want [sex].
*When it comes to rape crime, men should not be convicted unless there were two witnesses to the crime.
*Opposition to the [[File:Gay.png]] LGBT movement:same sex marriage and adoption.
*[[File:Antiabort.png]] Opposition to abortion with almost no exceptions.
*The belief in the restoration of values of the Latin Civilization{{Refn|The "Latin Civilization" is one of the seven civilizations distinguished by Polish historian [[W:Feliks_Koneczny|Feliks Koneczny]], with it's roots in [[Athenian Democracy|Ancient Greek]] philosophy, ancient [[Roman Republicanism|Roman]] law and the [[Christian Theocracy|Christian]] faith. The term essentially has the same meaning as the "Western Civilization".|group=Note}}<ref>[https://archive.org/details/KonecznyFeliksOnThePluralityOfCivilisations ''"The Plurality of Civilizations"''], by Feliks Koneczny.</ref>.
===[[File:AntiDem.png]] Anti-Democratic beliefs===
The movement is generally opposed to Democracy, with Korwin calling it "The dumbest system of government" as "Two local Żuls{{Refn|Pejorative term commonly used in Poland for homeless alcoholics.|group=Note}} have more voice in how things are ran than an expert", and also "During a war, you need a dictator to rule a country". Most Korwinists favor a form of Semi-Constitutional Monarchy instead.
===[[File:Dziambor.png]] Dziamborism===
===[[File:Kulesza.png]] Kuleszism/ Anarcho-Korwinism===
===[[File:Homokorwin.png]] Homokorwinism===
'''Homokorwinism''' is a ideology based on [https://www.facebook.com/HKorwinizm/ Facebook] group
===[[File:Kelthuz.png]] Kelthuzism===
===[[File:Mentzen.png]] Mentzenism/ Neo-Korwinism/ XD Philosophy===
==How to Draw==
Korwinism's design is usually based on the logo of Korwin's current party ([[w:KORWiN_(Poland)|Wolność]]) usually upside down to reflect the Ideology's Polish origin. Symbology of the [https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unia_Polityki_Realnej Real Politics Union] (UPR) is accepted too.
===Wolność design===
{{Flag|Korwin_flag.svg|(Wolność design)}}
#Draw a ball with eyes,
#Add a crimson bow tie,
#Fill the ball with a dark shade of blue
#Draw a Crown with gold (optionally upside down as a reference to Polandball being upside down)
And you're done!
|c1 = Gold
|h1 = #FFCB08
|c2 = Dark Blue
|h2 = #093253
|c3 = Crimson
|h3 = #DC143C
===UPR design===
{{Flag|UPR_flag.svg|(UPR design)}}

=== Wolność design ===
# Draw a ball with eyes
# Draw a ball with eyes
# Add a bow tie
#Fill it black
# Fill the ball with a dark shade of blue
#Make a white cross
# Draw a Crown with gold (usually upside down because to symbolize the ideology's polish origin)
#Inside the white cross, put a blue cross
# Add crimson bow tie

