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"Compassion is the basis of morality" Arthur Schopenhauer
"Compassion is the basis of morality" Arthur Schopenhauer

"Console yourself by remembering that the world doesn't deserve your affection" Schopenhauer
"Console yourself by remembering that the world doesn't deserve your affection" Arthur Schopenhauer

== Every US President since WW2 is a war criminal ==
== Every US President since WW2 is a war criminal ==

Revision as of 00:20, 22 October 2021

My Ideology:Geopaleolibertarian Distributism

Ideologies that influenced me.

Confederalism Maximal decentralisation.

Urbism Even down to the point of Ward Republics

Republicanism The form of Government should be republican

Democracy Democracy should be direct at every level possible and representative on every other level.

Distributism Ownership of Capital Goosds should be the norm to prevent wage slavery

Social Georgism LVT and Pigovian Taxes should be used to fund a welfare state.

Civil Libertarianism Government should maximise Liberty by minimising Dominance

Alter-Globalization The World should cooperate,but without Neoliberalism

Pan-Nationalism Based unity without destroying cultures

European Federalism Unite my continent,three millenials of Civilisation must survive.

Cultural Nationalism Protect Culture and Heritage

Based Quotes from based people

"The problem with Capitalism is not too many capitalists,but too few" G.K Chesterton

"Don't ever take down a fence until you know the reason it was put up" G.K Chesterton

"wherever there is great property,there is great inequality" Adam Smith

"From a political point of view ,there is but a single principle;the sovereignty of each man over himself. This sovereignty of myself over myself is called Liberty" Victor Hugo

"The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when our governmenr falls into the hands of moneyed corporations and lending institutions" Thomas Jefferson

"Compassion is the basis of morality" Arthur Schopenhauer

"Console yourself by remembering that the world doesn't deserve your affection" Arthur Schopenhauer

Every US President since WW2 is a war criminal

  • Eisenhower - Overthrew Mohammad Mosaddegh and replaced him with Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, overthrew Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán and replaced him with Carlos Castillo Armas.Stopped Democracy in South Vietnam by supporting Ngo Dinh Diem, who committed genocide against Buddhists and Khmer. Overthrew Federico Chávez and replaced him with Alfredo Stroessner and his Stronismo, which has resulted in the German minority in Paraguay having economic control. He also supported Batista in order to eliminate the threat of Cuban Democracy because Cuba was allowing a party of the poor to participate .
  • JFK - Invaded Vietnam and used chemical weapons. Nearly ended the world. Started US support for the Guatemalan Military Junta, who committed genocide against indigenous mayan people.Started the brutal and inhumane embargo on Cuba which are still continuing to this very day! He also invaded Cuba to overthrow Castro .
  • LBJ - Escalated the Vietnam War. Invaded the Dominican Republic to overthrow Juan Bosch. Overthrew Sukarno and replaced him with Suharto, who committed a genocide against Atheists, Communists, Feminists and Chinese Indonesians causing atleast 2 million deaths Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta.
  • Nixon - Came to power by commiting treason about the Vietnam Peace Negotiations. Increased US troop deployment in Vietnam. Watergate. Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta. Placed international terrorist Kissinger as National Security Advisor and Secretary of State. Backed Stroessner's regime leading to Paraguay still being in Economic Control of the German Minority. Couped Allende and replaced him with Pinochet . Supported Yahya Khan's genocide of Bangladesh. Overthrew Prince Sihanouk,replaced him with Lon Nol leading to the rise of Pol Pot causing at least two million deaths and the life expectancy to drop from 42(1965) to 14 (1975)
  • Ford - Supported Suharto's invasion of East Timor.,leading to a Genocide of the Native People. Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta. Started US support for the National Reorganization Process in Argentina.
  • Carter - Gave Suharto massive amounts of weapons,despite Congress blocking it by giving them to Israel who then gave them to Indonesia. Started US support of the Somozas, the Contras and the Salvadoran Military Junta. Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta. Supported the National Reorganization Process. Put brutal sanctions on Iran that are ongoing. Started Operation Cyclone, which armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan, who were the roots of modern day Salafi Jihadism.
  • Reagan - Massive supporter of the Contras and the Salvadoran Military Junta. Capitalist Imperialist scum. Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta. Supported Noriega. Gave Saddam chemical weapons. Secretly armed Iran despite a congressional ban in order to fund the Contras Supported the National Reorganization Process. Funded Anti-Communist terrorist groups in Latin America and cartels. Also funded drug trafficking. Invaded Grenada.
  • Bush Senior - Invaded Panama. Invaded Iraq. Supported the Guatemalan Military Junta. Put sanctions on Iraq that continued until the invasion in 2003. Masacred Iraqi civilians and cemented US presence in the Middle East.
  • Clinton - Bombed Sudan. Declared the PKK a terrorist organization for just defending Kurdish people from Turkey. Disregarded international law. Started US support for the Israeli Settlers. Bombed Yugoslavia. Worsened sanctions against Iraq leading to atleast 4000,000 deaths while strengthening Hussein
  • Bush Junior - Invaded Iraq, which greatly destabilized the region and led to the rise of al-Qaeda and ISIS. Killed two million Iraqis. Invaded Afghanistan and started the War on Terror, which continues to this day. Singed the Patriot Act ,which is a gigantic infringment on civil liberties
  • Obama - Started the massive drone strike assassination campaigns which are ongoing, which have mostly killed civilians including children. Invaded Libya to support the Free Libyan Army and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. Brutally murdered Gaddafi. Started US involvement in Yemen, sending weapons to the Saudis to murder civilians, and starting the genocidal blockade on Yemen, which are all ongoing. Did Operation Timber Sycamore, which was sending weapons to the Free Syrian Army, who committed multiple war crimes and most of the weapons were given to ISIS. He began the US involvement in Syria, which has resulted in multiple deaths.
  • Trump - Denied Climate Change(the biggest threat to human existence in history) Recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Antagonized Iran and sent the Saudis 110 billions dollar to help them commit genocide in Yemen, which is ongoing. Removed troops in Syria to help Turkey's invasion of Syria. Attempted a coup against his own country to stop Biden becoming President.
  • Biden - Bombed Syria.
  • All of these wars fought for corporate war profiteers. Easily over ten million deaths. Also none of these wars were declared by Congress and thus all of them were unconstitutional. Actions you would expect from tyrants not chiefs of state in a republican system
  • If we only had listened to Smedley Butler's warning

God bless America!Land that I love

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