=== UPR design ===
And you're done! The meaning of the flag is as follows: The form of a Saint George's flag represent struggle, with Blue representing Faith, White representing Purity and Black representing Liberty. Or in simpler terms the flag represents "The Struggle for Faith, Purity and Liberty".
# Draw a ball
# Add [https://live.staticflickr.com/3195/2736186284_3e27f9ecda.jpg Saint George flag]  
# Draw eyes
|c1 = Black
# Add red bow tie
|h1 = #191919
And you're done!
|c2 = White
|h2 = #FFFFFF
|c3 = Blue
|h3 = #0090D5
|c4 = Crimson
|h4 = #DC143C
*[[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism]] - Liberty + Money
*[[File:LiberMon.png]] [[Libertarian Monarchism]] - Liberty + Monarchy
*[[File:Moncap.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism]] - Money + Monarchy
*[[File:Hoppef.png]] [[Hoppeanism]] - GET RID OF THE COMMIE SCUM FROM POWER, FUCK YEAH!
*[[File:React.png]] [[Reactionaryism]] - Fellow degenerate hater.
*[[File:Paleolib.png]] [[Paleolibertarianism]] - Kinda like me but republican. Still based though.
*[[File:Natlib.png]] [[National Libertarianism]] & [[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism]] - The best nationalists.
*[[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism]] - The best system.
*[[File:Minarchist.png]] [[Minarchism]] - Also the best system.
*[[File:Altl.png]] [[Alt-Lite]] - Nice guy and a fan of mine but I wish he wasn't so moderate.
*[[File:NatDem.png]] [[National Democracy|National Movement]] - My great [[w:National_Movement_(Poland)|ally]] and compatriot, he fights in my side in order to make Poland great again.
*[[File:Korona.png]] [[Monarcho-Capitalism|Braunism]] - Another based ally.
*[[File:Konfa.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism|Confederationism]] - Our coalition party.
*[[File:Timocracy.png]] [[Timocracy]] - Way better than ''*phew*'' d***cracy.
*[[File:Reactlib.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism]] - Fellow free-market lover with based cultural views.
*[[File:Reactlib-icon.png]] [[Reactionary Libertarianism]] - You get me.
*[[File:Mansphere.png]] [[Manosphere]] - Women are weaker, smaller and less intelligent than men, thanks for the support. Also don't forget to buy my book!
*[[File:Hayek.png]] [[Hayekism]] - One of the greatest intellectuals of all time.
*[[File:AltBert.png]] [[National Libertarianism#Alt-Libertarianism|Alt-Right Libertarianism]] - A bit racist and at times fascistic but apart of that he's great.
*[[File:Carl Benjamin.png]] [[Alt-Lite#Carl Benjamin Thought|Carl Benjamin Thought]] - My British pal who helped me to become international.
*[[File:Kjellbergism-icon-2.png]] [[Satirism|PewDiePie]] - Same as above but Swedish.
*[[File:Trumpism.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism|Trumpism]] - My Yank, Statist counterpart! <s>Cancel Visas!</s>
*[[File:Kogos.png]] [[Anarcho-Monarchism|Kogosianism]] - My ancap pal from Latin America. He's a bit wacky, but he got the spirit.
*[[File:Femboycon.png]] [[Homoconservatism|Femboy Conservatism]] - A picture together?<ref>[https://www.reddit.com/r/europe/comments/i1ssea/here_we_see_farright_polish_politician_janusz/ ''"Here we see the far-right Polish politician Janusz"''], r/Europe, Reddit.com.</ref>
*[[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism]] - Too moderate, too ''*phew*'' d***cratic.
*[[File:Libcon.png]] [[Libertarian Conservatism]] - Ok, but still too moderate.
*[[File:Pinkcap.png]] [[Pink Capitalism]] - Economically wise, culturally degenerate.
*[[File:Pinochet.png]] [[Pinochetism]] - Too statist, but I absolutely love how you deal with commies.
*[[File:Fujimori.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism|Fujimorism]] - Peruvian version of above.
*[[File:Glibr.png]] [[Green Libertarianism]] & [[File:ecocap.png]] [[Eco-Capitalism]] - They seriously believe in this global warming scam?
*[[File:Obj.png]] [[Objectivism]] - Pro-capitalist, but your philosophy is frankly pretty weird. <s>Also, Rand is a w*man, but at least she hates feminism too.</s>
*[[File:Tradcon.png]] [[Classical Conservatism]] - Economically a bit too statist and socialist for my liking but your cultural views are pretty based.
*[[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism]] - You're a good friend, Kulesza, but anarchy wouldn't work, grow up.
*[[File:Libertarian.png]] [[Libertarianism]] - Not as utopian as [[File:Ancapf.png]] [[Anarcho-Capitalism|Ancap]] but you are too moderate and ''*phew*'' d***cratic, and some of you are too progressive.
*[[File:jihad.png]] [[Jihadism]] - ISIS and Taliban are still better than [[File:European_Federalism.png]] the EU. Also, Nice job not letting Women and LGBT people have rights.
*[[File:dengf.png]] [[Dengism]] - I have been writing about China for over 30 years. Since the reforms of the late Deng Xiaoping – with growing admiration. After having visited China, I realized that even my latest articles were about two years belated. Today, China has definitely outrun the [[File:European_Federalism.png]] EU. <small>Nice job with the response towards Tiananmen protests.</small>
*[[File:Nrx.png]] [[Neoreactionarism]] - Has some good ideas, but overall weird <s>even for me</s>.
*[[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism]] - Depends on the type of nationalism.
*[[File:Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism]] - You confuse me.
*[[File:Neoliberal-icon.png]] [[Neoliberalism]] - Margaret Thatcher was a heroine! However nowadays you're too progressive and cringe. Shame.
*[[File:Technocracy.png]] [[Technocracy]] - Sure, better than ''*phew*'' d***cracy but still too statist and socialistic.
*[[File:Altr.png]] [[Alt-Right]] - Says stuff that is drastic <s> even by me</s>.
*[[File:Avar.png]] [[Avaritionism]] - Another Ancap... Wait you are the guy who loves violence and agrees with me about some questions? 50/50.
*[[File:Authcap.png]] [[Authoritarian Capitalism]] - Love the capitalism part, not authoritarian. Your too close to china (comies *''phew''*).
===S*cialists and F*minists===

== Relationships ==
*[[File:Patcon.png]] [[Paternalistic Conservatism]] - You promise 500 monies, yet you take 1000 monies.{{Refn|In reference to the ''"500+ program"'', instituted by the Law and Justice party.|group=Note}}
*[[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism]] - How can you be conservative and socialist? Your whole ideology is about putting power in the hands of those who don't deserve it. At least you're less cringe than most other socialists.
*[[File:Christsoc.png]] [[Christian Socialism]] - Literally PIS.
*[[File:Farm.png]] [[Agrarianism]] - Whoever wins, you see in them a comrade.
*[[File:Keynes.png]] [[Keynesian School]] - We are not for making shoes so shoemakers can have jobs, but so we can have shoes.
*[[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|''*phew*'' D***cratic Socialism]] [[File:Demsocstar.png]] - Socialism + ''*phew*'' d***cracy, what a nightmare!
*[[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|Social ''*phew*'' D***cracy]] - The same guy again.
*[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism]] - Fucking commie scum!
*[[File:Nazi.png]] [[Nazism]] - Almost as bad as Succdem! <s>But there's no evidence that Hitler knew about the Holocaust.</s>
*[[File:Fem.png]] [[Feminism]] - You simply must earn less!
*[[File:Libfem.png]] [[Liberal Feminism]] - Rape culture? Why yes, there is an element of rape in every sexual intercourse. Problem?
*[[File:Prog-u.png]] [[Progressivism]] - Why the heck you often suffer from mental breakdown when I debate you?
*[[File:Civlibert.png]] [[Civil Libertarianism]] - See, I do advocate the legalisation of marijuana, sex work and <s>child</s> pornography, but you're too progressive. And why the disgusted look? You wanna debate me?
*[[File:Nazbol.png]] [[National Bolshevism]] - Your whole ideology sounds like the [[File:European_Federalism.png]] EU.
*[[File:Statlib.png]] [[State Liberalism]] - You '''''are''''' the [[File:European_Federalism.png]] EU!
*[[File:Eurocom.png]] [[Eurocommunism]] - This is what the [[File:European Federalism.png]] EU wants!
*[[File:European Federalism.png]] [[European Federalism]] - LITERALLY NAZIS! Ein Reich, ein Volk, ein Ticket!
*[[File:3way.png]] [[Third Way]] - Like he's actually going to lower taxes and embrace economical liberalism...
*[[File:Klep.png]] [[Kleptocracy]] - "Beat w** and thiefes!"
*[[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy]] - Lemon Socialism.

=== Friends ===
==Further Information==
* [[Capitalismball]] - liberty + money
Books in Polish and by JKM.
* [[Paleolibertarianismball]] - kinda like me but without king
* [[Libertarian Conservatismball]] - OK, but too moderate
* [[National Libertarianismball|National libertarianismball]]/[[National Liberalismball|National liberalismball]] - the only acceptable nationalists
* [[Monarchismball]] - the best system
* [[Minarchismball]] - the best system

=== Frenemies ===
*''[https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/4823462/historia-i-zmiana Historia i zmiana]'' (''History and change''), 1982
* [[Classical Liberalismball]] - too moderate, too d***cratic
*''[https://lubimyczytac.pl/ksiazka/58417/ratujmy-panstwo Ratujmy państwo]'' (''Let's Save the Country), 1990''
* [[Pink Capitalismball]] - economically wise, culturally retarded
*''[https://sklep-niezalezna.pl/pl/p/Vademecum-ojca-Janusz-Korwin-Mikke/199 Vademecum ojca]'' (''Father's vademecum), 1991''
* [[Pinochetismball]] - too statist
*''[https://b-ok.org/book/5372145/78a726 Naprawić Polskę, no problem]'' (''To fix Poland? No problem!''), 2004
* [[Green Libertarianismball]]/[[Eco-Capitalismball]] - lol, they believe in this global warming scam
*''[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Swiat-wedlug-Korwina-Janusz-Korwin-Mikke/dp/8361935487 Świat według Korwina]'' (''World according to Korwin''), 2012
* [[Objectivismball]] - pro-capitalist, but this philosophy is frankly weird
*''[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Europa-wedlug-Korwina-Janusz-Korwin-Mikke/dp/8361935665 Europa według Korwina]'' (''Europe according to Korwin''), 2016
* [[Anarcho-Capitalismball]] - anarchy wouldn't work, grow up
*''[https://www.amazon.co.uk/Polityka-wedlug-Korwina-Janusz-Korwin/dp/8361935711 Polityka według Korwina] ''(Politics according to Korwin), 2018
* [[Islamic Theocracyball]] - ISIS is still better than EU
* [[Capitalist Communismball]] - China is still better than EU
* [[Dark Enlightenmentball]] - has some good ideas, but overally weird
* [[Nationalismball]] - depends on type of nationalism

=== Enemies ===
* [[Paternalistic Conservatismball]] - you promise 500 monies but you take 1000 monies
*[https://wolnosc.pl/deklaracja-ideowa/ Declaration of Ideals of the Wolność Party]
* [[Conservative Socialismball]] - commies with a cross
*[http://www.upr.org.pl/index.php/o-upr-2/deklaracja-ideowa/ Ideological declaration of Unia polityki realnej]
* [[Neoliberalismball]] - like you're actually going to lower taxes
*[https://web.archive.org/web/20140530035203/http://www.nowaprawicajkm.pl/info/program-wyborczy/deklaracja-ideowa ideological declaration of the Congress new right]
* [[Agrarianismball]] -  whoever wins, you see in them a comrade.
*[https://knp.org.pl/program Congress of the New Right Program]
* [[Social Democracyball]] - socialism + d***cracy, what a nightmare
**[https://knp.org.pl/projekt-konstytucji Congress of the new right project of constitution]
* [[Marxism-Leninismball]] - fuckin commie scum
*[https://www.wykop.pl/wpis/35221385/co-to-jest-korwinizm-to-ideologia-obiecujaca-ideal/ Co to jest korwinizm]
* [[Naziball|National Socialismball]] - almost as bad as socdem
*[https://wiadomosci.gazeta.pl/wiadomosci/7,114871,19112766,poznajcie-gmine-rusiec-centrum-korwinizmu-co-czwarty-glosujacy.html Meet the Gmina Rusiec - the center of korwinism. Every fourth voter chose Korwin's party]
== Further Info ==
*[https://www.academia.edu/16214430/Between_Europe_and_Russia_The_Foreign_Policy_of_Janusz_Korwin_Mikke_s_New_Right_in_Poland Between Europe and Russia The Foreign Policy of Janusz Korwin-Mikke New Right in Poland]

=== Books ===
* There's a bunch but I can't find english copies online :(

=== Wikipedia Articles ===
*[[w:Janusz_Korwin-Mikke|Janusz Korwin-Mikke]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Janusz_Korwin-Mikke Janusz Korwin-Mikke]
*[[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] [[w:KORWiN_(Poland)|KORWiN]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KORWiN_(Poland) KORWiN]
*[[File:Konfa.png]] [[w:Confederation_Liberty_and_Independence|Konfederacja]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederation_Liberty_and_Independence Konfederacja]
*[[File:Nowa Prawica.png]] [[w:Congress_of_the_New_Right|Congress of the New Right]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Congress_of_the_New_Right Congress of the New Right]
*[[File:Korwinism (UPR).png]] [[w:Real_Politics_Union|Real Politics Union]]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real_Politics_Union Real Politics Union]
**[https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stronnictwo_Polityki_Realnej_(III_Rzeczpospolita) Stronnictwo Polityki Realnej (III Rzeczpospolita)]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberty_and_Lawfulness Liberty and Lawfulness]
*[[File:LaL.png]] [[w:Liberty_and_Lawfulness|Liberty and Lawfulness]]
*[[File:KZM.png]][https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conservative-Monarchist_Club Conservative-Monarchist Club]
**[https://pl.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pro_Fide_Rege_et_Lege Pro Fide Rege et Lege (In Polish)]
*[[File:Wolnosciowcy.png]] [[w:Wolnościowcy|Wolnościowcy]]

=== YouTube Videos ===
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7AHvILMcSI TOP 10 moments]
====In English====
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BcMI2MGb_g The wokest MEP]

*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7AHvILMcSI TOP 10 moments] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1LapfdYV_5-tpiuceAdvVA chemik87PL]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BcMI2MGb_g The wokest MEP] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpiCH7qvGVlzMOqy3dncA5Q The Thinkery]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34aUlfSZVU Monarchists in the Polish Parliament | Janusz Korwin-Mikke Interview] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yewGHQbNFpDrGM0diZOLA1 Sargon of Akkad]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J34aUlfSZVU Monarchists in the Polish Parliament | Janusz Korwin-Mikke Interview] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-yewGHQbNFpDrGM0diZOLA1 Sargon of Akkad]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrDD5NTnoU4 This man has -1000 respect for women why might SHOCK you] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw Pewdiepie]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rrDD5NTnoU4 This man has -1000 respect for women why might SHOCK you] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-lHJZR3Gqxm24_Vd_AJ5Yw Pewdiepie]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NEqlfWSOrQ Piers Morgan Rages at 'The Most Sexist Man in Politics' (Full Interview)] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq18eeL7D9Vd8DhjMcLh9QQ Good Morning Britain]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NEqlfWSOrQ Piers Morgan Rages at 'The Most Sexist Man in Politics' (Full Interview)] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq18eeL7D9Vd8DhjMcLh9QQ Good Morning Britain]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDu5mVfSkpE [ENG] How to fight terrorism? - Janusz Korwin-Mikke] by [https://www.youtube.com/user/KNPvsUE/videos KORWiN vs UE i Sejm]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDu5mVfSkpE ENG How to fight terrorism? - Janusz Korwin-Mikke] by [https://www.youtube.com/user/KNPvsUE/videos KORWiN vs UE i Sejm]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PM0yuTC4zg Interview with Polish MEP- Janusz Korwin-Mikke- Southampton 15/07/2017] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLpA4A-mAKwKDz414vglr3g Mateusz Jaronski]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PM0yuTC4zg Interview with Polish MEP- Janusz Korwin-Mikke- Southampton 15/07/2017] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLpA4A-mAKwKDz414vglr3g Mateusz Jaronski]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D97RsccfIS8 The Janusz Korwin-Mikke Interview] by Sargon yet again.
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D97RsccfIS8 The Janusz Korwin-Mikke Interview] by Sargon yet again.
[[Category:Libertarian Right]]
*[https://youtu.be/NyzuuMSnO9Q Speaker's Corner-Janusz Korwin-Mikke,Leader of Wolsnoc(Liberty party,Poland)] by The Liberalists
[[Category:Right Unity]]
====In Polish====
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIjBF8VnaMQ&t Historia Memów - Janusz Korwin Mikke] and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i63uK-ThtEk Historia Memów - JANUSZ KORWIN MIKKE 2: DZIEŃ SĄDU] by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXW6jdeY_7zknBFDf8a-zA BadzmiPowazni]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vXexaGbkt8k Historia Memów - SŁAWOMIR MENTZEN] also by [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBXW6jdeY_7zknBFDf8a-zA BadzmiPowazni]
*[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_l65oHQ26JN68fMWOZwBxPGJ-vB5vMy7Qs Czas Zaorać Socjalizm] and [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxrkkmEe80I&list=OLAK5uy_k3KFeYOrunvzBLBiznRh6AyAre6g-PhUs Czas Zaorać Socjalizm II] by [[File:Kelthuz.png]] [https://www.youtube.com/user/cejrowskiyt Kelthuz]
*[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EksEOt2Q0Z18WQlUe0R7DCkgcIO8zxg Janusz Korwin-Mikke - Sejm IX kadencji] by [https://www.youtube.com/user/KNPvsUE/videos KORWiN vs UE i Sejm]
*[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6EksEOt2Q0Z53wAqhYk7oLNlhCWzGUbW Janusz Korwin-Mikke o teorii ekonomii i teorii podejmowania decyzji] by [https://www.youtube.com/user/KNPvsUE/videos KORWiN vs UE i Sejm]
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0XDcTOxQM0 JKM #hot16challenge #hot16challenge2 - Siepomaga.pl with Janusz Korwin-Mikke] by [https://www.youtube.com/user/nptvpl nptvpl]
*[https://youtu.be/jwlv22PNBkE Korwin the movie-Film Dokumentalny]  by Tomasz Agencki
*[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2wxIyaqP10Y Dlaczego nie warto mylić KORWINIZMU z LIBERTARIANIZMEM?] by [https://www.youtube.com/c/JANUSHINHO JANUSHINHO]
*[https://youtube.com/c/JanuszKorwinMikke1 Janusz Korwin-Mikke]
*[https://youtube.com/c/So%C5%9BnierzTV SosnierzTV]
*[https://youtube.com/c/Stalmoc Kelthuz Official]
*[https://youtube.com/c/GrzegorzBraunTV Grzegorz Braun]
*[https://youtube.com/c/StanislawZoltekChannel Stanisław Zółtek]
*[[File:Konfa.png]] [https://youtube.com/c/Konfederacja_Oficjalny Konfederackja]
*[[File:Korwinism (UPR).png]] [https://youtube.com/c/UPRInfoTV UPR Info TV]
*[[File:Korwinism-Pikselart.png]] [https://youtube.com/channel/UCtGLYP7vwDrFn0Yx5n2BL7g Partia Korwina]
*[http://www.legitymizm.org/ Organizacja Monarchistow Polskich (Polish Monarchist organisation)] (Associated with the Congress of the New Right and Real Politics Union)
*[[File:KZM.png]][https://kzm.org.pl/ Conservative-Monarchist Club]
*[[File:Kelthuz.png]] [http://kelthuz.blogspot.com/ Kelthuz.blogspot]
===Online Communities===
*[https://www.wykop.pl/tag/korwin/ Wykop]
*[https://www.reddit.com/r/KORWiN/ r/KORWiN]
*[https://www.reddit.com/r/konfa/ r/Konfa]
<references />
<gallery mode="slideshow">
KlejnotNilu-TrueQuote.png|Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fpb96d/based_on_a_true_quote/ Source]
CzielaczekXXL-Korwinbirth.jpg|Credit: u/CzielaczekXXL, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/f0tq68/korwinballs_birth/ Source]
Klejnot Nilu-KorwinismInOffice.png| Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/gjo40y/korwinism_in_office/ Source]
Borisyukishvili-Korwinism.png| Credit: u/Borisyukishvili, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/giaetb/korwinism_not_very_sharpiro/ Source]
KlejnotNilu-NationalSocialDemocracy.png| Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fqj2dr/unexpected_ally/ Source]
Parlament.png| Credit: [[File:Ktech-icon.png]] [[User:Konlord 444|K-Tech]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fmn904/the_polish_parliament_is_like_they_say_in/ Source]
KlejnotNilu-KorwinPlusHoppe.png| Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fx5j20/brothers_from_other_mothers/ Source]
Korwin spektrum.png| Credit: [[File:Ktech-icon.png]] [[User:Konlord 444|K-Tech]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/hv49vh/the_political_spectrum_according_to_korwin/ Source]
KlejnotNilu-Historia3.png| Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fuxdg0/history_of_polish_political_scene_19892020/ Source]
KlejnotNilu-CHINY.png| Credit: u/Klejnot__Nilu, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/fmze0r/one_of_a_kind/ Source]
Bruno-Radical-EveryLibright.png| Credit: u/bruno-radical, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/ggqiav/every_libright_ideology/ Source]
Korwin annoys left.png| Unknown Source
Rape.png|Credit: [[File:Ktech-icon.png]] [[User:Konlord 444|K-Tech]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/j0xpw2/yet_another_korwin_comic/ Source]
MaxxineGame-Families.png| Credit: u/Maxx-c, [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/j7daqr/an_integral_part_of_any_far_right_movement/ Source]
Based_and_Jedpilled-Korwin.png|Credit: [[]] [[User:Based and Jedpiled|Based and Jedpilled]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/j6gtbj/silly_anarkiddie_sending_gays_to_the_gulag_was/ Source]
Monarchists.png| Credit: [[User:Cummleman|Cummleman]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompball/comments/j2e1pa/a_remake_of_my_first_comic/ Source]
Legend2T-9x9.png|Credit: [[File:Colmin.png]] [[User:TheLegend2T|TheLegend2T]], [https://www.reddit.com/r/Polcompballanarchy/comments/mqcr2d/the_9x9_compass_of_famous_people/ Source]
RandomRetard2137-9x9 Characters.png
Korwin-sts.png|Original Image
Korwin-wol.png|Wolność design
Korwin-upr.png|UPR design
Korwinupr-sts.png|Original Image (alt)
[[Category:Culturally Right]]
[[Category:Culturally Right]]
[[Category:Political Parties]]

Latest revision as of 07:05, 19 September 2024

Korwinism is a libertarian, monarchist, economically and culturally far-right Polish ideology based on the teachings of Janusz Korwin-Mikke and the parties he's been part of. He can be most easily described as " Minarcho-Hoppean" in the policies he advocates for. Korwinism is known for saying stuff considered "questionable," which usually makes progressives have a mental breakdown; even other LibRights look weirdly at him.

Some of these policies include: rebuilding the culture and traditions of Latin civilization, implementation of the eternal human aspirations for freedom, respect for private property, decreasing the overall role of the state, strengthening the role of the family and creating favorable conditions for its development, etc.

This ideology is mainly represented by the Coalition for the Renewal of the Republic or simply Korwinist party, a mainly paleolibertarian and minarchist party, with anarcho-capitalist and monarchist factions within.


Korwinball's mannerisms and behavior reflect the ones of Janusz Korwin-Mikke:

  • He loves destroying leftists with facts and logic in a style Ben Shapiro can only dream of;
  • is arrogant, does despise the majority; at the same time, is polite and cultural towards everyone;
  • is a horseshoe anti-socialist (every type of socialism is actually the same);
  • is a right-wing equivalent of Left Communism's purism: believes that 99% of ideologies are socialists, whereas he and a tight group of his friends are the only true right-wingers;
  • compares every opponent to Nazism and likes mentioning Hitler, in general;
  • sometimes unexpectedly says something weird/bizarre about women, disabled people, or praises random authoritarian dictatorship (behavior known as the "1% protocol").


Korwin in the Polish People's Republic

Until the age of 9, Korwin was a Socialist passively accepting of what the PRL Regime told him. He even had the portraits of Mao and Stalin in his room, but he eventually heard in the news that Tito had devalued the Yugoslav Dinar, this made him think that "Wouldn't that mean that Yugoslav products ten times cheaper for foreigners, and foreign products ten times as costly for Yugoslavs? Making life harder for them". This turned into a conversation with his Grandma, which broadened his worldview to generally turned him towards the right-wing direction. From this point on he was sent on the epic quest to destroy Leftism epic style.

Korwin in his adulthood became involved in politics, writing several underground publications and joining the D*mocratic[Note 1] Front (A state-approved opposition party) and later becoming an advisor to the Solidarity Trade Union. He was generally the most right-wing person in the opposition, criticizing Solidarity leaders for pushing for a mixed market-and-planned economy which would preserve Socialism instead of scrapping the system entirely in favour of a Laissez-Faire society.

Korwin early on

The first party Korwin has founded was the "Real Politics Union" (UPR), founded as an alliance of Conservatives , Market liberals, Agrarians and Nationalists. It initially found success due to the First Sejm's lack of strict entry requirements, but the Sejm has eventually established them and the party could not secure enough votes to get in or to secure public funding. Eventually causing Korwin to leave it.

After this moment, Korwin took it upon himself to partake in as much events as possible. Partaking in every single Polish election including Presidential, Parliamentary, European and Local[2]; he also rarely refused an interview or a title.

Korwin's rise to fame (and infamy)

Korwin's time struck with the popularization of the Internet in the mid 2000's, where his views and behavior became very memeable, especially his debates with leftists which were re-uploaded on YouTube with titles like "Janusz Korwin-Mikke COMPLETELY MASSACRES a leftist".

Due to the fact that the type of people to use the internet at the time where primarily young College and University students they became primary fanbase and voterbase of his. Because at the time it was fashionable for these students to have rather long hair which was tied in a ponytail the term "ponytail" ("kuc"[Note 2]) became the term for all followers of Korwinism, even if they are bald.

During this time he was crowned "Poland's biggest chauvinist" which he wore as a badge of honor. Korwin also turned out to be the Cyborg that is powered by nothing but Sugar[3].

Korwin goes international

In 2014 Korwin under the party "Congress of the New Right" has managed to garner enough support to join the European Parliament, he used this opportunity to cause as much chaos as possible in the institution because as Korwin said "You can basically do nothing of importance in the Europarliament."

His plan to cause as much chaos as possible in the Europarliament has worked, although out of all the statements he made that foreign media could stick to was his statement that the gender wage gap was justified since on average women were smaller, weaker and less intelligent than men on average.

The return of the king

In 2019, under a Fourth party (Wolność) Korwin started a coalition with several other dissenter right parties and politicians called "Konfederacja" (Polish for "Confederation"). After a brief reshuffling the coalition ended up being Wolność, The National Movement and Confederation of the Crown of Poland with minor members like the Driver's Party.

After failing to get into the European parliament again, the coalition participated in the Parliamentary elections. Which were successful, resulting in Korwin and his movement getting into parliament the first time in 25 years.

In order to protest the various integration of the European Union, Korwin even publicly saluted the Nazis in his speech and spoke for China when the Liberals and left-wing party groups in the European Parliament were strongly anti Chinese. But isn't he anti communist?

After Korwin

After Janusz Korwin-Mikke retired in 2022, he was replaced by Sławomir Mentzen. It changed its name from "KORWiN" to Nowa Nadzieja.


The Korwinist movement is distinguished by a certain set of Features.

Libertarian beliefs

The unifying element within Korwinist movements is the belief in Laissez-Faire economics and that taxes should be as low as possible. This belief leads also to the belief that the government should be left to do as small of an amount of functions as effectively possible. As such, they demand the annulment of corporate tax and income tax, along with lowering the VAT to the legal amount demanded by the European Union. This comes along with privatising all state-owned enterprise, including the education system and hospitals.

Korwin and his parties are also in favor of liberalisation of gun laws, believing it to be the best way to stop terrorists. Furthermore, they believe that if every second Jew in the 1930's and 40's have had a gun, the Holocaust wouldn't have happened, also, despite his cultural beliefs, they're in favour of the legalisation of all drugs alongside prostitution. Korwin himself also believes in the legalisation of child pornography, as long as it's created and shared digitally, with no real children involved.

Traditionalist Beliefs

Some beliefs include:

  • The wage gap is generally justified as the average woman is smaller, weaker and less intelligent than the average man (note: the "average" is to be stressed).[Note 3].
  • Men should often ignore a partner who said no to sex, as women usually pretend that they don’t want [sex].
  • When it comes to rape crime, men should not be convicted unless there were two witnesses to the crime.
  • Opposition to the LGBT movement:same sex marriage and adoption.
  • Opposition to abortion with almost no exceptions.
  • The belief in the restoration of values of the Latin Civilization[Note 4][4].

Anti-Democratic beliefs

The movement is generally opposed to Democracy, with Korwin calling it "The dumbest system of government" as "Two local Żuls[Note 5] have more voice in how things are ran than an expert", and also "During a war, you need a dictator to rule a country". Most Korwinists favor a form of Semi-Constitutional Monarchy instead.



Kuleszism/ Anarcho-Korwinism


Homokorwinism is a ideology based on Facebook group


Mentzenism/ Neo-Korwinism/ XD Philosophy

How to Draw

Korwinism's design is usually based on the logo of Korwin's current party (Wolność) usually upside down to reflect the Ideology's Polish origin. Symbology of the Real Politics Union (UPR) is accepted too.

Wolność design

Flag of Korwinism (Wolność design)
  1. Draw a ball with eyes,
  2. Add a crimson bow tie,
  3. Fill the ball with a dark shade of blue
  4. Draw a Crown with gold (optionally upside down as a reference to Polandball being upside down)

And you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Gold #FFCB08 255, 203, 8
Dark Blue #093253 9, 50, 83
Crimson #DC143C 220, 20, 60

UPR design

Flag of Korwinism (UPR design)
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Fill it black
  3. Make a white cross
  4. Inside the white cross, put a blue cross
  5. Add crimson bow tie

And you're done! The meaning of the flag is as follows: The form of a Saint George's flag represent struggle, with Blue representing Faith, White representing Purity and Black representing Liberty. Or in simpler terms the flag represents "The Struggle for Faith, Purity and Liberty".

Color Name HEX RGB
Black #191919 25, 25, 25
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Blue #0090D5 0, 144, 213
Crimson #DC143C 220, 20, 60




  • Classical Liberalism - Too moderate, too *phew* d***cratic.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Ok, but still too moderate.
  • Pink Capitalism - Economically wise, culturally degenerate.
  • Pinochetism - Too statist, but I absolutely love how you deal with commies.
  • Fujimorism - Peruvian version of above.
  • Green Libertarianism & Eco-Capitalism - They seriously believe in this global warming scam?
  • Objectivism - Pro-capitalist, but your philosophy is frankly pretty weird. Also, Rand is a w*man, but at least she hates feminism too.
  • Classical Conservatism - Economically a bit too statist and socialist for my liking but your cultural views are pretty based.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - You're a good friend, Kulesza, but anarchy wouldn't work, grow up.
  • Libertarianism - Not as utopian as Ancap but you are too moderate and *phew* d***cratic, and some of you are too progressive.
  • Jihadism - ISIS and Taliban are still better than the EU. Also, Nice job not letting Women and LGBT people have rights.
  • Dengism - I have been writing about China for over 30 years. Since the reforms of the late Deng Xiaoping – with growing admiration. After having visited China, I realized that even my latest articles were about two years belated. Today, China has definitely outrun the EU. Nice job with the response towards Tiananmen protests.
  • Neoreactionarism - Has some good ideas, but overall weird even for me.
  • Nationalism - Depends on the type of nationalism.
  • Reactionary Socialism - You confuse me.
  • Neoliberalism - Margaret Thatcher was a heroine! However nowadays you're too progressive and cringe. Shame.
  • Technocracy - Sure, better than *phew* d***cracy but still too statist and socialistic.
  • Alt-Right - Says stuff that is drastic even by me.
  • Avaritionism - Another Ancap... Wait you are the guy who loves violence and agrees with me about some questions? 50/50.
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Love the capitalism part, not authoritarian. Your too close to china (comies *phew*).

S*cialists and F*minists

Further Information


Books in Polish and by JKM.




In English

In Polish



Online Communities


  1. It is a common joke within Korwinist circles to censor the term "Democracy".
  2. Polish word for "Pony" (animal) and "Ponytail" (hairstyle) are the same.
  3. However, Korwin claimed that his statement has been misinterpreted, as bere he is referring to the wage differences in a free-market economy by taking an example of the differences between salaries of a tall basketball player and a short basketball player, with the taller player getting paid more
  4. The "Latin Civilization" is one of the seven civilizations distinguished by Polish historian Feliks Koneczny, with it's roots in Ancient Greek philosophy, ancient Roman law and the Christian faith. The term essentially has the same meaning as the "Western Civilization".
  5. Pejorative term commonly used in Poland for homeless alcoholics.
  6. In reference to the "500+ program", instituted by the Law and Justice party.


  1. [1], Polish Youtube.
  2. With the exception of the 2020 Polish Presidential Election, as he lost Konfederacja's primary elections.
  3. [2], Polish Youtube.
  4. "The Plurality of Civilizations", by Feliks Koneczny.
  5. "Here we see the far-right Polish politician Janusz", r/Europe, Reddit.com.





